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  • Added support for highs solver. This can be a good alternative to Rsymphony, because Rsymphony sometimes segfaults and would crash Rstudio.
  • R version requirement is now > 4.0.
  • Shadow() now calculates commonly used adaptivity indices.
  • Added configurations for overlap control (item reuse across multiple simulations).
  • plot() for output_Shadow_all object gains type = 'overlap' option for plotting overlap control statitics.
  • Split() now returns a list of constraints objects for the created partitions. Added a new helper function makeConstraintsByEachPartition() for doing this manually.
  • Added a new item selection method for Shadow(): RANDOM.
  • Added a new shadowtest refresh policy for Shadow(): NONE.
  • Added a new interim/final theta estimation method for Shadow(): CARRYOVER.
  • summary() for output_Shadow_all object now prints scores.
  • Added documentations for many of internal functions.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where Split() would sometimes parse solution indices incorrectly and would return fewer items.
  • Fixed where the Shiny app TestDesign() was not generating simulee-wise plots.

New features

  • Split() gains a new argument n_maximum_partitions_per_item for allowing items to be assigned to multiple partitions.


  • Updated vignette('constraints').
  • Removed deprecated arguments.
  • Updated documentation and validation error/warning messages. Also improved input validation in some functions.
  • Package compilation now imports BLAS_LIBS and FLIBS as PKG_LIBS across platforms (submitted by Jeroen Ooms)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where c() and combineConstraints() were incorrectly combining constraints.
  • Fixed where when examinee-wise priors were supplied for final theta estimation with EAP, the first examinee’s prior was being used for all examinees.
  • Fixed where Split() was erroneously returning set indices even when the input item pool was entirely comprised of discrete items.


  • Added C++ functions for multidimensional items.
  • Updated C++ specification to C++17 to meet CRAN requirements.


  • Added detectBestSolver() for detecting the best available solver on the system.
  • plot(type = "audit") now plots the initial theta SE when available.
  • Removed support for the lpsymphony solver because of installation issues. Users may use the Rsymphony solver as an alternative.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where using include_items_for_estimation argument of Shadow() was not being reflected in the initial theta estimate.
  • Fixed where using gurobi solver would raise an ‘unused argument’ error.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where Shadow() was not working when data was supplied with true_theta left empty. (#118)
  • Fixed where BIGM exposure control was ignoring the M value and defaulting to (maximum information + 1) even when it was supplied.
  • Fixed where Shadow() was not working when the FIXED item selection method was used with a single $fixed_theta value in the config. (#132)
  • Fixed where if interim theta estimation method was EB or FB, prior sample generation was ignoring prior distribution type and assuming normal distribution.
  • Fixed where if prior distribution type was uniform, prior density generation was ignoring prior parameters and using U(0, 1).
  • Fixed where EAP shrinkage correction was ignoring prior standard deviation when it was supplied in the config.
  • Fixed where using MLEF would raise a duplicate item IDs found warning for R <= 3.6.


  • The FIXED item selection method for Shadow() now does not approximate the supplied value to the nearest theta quadrature when computing information.
  • config_Shadow@interim_theta$prior_dist and config_Shadow@final_theta$prior_dist now accept RAW. This is introduced to accommodate supplying raw densities to the prior argument of Shadow().


  • Streamlined error handling in Shiny app TestDesign().
  • config_Static and config_Shadow and are now exported classes.

New features

  • config_Shadow and createShadowTestConfig() gain a new slot exclude_policy for configuring how excluded items are treated. Excluded items are supplied through the exclude argument in Shadow().


Bug fixes

  • Fixed where the Shiny app was not starting normally.
  • Fixed where attempting to use an exposure acceleration factor greater than 1 in set-based adaptive assembly using Shadow() would trigger a ‘incorrect number of subscripts’ error.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where attempting to loadConstraints() that vary the number of stimuli would incorrectly fail validation.

New features

  • Added Split() for partitioning an item pool into parallel tests/sub-pools that satisfy all constraints. This is an experimental method we are currently working on. See vignette('split') for a quick introduction.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where alpha adjustment for exposure control was being applied excessively.


  • plot() now works better with ‘knitr’ markdown documents. This is enabled by removing the use of recordPlot() inside plot(). As a result, p <- plot() will not work anymore. Use recordPlot() for assigning plots into objects.
  • Shiny app TestDesign() is updated to work with the above change.
  • plot() gains a new use_par argument to override using default graphical parameters that are hard-coded into the function. This allows for more flexible formatting.
  • theta_segment argument in plot(type = "exposure") is renamed to theta_type. The existing argument is deprecated and using it will raise a warning.
  • Added validation check for test length constraints. In shadow test approach, test length is expected to be a fixed value.


