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Curriculum Vitae

City University of Seattle, School of Applied Leadership, Faculty Member
Address Contact Information 500 Wall Street Apt. 1219 Seattle, WA 98121 Cell/Text: 619-572-0487 pressleyr@gmail.com Education: Ph.D. Leadership Studies- Higher Education Administration University of San Diego May, 2013 Dissertation Title: Work/Life Boundary Management In An Integrative Environment: A Study Of Residence Life Professionals Who Live At Their Place Of Work Nominated for the 2013 William P. Foster Dissertation Award M.S. Counseling- Marriage and Family Therapy San Diego State University August, 2006 B.A. English- Writing Concentration, Minor in History North Carolina State University June, 2003 TEACHING EXPERIENCE: City University of Seattle Associate Professor School of Applied Leadership 2013-Present Northern Kentucky University Adjunct Faculty Member, Online School of Arts and Sciences Department of Political Science, Criminal Justice & Organizational Leadership 2013-Present National University Adjunct Faculty Member School of Business and Management Department of Leadership and Human Resource Management 2012-Present Colorado Technical University Online Instructor School of Business Management School of Criminal Justice and Human Resource Management 2010-2013 CLASSES TAUGHT: CITY UNIVERSITY OF SEATTLE LDRD 664 The Future of Higher Education (3 Credit Hours) Course Description This course explores what higher education may look like in the next 5, 10, and 50 years. Emphasis is placed on evaluating current trends and predicting where they may go in the future. Students will critically evaluate the future role of technology in higher education. CITY UNIVERSITY OF SEATTLE- continued MBA 501 Global Business Communication and Research (3 credit hours) Course Description This course introduces students to the importance and power of intercultural communication and international research skills in the global business environment. Students will learn the most effective methods for communicating information, data, research, and ideas to both external and internal multicultural stakeholders, and conducting international business research. LDRD 600 Doctoral Student Orientation (1 Credit Hour) NORTHERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY LDR 300 Foundations of Leadership (3 Credit Hours) Course Description Foundations of Leadership introduces the fundamental concepts and foundational theories of leadership to facilitate the development of a personal understanding of the nature of leadership. LDR 310 Research Methods in Leadership (3 credits) Course Description Research Methods in Leadership focuses on the exploration of theoretical and empirical concepts of research design and analysis for the field of leadership. NATIONAL UNIVERSITY LED 430 Conflict/ Negotiation for Leaders (4 Credit Hours)- Course Description Effective conflict resolution, bargaining, and negotiation are addressed in this course as methods for improving the organizational effectiveness in the long term. LED605 Conflict and Power Dynamics Course Description Conflict and Power Dynamics is a graduate course in the master of science in organizational leadership program promotes integration of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to design, conduct, and evaluate effective conflict resolution and negotiation practices. LED 606 Information Management for Leaders (4 Credit Hours)- Course Description Information Management for Leaders focuses on the strategic role of information technology in today's learning organizations. Emphasis is placed on the application of information technology strategies to strategic planning, client/customer analysis, rapid decision-making, and problem solving. LED680 Leadership Research Course Description Leadership Research is a graduate course that prepares students to conduct in-depth research in their area of interest synthesizing knowledge, and theory of leadership. The product of this course is a literature review that will be used in the students’ final Capstone Project. COLORADO TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY INTP 603 Leadership and Ethics (5 Credit Hours)- Course Description Leadership and Ethics outlines a new leadership paradigm adapting to the present worldwide fundamental change in management/leadership philosophy and practice, and the shift from command-and-control to information-based organizations. MGMT605 Graduate Research Methods (5 Credit Hours)- Course Description Graduate Research Methods is an examination of ‘full cycle research’ starting with a qualitative examination of an organizational phenomenon and then addressing how to measure it via survey, experiments, or other designs. HRM345 Building Effective Teams (4 Credit Hours)- Course Description Building Effective Teams explores two of the characteristics of the modern work environment: diversity and teams. PSYC300/301 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (5 Credit Hours)- Course Description Students will explore the assessment and treatment of child and adolescent psychopathologies and discuss evidence-based treatments. PSYC120 Psychology: Understanding Human Behavior (4 Credit Hours)- Course Description Drawing on the methods, theories, and frameworks provided by psychologists, this introductory course sheds light on what it means to be the person you are. CJHS411 Foundations of Individual Counseling (5 Credit Hours)- Course Description This course serves as an introduction to a variety of counseling