The Renaissance Dream: The Language of Adam in the European Culture of the XV–XVII Centuries.
A. ... more The Renaissance Dream: The Language of Adam in the European Culture of the XV–XVII Centuries. A. V. Karabykov's monograph is devoted to the analysis of the idea of the Adamic language and the project of its recuperation, which was developed in the early modern European culture. The author explores the features of the Renaissance worldview that determined the nature of the project, and considers additional factors related to the interpretation of those passages of the Book of Genesis that are relevant to the topic. At the same time, the main subject of the study is the strategies for acquiring the primordial language and the variants of their interaction with each other. Based on a wide range of sources, including philosophical, esoteric, naturalphilosophic, historical-philological and linguistic treatises, the author retraces the dialectic of the Adamicist project, manifested in the rise, change and extinction of those strategies. The publication is addressed to philosophers, cultural scientists, historians, philologists, as well as all those interested in the intellectual history and spiritual culture of the West.
Монография А. В. Карабыкова посвящена характеристи-
ке воззрений на сущность языка и способы его ... more Монография А. В. Карабыкова посвящена характеристи- ке воззрений на сущность языка и способы его использова- ния, свойственных культуре христианского Средневековья. На основе изучения широкого круга источников, включа- ющего в себя выдающиеся произведения агиографии и ры- царской литературы, важнейшие богословско-философские, морально-дидактические и исторические трактаты, автор подвергает тщательному анализу как лингвистические воз- зрения мыслителей, внесших решающий вклад в форми- рование средневековой картины мира, так и сами социо- культурные пласты и явления, способствовавшие развитию средневекового сверхперформатизма. Издание адресовано историкам-медиевистам, филоло- гам, культурологам, а также всем интересующимся духовной культурой Средних веков.
Предлагаемая монография имеет целью внести первый «вклад» в создание сравнительно-исторической ме... more Предлагаемая монография имеет целью внести первый «вклад» в создание сравнительно-исторической метафизики языка и связанной с нею истории перформативности. По мысли автора, названные термины указывают на специфическую область междисциплинарных исследований, в которой должны пересекаться «интересы» лингвистики, семиотики, культурологии, исторической антропологии, философии и других отраслей гуманитарного знания. Соответственным об- разом определён круг тех, кому адресована эта книга.
The Epicurean and Leviathan: The Practical Ethics of Ernst Jünger Abstract: The purpose of the ar... more The Epicurean and Leviathan: The Practical Ethics of Ernst Jünger Abstract: The purpose of the article is to explore the fundamentals of practical ethics which was developed by the famous German intellectual and fiction writer Ernst Jünger (1895–1998) and reflected in his autobiographical prose. The analysis focuses on the period of his life and work marked by intense moral reflection — the tragic decade that began before the World War II and ended with the occupation of West Germany by the victorious states. It is proved that the form of ethics that Jünger cultivated throughout his earthly journey most corresponds to the Epicurean scheme. This is evidenced by its general vector aimed at achieving the serenity and quiet joy bestowed by life as well as the main issues which are solved in it. These issues include the reasonable ordering and control of sensual desires and fears. In connection with the general direction of Jünger’s ethics, the concept of inner emigration turned by the thinker into a consciously Epicurean way of life is discussed. The main attention is paid to the innovations that Jünger brought to this scheme. Their predominantly Christian character is substantiated. Instead of conceptual analysis and along with autogenic training (both are the core of the Epicurean “healing of the soul”), the thinker practiced Christian asceticism in relation to desires and belief in immortality against the fear of possible destruction. The conflict between Epicurean (“Live unnoticed”) and predominantly Christian (“Live with dignity”) moral attitudes that is manifest in Jünger’s life and thoughts at that dramatic time is also considered. It is shown that he resolved this conflict in favor of the second attitude — even if not always in practice, but invariably at the level of beliefs.
The Ideology of Animal Liberation and
the “Guilt” of Christianity. Part II: The Unavoidability of... more The Ideology of Animal Liberation and the “Guilt” of Christianity. Part II: The Unavoidability of Anthropocentrism’, Voprosy Filosofii, Vol. 6 (2024) The critical analysis of the thesis about the guilt of Christianity for the oppression of animals in the West developed by Peter Singer and a number of other ideologists of the animal liberation continues. The concept of speciesism – the fundamental one in this thesis – is decomposed into two components: anthropocentrism and human chauvinism. The changeable and ambiguous nature of the interrelation of these components in European history is traced. It is argued that during this history two basic forms of anthropocentrism have changed: “naïve” and “refined”. At the same time, the second, characteristic of the creators of the scientific revolution of the XVI–XVII centuries, generally did not favor a chauvinistic attitude towards animals. A paradox is revealed that undermines the thesis of the liberationists. Its essence is that the oppression of animals in the West has increased dramatically in the modern era when for it, as Singer also admits, there were least of all religious or other ideological grounds that could go back to Christianity. Postulating the unavoidability of anthropocentrism from any system of ethics the author proves this by the example of the constructions of the liberationists. It also turns out that they themselves use a speciesist approach when it suits their interests. Finally, it is concluded that the way in which liberationists hope to alleviate the fate of animals cannot be effective, since it is based largely on incorrect assumptions.Продолжается критический анализ тезиса о вине христианства за угнетение животных на Западе, который развивает Питер Сингер и ряд других идеологов «освобождения» животных. Понятие видизма – основообразующее в этом тезисе – разлагается на две составляющие: антропоцентризм и чело- веческий шовинизм. Прослеживается изменчиво-неоднозначный характер взаимосвязи этих компонентов в европейской истории. Доказывается, что в ее течение сменились две базовые формы антропоцентризма: «наивная» и «утонченная». При этом вторая, свойственная творцам научной революции XVI–XVII вв., в целом не благоприятствовала шовинистическому отношению к животным. Обнаруживается парадокс, подрывающий тезис либерационистов. Его суть в том, что угнетение животных на Западе кардинально возросло в новейшую эпоху, когда для этого, что признает и Сингер, меньше всего имелось религиозных или других идейных оснований, которые могли бы восходить к христианству. Постулируя неустранимость антропоцентризма из любой системы этики, автор доказывает это на примере построений либерационистов. Также выясняется, что они сами применяют видистский подход, когда это отвечает их интересам. В завершение делается вывод, что путь, на котором либерационисты надеются облегчить участь животных, не может быть действенным, так как строится во многом на неверных предпосылках.
The Ideology of Animal Liberation and the “Guilt” of Christianity
Part I: Is Speciesism So Bad? A... more The Ideology of Animal Liberation and the “Guilt” of Christianity Part I: Is Speciesism So Bad? Abstract: The purpose of the article is to offer a critical analysis of the thesis about the responsibility of Christianity for the oppression of animals in the West developed by the ideologists of their liberation: Peter Singer and his associates. Since the historical connection of this religion with the ideas about the moral status of animals and the practices of their use is confusing, changeable and multifaceted, the analysis is limited to the study of the concept of speciesism, fundamental in this thesis. Singer and other liberationists interpret speciesism as a form of unjustified discrimination based on species and liken it to racism and sexism. Revealing the falsity of this analogy, the author proves that such discrimination can be both justified (and then speciesism is not reprehensible) and unjustified (and then, for the sake of terminological clarity, it is better to use another, purely negative, concept of human chauvinism). It is also concluded that justified speciesism has not been determined directly and primarily by the religion. The Christian idea of the sanctity of human life itself was derived from the belief in the uniqueness of man, which nourishes speciesism and rests on self-evident grounds that do not depend on the religion. Serving as an innate perspective inherent in all conscious beings, in which they perceive the world around them, speciesism does not necessarily lead to the oppression of animals. The suffering we inflict on them mostly has other, more obvious, causes.
Religion and Morality in an Evolutionary Perspective: A Critique of the Naturalistic Approach. AB... more Religion and Morality in an Evolutionary Perspective: A Critique of the Naturalistic Approach. ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article is to discuss the problem of the relationship between religion and morality in the context of atheistic propaganda, based on scientific naturalism and neo-Darwinism in particular.
In the beginning, the author considers the widespread view of the historical primacy of morality and shows
that this primacy is not as obvious as it seems to naturalists. Then an attempt is made to correct the view
of the relationship of those cultural institutions in history and to outline the conditio sine qua non of their
genesis concerning the unique human ability to symbolic creativity. The article analyzes the strategy, which
is frequent in evolutionary-naturalistic discourse and aimed at separating religion and morality. Besides, the
ideological background of the naturalists’ views is revealed. Unable to give an adequate justification of the
ought within the framework of consistent naturalism, always fraught with ethical nihilism, they develop the
idea that morality is so deeply embedded in our nature that we do not particularly need conscious motives to be
good. Accordingly, they declare religion to be a superficial and historically accidental phenomenon belonging
only to the cultural-semiotic sphere and having no deep roots beyond it. Despite the authoritativeness of its
demands, religion, they say, does not reach the depths of human consciousness, and the motivation it generates
is ineffective in comparison with the dispositions set by natural selection. АННОТАЦИЯ. Цель статьи – изучить проблему взаимоотношений религии и морали в контексте атеистической пропаганды, фундированной научным натурализмом и, в особенности, неодарвинизмом. В начале рассматривается широко
распространённое воззрение об историческом примате морали и показывается, что это первенство вовсе не столь очевидно, как кажется натуралистам. Затем предпринимается попытка скорректировать взгляд на взаимоотношения этих
культурных институтов в истории и очертить непременное условие их генезиса, касающееся уникальной человеческой способности к символическому творчеству. Далее анализируется стратегия, обычная для эволюционно-натуралистического дискурса, направленная на разудаление религии и морали, и вскрывается идеологическая подоплёка соответствующих усилий. Неспособные дать адекватное обоснование должного в рамках последовательного натурализма, всегда чреватого этическим нигилизмом, адепты этого подхода развивают мысль о том, что мораль столь глубоко заложена в нашу природу, что нам особо не нужны сознательные мотивы, чтобы «быть хорошими». Соответственно, религию они объявляют поверхностным и исторически случайным феноменом, принадлежащим лишь культурно-семиотической сфере и не имеющим глубоких корней за её пределами. Несмотря на властность своих требований, религия, говорят они, не достигает глубин сознания, и рождаемая ей мотивация малодейственна в сравнении с диспозициями, заданными естественным отбором.
Dawkins, Morality, and Religion. Part III. An Illusion of the Progress. In an effort to separate ... more Dawkins, Morality, and Religion. Part III. An Illusion of the Progress. In an effort to separate morality and religion as mutually independent and hostile phenomena, Richard Dawkins put forward an argument from moral progress. Extremely influential in the atheistic propaganda of our days, it says that a gradual improvement in ethical norms and standards, human morals and behavior is noticeable in modern history. According to it, the Enlightenment with its secularization and promotion of secular humanism was the most important catalyst of this process. The aim of the article is to give a detailed critique of this argument showing the inconsistency of its underlying views on the causes, “mechanics” and manifestations of the moral progress. The internal inconsistency of guidelines and criteria of the progress is revealed, as well as the factual inaccuracy of the central thesis of a significant decline of violence in the world over the past three centuries.
Why Do the Orthodox Reject Evolutionism? (Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov’ v Rossii i za rubezhom ... more Why Do the Orthodox Reject Evolutionism? (Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov’ v Rossii i za rubezhom 41(1): 240–268). Annotation. To answer the question posed in the title, its core concepts are first clarified and three aspects distinguished. One is a biological theory itself (E-1), second is evolutionism claiming the status of a general scientific or even general cultural paradigm (E-2), and third is the so-called Orthodox (or Christian) evolutionism, which claims to be a variant of the previous. Next, the article considers the content of the main apologetic strategy of the Orthodox evolutionists in the face of their confessional opponents. Then it offers an analysis of the dogmatic objections raised in the church circles against such points of theistic evolutionism as the "animal" origin of man, the Fall, and the appearance of death in the natural world. In conclusion, it explores a deeper level of motivation of Orthodox anti-evolutionists and their absolutization of patristic exegesis. Before all, it is a pessimistic view of history associated with increasing degradation and opposed to a mythical "Golden Age". This view is directly opposite to progressive intuitions and conclusions of evolutionism.
Dawkins, Morality, and Religion. Part II: The Trolley Problem. In an effort to substantiate the f... more Dawkins, Morality, and Religion. Part II: The Trolley Problem. In an effort to substantiate the fundamental areligiosity of morality and the amorality of religion, Richard Dawkins develops the argument from a universal moral ability that has evolutionary genesis and is therefore inherent in people, regardless of their religious beliefs. In his book The God Delusion (2006), he uses the results of a thought experiment conducted by M. Hauser and P. Singer, who were the first to put forward this argument, claiming that their test did not reveal noticeable differences in the moral modus cogitandi of believers and atheists. The aim of the article is to give a critical analysis of that argument as based on a false presumption. It is reduced to opposition: either morality has arisen in the course of natural evolution, and then religion has nothing to do with it – or morality has been the supernatural gift of God, and then evolution has nothing to do with it. The author proves that the results of the experiment do not give grounds for the ideological conclusions that those advocates of atheism build on them. Стремясь обосновать принципиальную арелигиозность морали и аморальность религии, Ричард Докинз развивает довод от универсальной нравственной способности, имеющей эволюционный генезис и потому присущей людям, независимо от их религиозных убеждений. В книге «Бог как иллюзия» (2006 г.) он использует итоги мысленного эксперимента, проведенного М. Хаузером и П. Сингером, которые первыми выдвинули этот довод, показав, что их опыт не выявил заметных различий в образе морального мышления у верующих и атеистов. Цель статьи – дать критический анализ этого аргумента, как основанного на ложной презумпции. Она сводится к противопоставлению: или нравственность возникла в ходе естественной эволюции, и тогда религия не имеет к ней существенного отношения, или нравственность есть сверхъестественный дар Бога, и тогда к ней не имеет отношения эволюция. Автор доказывает, что результаты проведенного опыта не дают основания для тех идеологических выводов, которые строят на них эти поборники атеизма.
Dawkins, Morality, and Religion. Part I. Evolution of Altruism.
Richard Dawkins is more than a bi... more Dawkins, Morality, and Religion. Part I. Evolution of Altruism. Richard Dawkins is more than a biologist and science communicator. He is a guiding light, whose books are designed to spread the scientific naturalistic worldview as the only and absolutely true one. It is especially evident in his later militant-atheistic works, little related to science as such which have a philosophical and ideological pathos. The purpose of the article is to give a critical analysis of the moral argument that Dawkins develops in those works, substantiating the fundamental areligiosity of morality and the amorality of religion. One of the lines of argument concerning the evolution of morality and, in particular, the origin of altruism is considered in detail. In order to understand better the contradictions found in it, the dynamics of the British intellectual’s views on these problems is traced in the context of sociobiological ideas and theories of the past half century. It is proved that in the sphere of evolutionary studies there is a more consistent and promising approach to the exploration of relationship between morality and religion than that proposed by Dawkins. Ричард Докинз – более чем биолог и популяризатор науки. Он властитель дум, чьи книги призваны распространять научно-натуралистическое мировоззрение как единственно и абсолютно истинное. Это особенно видно в его поздних, воинственно-атеистических, произведениях, мало причастных к науке как таковой и имеющих философско-идеологический пафос. Цель статьи – дать критический анализ аргумента от морали, который Докинз развивает в этих работах, обосновывая принципиальную арелигиозность морали и аморальность религии. Подробно рассматривается одна из линий аргументации, касающаяся эволюции морали и, в частности, происхождения альтруизма. Чтобы глубже понять обнаруженные в ней противоречия, прослеживается динамика воззрений британского интеллектуала на эти проблемы в контексте социобиологических идей и теорий истекшего полувека. Доказывается, что в сфере эволюционных исследований есть более состоятельный и перспективный подход к изучению отношений между моралью и религией, чем тот, который предлагается Докинзом.
