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First International Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on
Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning
Sydney, Australia, August 10-11, 2008.
Edited by
University of Liverpool,
Department of Computer Science, Liverpool L69 3BX, United Kingdom
University of Manchester,
School of Computer Science, Oxford Rd, Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom
TU München,
Institut für Informatik 4, Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching b. München, Germany
Table of Contents
Complete proceedings
- Model Checking: New Challenges and Opportunities for Automated Reasoning (invited talk)
Alessandro Armando
- Mechanized Reasoning for Continuous Problem Domains (invited talk)
Rob Arthan
- Constraint Modelling: A Challenge for First Order Automated Reasoning (invited talk)
John Slaney
- Evaluation of Systems for Higher-order Logic (ESHOL)
Christoph Benzmueller, Florian Rabe, Carsten Schuermann, Geoff Sutcliffe
- Bit Inference
Nachum Dershowitz
- Collaborative Programming: Applications of Logic and Automated Reasoning
Timothy Hinrichs
- Towards Fully Automated Axiom Extraction for Finite-Valued Logics
Joao Marcos, Dalmo Mendonca
- A Small Framework for Proof Checking
Hans de Nivelle, Piotr Witkowski
- The Annual SUMO Reasoning Prizes at CASC
Adam Pease, Geoff Sutcliffe, Nick Siegel, Steven Trac
- Combining Theorem Proving with Natural Language Processing
Bjoern Pelzer, Ingo Gloeckner
- Presenting TSTP Proofs with Inference Web Tools
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva, Geoff Sutcliffe, Cynthia Chang, Li Ding, Nick del Rio, Deborah McGuinness
- randoCoP: Randomizing the Proof Search Order in the Connection Calculus
Thomas Raths, Jens Otten
- Integration of the TPTPWorld into SigmaKEE
Steven Trac, Geoff Sutcliffe, Adam Pease
- Contextual Rewriting in SPASS
Christoph Weidenbach, Patrick Wischnewski
Author index
24-Jul-2008: submitted by R. Schmidt
11-Aug-2008: published on CEUR-WS.org