theories, therapeutic approaches and counseling skills. SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Teaching Assistant- CSP 755 MFT practicum – Assisted the professor in supervision of 2nd year masters students in their first practicum experience. Aided in the design and implementation of class projects and provided students with feedback and insight on their therapeutic interactions with diverse clients. Teaching Assistant- CSP 785 Experimental traineeship – Mentored first year students as they developed qualitative research projects. Assisted the students in narrowing their ideas to researchable topics. Helped the students pick a qualitative methodology that would work with their research interests and worked with them as they adapted the methodology to their research site and participants. Read student research report drafts and gave them feedback. Publications AND PRESENTATIONS: Academic Refereed Journals: Hernandez, P., & Rankin, P. R. (2008). Relational Safety and Liberating Training spaces: An Application with a Focus on Sexual Orientation Issues. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 34(2), 251-264. Taylor, B. A., Hernandez, P., Deri, A., Rankin IV, P. R., & Siegel, A. (2006). Integrating diversity dimensions in supervision: Perspectives of ethnic minority AAMFT approved supervisors. The Clinical Supervisor, 25(1/2), 3–21. Book Chapters: Rankin IV, P.R. (2014). Managing boundaries in the multiple relationships created by mentorship. In K.D. Kirstein, C.E. Schieber, K.A. Flores, & S.G. Olswang (Eds.), Strategies for Teaching Leadership: Proven Practices in Higher Education (pp. 269-284). Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing. Conference Presentations: Rankin IV, P.R. & Peyton-Roberts, T. (2014, November). Rethinking Boundary Management and Social Media Training in the Smartphone Era. Paper presented at the meeting of the 16th Annual ILA Global Conference, San Diego, CA. Rankin IV, P.R. (2014, November). Coaching and Mentoring Work/Life Boundary Management Skills. Roundtable discussion presented at the 16th Annual ILA Global Conference, San Diego, CA. Rankin IV, P.R. (2014, March). Managing Boundaries in the multiple relationships created by mentorship. Paper presented at the International Conference on Leadership and Education, Seattle, WA. Rankin IV, P.R. (2010, February). Issues Emerging in Faculty Usage of Student-Accessible Facebook Accounts. Workshop presented at the 20th Annual Western Regional LGBTQIA College Conference, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Rankin IV, P.R. (2009, October). Professional and ethical considerations of faculty with student-accessible Facebook accounts. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Conference of The Society of Educators and Scholars, Costa Mesa CA. Reviewer: Reviewer, 16th Annual ILA Global Conference: Reviewed 16 presentation proposals. Invited Reviewer, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication- Paper: Facebook User Research Using a Probability-Based Sample and Behavioral Data. Conference Paper/ Presentation Reviewer, American Educational Research Association Division B- Curriculum Studies- Section 2: Globalization, Decolonization, and Liberation. September 2009 for 2010 Conference. UNIVERSITY SERVICE: City University of Seattle: School of Applied Leadership Academic Technologies Committee 2013-2015 Institutional Data Committee 2014-2015 E-Learning Evaluation Committee 2014-2015 New Student Orientation Committee 2014-2015 SharePoint Services Upgrade Committee 2014-2015 School of Leadership and Education Sciences Graduate Student Association: President 2010-2011 Doctoral Representative 2008-2009 School of Leadership and Education Sciences Assessment Director Search Committee Graduate Assistant Representative 2008 Professional Experience: Associate Professor, Associate Program Director, Doctoral Student Administrator- City University of Seattle City University of Seattle’s Associate Program Director/Doctoral Student Administrator (APD/DSA) plays a critical role in student success, acculturation, tracking, and retention. Provides consistent resources and support throughout the students’ time at CityU. The APD/DSAs knows the students well and is familiar with a student's interests, goals, and capabilities. Responsible for student concerns and questions regarding academic issues. Knowledgeable and proactive about University resources that can help students with problem areas and assist them in making contact with the appropriate support service. Mentors students as they complete their dissertation. Teaches at least three classes per year in the program as well as maintaining professional ties to national associations and peer-reviewed publications. Adjunct Faculty- Northern Kentucky University Teaching online for the Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership. Responsible for creating and administering online courses in leadership studies. Comply with all administrative and classroom management policies, procedures and instructional deadlines.  Provide timely and periodic feedback to students on assignments and participation. This includes discussion board posts, critique zone feedback, as well as feedback within the learning management system.  