Anathema: Transformation of the genre in the secular and postsecular eras , 2022
The purpose of the article is to give an outline of those multilateral changes which the speech g... more The purpose of the article is to give an outline of those multilateral changes which the speech genre of anathema has undergone in Russian culture of the XIX–XXI centuries, and to shed light on the causes of these changes. Since anathema belongs to sacred performatives, whose pragmatic success directly depends on a set of metaphysical views peculiar to the Middle Ages, the fate of their entire subsystem in the conditions of global spiritual shifts of Modern and Postmodern eras is traced by means of an example of that genre. It is proved that, although anathema has not gone out of use in the Russian Church, it has undergone genre conservation in one direction and hybridization in another, as well as a serious theological rethinking. This latter process began after the excommunication of Leo Tolstoy (1901), the event that had an extraordinary resonance in the early twentieth century. In connection with it, “The Definition of the Holy Synod” is analyzed. It was the main performative which created that event and became a new milestone in the genre history ofthe Russian-Orthodox anathema. It is shown that this, as well as subsequent documents of that type, were determined in its genre specificity by the contemporary worldview context, the memory of the genre and a number of secondary factors.
Цель статьи – дать очерк тех многосторонних изменений, которым подвергся речевой жанр анафемы в русской культуре XIХ–XXI вв., и пролить свет на их причины. Так как анафема принадлежит к сакральным перформативам, прагматическая успешность которых прямо зависит от набора метафизических воззрений, свойственных Средневековью, – то на примере данного жанра в общих чертах прослеживается судьба всей этой подсистемы в условиях глобальных духовных сдвигов Модерна и Постмодерна. Доказывается, что, хотя анафема не вышла из употребления в Русской церкви, она претерпела жанровую консервацию в одном направлении и гибридизацию в другом, а также серьёзное теологическое переосмысление. Этот последний процесс начался после отлучения от Церкви Л. Н. Толстого (1901) – события, имевшего необычайный резонанс в начале ХХ в. В связи с ним анализируется «Определение Святейшего Синода» – ключевой перформатив, которым было создано это событие и который стал новой вехой в жанровой истории русско-православной анафемы. Показывается, что этот, как и последующие документы данного типа, в своей жанровой специфике определялись мировоззренческим фоном эпохи, памятью жанра и рядом второстепенных факторов.
The Eugenic Movement in the West and Its Myths (2022)
The article aims to examine the scientific... more The Eugenic Movement in the West and Its Myths (2022)
The article aims to examine the scientific philosophical and ideological foundation of eugenics which had the status of applied science and a form of social movement in West-ern Europe and the United States in the late 19th – first half of the 20th centuries. I prove that evolutionism was the key scientific philosophical element of the foundation, primarily in its Darwinian version, interpreted in the context of metaphysical naturalism. Accordingly, the main ideological element was racism in its biological and social forms. Darwinism led to racism through the related ideas and views which also underpinned eugenics. I speak primar-ily about the radical biologization of a human being and the culture he or she created that flowed from Darwinism and strengthened it in turn. Although neither this nor any other ver-sion of evolutionary theory required such reductionism, they were closely interconnected. Other views of this kind included: (a) the insecurity of progress, which meant the possibility of a rollback towards the animal past; (b) the idea of an “anthropological stairs” which con-nected the lowest (anthropoid ape) and the highest (white educated inhabitant of Western civilization) points and was used to establish the measure of evolutionary development of a race, nation, class and individual; (c) the “scarce mentality” theorized by Thomas Malthus and well-responded by the spirit of developing capitalism, colonial expansion, and Protestant ethics; it painted the world as a field of incessant struggle for limited resources. The outlined complex of mythogenic views was part of the impending degeneration myth. I argue that the threat of far-fetched degeneration was the main engine of the eugenic movement. According to that myth, any highly civilized nation was to perish or degrade in a not too distant future if its biological life was allowed to take its course in the absence of large-scale measures toimprove it. In conclusion, the “image” of eugenics as well as modes and forms of its pres-ence in modern life and culture are discussed.
Рассматриваются научно-философские и идеологические основания евгеники, имевшей статус прикладной науки и форму общественного движения в странах Западной Европы и США в конце XIX-первой половине XX в. Доказывается, что ключевым научно-философским элементом этого фундамента являлся эволюционизм, прежде всего, в его дарвинистской версии, осмысленный в контексте метафизического натурализма, и, соответственно, главным идеологическим элементом был расизм в его биологической и социальной формах.
Comenius, Millenarianism, and the Project of a Universal Language
The Russian studies of John Amo... more Comenius, Millenarianism, and the Project of a Universal Language The Russian studies of John Amos Comenius’ works rarely go beyond the limits of history of pedagogy. Meanwhile, the Czech thinker’s legacy is wide and multifaceted. The aim of the article is to explore a linguo-philosophic aspect of his teaching subjected to goals of global reform of the world in a context of Comenius’ eschatological views. It is shown that the aspect was developed in a form of the “universal culture of language”. Main directions of that culture and their organization according to which relatively simple and feasible projects devoted to cultivation of national as well as classic languages were subordinated to the most difficult and problematic one, namely creation of a universal, purely rational and artificial language, are considered. The system of beliefs and presumptions underlying that ultimate scheme is analyzed: firstly, its core including epistemic and theological convictions shared by Comenius with other designers and supporters of universal language schemes, and, secondly, its periphery which comprised religious and metaphysic views distinguishing the Czech reformer’s modus cogitandi. The research is supplemented with a translation of the chapter XIX ‘The foundation of the Universal language’ of Comenius’ important treatise ‘The Way of Light’ (Via Lucis) (publ. 1668).
The Language of Adam, Epistemic Crisis, and the “Radical Truths” of John Dee
The life and work of... more The Language of Adam, Epistemic Crisis, and the “Radical Truths” of John Dee The life and work of John Dee (1527–1608/9), an English mathematician, erudite and occultist, remains an enigma that gives rise to intensive controversies, puzzles scholars, and nourishes imagination of mass culture makers. The aim of the article is to consider a magical practice of the late Dee and a unique narrative recorded in his diaries, in a context of the intellectual situation of that epoch. The analysis is concentrated on a role of those practice and narrative in dialectics of the search for the perfect language which took place in the West in 15th–17th cc. A technical facet of crystallomancy and its standing in the Renaissance culture as well as conditions and motives urging Dee to invest his years in practicing the magic of that kind. A special attention is paid to the course and results of revealing of the primordial tongue by the ‘angels’ and to the Adamic myth that accompanied the linguistic material and informed of substance, functions, and historical fate of Ursprache. It is argued that despite its reprehensibility crystallomancy took a relatively high cultural status and a wide spreading. Dee became its convinced adept due to a deep inner crisis caused by eschatological anxiety, collapse of traditional epistemology, and discontent with his previous intellectual initiatives. As spirits claimed, the language that they were imparting to him connected the protoplasts with God and angels in Eden and served Adam as a perfect instrument of knowledge and magic. Explaining his lasting failure of comprehending of the revealed language the spirits persuaded Dee that it was not time yet for activation of its potencies but that it was very near though known only to God. That time had never come in the magician’s life. Nonetheless, gladness of (seeming) communication with the ‘angels’ compensated for bitterness of futile expectations. Жизнь и творчество Джона Ди (1527-1608/9), английского математика, эрудита и эзотерика, вызывает множество споров, ставит в тупик исследователей, питает воображение творцов поп-культуры. Цель статьи - изучить магическую практику «позднего» Ди и уникальный нарратив, зафиксированный в его дневниках, в контексте духовной ситуации той эпохи. Анализ сосредоточен на роли этой практики и нарратива в диалектике поиска совершенного языка, который происходил на Западе в XV-XVII вв. Рассматривается оперативно-техническая сторона кристалломантии и ее положение в ренессансной культу-ре, затем условия и мотивы, подвигшие Ди отдать годы жизни этому виду магии. Особое внимание уделено итогам и ходу открытия «ангелами» первозданного языка, включая адамический миф, который сопровождал лингвистический материал и сообщал о функциях, сущности и исторической участи Ursprache. Доказывается, что, несмотря на предосудительность, кристалломантия имела относительно высокий культурный статус и широкое распространение. Убежденным ее адептом Ди стал вследствие глубокого кризиса, вызванного эсхатологической тревогой, упадком традиционной эпистемологии и разочарованием в его прежних интеллектуальных начинаниях. По уверению духов, язык, который они ему сообщали, соединял в Раю праотцев, Бога и ангелов, а также служил Адаму совершенным инструментом познания и магии. Безуспешность его постижения, тяготившую Ди, «ангелы» объясняли тем, что время активации его свойств, которое очень близко, но известно в точности только Богу, еще не пришло. Хотя в жизни английского мага оно так и не наступило, радость (кажущегося) общения с духами искупала горечь тщетного ожидания. Ключевые слова: ренессансный оккультизм, магия, дивинация, кристалло-мантия, эмпиризм, Реформация, история западного эзотеризма, история европейской науки.
The aim of the paper is to investigate paths along which a transformation of the doctrine of natu... more The aim of the paper is to investigate paths along which a transformation of the doctrine of natural signs was developed in works by Paracelsians, forming one of the main religious and philosophic currents of Late Renaissance. The modifications of the doctrine are discussed in a context of intensive speculations on the essence of the primordial language of humankind and on the possibility of its restoration, which can describe the intellectual life of that epoch. It is argued that within "chemical philosophy" the possibility of restoration of the Adamic language directly depends on mastering the art of interpreting natural signs (signatura rerum), which can give a key to correct understanding of nature. And shifts in the conceptualization of such signatures involved transformations in formulating and solving of the Adamistic problems, which did not exclude reverse causation. It is also ascertained that the most orthodox followers of Paracelsus usually appealed to the Adamistic narrative in order to reinforce legitimacy of the symbolic hermeneutics of nature, developed with chiefly medico-pharmacological purposes. Meanwhile, relatively more independent Paracelsians often paid more attention to linguo-philosophic issues. Realizing the deficiency of the doctrine of signatures for reconstruction of the primordial language, they postulated the necessity of one (or two) of the following premises: (a) supplementing the doctrine with a mystical illumination; (b) acceptance of a weaker version, according to which natural signs are just sparse reference points slightly simplifying empirical study of nature; (c) abandonment of search for the Ursprache and constructing its artificial substitute, a universal semiotic system.
The Adamic Language, European Nationalism, and the Rise of the Renaissance Comparativism
The anal... more The Adamic Language, European Nationalism, and the Rise of the Renaissance Comparativism The analysis is focused on one of the directions of the Adamic project developed in the Renaissance culture and aimed to reconstruct the primordial, or Adamic, language (Ursprache). Adamic was the primordial language belonging to the forefathers (while at least they remained in the condition of the initial perfection). The project presented a complex of ideas and views together with hermeneutic strategies they determined and was based on a specific set of beliefs, presumptions, and attitudes. The set included a humanistic aspiration for “the origins” (ad fontes), deep reverence for “the ancient wisdom” (prisca sapientia) the first people had possessed and expressed in the Ursprache, which had helped it survive in history, and faith for biblical and heathen narratives. It also included Cratylism, according to which lexical meanings (in their pristine form) sprang from the very essence of things due to the predetermined harmony between the structures of language and of the reality. The mentioned elements of the Renaissance thought formed a sort of a system of coordinates; supporters of the analysed strategy worked within it. The system directed them to study the Ursprache via finding its rudiments in known historical tongues (provided that there is a language that has preserved the maximum of the primordial properties). The article argues that, despite the rich variety of forms the strategy was implemented in, means of justification of some tongue’s rights to be taken as the Adamic one or, more often, as its closest derivate were universal at large. They included recourse to a spectrum of mytho-historical narratives current in the Renaissance culture; using them, many Adamicists built new original constructs matching their ideological goals. Besides, the means supposed employment of a vast arsenal of tools of humanistic exegesis and etymology. Particular attention is paid to the Renaissance scholars’ etymological practice, which was to provide them with the properly linguistic evidence of the “Adamic” rights of the languages those humanists promoted. The etymological analysis was typically reduced to searches for elements of Adamic in words of later historical languages and to demonstrations of a non-conventional, organically motivated link conjoining original words with their referents in the world. In order to make this double task easier, some etymologists resorted to fragmentation of words into phonosemantic “atoms” considering monosyllabism to be an essential feature of the primordial language.
Following Adam’s road: the problem of restoring of the primordial language in Paracelsian philoso... more Following Adam’s road: the problem of restoring of the primordial language in Paracelsian philosophy The goal of the article is to explore the system of beliefs and presumptions underlying the linguo-philosophic and semiotic constructions developed by Paracelsus and his followers as well as their views on the essence and modes of finding of the primordial language. That system and those views are explored in the context of the “Adamistic” studies of the 15th – 17th cc. and of the Paracelsian doctrine as a whole. Special attention is paid to Paracelsus’ interpretation of the biblical stories about the world and the human creation, the original naming and the Fall, since this interpretation elucidates the meaning of the abovementioned constructions. It is argued that in the light of Paracelsianism, the acquisition, as well as the very poiesis of the Ursprache depends directly on one’s proficiency in the art of interpreting the signatures (Kunst signata) implanted by God in natural things. That art the theory of which was developed by Paracelsus on a basis of folk medicine practice played a major role in the “Adamistic” speculations of Paracelsians and marginalized the linguo-philosophic issues. They portrayed Adam as a paradigmatic hermeneutist of the natural world and used the biblical story about the naming of animals and birds (Gen. 2.19‒20) chiefly for legitimizing the doctrine of signatures, which was central to the medicine and natural philosophy of Paracelsus. The research is supplemented with an abridged translation of the treatise written by the German scholar Wolfgang Ambrosius Fabricius Ἀπόρημα βοτανικόν. De signaturis plantarum (1653). That text is devoted to a critical analysis of the Paracelsian doctrine of signatures from the position of a moderate Galenism, which dominated in the university medicine of that age.
Goropius Becanus, the Adamic language, and the Renaissance Mytholinguistics
The analyses is focus... more Goropius Becanus, the Adamic language, and the Renaissance Mytholinguistics The analyses is focused on a linguistic aspect of the cultural and historic theory of Goropius Becanus, an outstanding humanist of the sixteenth century. A main intention directing Becanus was to substantiate the primordial status and epistemological perfection of his native Dutch and thereby enhance the prestige of his national culture. The author explores the set of beliefs and presumptions underlying the scholar’s cultural-historic scheme as well as the modes and means of substantiating “adamicity” of Dutch determined by it. It is argued that the means exploited by Becanus were generally used in the republic of letters for extolling of one or another classical tradition and language: Hebrew, Old Egyptian, Latin etc. Those resources included a spectrum of mythohistoric narratives current in the Renaissance culture. The Dutch scholar assembled them in a new original construct matching his intention. They also included an arsenal of the tools of Humanistic exegesis and etymology enabling him, as he thought, to justify that construct in the eyes of the learned. In the first two sections of this paper the dependence of Becanus’ scheme from the basic mythogenic notions which the contemporary culture proposed maintaining certain mythohistoric narratives is explored. All of those notions were connected with a so called Adamic project. It presented a complex of ideas and hermeneutic strategies determined by them and aimed to reconstruct the primordial, or Adamic, language. Adamic was the primordial language belonging to the protoplasts (while at least they remained in a condition of the initial perfection). Not being (just) an artificial, conventionally imposed semiotic system, this language was thought to be directly correspondent to the intelligible structure of the world, for it was either inherently connected with the very essences of natural things or possessed epistemological excellence allowing to reflect these essences in a perfect manner. Also it is ascertained that Becanus assumed a highly negative attitude towards magical-occultist movement within the Adamic project. And it is cleared up that the ambivalent intellectual renown the scholar had was due to defiant originality of his theory with its central thesis that Dutch is a primordial language sensu stricto. In the third section Becanus’ etymological practice is analyzed. It was to provide him and his readers with properly linguistic proofs that his cultural and historic scheme was correct. Typically for the Renaissance mytholinguistics, the practice was reduced to a search for elements of the “Adamic” language in words of latter, historic, ones and to demonstration of a non-contingent, organically motivated link conjoining primordial words with their meaning and then with signified things themselves. In order to make easier this double task Becanus and some of his followers resorted to fragmentation of Dutch words into phonosemantic “atoms” assumed to be pristine.
The Renaissance Dream: The Language of Adam in the European Culture of the XV–XVII Centuries.
