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2016 for the individual papers
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This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.
ICBO-BioCreative 2016
Food, Nutrition, Health and Environment for the 9 Billion
Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Biological Ontology and BioCreative
Corvallis, Oregon, United States, August 1-4, 2016.
Edited by
Oregon State University,
College of Agricultural Sciences, Corvallis, Oregon, United States
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,
Division of Computational Bioscience, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
University of Delaware,
Department of Computer & Information Sciences, Newark, Delaware, United States
Table of Contents
BioCreative Plenary Session #1 : Text Mining-facilitated Models of Curation
SourceData: Making Data Discoverable
Nancy George, Sara El-Gebali, Thomas Lemberger
Cycles of Scientific Investigation in Discourse - Machine Reading Methods for the Primary Research Contributions of a Paper
Gully A. Burns, Anita de Waard, Pradeep Dasigi, Eduard H. Hovy
Collaborative Workspaces for Pathway Curation
Funda Durupinar-Babur, Metin Can Siper, Ugur Dogrusoz, Istemi Bahceci, Ozgun Babur, Emek Demir
Crowdsourcing Protein Family Database Curation
Matt Jeffryes, Maria Liakata, Alex Bateman
Opportunities and Challenges Presented by Wikidata in the Context of Biocuration
Benjamin Good, Sebastian Burgstaller-Muehlbacher, Elvira Mitraka, Timothy Putman, Andrew Su, Andra Waagmeester
Plenary Session #2 : Text Mining in Precision Medicine
BioCreative Plenary Session #3 : Domain Portability or Generalizability Across Medical Literature
ICBO and BioCreative Joint Posters and Demo Session #1 :
Plant Image Segmentation and Annotation with Ontologies in BisQue
Justin Preece, Justin Elser, Pankaj Jaiswal, Kris Kvilekval, Dmitry Fedorov, B.S. Manjunath, Ryan Kitchen, Xu Xu, Dmitrios Trigkakis, Sinisa Todorovic, Seth Carbon
SPARQL2OWL: Towards Bridging the Semantic Gap Between RDF and OWL
Mona Alsharani, Hussein Almashouq, Robert Hoehndorf
The Phenoscape Knowledgebase: Tools and APIs for Computing Across Phenotypes from Evolutionary Diversity and Model Organisms
James Balhoff
Updates to the AberOWL Ontology Repository
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-García, Luke Slater, Imane Boudellioua, Paul Schofield, Georgios Gkoutos, Robert Hoehndorf
Enhancing Information Accessibility of Publications with Text Mining and Ontology
Weijia Xu, Amit Gupta, Pankaj Jaiswal, Crispin Taylor, Patti Lockhart
Joint ICBO and BioCreative Plenary Session #1 : Natural Language Processing & Data Mining with Ontologies
Large-scale Semantic Indexing with Biomedical Ontologies
Chih-Hsuan Wei, Robert Leaman, Zhiyong Lu
One Tagger, Many Uses: Illustrating the Power of Ontologies in Dictionary-based Named Entity Recognition
Lars Juhl Jensen
Scalable Text Mining Assisted Curation of PTM Proteoforms in the Protein Ontology
Karen Ross, Darren Natale, Cecilia Arighi, Sheng-Chih Chen, Hongzhan Huang, Gang Li, Jia Ren, Michael Wang, K Vijay-Shanker, Cathy Wu
Cardiovascular Health and Physical Activity: A Model for Health Promotion and Decision Support Ontologies
Vimala Ponna, Aaron Baer, Matthew Lange
A Web Application for Extracting Key Domain Information for Scientific Publications Using Ontology
