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# Editing instructions
# The following variables need to be adapted by you:
# JJJJ=Year in which the final papers of the proceedings were produced 
# YYYY=Year in which the workshop took place (in most cases YYYY=JJJJ)
# NNNN=Acronym of the Workshop 
# DD=Day of submission of the workshop proceedings to CEUR-WS.org
# MM=Month of submission of the workshop proceedings (MM=01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12)
# The variable 
# XXX=Volume number of the proceedings with CEUR-WS.org
# shall be set by CEUR-WS.org. CEUR-WS.org shall also set the publication date.
# (*) Replace title of the workshop in the title element 
# (*) Replace title of the workshop in the heading h1 element 
# (*) Note that the style file ceur-ws.css and the image CEUR-WS-logo.png are referring to files within
#     the CEUR-WS.org web site; they are not part of the submission directory
# (*) Remove lines starting with #  or <pre># when preparing the file index.html
# Some elements are tagged with a "class=CEUR..." clause. Be careful to maintain these tags!
# They are used both for formatting purposes and for identifying bibliographic elements.
# The CEUR class tags are as follows:
#          CEURLANG: the main language of the proceedings (eng, deu, fra, spa, rus, ita, por, ...)
#                 according to ISO 639-2/T (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-2_codes)
#          CEURVOLNR: the volume number of the proceedings **set by us**
#          CEURPUBYEAR: the year in which the proceedings volume was created (see also YYYY)
#          CEURURN: the URN of the volume **set by us**
#          CEURVOLACRONYM: the acronym of the workshop plus YYYY (year of the workshop)
#                 the acronym may contain '-'; between acronym and year is either a blank
#                 or a '-'. The year is exactly 4 digits, e.g. 2012
#          CEURVOLTITLE: the title of the proceedings
#          CEURFULLTITLE: the long title of the proceedings
#          CEURCOLOCATED: the acronym and year of the conference where this workshop was 
#              co-located with; use "NONE" if the workshop was not co-located with a conference
#          CEURLOCTIME: the place and time when the workshop took place
#          CEURVOLEDITOR: full name of an editor of the proceedings
#          CEURTOC: indicator for the start of the table of contents
#          CEURSESSION (optional): separator for a section within the table of contents
#          CEURTITLE: title of a paper within the table of contents
#          CEURPAGES (optional): numerical range of pages of a paper, e.g. 10-20
#          CEURAUTHOR: one author of a paper (use full names, do not include affiliations);
#                 multiple authors should be separated by commas
#          CEURPUBDATE: the precise date of publication at CEUR-WS.org **set by us**
#          CEURSUBMITTEDPAPERS: the total number of papers submitted for peer review to this volume
#          CEURACCEPTEDPAPERS: the total number of accepted peer-reviewed papers (excl. invited papers, keynotes etc)
#          CEURACCEPTEDREGULARPAPERS: the number of regular-size accepted peer-reviewed papers (optional)
#          CEURACCEPTEDSHORTPAPERS: the number of short accepted peer-reviewed papers  (optional)

# Instructions for the Proceedings Title 
# The layout of the proceedings title can be adapted to your needs.
# Make sure to include all proceedings editors and their affiliations. 
# Links to home pages are fine but not required. Some workshops have
# a special logo. This could be included here provided that you own the
# copyright to the logo. Do NOT include logos of companies, products, 
# or sponsors.

Publishing Papers with CEUR-WS YYYY

Proceedings of the Workshop on Publishing Papers with CEUR-WS
# delete one of the following two CEURCOLOCATED lines:
co-located with 10th International Conference on Online Publishing (OPub YYYY)

City, Country, Month Day, YYYY.

# If the event is virtual, then specify "Virtual Event, City, Country ..." using the location of the local organizer of the event

Edited by

# use full names, but omit any academic title

Mary Editor *
Peter Coeditor **

* University of Science, Faculty of Research, 9999 Novocity, Country
** ACME Inc., Research Laboratory, 8888 Technotown, Othercountry

# Instructions for Table of Contents 
# The table of contents normally is a plain list of papers (with titles/authors).
# The paper title should be linked to the paper URL (usually pdf).
# You may include "session" subsections e.g. to reflect the track structure of your workshop.
# Authors should be specified as comma-separated lists with full author names
# (like John Smith). Avoid glue words like 'by' and 'and'. If applicable, then lookup how
# the author is spelled out by DBLP.
# You may also provide additional material such as preface, bibtex files, complete 
# proceedings as a single pdf, and similar items. The additional items should be 
# clearly separated from the paper list, preferably after the table of contents.
# Please only tag original papers with the CEURTITLE/CEURAUTHOR scheme. Rather do not tag
# additional material with this scheme!
# For the time being, presentation slides should also not be tagged by CEURTITLE/CEURAUTHOR.
# CEUR-WS shall watermark PDF files in a published volume by its online CEUR-WS.org URL.
# If there are certain PDF files like frontmatter or images that you like to exclude
# from watermarking, then give it a name like 'xfrontmatter.pdf'. 
# For all other PDF files, use functional names like
#   - paper1.pdf   (regular papers; start with paper1, then paper2,...)
#   - invited1.pdf  (invited paper)
#   - keynote1.pdf  (a variant for invited papers)
#   - short1.pdf   (a short paper that still is a citable paper)
#   - abstract1.pdf  (an abstract that is not supposed to be a citable paper)
#   - preface.pdf   (a preface, usually not citable)
# By default, all PDF files of a published volume will be watermarked by their online CEUR-WS URL.
# You can disable this by prefixing the filename with the letter 'x', see xpreface below.

Table of Contents

# Prefaces, frontmatter etc. typically have no explicit authors.
# Note that the <li id="..."> attribute should have the same value as
# the name of the file linked to, just without the filename extension.
# This allows the table of contents entries to be linked to.
# If a preface has explicit authors and has the nature of a paper with
# more than 4-5 pages and a list of references, then use the CEUR tags like
# for regular papers.
# Please provide a summary sentence about the number of submitted and accepted papers. You can explain the peer-review
# process in more detail in the preface pdf file. You can change the precise wording of the sentence to adapt it to
# the context of your workshop/conference. The tags for REGULAR and SHORT papers are optional.

# The session element is optional. It structures the table of contents.
# Each CEURSESSION must be followed by at least one paper using the li clause
# You can also use h3 subtitles without the CEURSESSION tag. Then, no
# restriction is imposed.

Session 1: Invited Talks

# invited1.pdf below is an example of an invited paper.
# paper links must follow directly the li element. Note that special characters like accents must be specified in their HTML command form!

# invited2.pdf is an example of a multi-page paper with page numbers

Session 2: The New CEURART Style

# The LaTeX files for the new CEURART style are available as Overleaf Template and as download ZIP.
# If you use a local LaTeX locally instead via Overleaf, then install a recent (2020) version of TeX-Live. 
# The ZIP file also contains the DOCX and ODT variants of the CEUR-ART style.

Session 3: Another Session

# The following are examples of papers without page numbers

YYYY-MM-DD: submitted by Peter Coeditor, metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
yyyy-mm-dd: published on CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073) |valid HTML5|