A. ... more The Renaissance Dream: The Language of Adam in the European Culture of the XV–XVII Centuries. A. V. Karabykov's monograph is devoted to the analysis of the idea of the Adamic language and the project of its recuperation, which was developed in the early modern European culture. The author explores the features of the Renaissance worldview that determined the nature of the project, and considers additional factors related to the interpretation of those passages of the Book of Genesis that are relevant to the topic. At the same time, the main subject of the study is the strategies for acquiring the primordial language and the variants of their interaction with each other. Based on a wide range of sources, including philosophical, esoteric, naturalphilosophic, historical-philological and linguistic treatises, the author retraces the dialectic of the Adamicist project, manifested in the rise, change and extinction of those strategies. The publication is addressed to philosophers, cultural scientists, historians, philologists, as well as all those interested in the intellectual history and spiritual culture of the West.
Монография А. В. Карабыкова посвящена характеристи-
ке воззрений на сущность языка и способы его ... more Монография А. В. Карабыкова посвящена характеристи- ке воззрений на сущность языка и способы его использова- ния, свойственных культуре христианского Средневековья. На основе изучения широкого круга источников, включа- ющего в себя выдающиеся произведения агиографии и ры- царской литературы, важнейшие богословско-философские, морально-дидактические и исторические трактаты, автор подвергает тщательному анализу как лингвистические воз- зрения мыслителей, внесших решающий вклад в форми- рование средневековой картины мира, так и сами социо- культурные пласты и явления, способствовавшие развитию средневекового сверхперформатизма. Издание адресовано историкам-медиевистам, филоло- гам, культурологам, а также всем интересующимся духовной культурой Средних веков.
Предлагаемая монография имеет целью внести первый «вклад» в создание сравнительно-исторической ме... more Предлагаемая монография имеет целью внести первый «вклад» в создание сравнительно-исторической метафизики языка и связанной с нею истории перформативности. По мысли автора, названные термины указывают на специфическую область междисциплинарных исследований, в которой должны пересекаться «интересы» лингвистики, семиотики, культурологии, исторической антропологии, философии и других отраслей гуманитарного знания. Соответственным об- разом определён круг тех, кому адресована эта книга.
The Epicurean and Leviathan: The Practical Ethics of Ernst Jünger Abstract: The purpose of the ar... more The Epicurean and Leviathan: The Practical Ethics of Ernst Jünger Abstract: The purpose of the article is to explore the fundamentals of practical ethics which was developed by the famous German intellectual and fiction writer Ernst Jünger (1895–1998) and reflected in his autobiographical prose. The analysis focuses on the period of his life and work marked by intense moral reflection — the tragic decade that began before the World War II and ended with the occupation of West Germany by the victorious states. It is proved that the form of ethics that Jünger cultivated throughout his earthly journey most corresponds to the Epicurean scheme. This is evidenced by its general vector aimed at achieving the serenity and quiet joy bestowed by life as well as the main issues which are solved in it. These issues include the reasonable ordering and control of sensual desires and fears. In connection with the general direction of Jünger’s ethics, the concept of inner emigration turned by the thinker into a consciously Epicurean way of life is discussed. The main attention is paid to the innovations that Jünger brought to this scheme. Their predominantly Christian character is substantiated. Instead of conceptual analysis and along with autogenic training (both are the core of the Epicurean “healing of the soul”), the thinker practiced Christian asceticism in relation to desires and belief in immortality against the fear of possible destruction. The conflict between Epicurean (“Live unnoticed”) and predominantly Christian (“Live with dignity”) moral attitudes that is manifest in Jünger’s life and thoughts at that dramatic time is also considered. It is shown that he resolved this conflict in favor of the second attitude — even if not always in practice, but invariably at the level of beliefs.
The Ideology of Animal Liberation and
the “Guilt” of Christianity. Part II: The Unavoidability of... more The Ideology of Animal Liberation and the “Guilt” of Christianity. Part II: The Unavoidability of Anthropocentrism’, Voprosy Filosofii, Vol. 6 (2024) The critical analysis of the thesis about the guilt of Christianity for the oppression of animals in the West developed by Peter Singer and a number of other ideologists of the animal liberation continues. The concept of speciesism – the fundamental one in this thesis – is decomposed into two components: anthropocentrism and human chauvinism. The changeable and ambiguous nature of the interrelation of these components in European history is traced. It is argued that during this history two basic forms of anthropocentrism have changed: “naïve” and “refined”. At the same time, the second, characteristic of the creators of the scientific revolution of the XVI–XVII centuries, generally did not favor a chauvinistic attitude towards animals. A paradox is revealed that undermines the thesis of the liberationists. Its essence is that the oppression of animals in the West has increased dramatically in the modern era when for it, as Singer also admits, there were least of all religious or other ideological grounds that could go back to Christianity. Postulating the unavoidability of anthropocentrism from any system of ethics the author proves this by the example of the constructions of the liberationists. It also turns out that they themselves use a speciesist approach when it suits their interests. Finally, it is concluded that the way in which liberationists hope to alleviate the fate of animals cannot be effective, since it is based largely on incorrect assumptions.Продолжается критический анализ тезиса о вине христианства за угнетение животных на Западе, который развивает Питер Сингер и ряд других идеологов «освобождения» животных. Понятие видизма – основообразующее в этом тезисе – разлагается на две составляющие: антропоцентризм и чело- веческий шовинизм. Прослеживается изменчиво-неоднозначный характер взаимосвязи этих компонентов в европейской истории. Доказывается, что в ее течение сменились две базовые формы антропоцентризма: «наивная» и «утонченная». При этом вторая, свойственная творцам научной революции XVI–XVII вв., в целом не благоприятствовала шовинистическому отношению к животным. Обнаруживается парадокс, подрывающий тезис либерационистов. Его суть в том, что угнетение животных на Западе кардинально возросло в новейшую эпоху, когда для этого, что признает и Сингер, меньше всего имелось религиозных или других идейных оснований, которые могли бы восходить к христианству. Постулируя неустранимость антропоцентризма из любой системы этики, автор доказывает это на примере построений либерационистов. Также выясняется, что они сами применяют видистский подход, когда это отвечает их интересам. В завершение делается вывод, что путь, на котором либерационисты надеются облегчить участь животных, не может быть действенным, так как строится во многом на неверных предпосылках.
The Ideology of Animal Liberation and the “Guilt” of Christianity
Part I: Is Speciesism So Bad? A... more The Ideology of Animal Liberation and the “Guilt” of Christianity Part I: Is Speciesism So Bad? Abstract: The purpose of the article is to offer a critical analysis of the thesis about the responsibility of Christianity for the oppression of animals in the West developed by the ideologists of their liberation: Peter Singer and his associates. Since the historical connection of this religion with the ideas about the moral status of animals and the practices of their use is confusing, changeable and multifaceted, the analysis is limited to the study of the concept of speciesism, fundamental in this thesis. Singer and other liberationists interpret speciesism as a form of unjustified discrimination based on species and liken it to racism and sexism. Revealing the falsity of this analogy, the author proves that such discrimination can be both justified (and then speciesism is not reprehensible) and unjustified (and then, for the sake of terminological clarity, it is better to use another, purely negative, concept of human chauvinism). It is also concluded that justified speciesism has not been determined directly and primarily by the religion. The Christian idea of the sanctity of human life itself was derived from the belief in the uniqueness of man, which nourishes speciesism and rests on self-evident grounds that do not depend on the religion. Serving as an innate perspective inherent in all conscious beings, in which they perceive the world around them, speciesism does not necessarily lead to the oppression of animals. The suffering we inflict on them mostly has other, more obvious, causes.
Religion and Morality in an Evolutionary Perspective: A Critique of the Naturalistic Approach. AB... more Religion and Morality in an Evolutionary Perspective: A Critique of the Naturalistic Approach. ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article is to discuss the problem of the relationship between religion and morality in the context of atheistic propaganda, based on scientific naturalism and neo-Darwinism in particular.
In the beginning, the author considers the widespread view of the historical primacy of morality and shows
that this primacy is not as obvious as it seems to naturalists. Then an attempt is made to correct the view
of the relationship of those cultural institutions in history and to outline the conditio sine qua non of their
genesis concerning the unique human ability to symbolic creativity. The article analyzes the strategy, which
is frequent in evolutionary-naturalistic discourse and aimed at separating religion and morality. Besides, the
ideological background of the naturalists’ views is revealed. Unable to give an adequate justification of the
ought within the framework of consistent naturalism, always fraught with ethical nihilism, they develop the
idea that morality is so deeply embedded in our nature that we do not particularly need conscious motives to be
good. Accordingly, they declare religion to be a superficial and historically accidental phenomenon belonging
only to the cultural-semiotic sphere and having no deep roots beyond it. Despite the authoritativeness of its
demands, religion, they say, does not reach the depths of human consciousness, and the motivation it generates
is ineffective in comparison with the dispositions set by natural selection. АННОТАЦИЯ. Цель статьи – изучить проблему взаимоотношений религии и морали в контексте атеистической пропаганды, фундированной научным натурализмом и, в особенности, неодарвинизмом. В начале рассматривается широко
распространённое воззрение об историческом примате морали и показывается, что это первенство вовсе не столь очевидно, как кажется натуралистам. Затем предпринимается попытка скорректировать взгляд на взаимоотношения этих
культурных институтов в истории и очертить непременное условие их генезиса, касающееся уникальной человеческой способности к символическому творчеству. Далее анализируется стратегия, обычная для эволюционно-натуралистического дискурса, направленная на разудаление религии и морали, и вскрывается идеологическая подоплёка соответствующих усилий. Неспособные дать адекватное обоснование должного в рамках последовательного натурализма, всегда чреватого этическим нигилизмом, адепты этого подхода развивают мысль о том, что мораль столь глубоко заложена в нашу природу, что нам особо не нужны сознательные мотивы, чтобы «быть хорошими». Соответственно, религию они объявляют поверхностным и исторически случайным феноменом, принадлежащим лишь культурно-семиотической сфере и не имеющим глубоких корней за её пределами. Несмотря на властность своих требований, религия, говорят они, не достигает глубин сознания, и рождаемая ей мотивация малодейственна в сравнении с диспозициями, заданными естественным отбором.
Dawkins, Morality, and Religion. Part III. An Illusion of the Progress. In an effort to separate ... more Dawkins, Morality, and Religion. Part III. An Illusion of the Progress. In an effort to separate morality and religion as mutually independent and hostile phenomena, Richard Dawkins put forward an argument from moral progress. Extremely influential in the atheistic propaganda of our days, it says that a gradual improvement in ethical norms and standards, human morals and behavior is noticeable in modern history. According to it, the Enlightenment with its secularization and promotion of secular humanism was the most important catalyst of this process. The aim of the article is to give a detailed critique of this argument showing the inconsistency of its underlying views on the causes, “mechanics” and manifestations of the moral progress. The internal inconsistency of guidelines and criteria of the progress is revealed, as well as the factual inaccuracy of the central thesis of a significant decline of violence in the world over the past three centuries.
Why Do the Orthodox Reject Evolutionism? (Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov’ v Rossii i za rubezhom ... more Why Do the Orthodox Reject Evolutionism? (Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov’ v Rossii i za rubezhom 41(1): 240–268). Annotation. To answer the question posed in the title, its core concepts are first clarified and three aspects distinguished. One is a biological theory itself (E-1), second is evolutionism claiming the status of a general scientific or even general cultural paradigm (E-2), and third is the so-called Orthodox (or Christian) evolutionism, which claims to be a variant of the previous. Next, the article considers the content of the main apologetic strategy of the Orthodox evolutionists in the face of their confessional opponents. Then it offers an analysis of the dogmatic objections raised in the church circles against such points of theistic evolutionism as the "animal" origin of man, the Fall, and the appearance of death in the natural world. In conclusion, it explores a deeper level of motivation of Orthodox anti-evolutionists and their absolutization of patristic exegesis. Before all, it is a pessimistic view of history associated with increasing degradation and opposed to a mythical "Golden Age". This view is directly opposite to progressive intuitions and conclusions of evolutionism.
Dawkins, Morality, and Religion. Part II: The Trolley Problem. In an effort to substantiate the f... more Dawkins, Morality, and Religion. Part II: The Trolley Problem. In an effort to substantiate the fundamental areligiosity of morality and the amorality of religion, Richard Dawkins develops the argument from a universal moral ability that has evolutionary genesis and is therefore inherent in people, regardless of their religious beliefs. In his book The God Delusion (2006), he uses the results of a thought experiment conducted by M. Hauser and P. Singer, who were the first to put forward this argument, claiming that their test did not reveal noticeable differences in the moral modus cogitandi of believers and atheists. The aim of the article is to give a critical analysis of that argument as based on a false presumption. It is reduced to opposition: either morality has arisen in the course of natural evolution, and then religion has nothing to do with it – or morality has been the supernatural gift of God, and then evolution has nothing to do with it. The author proves that the results of the experiment do not give grounds for the ideological conclusions that those advocates of atheism build on them. Стремясь обосновать принципиальную арелигиозность морали и аморальность религии, Ричард Докинз развивает довод от универсальной нравственной способности, имеющей эволюционный генезис и потому присущей людям, независимо от их религиозных убеждений. В книге «Бог как иллюзия» (2006 г.) он использует итоги мысленного эксперимента, проведенного М. Хаузером и П. Сингером, которые первыми выдвинули этот довод, показав, что их опыт не выявил заметных различий в образе морального мышления у верующих и атеистов. Цель статьи – дать критический анализ этого аргумента, как основанного на ложной презумпции. Она сводится к противопоставлению: или нравственность возникла в ходе естественной эволюции, и тогда религия не имеет к ней существенного отношения, или нравственность есть сверхъестественный дар Бога, и тогда к ней не имеет отношения эволюция. Автор доказывает, что результаты проведенного опыта не дают основания для тех идеологических выводов, которые строят на них эти поборники атеизма.
Dawkins, Morality, and Religion. Part I. Evolution of Altruism.
Richard Dawkins is more than a bi... more Dawkins, Morality, and Religion. Part I. Evolution of Altruism. Richard Dawkins is more than a biologist and science communicator. He is a guiding light, whose books are designed to spread the scientific naturalistic worldview as the only and absolutely true one. It is especially evident in his later militant-atheistic works, little related to science as such which have a philosophical and ideological pathos. The purpose of the article is to give a critical analysis of the moral argument that Dawkins develops in those works, substantiating the fundamental areligiosity of morality and the amorality of religion. One of the lines of argument concerning the evolution of morality and, in particular, the origin of altruism is considered in detail. In order to understand better the contradictions found in it, the dynamics of the British intellectual’s views on these problems is traced in the context of sociobiological ideas and theories of the past half century. It is proved that in the sphere of evolutionary studies there is a more consistent and promising approach to the exploration of relationship between morality and religion than that proposed by Dawkins. Ричард Докинз – более чем биолог и популяризатор науки. Он властитель дум, чьи книги призваны распространять научно-натуралистическое мировоззрение как единственно и абсолютно истинное. Это особенно видно в его поздних, воинственно-атеистических, произведениях, мало причастных к науке как таковой и имеющих философско-идеологический пафос. Цель статьи – дать критический анализ аргумента от морали, который Докинз развивает в этих работах, обосновывая принципиальную арелигиозность морали и аморальность религии. Подробно рассматривается одна из линий аргументации, касающаяся эволюции морали и, в частности, происхождения альтруизма. Чтобы глубже понять обнаруженные в ней противоречия, прослеживается динамика воззрений британского интеллектуала на эти проблемы в контексте социобиологических идей и теорий истекшего полувека. Доказывается, что в сфере эволюционных исследований есть более состоятельный и перспективный подход к изучению отношений между моралью и религией, чем тот, который предлагается Докинзом.
Anathema: Transformation of the genre in the secular and postsecular eras , 2022
The purpose of the article is to give an outline of those multilateral changes which the speech g... more The purpose of the article is to give an outline of those multilateral changes which the speech genre of anathema has undergone in Russian culture of the XIX–XXI centuries, and to shed light on the causes of these changes. Since anathema belongs to sacred performatives, whose pragmatic success directly depends on a set of metaphysical views peculiar to the Middle Ages, the fate of their entire subsystem in the conditions of global spiritual shifts of Modern and Postmodern eras is traced by means of an example of that genre. It is proved that, although anathema has not gone out of use in the Russian Church, it has undergone genre conservation in one direction and hybridization in another, as well as a serious theological rethinking. This latter process began after the excommunication of Leo Tolstoy (1901), the event that had an extraordinary resonance in the early twentieth century. In connection with it, “The Definition of the Holy Synod” is analyzed. It was the main performative which created that event and became a new milestone in the genre history ofthe Russian-Orthodox anathema. It is shown that this, as well as subsequent documents of that type, were determined in its genre specificity by the contemporary worldview context, the memory of the genre and a number of secondary factors.