  • Shadow() gains a new argument seed.
  • plot(type = "exposure") gains new arguments segment, rmse, and use_segment_label.
  • summary() for output_Shadow_all objects now also summarizes the number of selected items for ENEMY, INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, and ALLORNONE constraints.
  • Updated the citation in citation("TestDesign")

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where summary() of an output_Shadow_all object used to throw an incorrect number of dimensions error when there was only one constraint.
  • Fixed where setting diagnostic_stats = TRUE option in createShadowTestConfig() would generate unnecessarily large amount of data when running Shadow().


  • Streamlined eap() to handle input formats consistently with mle(). This should only affect use cases where eap() is called directly.
  • Shadow() now utilizes include_items_for_estimation for EAP estimation.

Deprecated functions

  • Deprecated plotInfo() is removed. This is now plot(type = "info").
  • Deprecated plotExposure() is removed. This is now plot(type = "exposure").


  • output_Shadow gains a new slot for initial theta estimates. plot() utilizes the new slot.
  • TestDesign() now checks whether each solver works, and only shows solvers available on the user system.

Bug fixes


  • Internal constraint indices are now suppressed in printing. This affects summary() for output_Shadow_all and output_Static objects, and print() for constraints objects. User-supplied constraint indices are still printed as before.
  • NA values are now suppressed in printing, in summary() of output_Shadow_all and output_Static objects.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where subsetting constraints objects raised a warning related to internal constraint indices.
  • Fixed to pass automated checks on CRAN.

New features

  • Added goal programming method for adaptive assembly.
  • Shadow() has a new argument include_items_for_estimation for including existing response data to be used to supplement interim theta estimation.
  • The argument exclude_items in Shadow() is now renamed to exclude. The argument exclude now also accepts stimulus IDs.
  • MLE estimator has new arguments use_step_size and step_size for limiting the amount of change between item administrations.


  • MLEF item augmentation is now only performed for extreme responses.

QoL updates

  • loadConstraints() now retains stimulus IDs in the item_index_by_stimulus slot for easier access.
  • loadConstraints() now accepts non-numeric character IDs in the CONSTRAINT_ID column.
  • plot() now accepts ylim.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the error message associated with validating a config_Shadow object for whether its solver was installed on the system.

Deprecated functions

  • Deprecated updateConstraints() is removed. This is now toggleConstraints().
  • Deprecated showConstraints() is removed. This is now print().
  • Deprecated plotCAT() is removed. This is now plot(type = 'audit').
  • Deprecated plotShadow() is removed. This is now plot(type = 'shadow').

New features

  • Now supports MLE with Fences (Han, 2016) for interim and final theta estimates in Shadow(). This can be configured using config_Shadow@interim_theta and config_Shadow@final_theta.


  • Added missing documentation entries for the output_Shadow_all class.
  • output_Shadow_all objects now have print() and show() extensions.
  • Removed a deprecated class.

QoL updates

  • Web documentation is now available at https://choi-phd.github.io/TestDesign/
  • loadItemPool(), loadItemAttrib(), loadStAttrib(), loadConstraints(), buildConstraints() are now capable of reading from data frame objects.
  • loadItemPool() is now capable of reading from SingleGroupClass objects from mirt package.
  • item_pool objects can be now subsetted and combined with [ and c().
  • constraints objects can be now subsetted and combined with [ and c().
  • SUM constraints now accept VARIABLE, EXPRESSION in CONDITION for imposing constraints on conditional sums (e.g. WORDCOUNT, DOK == 1).
  • Static() and Shadow() now asks for confirmation when attempting to use solvers other than Rsymphony, lpsymphony and gurobi for set-based assembly. This can be overridden by passing force_solver = TRUE.
  • Shadow() now uses progress package if available.
  • Static() now returns an output_Static object.
  • Shadow() now returns an output_Shadow_all object.
  • Added print() extensions for most objects.
  • Added summary() extensions for most objects.
  • Added plot() extensions for most objects.
  • Added dataset_bayes example dataset.
  • Now checks whether each solver returns solution properly upon loading the package.
  • plot(type = 'shadow') (formerly plotShadow()) now groups items by stimulus.

New features

  • config_* objects now have a new MIP$retry slot. This specifies the number of retry attempts when the solver encounters a ‘no solution’ error. This error is incorrect in some cases. The intent of retrying is to verify whether the ‘no solution’ error indeed indicates a true error.
  • Shadow() now has a new excluded_items argument.

