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[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-737

Copyright © 2011 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.

Workshop on REsource Discovery 2011

Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on REsource Discovery (RED 2011)

co-located with the 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC2011

Heraklion, Greece, May 30, 2011.

Edited by

Maria-Esther Vidal *
Edna Ruckhaus *
Zoè Lacroix **

* Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela
** Arizona State University, USA

Table of Contents

  1. Scalable Discovery of Linked Services
    Barry Norton, Steffen Stadtmüller
  2. Ontology-based User-defined Rules and Context-aware Service Composition System
    Victoria Beltran, Knarig Arabshian, Henning Schulzrinne
  3. Random Indexing for Finding Similar Nodes within Large RDF graphs
    Danica Damljanovic, Johann Petrak, Mihai Lupu, Hamish Cunningham, Mats Carlsson, Gunnar Engstrom, Bo Andersso
  4. An Organizational Environment for in Silico Experiments in Molecular Biology
    Yuan Lin, Marie-Angélique Laporte, Lucile Soler, Isabelle Mouger, Thérèse Liboure
  5. A Directory of Heterogeneous Services
    Zijie Cong, Alberto Fernández, Carlos A. Soto
  6. A Framework for Resource Annotation and Classification in Bioinformatics
    Nadia Yacoubi Ayadiy, Malika Charrady, Soumaya Amdouniz, Mohamed Benahmed
  7. LDM: Link Discovery Method for new Resource Integration
    Nathalie Pernelle, Fatiha Saïs
  8. Repairing Provenance Policy Violations by Inventing Non-Functional Nodes
    Saumen Dey, Daniel Zinn, Bertram Ludäscher
  9. C-Set: a Commutative Replicated Data Type for Semantic Stores
    Khaled Aslan, Pascal Molli, Hala Skaf-Molli, Stephane Weis

Download the proceedings in a single volume.

17-Jun-2011: submitted by Maria-Esther Vidal
17-Jun-2011: published on CEUR-WS.org