Цель статьи – дать очерк тех многосторонних изменений, которым подвергся речевой жанр анафемы в русской культуре XIХ–XXI вв., и пролить свет на их причины. Так как анафема принадлежит к сакральным перформативам, прагматическая успешность которых прямо зависит от набора метафизических воззрений, свойственных Средневековью, – то на примере данного жанра в общих чертах прослеживается судьба всей этой подсистемы в условиях глобальных духовных сдвигов Модерна и Постмодерна. Доказывается, что, хотя анафема не вышла из употребления в Русской церкви, она претерпела жанровую консервацию в одном направлении и гибридизацию в другом, а также серьёзное теологическое переосмысление. Этот последний процесс начался после отлучения от Церкви Л. Н. Толстого (1901) – события, имевшего необычайный резонанс в начале ХХ в. В связи с ним анализируется «Определение Святейшего Синода» – ключевой перформатив, которым было создано это событие и который стал новой вехой в жанровой истории русско-православной анафемы. Показывается, что этот, как и последующие документы данного типа, в своей жанровой специфике определялись мировоззренческим фоном эпохи, памятью жанра и рядом второстепенных факторов.
The Eugenic Movement in the West and Its Myths (2022)
The article aims to examine the scientific... more The Eugenic Movement in the West and Its Myths (2022)
The article aims to examine the scientific philosophical and ideological foundation of eugenics which had the status of applied science and a form of social movement in West-ern Europe and the United States in the late 19th – first half of the 20th centuries. I prove that evolutionism was the key scientific philosophical element of the foundation, primarily in its Darwinian version, interpreted in the context of metaphysical naturalism. Accordingly, the main ideological element was racism in its biological and social forms. Darwinism led to racism through the related ideas and views which also underpinned eugenics. I speak primar-ily about the radical biologization of a human being and the culture he or she created that flowed from Darwinism and strengthened it in turn. Although neither this nor any other ver-sion of evolutionary theory required such reductionism, they were closely interconnected. Other views of this kind included: (a) the insecurity of progress, which meant the possibility of a rollback towards the animal past; (b) the idea of an “anthropological stairs” which con-nected the lowest (anthropoid ape) and the highest (white educated inhabitant of Western civilization) points and was used to establish the measure of evolutionary development of a race, nation, class and individual; (c) the “scarce mentality” theorized by Thomas Malthus and well-responded by the spirit of developing capitalism, colonial expansion, and Protestant ethics; it painted the world as a field of incessant struggle for limited resources. The outlined complex of mythogenic views was part of the impending degeneration myth. I argue that the threat of far-fetched degeneration was the main engine of the eugenic movement. According to that myth, any highly civilized nation was to perish or degrade in a not too distant future if its biological life was allowed to take its course in the absence of large-scale measures toimprove it. In conclusion, the “image” of eugenics as well as modes and forms of its pres-ence in modern life and culture are discussed.
Рассматриваются научно-философские и идеологические основания евгеники, имевшей статус прикладной науки и форму общественного движения в странах Западной Европы и США в конце XIX-первой половине XX в. Доказывается, что ключевым научно-философским элементом этого фундамента являлся эволюционизм, прежде всего, в его дарвинистской версии, осмысленный в контексте метафизического натурализма, и, соответственно, главным идеологическим элементом был расизм в его биологической и социальной формах.
Comenius, Millenarianism, and the Project of a Universal Language
The Russian studies of John Amo... more Comenius, Millenarianism, and the Project of a Universal Language The Russian studies of John Amos Comenius’ works rarely go beyond the limits of history of pedagogy. Meanwhile, the Czech thinker’s legacy is wide and multifaceted. The aim of the article is to explore a linguo-philosophic aspect of his teaching subjected to goals of global reform of the world in a context of Comenius’ eschatological views. It is shown that the aspect was developed in a form of the “universal culture of language”. Main directions of that culture and their organization according to which relatively simple and feasible projects devoted to cultivation of national as well as classic languages were subordinated to the most difficult and problematic one, namely creation of a universal, purely rational and artificial language, are considered. The system of beliefs and presumptions underlying that ultimate scheme is analyzed: firstly, its core including epistemic and theological convictions shared by Comenius with other designers and supporters of universal language schemes, and, secondly, its periphery which comprised religious and metaphysic views distinguishing the Czech reformer’s modus cogitandi. The research is supplemented with a translation of the chapter XIX ‘The foundation of the Universal language’ of Comenius’ important treatise ‘The Way of Light’ (Via Lucis) (publ. 1668).
The Language of Adam, Epistemic Crisis, and the “Radical Truths” of John Dee
The life and work of... more The Language of Adam, Epistemic Crisis, and the “Radical Truths” of John Dee The life and work of John Dee (1527–1608/9), an English mathematician, erudite and occultist, remains an enigma that gives rise to intensive controversies, puzzles scholars, and nourishes imagination of mass culture makers. The aim of the article is to consider a magical practice of the late Dee and a unique narrative recorded in his diaries, in a context of the intellectual situation of that epoch. The analysis is concentrated on a role of those practice and narrative in dialectics of the search for the perfect language which took place in the West in 15th–17th cc. A technical facet of crystallomancy and its standing in the Renaissance culture as well as conditions and motives urging Dee to invest his years in practicing the magic of that kind. A special attention is paid to the course and results of revealing of the primordial tongue by the ‘angels’ and to the Adamic myth that accompanied the linguistic material and informed of substance, functions, and historical fate of Ursprache. It is argued that despite its reprehensibility crystallomancy took a relatively high cultural status and a wide spreading. Dee became its convinced adept due to a deep inner crisis caused by eschatological anxiety, collapse of traditional epistemology, and discontent with his previous intellectual initiatives. As spirits claimed, the language that they were imparting to him connected the protoplasts with God and angels in Eden and served Adam as a perfect instrument of knowledge and magic. Explaining his lasting failure of comprehending of the revealed language the spirits persuaded Dee that it was not time yet for activation of its potencies but that it was very near though known only to God. That time had never come in the magician’s life. Nonetheless, gladness of (seeming) communication with the ‘angels’ compensated for bitterness of futile expectations. Жизнь и творчество Джона Ди (1527-1608/9), английского математика, эрудита и эзотерика, вызывает множество споров, ставит в тупик исследователей, питает воображение творцов поп-культуры. Цель статьи - изучить магическую практику «позднего» Ди и уникальный нарратив, зафиксированный в его дневниках, в контексте духовной ситуации той эпохи. Анализ сосредоточен на роли этой практики и нарратива в диалектике поиска совершенного языка, который происходил на Западе в XV-XVII вв. Рассматривается оперативно-техническая сторона кристалломантии и ее положение в ренессансной культу-ре, затем условия и мотивы, подвигшие Ди отдать годы жизни этому виду магии. Особое внимание уделено итогам и ходу открытия «ангелами» первозданного языка, включая адамический миф, который сопровождал лингвистический материал и сообщал о функциях, сущности и исторической участи Ursprache. Доказывается, что, несмотря на предосудительность, кристалломантия имела относительно высокий культурный статус и широкое распространение. Убежденным ее адептом Ди стал вследствие глубокого кризиса, вызванного эсхатологической тревогой, упадком традиционной эпистемологии и разочарованием в его прежних интеллектуальных начинаниях. По уверению духов, язык, который они ему сообщали, соединял в Раю праотцев, Бога и ангелов, а также служил Адаму совершенным инструментом познания и магии. Безуспешность его постижения, тяготившую Ди, «ангелы» объясняли тем, что время активации его свойств, которое очень близко, но известно в точности только Богу, еще не пришло. Хотя в жизни английского мага оно так и не наступило, радость (кажущегося) общения с духами искупала горечь тщетного ожидания. Ключевые слова: ренессансный оккультизм, магия, дивинация, кристалло-мантия, эмпиризм, Реформация, история западного эзотеризма, история европейской науки.
The aim of the paper is to investigate paths along which a transformation of the doctrine of natu... more The aim of the paper is to investigate paths along which a transformation of the doctrine of natural signs was developed in works by Paracelsians, forming one of the main religious and philosophic currents of Late Renaissance. The modifications of the doctrine are discussed in a context of intensive speculations on the essence of the primordial language of humankind and on the possibility of its restoration, which can describe the intellectual life of that epoch. It is argued that within "chemical philosophy" the possibility of restoration of the Adamic language directly depends on mastering the art of interpreting natural signs (signatura rerum), which can give a key to correct understanding of nature. And shifts in the conceptualization of such signatures involved transformations in formulating and solving of the Adamistic problems, which did not exclude reverse causation. It is also ascertained that the most orthodox followers of Paracelsus usually appealed to the Adamistic narrative in order to reinforce legitimacy of the symbolic hermeneutics of nature, developed with chiefly medico-pharmacological purposes. Meanwhile, relatively more independent Paracelsians often paid more attention to linguo-philosophic issues. Realizing the deficiency of the doctrine of signatures for reconstruction of the primordial language, they postulated the necessity of one (or two) of the following premises: (a) supplementing the doctrine with a mystical illumination; (b) acceptance of a weaker version, according to which natural signs are just sparse reference points slightly simplifying empirical study of nature; (c) abandonment of search for the Ursprache and constructing its artificial substitute, a universal semiotic system.
The Adamic Language, European Nationalism, and the Rise of the Renaissance Comparativism
The anal... more The Adamic Language, European Nationalism, and the Rise of the Renaissance Comparativism The analysis is focused on one of the directions of the Adamic project developed in the Renaissance culture and aimed to reconstruct the primordial, or Adamic, language (Ursprache). Adamic was the primordial language belonging to the forefathers (while at least they remained in the condition of the initial perfection). The project presented a complex of ideas and views together with hermeneutic strategies they determined and was based on a specific set of beliefs, presumptions, and attitudes. The set included a humanistic aspiration for “the origins” (ad fontes), deep reverence for “the ancient wisdom” (prisca sapientia) the first people had possessed and expressed in the Ursprache, which had helped it survive in history, and faith for biblical and heathen narratives. It also included Cratylism, according to which lexical meanings (in their pristine form) sprang from the very essence of things due to the predetermined harmony between the structures of language and of the reality. The mentioned elements of the Renaissance thought formed a sort of a system of coordinates; supporters of the analysed strategy worked within it. The system directed them to study the Ursprache via finding its rudiments in known historical tongues (provided that there is a language that has preserved the maximum of the primordial properties). The article argues that, despite the rich variety of forms the strategy was implemented in, means of justification of some tongue’s rights to be taken as the Adamic one or, more often, as its closest derivate were universal at large. They included recourse to a spectrum of mytho-historical narratives current in the Renaissance culture; using them, many Adamicists built new original constructs matching their ideological goals. Besides, the means supposed employment of a vast arsenal of tools of humanistic exegesis and etymology. Particular attention is paid to the Renaissance scholars’ etymological practice, which was to provide them with the properly linguistic evidence of the “Adamic” rights of the languages those humanists promoted. The etymological analysis was typically reduced to searches for elements of Adamic in words of later historical languages and to demonstrations of a non-conventional, organically motivated link conjoining original words with their referents in the world. In order to make this double task easier, some etymologists resorted to fragmentation of words into phonosemantic “atoms” considering monosyllabism to be an essential feature of the primordial language.
Following Adam’s road: the problem of restoring of the primordial language in Paracelsian philoso... more Following Adam’s road: the problem of restoring of the primordial language in Paracelsian philosophy The goal of the article is to explore the system of beliefs and presumptions underlying the linguo-philosophic and semiotic constructions developed by Paracelsus and his followers as well as their views on the essence and modes of finding of the primordial language. That system and those views are explored in the context of the “Adamistic” studies of the 15th – 17th cc. and of the Paracelsian doctrine as a whole. Special attention is paid to Paracelsus’ interpretation of the biblical stories about the world and the human creation, the original naming and the Fall, since this interpretation elucidates the meaning of the abovementioned constructions. It is argued that in the light of Paracelsianism, the acquisition, as well as the very poiesis of the Ursprache depends directly on one’s proficiency in the art of interpreting the signatures (Kunst signata) implanted by God in natural things. That art the theory of which was developed by Paracelsus on a basis of folk medicine practice played a major role in the “Adamistic” speculations of Paracelsians and marginalized the linguo-philosophic issues. They portrayed Adam as a paradigmatic hermeneutist of the natural world and used the biblical story about the naming of animals and birds (Gen. 2.19‒20) chiefly for legitimizing the doctrine of signatures, which was central to the medicine and natural philosophy of Paracelsus. The research is supplemented with an abridged translation of the treatise written by the German scholar Wolfgang Ambrosius Fabricius Ἀπόρημα βοτανικόν. De signaturis plantarum (1653). That text is devoted to a critical analysis of the Paracelsian doctrine of signatures from the position of a moderate Galenism, which dominated in the university medicine of that age.
Goropius Becanus, the Adamic language, and the Renaissance Mytholinguistics
The analyses is focus... more Goropius Becanus, the Adamic language, and the Renaissance Mytholinguistics The analyses is focused on a linguistic aspect of the cultural and historic theory of Goropius Becanus, an outstanding humanist of the sixteenth century. A main intention directing Becanus was to substantiate the primordial status and epistemological perfection of his native Dutch and thereby enhance the prestige of his national culture. The author explores the set of beliefs and presumptions underlying the scholar’s cultural-historic scheme as well as the modes and means of substantiating “adamicity” of Dutch determined by it. It is argued that the means exploited by Becanus were generally used in the republic of letters for extolling of one or another classical tradition and language: Hebrew, Old Egyptian, Latin etc. Those resources included a spectrum of mythohistoric narratives current in the Renaissance culture. The Dutch scholar assembled them in a new original construct matching his intention. They also included an arsenal of the tools of Humanistic exegesis and etymology enabling him, as he thought, to justify that construct in the eyes of the learned. In the first two sections of this paper the dependence of Becanus’ scheme from the basic mythogenic notions which the contemporary culture proposed maintaining certain mythohistoric narratives is explored. All of those notions were connected with a so called Adamic project. It presented a complex of ideas and hermeneutic strategies determined by them and aimed to reconstruct the primordial, or Adamic, language. Adamic was the primordial language belonging to the protoplasts (while at least they remained in a condition of the initial perfection). Not being (just) an artificial, conventionally imposed semiotic system, this language was thought to be directly correspondent to the intelligible structure of the world, for it was either inherently connected with the very essences of natural things or possessed epistemological excellence allowing to reflect these essences in a perfect manner. Also it is ascertained that Becanus assumed a highly negative attitude towards magical-occultist movement within the Adamic project. And it is cleared up that the ambivalent intellectual renown the scholar had was due to defiant originality of his theory with its central thesis that Dutch is a primordial language sensu stricto. In the third section Becanus’ etymological practice is analyzed. It was to provide him and his readers with properly linguistic proofs that his cultural and historic scheme was correct. Typically for the Renaissance mytholinguistics, the practice was reduced to a search for elements of the “Adamic” language in words of latter, historic, ones and to demonstration of a non-contingent, organically motivated link conjoining primordial words with their meaning and then with signified things themselves. In order to make easier this double task Becanus and some of his followers resorted to fragmentation of Dutch words into phonosemantic “atoms” assumed to be pristine.
Illusory Omens: a Catholic View on the Problem of Semiotics of Monsters in the Late Renaissance M... more Illusory Omens: a Catholic View on the Problem of Semiotics of Monsters in the Late Renaissance Medicine”, Joannes Riolanus, De monstro nato Lutetiae anno Domini 1605, disputatio philosophica, Trans. Into Russian.