Deprecated functions

  • updateConstraints() is now toggleConstraints().
  • plotInfo() is now plot(type = 'info').
  • plotCAT() is now plot(type = 'audit').
  • plotShadow() is now plot(type = 'shadow').
  • plotExposure() is now plot(type = 'exposure').
  • calcDerivative() is removed.
  • calcDerivative2() is removed.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a rare bug where Shadow() was marking eligible items as ineligible when using ELIGIBILITY exposure control.
  • Fixed where loadItemPool() was parsing standard errors incorrectly for GR models.
  • Fixed where loadConstraints() was creating unnecessarily large numbers of constraints when TYPE = 'NUMBER' and CONDITION was an item/stimulus attribute name, and the attribute did not have NA values.
  • Fixed where loadConstraints() was creating constraints incorrectly when TYPE = 'NUMBER' and CONDITION was an item/stimulus attribute name, and the attribute had NA values.
  • Fixed where loadConstraints() was creating constraints incorrectly when TYPE = 'NUMBER' and CONDITION was a stimulus attribute name, and LB and UB were not equal.
  • Fixed where loadConstraints() was creating constraints incorrectly when TYPE = 'SUM'.

Default solver

  • Reverted the default solver to lpSolve to address lpsymphony being unavailable on Solaris.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where using diagnostic stats was preventing Shadow() to run.
  • Fixed an error affecting BIGM exposure control method on set-based items.

Default solver

  • lpsymphony is now the default solver. lpsymphony allows faster solving of set-based assembly tasks, and is easily installable on various platforms.

New helper functions

  • getSolution() prints the indices of the selected items from the results of Static() or Shadow().
  • showConstraints() returns the constraints table from a constraints object. This is a shortcut to access the @constraints slot.

Bug fixes

  • Now recognizes TM_TARGET_GAP_ACHIEVED as a valid status message in lpsymphony and Rsymphony solvers.
  • loadItemAttrib() now ignores malformatted values in ‘INDEX’ column and regenerates correct indices.
  • loadStAttrib() now ignores malformatted values in ‘STINDEX’ column and regenerates correct indices.
  • config_Static object now shows the objective tolerance value in slot @MIP$obj_tol.

TestDesign 1.0.0 is a major release that provides structural changes to better streamline the usage of functions and also achieve more structured abstraction.

User-visible structural changes

  • The function for fixed-test assembly ATA() is now named Static() to match with Shadow() for adaptive assembly.
  • Shadow() now uses fewer arguments to match with Static() and to reduce redundant information in the arguments.
  • plotMaxInfo() is removed. The functionality is subsumed under plotInfo(), which can be used by supplying a constriants object to the function.
  • Static() now does not return the information plot by itself. The plotting should be done with plotInfo().
  • plotInfo() is now an S4 method.
    • Supplying an item_pool object gives a pool-level information plot.
    • Supplying the result from Static() gives an information plot based on the selected items.
    • Supplying a constraints object gives an information range plot from the test length specified in the constraints.
    • The comparison in the information range plot is now based on k randomly drawn items instead of k worst items.

Non-visible structural changes

  • Now uses S4 classes for item attributes (item_attrib), set attributes (st_attrib), and constraints (constraints).
  • ATA() and STA() are merged into a single core function runAssembly(). The function translates high-level user data to low-level solver data.
  • ATA() and STA() are removed. Deprecating the functions was not feasible because of the structural changes.

New features

  • Now supports item pools that include both set-based and discrete items.
  • Now supports lpsymphony solver package from Bioconductor repository. Note: The current version 1.12.0 of lpsymphony will not install on R-devel due to R CMD config F77 being deprecated. Installs normally on R 3.6.1.
  • plotShadow() has a new simple argument that simplifies the chart by hiding items that are not included in any shadow test.
  • Now uses disambiguated solver names. (e.g. lpsymphony and Rsymphony instead of SYMPHONY)
  • vignette('rsymphony') is improved.
  • plotCAT() and plotShadow() now uses a separate color for polytomous item responses.
  • plotInfo() now uses a more polished plotting style.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where plotExposure() was incorrectly plotting stimulus-level exposure rates along with item-level exposure rates.
  • Fixed where using Bayesian methods would trigger an error in Shadow().

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where gap_limit was being incorrectly passed onto SYMPHONY in ATA() and Shadow(), instead of gap_limit_abs.
  • Fixed where gap_limit was not being passed onto GUROBI in ATA() and Shadow().
  • Fixed where time_limit was not being passed onto GUROBI in Shadow().
  • Fixed where time_limit was being incorrectly passed in microseconds to GLPK in Shadow().
  • Fixed where a valid interval-based refresh policy triggered an error in Shadow().
  • Now prints an error message instead of crashing, when requesting adaptive assembly with set-based refresh policy on non-set-based item pools.


  • config_ATA@MIP now has a new slot $obj_tol for controlling objective value tolerance.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed where ATA() and Shadow() were returning incorrect solutions with set-based item pools in some cases.
  • Fixed where ATA() and Shadow() were returning fewer than the specified number of items, due to solution vectors being not strictly binary in some cases.


  • This is the first published version.