Weijia Xu, Amit Gupta, Pankaj Jaiswal, Crispin Taylor, Patti Lockhart
Use of Text Mining for Experimental Factor Ontology Coverage Expansion in the Scope of Target Validation
Senay Kafkas, Ian Dunham, Helen Parkinson, Johanna Mcentyre
ICBO Plenary Session #2 : SDGIO: Sustainable Development Goals Interface Ontology--Semantics for Sustainability
ICBO and BioCreative Joint Posters and Demo : Session #2
Ontobull and BFOConvert: Web-based Programs to Support Automatic Ontology Conversion
Edison Ong, Zuoshuang Xiang, Jie Zheng, Barry Smith, Yongqun He
Reusing the NCBO BioPortal Technology for Agronomy to Build AgroPortal
Clément Jonquet, Anne Toulet, Elizabeth Arnaud, Sophie Aubin, Esther Dzalé Yeumo, Vincent Emonet, John Graybeal, Mark A. Musen, Cyril Pommier, Pierre Larmande
Humane OWL: RDF and OWL for Humans
James A. Overton
Easy Extraction of Terms and Definitions with OWL2TL
John Judkins, Joseph Utecht, Mathias Brochhausen
ICBO Plenary Session #4 : Ontology Development and Application
An Analysis of Differences in Biological Pathway Resources
Lucy Wang, John Gennari, Neil Abernethy
Enhancing the Human Phenotype Ontology for Use by the Layperson
Nicole Vasilevsky, Mark Engelstad, Erin Foster, Chris Mungall, Peter Robinson, Sebastian Köhler, Melissa Haendel
Dealing with Social and Legal Entities in the Obstetric and Neonatal Domain
Fernanda Farinelli, Mauricio Almeida, Peter Elkin, Barry Smith
Ten Simple Rules for Biomedical Ontology Development
Melanie Courtot, James Malone, Chris Mungall
Building Concordant Ontologies for Drug Discovery
Hande Küçük-Mcginty, Saurabh Metha, Yu Lin, Nooshin Nabizadeh, Vasileios Stathias, Dusica Vidovic, Amar Koleti, Christopher Mader, Jianbin Duan, Ubbo Visser, Stephan Schurer
The Planteome Project
Laurel Cooper, Austin Meier, Justin Elser, Justin Preece, Xu Xu, Ryan Kitchen, Botong Qu, Eugene Zhang, Sinisa Todorovic, Pankaj Jaiswal, Marie-Angélique Laporte, Elizabeth Arnaud, Seth Carbon, Chris Mungall, Barry Smith, Georgios Gkoutos, John Doonan
Annotating Germplasm to Planteome Reference Ontologies
Austin Meier, Laurel Cooper, Justin Elser, Pankaj Jaiswal, Marie-Angélique Laporte
ICBO Plenary Session #5 : Ontology-based Applications
A Descriptive Delta for Identifying Changes in SNOMED CT
Christopher Ochs, Yehoshua Perl, Gai Elhanan, James Case
Visualizing the "Big Picture" of Change in NCIt's Biological Processes
Yehoshua Perl, Christopher Ochs, Sherri de Coronado, Nicole Thomas
Malaria Study Data Integration and Information Retrieval Based on OBO Foundry Ontologies
Jie Zheng, Jashon Cade, Brian Brunk, David Roos, Chris Stoeckert, San James, Emmanuel Arinaitwe, Bryan Greenhouse, Grant Dorsey, Steven Sullivan, Jane Carlton, Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar, Dionicia Gamboa, Paula Maguina-Mercedes, Joseph Vinetz
OOSTT: a Resource for Analyzing the Organizational Structures of Trauma Centers and Trauma Systems
Joseph Utecht, John Judkins, Mathias Brochhausen, Terra Colvin Jr., J. Neil Otte, Nicholas Rogers, Robert Rose, Maria Alvi, Amanda Hicks, Jane Ball, Stephen M. Bowman, Robert T. Maxson, Rosemary Nabaweesi, Rohit Pradhan, Nels D. Sanddal, M. Eduard Tudoreanu, Robert Winchell
Towards a Standard Ontology Metadata Model