Цель статьи – объяснить различие позиций католического и протестантского медицинских сообществ XVI – первой половины XVII в. в вопросе о том, могут ли монстры быть знамениями, в которых Бог открывает людям свою волю. Уточняется содержание идеи монстра как божественного знака, проливающее свет на то, чтó именно отрицали католические ученые и утверждали протестантские. Воссоздается аргументация, построенная католиками, чтобы опровергнуть эту идею. Как следует из их доводов, монструозность – это не знак, а симптом, имеющий физиологическую и социальную (Лицети) каузацию. В противном случае невозможно объяснить: а) коммуникативную бесцельность монстров, рождаемых в безлюдных и “безрелигиозных” регионах; б) крайнюю дисгармонию между субъектом и содержанием монструозного послания, с одной стороны, и его формой, с другой; в) кажущуюся аморальность Бога, использующего плоды самых тяжких грехов людей в качестве средства коммуникации с ними. Анализируется ряд мировоззренческих факторов: характер интеллектуальных парадигм, трансформации онтологии, своеобразие теологических воззрений, – которые обусловили несходство интерпретаций монструозности в этих научно-конфессиональных кругах. В частности, выясняется, что антисемиотическая позиция католических ученых была обусловлена эпистемическим приматом аристотелизма, стремлением сократить объем и культурное влияние сферы внеестественного в пользу природной и, отчасти, сверхъестественной областей бытия, а также усилением роли сотериологической миссии Церкви в ответ на подъем доктрины «частного провидения» в протестантской среде. Статью дополняет комментированный перевод: Риолан Ж. О монстре, рожденном в Париже в 1605 году: философское рассуждение. Глава VIII Предвещают ли монстры что-либо дурное?
The Faults in the World-Machine? The Problem of “Hybrid” Monsters in the Natural Philosophic Disc... more The Faults in the World-Machine? The Problem of “Hybrid” Monsters in the Natural Philosophic Discussions in the Age of Mechanicism
The aim of the paper is to explore the situation characterizing a Western Monster Studies during the century between the mid 17th and mid 18th cc. The Analysis is focused on the report of John Floyer, an English physician and writer, (1699) that contains a summary of views on essence of monstrosity and causes of monstrous births featuring the learned and popular circles of that time. Floyer’s convictions and line of reasoning are considered in the context of biological discov-eries in the later part of the 17th c., natural philosophic theories connected with them, and tenets of the Renaissance monstrology. It allows of exposing innovative as well as traditional aspects proper to Floyer’s set of ideas and the discussed situation on the whole. It is found out that the innovative moment comprised explanation of monstrosity in embryogenetic terms and incremental discrediting of a notion that sexual intercourse between humans and animals can bring about hybrid creatures. Meanwhile a belief in possibility of embryo’s physical transformation by force of mother’s imagination was the most evident aspect of continuity.
Цель статьи – рассмотреть ситуацию, отличавшую западноевропейское монстроведение в течение столетия между серединами XVII и XVIII вв. Анализ сфокусирован на сообщении английского врача и теолога Джона Флойера (1699 г.), в котором содержится сводка воззрений на сущность и причины появления врожденных уродств, принятых в ученых и народных кругах того времени. Исследуя мысль Флойера в контексте биологических открытий второй половины XVII в., причастных к ним научно-философских теорий, а также монстроведческих идей Ренессанса, автор раскрывает инновационные и традиционные черты, присущие этой мысли и названной ситуации в целом. Выясняется, что момент новации составляли установка на объяснение монструозности в терминах эмбриогенеза и постепенная дискредитация воззрения, согласно которому половые связи людей с животными могут быть причиной рождения гибридных существ. Наиболее зримой чертой преемственности являлась вера в возможность физической трансформации плода силой материнского воображения.
The aim of the research is to elucidate the key notions of the German
mystic thinker Jacob Boehme... more The aim of the research is to elucidate the key notions of the German mystic thinker Jacob Boehme’s linguistic-philosophical theory: language of Nature (Natursprache), Adamic language and sensual language in regard to each other and to post-Babel historical languages of humankind. This theory is considered in a dual context of the Late Renaissance “Adamicist” studies and of Boehme’s theosophical project as a whole. Since a considerable part of his work had a form of an extensive commentary on Genesis, Boehme’s interpretations of the biblical stories are devoted to linguistic topics. Explaining the stories concerning Babel (Gen. 11), the theosophist gives some considerations to the essence of historic transformation and loss of the primordial language. Based on the story of Adam’s naming of the animals (Gen. 2.19–20), Boehme formulates his views on the substance of Natural and Adamic languages. It is argued that, according to the theosophist, the rise of polyglottism, caused by Babel catastrophe, was a culmination of disorientation of humankind. Having started from the Fall, that process led to a fundamental distortion of ideas about being and the Deity. Due to this, people decided to look for Him in a reified form by technical means. A cognitive and linguistic aspect of that disorientation consisted in alienating of still single primordial language from Natursprache as its ontological foundation. Boehme thought that this alienation mainly caused rapid development of linguistic pluralism. Meanwhile, the language of Nature was a unique “guide,” which made possible for Adam to create his epistemically perfect language, and his descendants could keep its understanding for some time.
The cultural and communicatory mechanism and the forms of realization of performativity in the hi... more The cultural and communicatory mechanism and the forms of realization of performativity in the history of culture (PhD dissertation in Philosophy - Theory and History of Culture)
Dostoevsky and Darwinism: approaches to the problem (2021)
The analysis of Dostoevsky’s attitude ... more Dostoevsky and Darwinism: approaches to the problem (2021) The analysis of Dostoevsky’s attitude to Ch. Darwin’s theory of evolution shows that it interested the writer mainly in the aspect of the socio-ideological consequences, which had nihilistic pathos and, in his view, were for the most part a Russian phenomenon.
Миф в истории, политике, культуре: Сборник материалов IV Международной научной междисциплинарной... more Миф в истории, политике, культуре: Сборник материалов IV Международной научной междисциплинарной конференции. Севастополь, 2020.
Цель доклада, представленного на конференции "Анахарсис" в 2019 г.– внести вклад в прояснение кон... more Цель доклада, представленного на конференции "Анахарсис" в 2019 г.– внести вклад в прояснение концептуальных оснований, на которых может и, как доказывает автор, должен строиться анализ прагматики и, в частности, перформативности философских текстов.
Труды Таврической духовной семинарии. – Симферополь: Н.Орiанда, 2019. С. 100-106.
Происходящие трансформации социокультурных представлений, норм и практик в сфере семьи и брака (“... more Происходящие трансформации социокультурных представлений, норм и практик в сфере семьи и брака (“конец” естественного порядка) образуют вызов, который Церковь воспринимает как решающий для неё и христианской цивилизации в целом. Цель доклада – внести вклад в осмысление отношений между названными процессами в обмирщённых, “пост-христианских” обществах, христианским учением о браке и половой жизни, а также практической жизнью верующих. Current transformations of socio-cultural conceptions, norms and practices in a matrimonial sphere (the end of the natural order) make a challenge that the Church (in its traditionalistic confessions) takes up as crucial for itself and the Christian civilization in tote. The aim of the report is to contribute to understanding of the named processes in secularized, “post-Christian” societies, a Christian teaching on marriage and sexual life, and practical life of the believers.
The aim of the paper is to deepen and make more accurate the definition of neologism «post-truth» presented at the site of Oxford dictionaries through considering its meaning in a wide historic-cultural perspective. The author analyzes the processes of a theoretic-philosophical and practical levels which resulted in the rise of the «post-truth» in a modern culture and life.
Цель статьи – углубить и уточнить определение неологизма «пост-истинное», предложенное на сайте оксфордских словарей, посредством рассмотрения его значения в широкой историко-культурной перспективе. Анализируются процессы теоретико-философского и жизненно-практического уровней, следствием которых стал подъём «пост-истинного» в современной культуре и жизни.
Карабыков А.В. Бомж: Речь о зыбкости человека // Реальность. Человек. Культура: конфликтное
поле ... more Карабыков А.В. Бомж: Речь о зыбкости человека // Реальность. Человек. Культура: конфликтное поле современной культуры. V Ореховские чтения. Материалы Всероссийской научной конференции (Омск, 29 ноября 2013 года) Часть 1. Антропологический смысл конфликта в культуре. – Омск: Издательство ОмГПУ, 2013. – С. 24-28.
Изменяющаяся Россия: новые парадигмы и новые решения в лингвистике: Материалы I Международной нау... more Изменяющаяся Россия: новые парадигмы и новые решения в лингвистике: Материалы I Международной научной конференции (Кемерово, 29-31 августа 2006 г.): в 4 частях / Отв. ред. Е.А. Пименов, М.В. Пименова. - Кемерово: Юнити, 2006. - Часть 3. - 340 с. (Серия «Филологический сборник». Вып. 8).
Books by Anton Karabykov
A. V. Karabykov's monograph is devoted to the analysis of the idea of the Adamic language and the project of its recuperation, which was developed in the early modern European culture. The author explores the features of the Renaissance worldview that determined the nature of the project, and considers additional factors related to the interpretation of those passages of the Book of Genesis that are relevant to the topic. At the same time, the main subject of the study is the strategies for acquiring the primordial language and the variants of their interaction with each other. Based on a wide range of sources, including philosophical, esoteric, naturalphilosophic, historical-philological and linguistic treatises, the author retraces the dialectic of the Adamicist project, manifested in the rise, change and extinction of those strategies. The publication is addressed to philosophers, cultural scientists, historians, philologists, as well as all those interested in the intellectual history and spiritual culture of the West.
ке воззрений на сущность языка и способы его использова-
ния, свойственных культуре христианского Средневековья.
На основе изучения широкого круга источников, включа-
ющего в себя выдающиеся произведения агиографии и ры-
царской литературы, важнейшие богословско-философские,
морально-дидактические и исторические трактаты, автор
подвергает тщательному анализу как лингвистические воз-
зрения мыслителей, внесших решающий вклад в форми-
рование средневековой картины мира, так и сами социо-
культурные пласты и явления, способствовавшие развитию
средневекового сверхперформатизма.
Издание адресовано историкам-медиевистам, филоло-
гам, культурологам, а также всем интересующимся духовной
культурой Средних веков.
разом определён круг тех, кому адресована эта книга.
Papers by Anton Karabykov
the general direction of Jünger’s ethics, the concept of inner emigration turned by the thinker into a consciously Epicurean way of life is discussed. The main attention is paid to the innovations that Jünger brought to this scheme. Their predominantly Christian character is substantiated. Instead of conceptual analysis and along with autogenic training (both are the core of the Epicurean “healing of the soul”), the thinker practiced Christian asceticism in relation to desires and belief in immortality against the fear of possible destruction. The conflict between Epicurean (“Live unnoticed”) and predominantly Christian (“Live with dignity”) moral attitudes that is manifest in Jünger’s life and thoughts at that dramatic time is also considered. It is shown that he resolved this conflict in favor of the second attitude — even if not always in practice, but invariably at the level of beliefs.
the “Guilt” of Christianity. Part II: The Unavoidability of Anthropocentrism’, Voprosy Filosofii, Vol. 6 (2024) The critical analysis of the thesis about the guilt of Christianity for the oppression of animals in the West developed by Peter Singer and a number of other ideologists of the animal liberation continues. The concept of speciesism – the fundamental one in this thesis – is decomposed into two components: anthropocentrism
and human chauvinism. The changeable and ambiguous nature of the interrelation of these components in European history is traced. It is argued that during this history two basic forms of anthropocentrism have changed: “naïve” and “refined”. At the same time, the second, characteristic of the creators of the scientific revolution of the XVI–XVII centuries, generally did not favor a chauvinistic attitude towards animals. A paradox is revealed that undermines the thesis of the liberationists.
Its essence is that the oppression of animals in the West has increased
dramatically in the modern era when for it, as Singer also admits, there were least of all religious or other ideological grounds that could go back to Christianity. Postulating the unavoidability of anthropocentrism from any system of ethics the author proves this by the example of the constructions of the liberationists. It also turns out that they themselves use a speciesist approach when it suits their interests. Finally, it is concluded that the way in which liberationists hope to alleviate
the fate of animals cannot be effective, since it is based largely on incorrect assumptions.Продолжается критический анализ тезиса о вине христианства за угнетение животных на Западе, который развивает Питер Сингер и ряд других идеологов «освобождения» животных. Понятие видизма – основообразующее в этом тезисе – разлагается на две составляющие: антропоцентризм и чело-
веческий шовинизм. Прослеживается изменчиво-неоднозначный характер взаимосвязи этих компонентов в европейской истории. Доказывается, что в ее течение сменились две базовые формы антропоцентризма: «наивная» и «утонченная». При этом вторая, свойственная творцам научной революции XVI–XVII вв., в целом не благоприятствовала шовинистическому отношению к животным. Обнаруживается парадокс, подрывающий тезис либерационистов. Его суть в том, что угнетение животных на Западе кардинально
возросло в новейшую эпоху, когда для этого, что признает и Сингер, меньше всего имелось религиозных или других идейных оснований, которые могли бы восходить к христианству. Постулируя неустранимость антропоцентризма из любой системы этики, автор доказывает это на примере построений либерационистов. Также выясняется, что они сами применяют видистский подход, когда это отвечает их интересам. В завершение делается вывод, что путь, на котором либерационисты надеются облегчить участь
животных, не может быть действенным, так как строится во многом на неверных предпосылках.
Part I: Is Speciesism So Bad? Abstract: The purpose of the article is to offer a critical analysis of the thesis about the responsibility
of Christianity for the oppression of animals in the West developed
by the ideologists of their liberation: Peter Singer and his associates. Since the historical connection of this religion with the ideas about the moral status of animals and the practices of their use is confusing, changeable and multifaceted, the analysis is limited to the study of the concept of speciesism, fundamental in this thesis. Singer and other liberationists interpret speciesism as a form of unjustified discrimination based on species and liken it to racism and sexism. Revealing the falsity of this analogy, the author proves that such discrimination can be both justified (and then speciesism is not reprehensible) and unjustified
(and then, for the sake of terminological clarity, it is better to use another, purely negative, concept of human chauvinism). It is also concluded that justified speciesism has not been determined directly and primarily by the religion. The Christian idea of the sanctity of human life itself was derived from the belief in the uniqueness of man, which nourishes speciesism and rests on self-evident grounds that do not depend on the religion. Serving as an innate perspective inherent in all conscious beings, in which they perceive the world around them, speciesism does not necessarily lead to the oppression of animals. The suffering we inflict on them mostly has other, more obvious, causes.
In the beginning, the author considers the widespread view of the historical primacy of morality and shows
that this primacy is not as obvious as it seems to naturalists. Then an attempt is made to correct the view
of the relationship of those cultural institutions in history and to outline the conditio sine qua non of their
genesis concerning the unique human ability to symbolic creativity. The article analyzes the strategy, which
is frequent in evolutionary-naturalistic discourse and aimed at separating religion and morality. Besides, the
ideological background of the naturalists’ views is revealed. Unable to give an adequate justification of the
ought within the framework of consistent naturalism, always fraught with ethical nihilism, they develop the
idea that morality is so deeply embedded in our nature that we do not particularly need conscious motives to be
good. Accordingly, they declare religion to be a superficial and historically accidental phenomenon belonging
only to the cultural-semiotic sphere and having no deep roots beyond it. Despite the authoritativeness of its
demands, religion, they say, does not reach the depths of human consciousness, and the motivation it generates
is ineffective in comparison with the dispositions set by natural selection. АННОТАЦИЯ. Цель статьи – изучить проблему взаимоотношений религии и морали в контексте атеистической пропаганды, фундированной научным натурализмом и, в особенности, неодарвинизмом. В начале рассматривается широко
распространённое воззрение об историческом примате морали и показывается, что это первенство вовсе не столь очевидно, как кажется натуралистам. Затем предпринимается попытка скорректировать взгляд на взаимоотношения этих
культурных институтов в истории и очертить непременное условие их генезиса, касающееся уникальной человеческой способности к символическому творчеству. Далее анализируется стратегия, обычная для эволюционно-натуралистического дискурса, направленная на разудаление религии и морали, и вскрывается идеологическая подоплёка соответствующих усилий. Неспособные дать адекватное обоснование должного в рамках последовательного натурализма, всегда чреватого этическим нигилизмом, адепты этого подхода развивают мысль о том, что мораль столь глубоко заложена в нашу природу, что нам особо не нужны сознательные мотивы, чтобы «быть хорошими». Соответственно, религию они объявляют поверхностным и исторически случайным феноменом, принадлежащим лишь культурно-семиотической сфере и не имеющим глубоких корней за её пределами. Несмотря на властность своих требований, религия, говорят они, не достигает глубин сознания, и рождаемая ей мотивация малодейственна в сравнении с диспозициями, заданными естественным отбором.
