(1987) External Balance Correction: Depreciation or Protection? Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1, 249-269.
- 2. Helkie et. al. (1988) use simulation techniques on a large macroeconomic model and conclude that protectionist policies are ineffective in reducing trade imbalances while avoiding recession.
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- 3. See also Dornbusch (1987).
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- 4. See e.g., Mann (1987). Kindleberger (1986) argues that the macroeconomic effects of Smoot-Hawley were in fact contractionary.
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- 5. The exposition that follows is drawn from Dornbusch (1980, pp. 65-6) although similar analysis may be found in other texts. 6. We assume in what follows that the government runs a balanced budget:.
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- 7. The presumption of a contractionary effect is strengthened when money is introduced into the model, since the redistributed tariff revenue creates an additional demand for money, requiring a fall in income from production to clear the money market (see Chan (1978), Eichengreen (1981) and Krugman (1982)).
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- 8. Kruginan (1982) argues that, even in those circumstances when a tariff raises output and improves the terms of trade when other countries are passive, symmetric retaliation will result in lower output and unchanged terms of trade. 9. Standard trade theory shows that the tariff will tend to benefit the factor used intensively in the import competing sector. 10. We choose the G7 countries for intrinsic interest, noting that they account for over half of US imports (both dutiable and dutyfree) and tariff revenues during the sample in question. However, the bilateral tariff data exists for other countries, and! it would be interesting to extend the results to e.g., developing countries.
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