Professional Experience (Continued): Adjunct Faculty- National University Taught in the Masters of Business Administration program under the Organizational Leadership specialty. Specialized in leadership, technology, and informational management. Re-worked a core information technology class to better suit the organizational leadership program allowing students from both programs to benefit from the learning objectives. Created experiential lesson plans well suited to give practical experience to my student professionals. Adapted classes to fit a diverse range of students including military, traditional, and nontraditional student groups. Instructor- Colorado Technical University Taught classes in the College of Business & Management, the College of Criminal Justice & Legal Studies, and the College of Psychology. Administered and instructed two online classes of up to 35 students in 5.5-week sessions for a total of 16 classes per year. Executed system wide lesson plans by creating 10 one-hour live meetings per session, which were delivered using the Adobe Connect software to the students who could login from anywhere in the country or from overseas in the case of military students. Graded student work and gave feedback on assignments and discussion boards. Created assignments to maximize student learning from a project-based model. Graduate Assistant- University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences- Office of Assessment Support Designed and implemented student and faculty surveys to collect data needed for program and school accreditation. Created forms for student and site evaluation using both online surveys and PDF data collecting forms. Co-administered the schools online survey website. Worked with the Assistant Dean of Assessment to prepare reports for national and regional accreditation agencies (e.g. NCATE, WASC) for both the school and for the department of learning and teaching. Assisted faculty members by helping them to administer software, which allowed them to collect, grade, and archive student teaching projects for later review by accreditation committees. Research Assistant- San Diego State University Using a Consensual Qualitative Research methodology, our research team transcribed interviews, coded the transcriptions, analyzed data the resulting data, and ultimately collaborated on a paper that was later published. Professional Experience (Continued): Program Graduate Assistant- San Diego State University School of Education-Office of Marriage and Family Therapy Worked in the office organizing student files and checking student progress through the program. Verified students’ submission of clinical forms and hour reports. Designed a program database to organize student program information for graduation and for program accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation for Marital and Family Therapy Education. Operations Administrator- Greater San Diego Business Association Managed day-to-day operations for the LGBT Chamber of Commerce. Responsible for accounting: both accounts receivable and payable. Managed membership by maintaining a database of members information and ensuring that existing members were billed on time and renewing or new members where sent the appropriate information. Created marketing and membership forms and informational brochures for the organization. Managed the collection of sales and artwork for the annual Directory by creating a database and paperwork system that enabled the office to track individual members listings and ads for the Directory. Assisted in the long-term goal planning for the organization including the planning of events throughout the year. Responsible for all operations related activities at the many events we participated in (e.g. Pride, CityFest, New Member Orientations, Conferences, and Workshops). 2013-Present 2013-Present 2012- Present 2010- Present 2007-2011 2005-2006 2004 2004-2007 OTHER EXPERIENCE: Internship Positions: Bereavement Counselor, San Diego Hospice, San Diego, CA Conducted group, individual, and family therapy on hospice clients and/or their family members upon the passing of their loved one. Utilized art therapy, solution focused therapy and narrative therapy. 2005-2006 Counselor, Center for Community Counseling, San Diego, CA Proved therapy for clients from San Diego State University and from the local community around the clinic. 2004-2005 Special Trainings: Certificate of Creative Leadership Training, The Center for Creative Leadership, San Diego, CA January 2010 Educational Leadership for Peace and Sustainability, University for Peace: Center for Executive and Professional Education, San José, Costa Rica August 2008 Leadership Development, The San Diego LGBT Center, San Diego, CA January 2007 Bereavement Training, San Diego Hospice, San Diego, CA May 2005 Event Involvement: Pacific Regional NGLCC Summit, San Diego, CA The Pacific Region of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce conducted their annual conference for leaders of the region’s chambers. The Greater San Diego Business Association hosted it. January 2007 Event Involvement- Continued: Judge Learned Hand Award Dinner, San Diego, CA The American Jewish Committee of San Diego presents an annual award dinner for a local judge who has had a distinguished career in San Diego. This event is the main fundraising event for the entire year. March 2005 Professional Affiliations: International Leadership Association 2010-Present The Society of Educators and Scholars 2009-Present American Educational Research Association 2008-Present National Association of Student Affairs Professionals 2011-Present Association of College and University Housing Officers- International 2011-Present Pressley R. Rankin IV, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae Page 7 of 7