Annotation. To answer the question posed in the title, its core concepts are first clarified and three aspects distinguished. One is a biological theory itself (E-1), second is evolutionism claiming the status of a general scientific or even general cultural paradigm (E-2), and third is the so-called Orthodox (or Christian) evolutionism, which claims to be a variant of the previous. Next, the article considers the content of the main apologetic strategy of the Orthodox evolutionists in the face of their confessional opponents. Then it offers an analysis of the dogmatic objections raised in the church circles against such points of theistic evolutionism as the "animal" origin of man, the Fall, and the appearance of death in the natural world. In conclusion, it explores a deeper level of motivation of Orthodox anti-evolutionists and their absolutization of patristic exegesis. Before all, it is a pessimistic view of history associated with increasing degradation and opposed to a mythical "Golden Age". This view is directly opposite to progressive intuitions and conclusions of evolutionism.
of religion, Richard Dawkins develops the argument from a universal
moral ability that has evolutionary genesis and is therefore inherent in people, regardless of their religious beliefs. In his book The God Delusion (2006), he uses the results of a thought experiment conducted by M. Hauser and P. Singer, who were the first to put forward this argument, claiming that their test did not reveal noticeable differences in the moral modus cogitandi of believers and atheists. The aim of the article is to give a critical analysis of that argument as based on a false presumption. It is reduced to opposition: either morality has arisen in the course of natural evolution, and then religion has nothing to do with it – or morality has been the supernatural gift of God, and then evolution has nothing
to do with it. The author proves that the results of the experiment do not give grounds for the ideological conclusions that those advocates of atheism build on them. Стремясь обосновать принципиальную арелигиозность морали и аморальность религии, Ричард Докинз развивает довод от универсальной нравственной способности, имеющей эволюционный генезис и потому присущей людям, независимо от их религиозных убеждений. В книге «Бог как
иллюзия» (2006 г.) он использует итоги мысленного эксперимента, проведенного М. Хаузером и П. Сингером, которые первыми выдвинули этот довод, показав, что их опыт не выявил заметных различий в образе морального мышления у верующих и атеистов. Цель статьи – дать критический анализ этого аргумента, как основанного на ложной презумпции. Она сводится к противопоставлению: или нравственность возникла в ходе естественной эволюции, и тогда религия не имеет к ней существенного отношения, или нравственность есть сверхъестественный дар Бога, и тогда к ней
не имеет отношения эволюция. Автор доказывает, что результаты проведенного опыта не дают основания для тех идеологических выводов, которые строят на них эти поборники атеизма.
Richard Dawkins is more than a biologist and science communicator. He is a guiding light, whose books are designed to spread the scientific naturalistic worldview as the only and absolutely true one. It is especially evident in his later militant-atheistic works, little related to science as such which have a philosophical and ideological pathos. The purpose of the article is to give a critical analysis of the moral argument that Dawkins develops in those works, substantiating the fundamental areligiosity of morality and the amorality of religion. One of the lines of argument concerning the evolution of morality and, in particular, the origin of altruism is considered in detail. In order to understand better the contradictions found in it, the dynamics of the British intellectual’s views on these problems is traced in the context of sociobiological ideas and theories of the past half century. It is proved that in the sphere of evolutionary studies there is a more consistent and promising approach to the exploration of relationship between morality and religion than that proposed by Dawkins.
Ричард Докинз – более чем биолог и популяризатор науки. Он властитель дум, чьи книги призваны распространять научно-натуралистическое мировоззрение как единственно и абсолютно истинное. Это особенно видно в его поздних, воинственно-атеистических, произведениях, мало причастных к науке как таковой и имеющих философско-идеологический пафос. Цель статьи – дать критический анализ аргумента от морали, который Докинз развивает в этих работах, обосновывая принципиальную арелигиозность морали и аморальность религии. Подробно рассматривается одна из линий аргументации, касающаяся эволюции морали и, в частности, происхождения альтруизма. Чтобы глубже понять обнаруженные в ней противоречия, прослеживается динамика воззрений британского интеллектуала на эти проблемы в контексте социобиологических идей и теорий истекшего полувека. Доказывается, что в сфере эволюционных исследований есть более состоятельный и перспективный подход к изучению отношений между моралью и религией, чем тот, который предлагается Докинзом.
Цель статьи – дать очерк тех многосторонних изменений, которым подвергся речевой жанр анафемы в русской культуре XIХ–XXI вв., и пролить свет на их причины. Так как анафема принадлежит к сакральным перформативам, прагматическая успешность которых прямо зависит от набора метафизических воззрений, свойственных Средневековью, – то на примере данного жанра в общих чертах прослеживается судьба всей этой подсистемы в условиях глобальных духовных сдвигов Модерна и Постмодерна. Доказывается, что, хотя анафема не вышла из употребления в Русской церкви, она претерпела жанровую консервацию в одном направлении и гибридизацию в другом, а также серьёзное теологическое переосмысление. Этот последний процесс начался после отлучения от Церкви Л. Н. Толстого (1901) – события, имевшего необычайный резонанс в начале ХХ в. В связи с ним анализируется «Определение Святейшего Синода» – ключевой перформатив, которым было создано это событие и который стал новой вехой в жанровой истории русско-православной анафемы. Показывается, что этот, как и последующие документы данного типа, в своей жанровой специфике определялись мировоззренческим фоном эпохи, памятью жанра и рядом второстепенных факторов.
The article aims to examine the scientific philosophical and ideological foundation of eugenics which had the status of applied science and a form of social movement in West-ern Europe and the United States in the late 19th – first half of the 20th centuries. I prove that evolutionism was the key scientific philosophical element of the foundation, primarily in its Darwinian version, interpreted in the context of metaphysical naturalism. Accordingly, the main ideological element was racism in its biological and social forms. Darwinism led to racism through the related ideas and views which also underpinned eugenics. I speak primar-ily about the radical biologization of a human being and the culture he or she created that flowed from Darwinism and strengthened it in turn. Although neither this nor any other ver-sion of evolutionary theory required such reductionism, they were closely interconnected. Other views of this kind included: (a) the insecurity of progress, which meant the possibility of a rollback towards the animal past; (b) the idea of an “anthropological stairs” which con-nected the lowest (anthropoid ape) and the highest (white educated inhabitant of Western civilization) points and was used to establish the measure of evolutionary development of a race, nation, class and individual; (c) the “scarce mentality” theorized by Thomas Malthus and well-responded by the spirit of developing capitalism, colonial expansion, and Protestant ethics; it painted the world as a field of incessant struggle for limited resources. The outlined complex of mythogenic views was part of the impending degeneration myth. I argue that the threat of far-fetched degeneration was the main engine of the eugenic movement. According to that myth, any highly civilized nation was to perish or degrade in a not too distant future if its biological life was allowed to take its course in the absence of large-scale measures toimprove it. In conclusion, the “image” of eugenics as well as modes and forms of its pres-ence in modern life and culture are discussed.
Рассматриваются научно-философские и идеологические основания евгеники, имевшей статус прикладной науки и форму общественного движения в странах Западной Европы и США в конце XIX-первой половине XX в. Доказывается, что ключевым научно-философским элементом этого фундамента являлся эволюционизм, прежде всего, в его дарвинистской версии, осмысленный в контексте метафизического натурализма, и, соответственно, главным идеологическим элементом был расизм в его биологической и социальной формах.
The Russian studies of John Amos Comenius’ works rarely go beyond the limits of history of pedagogy. Meanwhile, the Czech thinker’s legacy is wide and multifaceted. The aim of the article is to explore a linguo-philosophic aspect of his teaching subjected to goals of global reform of the world in a context of Comenius’ eschatological views. It is shown that the aspect was developed in a form of the “universal culture of language”. Main directions of that culture and their organization according to which relatively simple and feasible projects devoted to cultivation of national as well as classic languages were subordinated to the most difficult and problematic one, namely creation of a universal, purely rational and
artificial language, are considered. The system of beliefs and presumptions underlying that ultimate scheme is analyzed: firstly, its core including epistemic and theological convictions shared by Comenius with other designers and supporters of universal language schemes, and, secondly, its periphery which comprised religious and metaphysic views distinguishing the Czech reformer’s modus cogitandi.
The research is supplemented with a translation of the chapter
XIX ‘The foundation of the Universal language’ of Comenius’ important treatise ‘The Way of Light’ (Via Lucis) (publ. 1668).
The life and work of John Dee (1527–1608/9), an English mathematician, erudite and occultist, remains an enigma that gives rise to intensive controversies, puzzles scholars, and nourishes imagination of mass culture makers. The aim of the article is to consider a magical practice of the late Dee and a unique narrative recorded in his diaries, in a context of the intellectual situation of that epoch. The analysis is concentrated on a role of those practice and narrative in dialectics
of the search for the perfect language which took place in the West in 15th–17th cc. A technical facet of crystallomancy and its standing in the Renaissance culture as well as conditions and motives urging Dee to invest his years in practicing the magic of that kind. A special attention is paid to the course and results of revealing of the primordial tongue by the ‘angels’ and to the Adamic myth that accompanied the linguistic material and informed of substance, functions, and historical fate of Ursprache. It is argued that despite its reprehensibility crystallomancy
took a relatively high cultural status and a wide spreading. Dee became
its convinced adept due to a deep inner crisis caused by eschatological anxiety, collapse of traditional epistemology, and discontent with his previous intellectual initiatives. As spirits claimed, the language that they were imparting to him connected the protoplasts with God and angels in Eden and served Adam as a perfect instrument of knowledge and magic. Explaining his lasting failure of comprehending of the revealed language the spirits persuaded Dee that it was not time yet for activation of its potencies but that it was very near though known only to God. That time had never come in the magician’s life. Nonetheless, gladness of (seeming) communication with the ‘angels’ compensated for bitterness of futile expectations.
Жизнь и творчество Джона Ди (1527-1608/9), английского математика, эрудита и эзотерика, вызывает множество споров, ставит в тупик исследователей, питает воображение творцов поп-культуры. Цель статьи - изучить магическую практику «позднего» Ди и уникальный нарратив, зафиксированный в его дневниках, в контексте духовной ситуации той эпохи. Анализ сосредоточен на роли этой практики и нарратива в диалектике поиска совершенного языка, который происходил на Западе в XV-XVII вв. Рассматривается оперативно-техническая сторона кристалломантии и ее положение в ренессансной культу-ре, затем условия и мотивы, подвигшие Ди отдать годы жизни этому виду магии. Особое внимание уделено итогам и ходу открытия «ангелами» первозданного языка, включая адамический миф, который сопровождал лингвистический материал и сообщал о функциях, сущности и исторической участи Ursprache. Доказывается, что, несмотря на предосудительность, кристалломантия имела относительно высокий культурный статус и широкое распространение. Убежденным ее адептом Ди стал вследствие глубокого кризиса, вызванного эсхатологической тревогой, упадком традиционной эпистемологии и разочарованием в его прежних интеллектуальных начинаниях. По уверению духов, язык, который они ему сообщали, соединял в Раю праотцев, Бога и ангелов, а также служил Адаму совершенным инструментом познания и магии. Безуспешность его постижения, тяготившую Ди, «ангелы» объясняли тем, что время активации его свойств, которое очень близко, но известно в точности только Богу, еще не пришло. Хотя в жизни английского мага оно так и не наступило, радость (кажущегося) общения с духами искупала горечь тщетного ожидания. Ключевые слова: ренессансный оккультизм, магия, дивинация, кристалло-мантия, эмпиризм, Реформация, история западного эзотеризма, история европейской науки.
The analysis is focused on one of the directions of the Adamic project developed in the
Renaissance culture and aimed to reconstruct the primordial, or Adamic, language
(Ursprache). Adamic was the primordial language belonging to the forefathers (while at least
they remained in the condition of the initial perfection). The project presented a complex of
ideas and views together with hermeneutic strategies they determined and was based on a
specific set of beliefs, presumptions, and attitudes. The set included a humanistic aspiration
for “the origins” (ad fontes), deep reverence for “the ancient wisdom” (prisca sapientia) the
first people had possessed and expressed in the Ursprache, which had helped it survive in
history, and faith for biblical and heathen narratives. It also included Cratylism, according to
which lexical meanings (in their pristine form) sprang from the very essence of things due to
the predetermined harmony between the structures of language and of the reality. The
mentioned elements of the Renaissance thought formed a sort of a system of coordinates;
supporters of the analysed strategy worked within it. The system directed them to study the
Ursprache via finding its rudiments in known historical tongues (provided that there is a
language that has preserved the maximum of the primordial properties). The article argues
that, despite the rich variety of forms the strategy was implemented in, means of justification
of some tongue’s rights to be taken as the Adamic one or, more often, as its closest derivate
were universal at large. They included recourse to a spectrum of mytho-historical narratives
current in the Renaissance culture; using them, many Adamicists built new original constructs
matching their ideological goals. Besides, the means supposed employment of a vast arsenal
of tools of humanistic exegesis and etymology. Particular attention is paid to the Renaissance
scholars’ etymological practice, which was to provide them with the properly linguistic
evidence of the “Adamic” rights of the languages those humanists promoted. The
etymological analysis was typically reduced to searches for elements of Adamic in words of
later historical languages and to demonstrations of a non-conventional, organically motivated
link conjoining original words with their referents in the world. In order to make this double
task easier, some etymologists resorted to fragmentation of words into phonosemantic
“atoms” considering monosyllabism to be an essential feature of the primordial language.
The goal of the article is to explore the system of beliefs and presumptions underlying the linguo-philosophic and semiotic constructions developed by Paracelsus and his followers as well as their views on the essence and modes of finding of the primordial language.
That system and those views are explored in the context of the “Adamistic” studies of the 15th – 17th cc. and of the Paracelsian doctrine as a whole. Special attention is paid to Paracelsus’ interpretation of the biblical stories about the world and the human creation, the original naming and the Fall, since this interpretation elucidates the meaning of the abovementioned constructions. It is argued that in the light of Paracelsianism, the acquisition,
as well as the very poiesis of the Ursprache depends directly on one’s proficiency in the art of interpreting the signatures (Kunst signata) implanted by God in natural things. That art the theory of which was developed by Paracelsus on a basis of folk medicine practice played a major role in the “Adamistic” speculations of Paracelsians and
marginalized the linguo-philosophic issues. They portrayed Adam as a paradigmatic hermeneutist of the natural world and used the biblical story about the naming of animals and birds (Gen. 2.19‒20) chiefly for legitimizing the doctrine of signatures, which was central to the medicine and natural philosophy of Paracelsus. The research is supplemented with an abridged translation of the treatise written by the
German scholar Wolfgang Ambrosius Fabricius Ἀπόρημα βοτανικόν. De signaturis plantarum (1653). That text is devoted to a critical analysis of the Paracelsian doctrine of signatures from the position of a moderate Galenism, which dominated in the university medicine of that age.
The analyses is focused on a linguistic aspect of the cultural and historic theory of Goropius Becanus, an outstanding humanist of the sixteenth century. A main intention directing Becanus was to substantiate the primordial status and epistemological perfection of his native Dutch and thereby enhance the prestige of his national culture. The author explores the set of beliefs and presumptions underlying the scholar’s cultural-historic scheme as well as the modes and means of substantiating “adamicity” of Dutch determined by it.
It is argued that the means exploited by Becanus were generally used in the republic of letters for extolling of one or another classical tradition and language: Hebrew, Old Egyptian, Latin etc. Those resources included a spectrum of mythohistoric narratives current in the Renaissance culture. The Dutch scholar assembled them in a new original construct matching his intention. They also included an arsenal of the tools of Humanistic exegesis and etymology enabling him, as he thought, to justify that construct in the eyes of the learned.
In the first two sections of this paper the dependence of Becanus’ scheme from the basic mythogenic notions which the contemporary culture proposed maintaining certain mythohistoric narratives is explored. All of those notions were connected with a so called Adamic project. It presented a complex of ideas and hermeneutic strategies determined by them and aimed to reconstruct the primordial, or Adamic, language. Adamic was the primordial language belonging to the protoplasts (while at least they remained in a condition of the initial perfection). Not being (just) an artificial, conventionally imposed semiotic system, this language was thought to be directly correspondent to the intelligible structure of the world, for it was either inherently connected with the very essences of natural things or possessed epistemological excellence allowing to reflect these essences in a perfect manner.
