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Welcome to the Computer Graphics Group at University of Bern!


The paper A Progressive Embedding Approach to Bijective Tetrahedral Maps driven by Cluster Mesh Topology was accepted for publication and will be presented at SIGGRAPH ASIA 2024 Conference

Sept. 18, 2024

New SIGGRAPH papers

The three papers Expansion Cones: A Progressive Volumetric Mapping Framework, Locally Meshable Frame Fields and Min-Deviation-Flow in Bi-directed Graphs for T-Mesh Quantization were accepted for publication and are to be presented in SIGGRAPH 2023 Conference

May 12, 2023

Best paper award SGP 2022

The paper TinyAD: Automatic Differentiation in Geometry Processing Made Simple, co-authored by Prof. David Bommes, won the Best Paper Award 1st place at the Symposium on Geometry Processing 2022. SGP2022/awards

July 7, 2022

Invited talk by visiting researcher Hendrik Brückler, Osnabrück University, Germany

Title: "How to build hex meshes using motorcycles (not the other way around)” Monday, June 13th, 2022, Time: 11:00 Location: N10, room 104

June 13, 2022

Invited talk by visiting researcher Tim Felle Olsen, TU Denmark

Title: Synthesis of Frame Field-aligned Multi-Laminar Structures Thursday, October 28th, 2021, Time: 16:30 Location: N10, room 302

Oct. 28, 2021

Best paper award SGP 2021

The paper Geodesic Distance Computation via Virtual Source Propagation, coauthored by Prof. David Bommes, won the Best Paper 2nd Place at the Symposium on Geometry Processing 2021. SGP2021/awards

Sept. 10, 2021

Recent Publications

A Progressive Embedding Approach to Bijective Tetrahedral Maps driven by Cluster Mesh Topology


We present a novel algorithm to map ball-topology tetrahedral meshes onto star-shaped domains with guarantees regarding bijectivity. Our algorithm is based on the recently introduced idea of Shrink-and-Expand, where images of interior vertices are initially clustered at one point (Shrink-), before being sequentially moved to non-degenerate positions yielding a bijective map (-and-Expand). In this context, we introduce the concept of the cluster mesh, i.e. the unexpanded interior mesh consisting of geometrically degenerate simplices. Using local, per-vertex connectivity information solely from the cluster mesh, we show that a viable expansion sequence guaranteed to produce a bijective map can always be found as long as the mesh is shellable. In addition to robustness guarantees for this ubiquitous class of inputs, other practically relevant benefits include improved parsimony and reduced algorithmic complexity. While inheriting some of the worst-case high run time requirements of the state of the art, significant acceleration for the average case is experimentally demonstrated.


Quad Mesh Quantization Without a T-Mesh

SGP24: Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing

Grid preserving maps of triangulated surfaces were introduced for quad meshing because the 2D unit grid in such maps corresponds to a sub-division of the surface into quad-shaped charts. These maps can be obtained by solving a mixed integer optimization problem: Real variables define the geometry of the charts and integer variables define the combinatorial structure of the decomposition. To make this optimization problem tractable, a common strategy is to ignore integer constraints at first, then to enforce them in a so-called quantization step. Actual quantization algorithms exploit the geometric interpretation of integer variables to solve an equivalent problem: They consider that the final quad mesh is a sub-division of a T-mesh embedded in the surface, and optimize the number of sub-divisions for each edge of this T-mesh. We propose to operate on a decimated version of the original surface instead of the T-mesh. It is easier to implement and to adapt to constraints such as free boundaries, complex feature curves network etc.


Integer-Sheet-Pump Quantization for Hexahedral Meshing

SGP24: Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing

Several state-of-the-art algorithms for semi-structured hexahedral meshing involve a so called quantization step to decide on the integer DoFs of the meshing problem, corresponding to the number of hexahedral elements to embed into certain regions of the domain. Existing reliable methods for quantization are based on solving a sequence of integer quadratic programs (IQP). Solving these in a timely and predictable manner with general-purpose solvers is a challenge, even more so in the open-source field. We present here an alternative robust and efficient quantization scheme that is instead based on solving a series of continuous linear programs (LP), for which solver availability and efficiency are not an issue. In our formulation, such LPs are used to determine where inflation or deflation of virtual hexahedral sheets are favorable. We compare our method to two implementations of the former IQP formulation (using a commercial and an open-source MIP solver, respectively), finding that (a) the solutions found by our method are near-optimal or optimal in most cases, (b) these solutions are found within a much more predictable time frame, and (c) the state of the art run time is outperformed, in the case of using the open-source solver by orders of magnitude.