Hua Min, Stuart Turner, Sherri de Coronado, Brian Davis, Trish Whetzel, Robert R. Freimuth, Harold R. Solbrig, Richard Kiefer, Michael Riben, Grace A. Stafford, Lawrence Wright, Riki Ohira
An Ontological Framework for Representing Topological Information in Human Anatomy
Takeshi Imai, Emiko Shinohara, Masayuki Kajino, Ryota Sakurai, Kazuhiko Ohe, Kouji Kozaki, Riichiro Mizoguchi
Natural Language Definitions for the Leukemia Knowledge Domain
Amanda Damasceno De Souza, Mauricio Barcellos Almeida
ICBO Plenary Session #6 : Semantics and Interoperability
Identifying Missing Hierarchical Relations in SNOMED CT from Logical Definitions Based on the Lexical Features of Concept Names
Olivier Bodenreider
A Semantic Web Representation of Entire Populations
Daniel Welch, Amanda Hicks, Josh Hanna, William Hogan
Improving the Semantics of Drug Prescriptions with a Realist Ontology
Jean-Francois Ethier, Ryeyan Taseen, Luc Lavoie, Adrien Barton
Qualitative Causal Analyses of Biosimulation Models
Maxwell Neal, John Gennari, Daniel Cook
SEPIO: A Semantic Model for the Integration and Analysis of Scientific Evidence
Matthew Brush, Kent Shefchek, Melissa Haendel
Measuring the Importance of Annotation Granularity to the Detection of Semantic Similarity Between Phenotype Profiles
Prashanti Manda, James P. Balhoff, Todd J. Vision
ICBO Plenary Session #7 : Data Annotation, Standards and Computational Reasoning
ICBO Flash Talks/Posters :
Towards a Schistosomiasis Ontology (IDOSCHISTO) Extending the Infectious Disease Ontology
Gaoussou Camara, Sylvie Despres, Rim Djedidi, Moussa Lo
Adding Evidence Type Representation to DIDEO
Mathias Brochhausen, Philip E. Empey, Jodi Schneider, William R. Hogan, Richard D. Boyce
Multi-species Ontologies of the Craniofacial Musculoskeletal System
Jose L.V. Mejino, James Brinkley, Timothy Cox, Landon Detwiler
EGO: A Biomedical Ontology for Integrative Epigenome Representation and Analysis
Yongqun He, Zhaohui Qin, Jie Zheng
An Ontological Representation for the Transtheoretical Theory
Hua Min, Robert H. Friedman, Julie Wright
Building a Molecular Glyco-phenotype Ontology to Decipher Undiagnosed Diseases
Jean-Philippe Gourdine, Thomas Metz, David Koeller, Matthew Brush, Melissa Haendel
The Cell Line Ontology Integration and Analysis of the Knowledge of LINCS Cell Lines
Edison Ong, Jiangan Xie, Zhaohui Ni, Qingping Liu, Yu Lin, Vasileios Stathias, Caty Chung, Stephan Schurer, Yongqun He
Gold-Standard Ontology-Based Annotation of Concepts in Biomedical Text in the CRAFT Corpus: Updates and Extensions
Michael Bada, Nicole Vasilevsky, Melissa Haendel, Lawrence Hunter
How to Summarize Big Knowledge Subjects
Ling Zheng, Yehoshua Perl, James Geller, Gai Elhanan
Analysis of SNOMED "Bleeding" Concepts & Terms
Jonathan Bona, Selja Seppälä, Werner Ceusters
Uc_Sense: An Ontology for Scientifically-based Unambiguous Characterization of Sensory Experiences
Aaron Baer, Matthew Lange
NAPRALERT, from a Historical Information Silo to a Linked Resource Able to Address the New Challenges in Natural Products Chemistry and Pharmacognosy.
Jonathan Bisson, James McAlpine, James Graham, Guido Pauli
uc_Eating: Ontology for Unambiguous Characterization of Eating and Food Habits
Kimiya Taji, Matthew Lange
Towards Designing an Ontology Encompassing the Environment-agriculture-food-diet-health Knowledge Spectrum for Food System Sustainability and Resilience.