Also it is ascertained that Becanus assumed a highly negative attitude towards magical-occultist movement within the Adamic project. And it is cleared up that the ambivalent intellectual renown the scholar had was due to defiant originality of his theory with its central thesis that Dutch is a primordial language sensu stricto.
In the third section Becanus’ etymological practice is analyzed. It was to provide him and his readers with properly linguistic proofs that his cultural and historic scheme was correct. Typically for the Renaissance mytholinguistics, the practice was reduced to a search for elements of the “Adamic” language in words of latter, historic, ones and to demonstration of a non-contingent, organically motivated link conjoining primordial words with their meaning and then with signified things themselves. In order to make easier this double task Becanus and some of his followers resorted to fragmentation of Dutch words into phonosemantic “atoms” assumed to be pristine.
A. V. Karabykov's monograph is devoted to the analysis of the idea of the Adamic language and the project of its recuperation, which was developed in the early modern European culture. The author explores the features of the Renaissance worldview that determined the nature of the project, and considers additional factors related to the interpretation of those passages of the Book of Genesis that are relevant to the topic. At the same time, the main subject of the study is the strategies for acquiring the primordial language and the variants of their interaction with each other. Based on a wide range of sources, including philosophical, esoteric, naturalphilosophic, historical-philological and linguistic treatises, the author retraces the dialectic of the Adamicist project, manifested in the rise, change and extinction of those strategies. The publication is addressed to philosophers, cultural scientists, historians, philologists, as well as all those interested in the intellectual history and spiritual culture of the West.
ке воззрений на сущность языка и способы его использова-
ния, свойственных культуре христианского Средневековья.
На основе изучения широкого круга источников, включа-
ющего в себя выдающиеся произведения агиографии и ры-
царской литературы, важнейшие богословско-философские,
морально-дидактические и исторические трактаты, автор
подвергает тщательному анализу как лингвистические воз-
зрения мыслителей, внесших решающий вклад в форми-
рование средневековой картины мира, так и сами социо-
культурные пласты и явления, способствовавшие развитию
средневекового сверхперформатизма.
Издание адресовано историкам-медиевистам, филоло-
гам, культурологам, а также всем интересующимся духовной
культурой Средних веков.
разом определён круг тех, кому адресована эта книга.
the general direction of Jünger’s ethics, the concept of inner emigration turned by the thinker into a consciously Epicurean way of life is discussed. The main attention is paid to the innovations that Jünger brought to this scheme. Their predominantly Christian character is substantiated. Instead of conceptual analysis and along with autogenic training (both are the core of the Epicurean “healing of the soul”), the thinker practiced Christian asceticism in relation to desires and belief in immortality against the fear of possible destruction. The conflict between Epicurean (“Live unnoticed”) and predominantly Christian (“Live with dignity”) moral attitudes that is manifest in Jünger’s life and thoughts at that dramatic time is also considered. It is shown that he resolved this conflict in favor of the second attitude — even if not always in practice, but invariably at the level of beliefs.
the “Guilt” of Christianity. Part II: The Unavoidability of Anthropocentrism’, Voprosy Filosofii, Vol. 6 (2024) The critical analysis of the thesis about the guilt of Christianity for the oppression of animals in the West developed by Peter Singer and a number of other ideologists of the animal liberation continues. The concept of speciesism – the fundamental one in this thesis – is decomposed into two components: anthropocentrism
and human chauvinism. The changeable and ambiguous nature of the interrelation of these components in European history is traced. It is argued that during this history two basic forms of anthropocentrism have changed: “naïve” and “refined”. At the same time, the second, characteristic of the creators of the scientific revolution of the XVI–XVII centuries, generally did not favor a chauvinistic attitude towards animals. A paradox is revealed that undermines the thesis of the liberationists.
Its essence is that the oppression of animals in the West has increased
dramatically in the modern era when for it, as Singer also admits, there were least of all religious or other ideological grounds that could go back to Christianity. Postulating the unavoidability of anthropocentrism from any system of ethics the author proves this by the example of the constructions of the liberationists. It also turns out that they themselves use a speciesist approach when it suits their interests. Finally, it is concluded that the way in which liberationists hope to alleviate
the fate of animals cannot be effective, since it is based largely on incorrect assumptions.Продолжается критический анализ тезиса о вине христианства за угнетение животных на Западе, который развивает Питер Сингер и ряд других идеологов «освобождения» животных. Понятие видизма – основообразующее в этом тезисе – разлагается на две составляющие: антропоцентризм и чело-
веческий шовинизм. Прослеживается изменчиво-неоднозначный характер взаимосвязи этих компонентов в европейской истории. Доказывается, что в ее течение сменились две базовые формы антропоцентризма: «наивная» и «утонченная». При этом вторая, свойственная творцам научной революции XVI–XVII вв., в целом не благоприятствовала шовинистическому отношению к животным. Обнаруживается парадокс, подрывающий тезис либерационистов. Его суть в том, что угнетение животных на Западе кардинально
возросло в новейшую эпоху, когда для этого, что признает и Сингер, меньше всего имелось религиозных или других идейных оснований, которые могли бы восходить к христианству. Постулируя неустранимость антропоцентризма из любой системы этики, автор доказывает это на примере построений либерационистов. Также выясняется, что они сами применяют видистский подход, когда это отвечает их интересам. В завершение делается вывод, что путь, на котором либерационисты надеются облегчить участь
животных, не может быть действенным, так как строится во многом на неверных предпосылках.
Part I: Is Speciesism So Bad? Abstract: The purpose of the article is to offer a critical analysis of the thesis about the responsibility
of Christianity for the oppression of animals in the West developed
by the ideologists of their liberation: Peter Singer and his associates. Since the historical connection of this religion with the ideas about the moral status of animals and the practices of their use is confusing, changeable and multifaceted, the analysis is limited to the study of the concept of speciesism, fundamental in this thesis. Singer and other liberationists interpret speciesism as a form of unjustified discrimination based on species and liken it to racism and sexism. Revealing the falsity of this analogy, the author proves that such discrimination can be both justified (and then speciesism is not reprehensible) and unjustified
(and then, for the sake of terminological clarity, it is better to use another, purely negative, concept of human chauvinism). It is also concluded that justified speciesism has not been determined directly and primarily by the religion. The Christian idea of the sanctity of human life itself was derived from the belief in the uniqueness of man, which nourishes speciesism and rests on self-evident grounds that do not depend on the religion. Serving as an innate perspective inherent in all conscious beings, in which they perceive the world around them, speciesism does not necessarily lead to the oppression of animals. The suffering we inflict on them mostly has other, more obvious, causes.
In the beginning, the author considers the widespread view of the historical primacy of morality and shows
that this primacy is not as obvious as it seems to naturalists. Then an attempt is made to correct the view
of the relationship of those cultural institutions in history and to outline the conditio sine qua non of their
genesis concerning the unique human ability to symbolic creativity. The article analyzes the strategy, which
is frequent in evolutionary-naturalistic discourse and aimed at separating religion and morality. Besides, the
ideological background of the naturalists’ views is revealed. Unable to give an adequate justification of the
ought within the framework of consistent naturalism, always fraught with ethical nihilism, they develop the
idea that morality is so deeply embedded in our nature that we do not particularly need conscious motives to be
good. Accordingly, they declare religion to be a superficial and historically accidental phenomenon belonging
only to the cultural-semiotic sphere and having no deep roots beyond it. Despite the authoritativeness of its
demands, religion, they say, does not reach the depths of human consciousness, and the motivation it generates
is ineffective in comparison with the dispositions set by natural selection. АННОТАЦИЯ. Цель статьи – изучить проблему взаимоотношений религии и морали в контексте атеистической пропаганды, фундированной научным натурализмом и, в особенности, неодарвинизмом. В начале рассматривается широко
распространённое воззрение об историческом примате морали и показывается, что это первенство вовсе не столь очевидно, как кажется натуралистам. Затем предпринимается попытка скорректировать взгляд на взаимоотношения этих
культурных институтов в истории и очертить непременное условие их генезиса, касающееся уникальной человеческой способности к символическому творчеству. Далее анализируется стратегия, обычная для эволюционно-натуралистического дискурса, направленная на разудаление религии и морали, и вскрывается идеологическая подоплёка соответствующих усилий. Неспособные дать адекватное обоснование должного в рамках последовательного натурализма, всегда чреватого этическим нигилизмом, адепты этого подхода развивают мысль о том, что мораль столь глубоко заложена в нашу природу, что нам особо не нужны сознательные мотивы, чтобы «быть хорошими». Соответственно, религию они объявляют поверхностным и исторически случайным феноменом, принадлежащим лишь культурно-семиотической сфере и не имеющим глубоких корней за её пределами. Несмотря на властность своих требований, религия, говорят они, не достигает глубин сознания, и рождаемая ей мотивация малодейственна в сравнении с диспозициями, заданными естественным отбором.
Annotation. To answer the question posed in the title, its core concepts are first clarified and three aspects distinguished. One is a biological theory itself (E-1), second is evolutionism claiming the status of a general scientific or even general cultural paradigm (E-2), and third is the so-called Orthodox (or Christian) evolutionism, which claims to be a variant of the previous. Next, the article considers the content of the main apologetic strategy of the Orthodox evolutionists in the face of their confessional opponents. Then it offers an analysis of the dogmatic objections raised in the church circles against such points of theistic evolutionism as the "animal" origin of man, the Fall, and the appearance of death in the natural world. In conclusion, it explores a deeper level of motivation of Orthodox anti-evolutionists and their absolutization of patristic exegesis. Before all, it is a pessimistic view of history associated with increasing degradation and opposed to a mythical "Golden Age". This view is directly opposite to progressive intuitions and conclusions of evolutionism.
of religion, Richard Dawkins develops the argument from a universal
moral ability that has evolutionary genesis and is therefore inherent in people, regardless of their religious beliefs. In his book The God Delusion (2006), he uses the results of a thought experiment conducted by M. Hauser and P. Singer, who were the first to put forward this argument, claiming that their test did not reveal noticeable differences in the moral modus cogitandi of believers and atheists. The aim of the article is to give a critical analysis of that argument as based on a false presumption. It is reduced to opposition: either morality has arisen in the course of natural evolution, and then religion has nothing to do with it – or morality has been the supernatural gift of God, and then evolution has nothing
to do with it. The author proves that the results of the experiment do not give grounds for the ideological conclusions that those advocates of atheism build on them. Стремясь обосновать принципиальную арелигиозность морали и аморальность религии, Ричард Докинз развивает довод от универсальной нравственной способности, имеющей эволюционный генезис и потому присущей людям, независимо от их религиозных убеждений. В книге «Бог как
иллюзия» (2006 г.) он использует итоги мысленного эксперимента, проведенного М. Хаузером и П. Сингером, которые первыми выдвинули этот довод, показав, что их опыт не выявил заметных различий в образе морального мышления у верующих и атеистов. Цель статьи – дать критический анализ этого аргумента, как основанного на ложной презумпции. Она сводится к противопоставлению: или нравственность возникла в ходе естественной эволюции, и тогда религия не имеет к ней существенного отношения, или нравственность есть сверхъестественный дар Бога, и тогда к ней
не имеет отношения эволюция. Автор доказывает, что результаты проведенного опыта не дают основания для тех идеологических выводов, которые строят на них эти поборники атеизма.
Richard Dawkins is more than a biologist and science communicator. He is a guiding light, whose books are designed to spread the scientific naturalistic worldview as the only and absolutely true one. It is especially evident in his later militant-atheistic works, little related to science as such which have a philosophical and ideological pathos. The purpose of the article is to give a critical analysis of the moral argument that Dawkins develops in those works, substantiating the fundamental areligiosity of morality and the amorality of religion. One of the lines of argument concerning the evolution of morality and, in particular, the origin of altruism is considered in detail. In order to understand better the contradictions found in it, the dynamics of the British intellectual’s views on these problems is traced in the context of sociobiological ideas and theories of the past half century. It is proved that in the sphere of evolutionary studies there is a more consistent and promising approach to the exploration of relationship between morality and religion than that proposed by Dawkins.
Ричард Докинз – более чем биолог и популяризатор науки. Он властитель дум, чьи книги призваны распространять научно-натуралистическое мировоззрение как единственно и абсолютно истинное. Это особенно видно в его поздних, воинственно-атеистических, произведениях, мало причастных к науке как таковой и имеющих философско-идеологический пафос. Цель статьи – дать критический анализ аргумента от морали, который Докинз развивает в этих работах, обосновывая принципиальную арелигиозность морали и аморальность религии. Подробно рассматривается одна из линий аргументации, касающаяся эволюции морали и, в частности, происхождения альтруизма. Чтобы глубже понять обнаруженные в ней противоречия, прослеживается динамика воззрений британского интеллектуала на эти проблемы в контексте социобиологических идей и теорий истекшего полувека. Доказывается, что в сфере эволюционных исследований есть более состоятельный и перспективный подход к изучению отношений между моралью и религией, чем тот, который предлагается Докинзом.
Цель статьи – дать очерк тех многосторонних изменений, которым подвергся речевой жанр анафемы в русской культуре XIХ–XXI вв., и пролить свет на их причины. Так как анафема принадлежит к сакральным перформативам, прагматическая успешность которых прямо зависит от набора метафизических воззрений, свойственных Средневековью, – то на примере данного жанра в общих чертах прослеживается судьба всей этой подсистемы в условиях глобальных духовных сдвигов Модерна и Постмодерна. Доказывается, что, хотя анафема не вышла из употребления в Русской церкви, она претерпела жанровую консервацию в одном направлении и гибридизацию в другом, а также серьёзное теологическое переосмысление. Этот последний процесс начался после отлучения от Церкви Л. Н. Толстого (1901) – события, имевшего необычайный резонанс в начале ХХ в. В связи с ним анализируется «Определение Святейшего Синода» – ключевой перформатив, которым было создано это событие и который стал новой вехой в жанровой истории русско-православной анафемы. Показывается, что этот, как и последующие документы данного типа, в своей жанровой специфике определялись мировоззренческим фоном эпохи, памятью жанра и рядом второстепенных факторов.
The article aims to examine the scientific philosophical and ideological foundation of eugenics which had the status of applied science and a form of social movement in West-ern Europe and the United States in the late 19th – first half of the 20th centuries. I prove that evolutionism was the key scientific philosophical element of the foundation, primarily in its Darwinian version, interpreted in the context of metaphysical naturalism. Accordingly, the main ideological element was racism in its biological and social forms. Darwinism led to racism through the related ideas and views which also underpinned eugenics. I speak primar-ily about the radical biologization of a human being and the culture he or she created that flowed from Darwinism and strengthened it in turn. Although neither this nor any other ver-sion of evolutionary theory required such reductionism, they were closely interconnected. Other views of this kind included: (a) the insecurity of progress, which meant the possibility of a rollback towards the animal past; (b) the idea of an “anthropological stairs” which con-nected the lowest (anthropoid ape) and the highest (white educated inhabitant of Western civilization) points and was used to establish the measure of evolutionary development of a race, nation, class and individual; (c) the “scarce mentality” theorized by Thomas Malthus and well-responded by the spirit of developing capitalism, colonial expansion, and Protestant ethics; it painted the world as a field of incessant struggle for limited resources. The outlined complex of mythogenic views was part of the impending degeneration myth. I argue that the threat of far-fetched degeneration was the main engine of the eugenic movement. According to that myth, any highly civilized nation was to perish or degrade in a not too distant future if its biological life was allowed to take its course in the absence of large-scale measures toimprove it. In conclusion, the “image” of eugenics as well as modes and forms of its pres-ence in modern life and culture are discussed.
Рассматриваются научно-философские и идеологические основания евгеники, имевшей статус прикладной науки и форму общественного движения в странах Западной Европы и США в конце XIX-первой половине XX в. Доказывается, что ключевым научно-философским элементом этого фундамента являлся эволюционизм, прежде всего, в его дарвинистской версии, осмысленный в контексте метафизического натурализма, и, соответственно, главным идеологическим элементом был расизм в его биологической и социальной формах.
The Russian studies of John Amos Comenius’ works rarely go beyond the limits of history of pedagogy. Meanwhile, the Czech thinker’s legacy is wide and multifaceted. The aim of the article is to explore a linguo-philosophic aspect of his teaching subjected to goals of global reform of the world in a context of Comenius’ eschatological views. It is shown that the aspect was developed in a form of the “universal culture of language”. Main directions of that culture and their organization according to which relatively simple and feasible projects devoted to cultivation of national as well as classic languages were subordinated to the most difficult and problematic one, namely creation of a universal, purely rational and
artificial language, are considered. The system of beliefs and presumptions underlying that ultimate scheme is analyzed: firstly, its core including epistemic and theological convictions shared by Comenius with other designers and supporters of universal language schemes, and, secondly, its periphery which comprised religious and metaphysic views distinguishing the Czech reformer’s modus cogitandi.
The research is supplemented with a translation of the chapter
XIX ‘The foundation of the Universal language’ of Comenius’ important treatise ‘The Way of Light’ (Via Lucis) (publ. 1668).
The life and work of John Dee (1527–1608/9), an English mathematician, erudite and occultist, remains an enigma that gives rise to intensive controversies, puzzles scholars, and nourishes imagination of mass culture makers. The aim of the article is to consider a magical practice of the late Dee and a unique narrative recorded in his diaries, in a context of the intellectual situation of that epoch. The analysis is concentrated on a role of those practice and narrative in dialectics
of the search for the perfect language which took place in the West in 15th–17th cc. A technical facet of crystallomancy and its standing in the Renaissance culture as well as conditions and motives urging Dee to invest his years in practicing the magic of that kind. A special attention is paid to the course and results of revealing of the primordial tongue by the ‘angels’ and to the Adamic myth that accompanied the linguistic material and informed of substance, functions, and historical fate of Ursprache. It is argued that despite its reprehensibility crystallomancy
took a relatively high cultural status and a wide spreading. Dee became
its convinced adept due to a deep inner crisis caused by eschatological anxiety, collapse of traditional epistemology, and discontent with his previous intellectual initiatives. As spirits claimed, the language that they were imparting to him connected the protoplasts with God and angels in Eden and served Adam as a perfect instrument of knowledge and magic. Explaining his lasting failure of comprehending of the revealed language the spirits persuaded Dee that it was not time yet for activation of its potencies but that it was very near though known only to God. That time had never come in the magician’s life. Nonetheless, gladness of (seeming) communication with the ‘angels’ compensated for bitterness of futile expectations.
Жизнь и творчество Джона Ди (1527-1608/9), английского математика, эрудита и эзотерика, вызывает множество споров, ставит в тупик исследователей, питает воображение творцов поп-культуры. Цель статьи - изучить магическую практику «позднего» Ди и уникальный нарратив, зафиксированный в его дневниках, в контексте духовной ситуации той эпохи. Анализ сосредоточен на роли этой практики и нарратива в диалектике поиска совершенного языка, который происходил на Западе в XV-XVII вв. Рассматривается оперативно-техническая сторона кристалломантии и ее положение в ренессансной культу-ре, затем условия и мотивы, подвигшие Ди отдать годы жизни этому виду магии. Особое внимание уделено итогам и ходу открытия «ангелами» первозданного языка, включая адамический миф, который сопровождал лингвистический материал и сообщал о функциях, сущности и исторической участи Ursprache. Доказывается, что, несмотря на предосудительность, кристалломантия имела относительно высокий культурный статус и широкое распространение. Убежденным ее адептом Ди стал вследствие глубокого кризиса, вызванного эсхатологической тревогой, упадком традиционной эпистемологии и разочарованием в его прежних интеллектуальных начинаниях. По уверению духов, язык, который они ему сообщали, соединял в Раю праотцев, Бога и ангелов, а также служил Адаму совершенным инструментом познания и магии. Безуспешность его постижения, тяготившую Ди, «ангелы» объясняли тем, что время активации его свойств, которое очень близко, но известно в точности только Богу, еще не пришло. Хотя в жизни английского мага оно так и не наступило, радость (кажущегося) общения с духами искупала горечь тщетного ожидания. Ключевые слова: ренессансный оккультизм, магия, дивинация, кристалло-мантия, эмпиризм, Реформация, история западного эзотеризма, история европейской науки.
The analysis is focused on one of the directions of the Adamic project developed in the
Renaissance culture and aimed to reconstruct the primordial, or Adamic, language
(Ursprache). Adamic was the primordial language belonging to the forefathers (while at least
they remained in the condition of the initial perfection). The project presented a complex of
ideas and views together with hermeneutic strategies they determined and was based on a
specific set of beliefs, presumptions, and attitudes. The set included a humanistic aspiration
for “the origins” (ad fontes), deep reverence for “the ancient wisdom” (prisca sapientia) the
first people had possessed and expressed in the Ursprache, which had helped it survive in
history, and faith for biblical and heathen narratives. It also included Cratylism, according to
which lexical meanings (in their pristine form) sprang from the very essence of things due to
the predetermined harmony between the structures of language and of the reality. The
mentioned elements of the Renaissance thought formed a sort of a system of coordinates;
supporters of the analysed strategy worked within it. The system directed them to study the
Ursprache via finding its rudiments in known historical tongues (provided that there is a
language that has preserved the maximum of the primordial properties). The article argues
that, despite the rich variety of forms the strategy was implemented in, means of justification
of some tongue’s rights to be taken as the Adamic one or, more often, as its closest derivate
were universal at large. They included recourse to a spectrum of mytho-historical narratives
current in the Renaissance culture; using them, many Adamicists built new original constructs
matching their ideological goals. Besides, the means supposed employment of a vast arsenal
of tools of humanistic exegesis and etymology. Particular attention is paid to the Renaissance
scholars’ etymological practice, which was to provide them with the properly linguistic
evidence of the “Adamic” rights of the languages those humanists promoted. The
etymological analysis was typically reduced to searches for elements of Adamic in words of
later historical languages and to demonstrations of a non-conventional, organically motivated
link conjoining original words with their referents in the world. In order to make this double
task easier, some etymologists resorted to fragmentation of words into phonosemantic
“atoms” considering monosyllabism to be an essential feature of the primordial language.
The goal of the article is to explore the system of beliefs and presumptions underlying the linguo-philosophic and semiotic constructions developed by Paracelsus and his followers as well as their views on the essence and modes of finding of the primordial language.
That system and those views are explored in the context of the “Adamistic” studies of the 15th – 17th cc. and of the Paracelsian doctrine as a whole. Special attention is paid to Paracelsus’ interpretation of the biblical stories about the world and the human creation, the original naming and the Fall, since this interpretation elucidates the meaning of the abovementioned constructions. It is argued that in the light of Paracelsianism, the acquisition,
as well as the very poiesis of the Ursprache depends directly on one’s proficiency in the art of interpreting the signatures (Kunst signata) implanted by God in natural things. That art the theory of which was developed by Paracelsus on a basis of folk medicine practice played a major role in the “Adamistic” speculations of Paracelsians and
marginalized the linguo-philosophic issues. They portrayed Adam as a paradigmatic hermeneutist of the natural world and used the biblical story about the naming of animals and birds (Gen. 2.19‒20) chiefly for legitimizing the doctrine of signatures, which was central to the medicine and natural philosophy of Paracelsus. The research is supplemented with an abridged translation of the treatise written by the
German scholar Wolfgang Ambrosius Fabricius Ἀπόρημα βοτανικόν. De signaturis plantarum (1653). That text is devoted to a critical analysis of the Paracelsian doctrine of signatures from the position of a moderate Galenism, which dominated in the university medicine of that age.
The analyses is focused on a linguistic aspect of the cultural and historic theory of Goropius Becanus, an outstanding humanist of the sixteenth century. A main intention directing Becanus was to substantiate the primordial status and epistemological perfection of his native Dutch and thereby enhance the prestige of his national culture. The author explores the set of beliefs and presumptions underlying the scholar’s cultural-historic scheme as well as the modes and means of substantiating “adamicity” of Dutch determined by it.
It is argued that the means exploited by Becanus were generally used in the republic of letters for extolling of one or another classical tradition and language: Hebrew, Old Egyptian, Latin etc. Those resources included a spectrum of mythohistoric narratives current in the Renaissance culture. The Dutch scholar assembled them in a new original construct matching his intention. They also included an arsenal of the tools of Humanistic exegesis and etymology enabling him, as he thought, to justify that construct in the eyes of the learned.
In the first two sections of this paper the dependence of Becanus’ scheme from the basic mythogenic notions which the contemporary culture proposed maintaining certain mythohistoric narratives is explored. All of those notions were connected with a so called Adamic project. It presented a complex of ideas and hermeneutic strategies determined by them and aimed to reconstruct the primordial, or Adamic, language. Adamic was the primordial language belonging to the protoplasts (while at least they remained in a condition of the initial perfection). Not being (just) an artificial, conventionally imposed semiotic system, this language was thought to be directly correspondent to the intelligible structure of the world, for it was either inherently connected with the very essences of natural things or possessed epistemological excellence allowing to reflect these essences in a perfect manner.
Also it is ascertained that Becanus assumed a highly negative attitude towards magical-occultist movement within the Adamic project. And it is cleared up that the ambivalent intellectual renown the scholar had was due to defiant originality of his theory with its central thesis that Dutch is a primordial language sensu stricto.
In the third section Becanus’ etymological practice is analyzed. It was to provide him and his readers with properly linguistic proofs that his cultural and historic scheme was correct. Typically for the Renaissance mytholinguistics, the practice was reduced to a search for elements of the “Adamic” language in words of latter, historic, ones and to demonstration of a non-contingent, organically motivated link conjoining primordial words with their meaning and then with signified things themselves. In order to make easier this double task Becanus and some of his followers resorted to fragmentation of Dutch words into phonosemantic “atoms” assumed to be pristine.
Riolanus, De monstro nato Lutetiae anno Domini 1605, disputatio philosophica, Trans. Into Russian.
Цель статьи – объяснить различие позиций католического и протестантского медицинских сообществ XVI – первой половины XVII в. в вопросе о том, могут ли монстры быть знамениями, в которых Бог открывает людям свою волю. Уточняется содержание идеи монстра как божественного знака, проливающее свет на то, чтó именно отрицали католические ученые и утверждали протестантские. Воссоздается аргументация, построенная католиками, чтобы опровергнуть эту идею. Как следует из их доводов, монструозность – это не знак, а симптом, имеющий физиологическую и социальную (Лицети) каузацию. В противном случае невозможно объяснить:
а) коммуникативную бесцельность монстров, рождаемых в безлюдных и “безрелигиозных” регионах; б) крайнюю дисгармонию между субъектом и содержанием монструозного послания, с одной стороны, и его формой, с другой; в) кажущуюся аморальность Бога, использующего плоды самых
тяжких грехов людей в качестве средства коммуникации с ними. Анализируется ряд мировоззренческих факторов: характер интеллектуальных парадигм, трансформации онтологии, своеобразие теологических воззрений, –
которые обусловили несходство интерпретаций монструозности в этих научно-конфессиональных кругах. В частности, выясняется, что антисемиотическая позиция католических ученых была обусловлена эпистемическим приматом аристотелизма, стремлением сократить объем и культурное
влияние сферы внеестественного в пользу природной и, отчасти, сверхъестественной областей бытия, а также усилением роли сотериологической миссии Церкви в ответ на подъем доктрины «частного провидения» в протестантской среде. Статью дополняет комментированный перевод: Риолан Ж.
О монстре, рожденном в Париже в 1605 году: философское рассуждение. Глава VIII Предвещают ли монстры что-либо дурное?
The aim of the paper is to explore the situation characterizing a Western Monster Studies during the century between the mid 17th and mid 18th cc. The Analysis is focused on the report of John Floyer, an English physician and writer, (1699) that contains a summary of views on essence of monstrosity and causes of monstrous births featuring the learned and popular circles of that time. Floyer’s convictions and line of reasoning are considered in the context of biological discov-eries in the later part of the 17th c., natural philosophic theories connected with them, and tenets of the Renaissance monstrology. It allows of exposing innovative as well as traditional aspects proper to Floyer’s set of ideas and the discussed situation on the whole. It is found out that the innovative moment comprised explanation of monstrosity in embryogenetic terms and incremental discrediting of a notion that sexual intercourse between humans and animals can bring about hybrid creatures. Meanwhile a belief in possibility of embryo’s physical transformation by force of mother’s imagination was the most evident aspect of continuity.
Цель статьи – рассмотреть ситуацию, отличавшую западноевропейское монстроведение в течение столетия между серединами XVII и XVIII вв. Анализ сфокусирован на сообщении английского врача и теолога Джона Флойера (1699 г.), в котором содержится сводка воззрений на сущность и причины появления врожденных уродств, принятых в ученых и народных кругах того времени. Исследуя мысль Флойера в контексте биологических открытий второй половины XVII в., причастных к ним научно-философских теорий, а также монстроведческих идей Ренессанса, автор раскрывает инновационные и традиционные черты, присущие этой мысли и названной ситуации в целом. Выясняется, что момент новации составляли установка на объяснение монструозности в терминах эмбриогенеза и постепенная дискредитация воззрения, согласно которому половые связи людей с животными могут быть причиной рождения гибридных существ. Наиболее зримой чертой преемственности являлась вера в возможность физической трансформации плода силой материнского воображения.
mystic thinker Jacob Boehme’s linguistic-philosophical theory: language
of Nature (Natursprache), Adamic language and sensual language in regard to each other and to post-Babel historical languages of humankind. This theory is considered in a dual context of the Late Renaissance “Adamicist” studies and of Boehme’s theosophical project as a whole. Since a considerable part of his work had a form of an extensive commentary on Genesis, Boehme’s interpretations of the biblical stories are devoted to linguistic topics. Explaining the stories concerning Babel (Gen. 11), the theosophist gives some considerations to the essence of historic transformation and loss of the primordial language. Based on the story of Adam’s naming of the animals
(Gen. 2.19–20), Boehme formulates his views on the substance of Natural and Adamic languages. It is argued that, according to the theosophist, the rise of polyglottism, caused by Babel catastrophe, was a culmination of disorientation of humankind. Having started from the Fall, that process led to a fundamental distortion of ideas about being and the Deity. Due to this, people decided to look for Him in a reified form by technical means. A cognitive and linguistic aspect of that disorientation consisted in alienating of still single primordial language from Natursprache as its ontological foundation. Boehme thought that this alienation mainly caused rapid development of linguistic pluralism. Meanwhile, the language of Nature was a unique “guide,” which made possible for Adam to create his epistemically perfect language, and his descendants could keep its understanding for some time.
The analysis of Dostoevsky’s attitude to Ch. Darwin’s theory of evolution shows that it interested the writer mainly in the aspect of the socio-ideological consequences, which had nihilistic pathos and, in his
view, were for the most part a Russian phenomenon.
Current transformations of socio-cultural conceptions, norms and practices in a matrimonial sphere (the end of the natural order) make a challenge that the Church (in its traditionalistic confessions) takes up as crucial for itself and the Christian civilization in tote. The aim of the report is to contribute to understanding of the named processes in secularized, “post-Christian” societies, a Christian teaching on marriage and sexual life, and practical life of the believers.
The aim of the paper is to deepen and make more accurate the definition of neologism «post-truth» presented at the site of Oxford dictionaries through considering its meaning in a wide historic-cultural perspective. The author analyzes the processes of a theoretic-philosophical and practical levels which resulted in the rise of the «post-truth» in a modern culture and life.
Цель статьи – углубить и уточнить определение неологизма «пост-истинное», предложенное на сайте оксфордских словарей, посредством рассмотрения его значения в широкой историко-культурной перспективе. Анализируются процессы теоретико-философского и жизненно-практического уровней, следствием которых стал подъём «пост-истинного» в современной культуре и жизни.
поле современной культуры. V Ореховские чтения. Материалы Всероссийской научной конференции
(Омск, 29 ноября 2013 года) Часть 1. Антропологический смысл конфликта в культуре. – Омск:
Издательство ОмГПУ, 2013. – С. 24-28.
Юнити, 2006. - Часть 3. - 340 с. (Серия «Филологический сборник». Вып. 8).