Ruthie Musker, Matthew Lange, Allan Hollander, Patrick Huber, Nathaniel Springer, Courtney Riggle, James Quinn, Thomas Tomich
uc_Milk: An Ontology for Scientifically-based Unambiguous Characterization of Mammalian Milk, their Composition and the Biological Processes Giving Rise to their Creation
Emeline Colet, Matthew Lange
Definition Coverage in the OBO Foundry Ontologies: The Big Picture
Daniel Schlegel, Selja Seppälä, Peter Elkin
Comparison of Ontology Mapping Techniques to Map Plant Trait Ontologies
Marie-Angélique Laporte, Léo Valette, Laurel Cooper, Chris Mungall, Austin Meier, Pankaj Jaiswal, Elizabeth Arnaud
The ImmPort Antibody Ontology
William Duncan, Travis Allen, Jonathan Bona, Olivia Helfer, Barry Smith, Alan Ruttenberg, Alexander D. Diehl
Opportunities and Challenges Presented by Wikidata in the Context of Biocuration
Benjamin Good, Timothy Putman, Andrew Su, Andra Waagmeester, Sebastian Burgstaller-Muehlbacher, Elvira Mitraka
Growth of the Zebrafish Anatomy Ontology: Expanded to Support Adult Morphology and Dynamic Changes in the Early Embryo
Ceri Van Slyke, Yvonne Bradford, Christian Pich
FoodON: A Global Farm-to-Fork Food Ontology
Emma Griffiths, Damion Dooley, Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Robert Hoehndorf, Fiona Brinkman, William Hsiao
SourceData: Making Data Discoverable
Nancy George, Sara El-Gebali, Thomas Lemberger
Towards an Ontology of Schizophrenia
Fumiaki Toyoshima
An OBI Ontology Datum Proof Sheet
Damion Dooley, Emma Griffiths, Fiona Brinkman, William Hsiao
The Zebrafish Experimental Conditions Ontology Systemizing Experimental Descriptions in ZFIN
Yvonne Bradford, Ceri Van Slyke, Sabrina Toro, Sridhar Ramachandran
Performance Evaluation Clinical Task Ontology(PECTO)
Jose F Florez-Arango, Santiago Patiño-Giraldo, Jack W Smith, Sriram Iyengar
Dealing with Elements of Medical Encounters: an Approach Based on the Ontological Realism
Fernanda Farinelli, Mauricio Almeida, Peter Elkin, Barry Smith
uc_FIDO: Unambiguous Characterization of Food Interactions with Drugs Ontology
Constantine Spyrou, Matthew Lange
Global Agricultural Concept Scheme: A Hub for Agricultural Vocabularies
Caterina Caracciolo, Tom Baker, Elizabeth Arnaud
Supporting Database Annotations and Beyond with the Evidence & Conclusion Ontology (ECO)
Marcus Chibucos, Suvarna Nadendla, James Munro, Elvira Mitraka, Dustin Olley, Nicole Vasilevsky, Matthew Brush, Michelle Giglio
Planteome Gene Annotation Enrichment Analysis
Botong Qu, Jaden Diefenbaugh, Eugene Zhang, Justin Elser, Pankaj Jaiswal, Seth Carbon, Christopher Mungall
Enhancing SciENcv through Semantic Research Profile Integration with the VIVO-ISF Ontology
Marijane White, Matthew Brush, Shahim Essaid, Robin Champieux, Adrienne Zell, Melissa Haendel, Colin Grove, Syeda Momina Tabish, David Eichmann
Ignet: A Centrality and INO-based Web System for Analyzing and Visualizing Literature-mined Networks
Arzucan Ozgur, Junguk Hur, Zuoshuang Xiang, Edison Ong, Dragomir Radev, Yongqun He
Disease Named Entity Recognition Using NCBI Corpus
Thomas Hahn, Hidayat Ur Rahman, Richard Segall
Label Embedding Approach for Transfer Learning
Rasha Obeidat, Xiaoli Fern, Prasad Tadepalli
2016-11-29: submitted by Austin Meier,
metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2016-11-29: published on CEUR-WS.org
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