I am professor Anwar J. M. Jawad. My interest in Soliton and solving System of evolution equations. My h_index = 18 in Scopus. I published more than 120 papers in international journals. I participated in 30 conferences. Phone: +964 07732020420 Address: Iraq
This paper employs the Lie symmetry analysis to integrate the concatenation model studied with th... more This paper employs the Lie symmetry analysis to integrate the concatenation model studied with the Kerr law of self-phase modulation. The reduced ordinary differential equation is integrated using two approaches, which are the extended tanh method and the generalized Arnous' approach. These yielded dark and singular solitons for the model.
The current paper extracts the implicit form of quiescent optical solitons that emerge from the n... more The current paper extracts the implicit form of quiescent optical solitons that emerge from the nonlinear Schrödinger's equation with the generalized form of quadratic-cubic nonlinear refractive index change. The work is with linear temporal evolution as well as with generalized temporal evolution. The results are in terms of Appell hypergeometric functions as in the case of the quadratic-cubic form of nonlinear refractive index, reported earlier. Lie symmetry analysis has made this retrieval possible.
This research work brings forth the understanding of optical cosh-Gaussian dynamics by incorporat... more This research work brings forth the understanding of optical cosh-Gaussian dynamics by incorporating the newly formulated Kudryashov equation. The method used is Anderson's variational approach. We show that an appropriate choice of the trial wavefunction allows highlighting several varieties of stable and unstable solutions corresponding to non-dissipative or dissipative spatiotemporal solitons, propagating without deformation and with deformation.
This work is on the retrieval of quiescent optical solitons for the complex Ginzburg-Landau equat... more This work is on the retrieval of quiescent optical solitons for the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation that is with nonlinear chromatic dispersion and generalized structure of quadratic-cubic form of self-phase modulation. The Lie symmetry is applied to make this retrieval possible. The model is studied with linear temporal evolutions as well as generalized temporal evolution.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger-Hirota equation with spatio-temporal dispersion that governs ... more The perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger-Hirota equation with spatio-temporal dispersion that governs the propagation of dispersive pulses in optical fibers is investigated in this study using three methods that are the Csch method, Tanh-Coth method and modified simple equation method. The Kerr and power laws of nonlinearity are taken into account. Bright soliton, dark soliton, singular soliton, mixed bright-dark soliton and periodic solutions are retrieved. Many constraint conditions required for the existence of solutions emerge from the integration methods. Furthermore, we demonstrate the dynamical behaviors and physical significance of these solutions by using different parameter values.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Natural fibres (NFRs) composite materials are acquiring popularity in the modern world due to the... more Natural fibres (NFRs) composite materials are acquiring popularity in the modern world due to their ecofriendliness and superior mechanical properties. Although it has been shown that determining this is a herculean endeavour in the literature, the water absorption (WA) qualities of the natural fibre (NFR) are crucial in the progressive degradation of the features of the resulting composites. This article seeks to report exhaustively on studies pertaining to the WA attributes of polymer composites reinforced with NFRs. This article provides an overview of NFR, its characterization, and the issues related to its addition to the matrix. The primary purpose of this research study is to investigate existing studies on the problems associated with the creation of cellulosic fibre hybrid composites, water absorption, and its impact on the tensile (TS), flexural (FS), and impact strength (IS) of NFR reinforced composites. We reviewed various surface treatments (ST) applied to NFR, including alkali treatment, silane treatment, acetylation, as well as recent advancements aimed at mitigating WA, enhancing hydrophobicity, and improving the interfacial bonding (IB) between NFR and the polymer matrix (PM). Additionally, we assessed the effectiveness of utilizing nanoparticles (NAPs) in specific ST of NFR to minimize water absorption.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The free flow of people and products within metropolitan areas depends on well-managed transporta... more The free flow of people and products within metropolitan areas depends on well-managed transportation systems. However, public parking places in smart cities are often limited by traffic, causing cars and residents to waste time, money, and fuel. To counteract this issue, today's automobile systems combine information fusion with intelligent parking solutions. In this research, we present a Fuzzy Logic Integrated Machine Learning Algorithm (FL-MLA) for use in smart parking and traffic management in a metropolis. The FL-MLA use fuzzy induction to distinguish between parked and moving vehicles while calculating traffic flow. The suggested technique efficiently resolves the problem of locating suitable parking places by avoiding incorrect configurations that govern traffic management difficulties. Therefore, the FL-MLA is used in traffic management systems to boost performance metrics like efficiency ratio (98.1%) and accident detection (98.1%) based on simulation results like reduced energy consumption (95.3%), more accurate traffic estimation (97.9%), higher average daily park occupancy (97.2%), and higher efficiency ratio (98.1%).
This work proposes a new kind of trajectory tracking controller for the differential drive mobile... more This work proposes a new kind of trajectory tracking controller for the differential drive mobile robot (DDMR), namely, the nonlinear neural network fractional-order proportional integral derivative (NNFOPID) controller. The suggested controller's coefficients comprise integral, proportional, and derivative gains as well as derivative and integral powers. The adjustment of these coefficients turns the design of the proposed NNFOPID control further problematic than the conventional proportional-integral-derivative control. To handle this issue, an Enhanced Fruit Fly Swarm Optimization algorithm has been developed and proposed in this work to tune the NNFOPID's parameters. The enhancement achieved on the standard fruit fly optimization technique lies in the increased uncertainty in the values of the initialized coefficients to convey a broader search space. subsequently, the search range is varied throughout the updating stage by beginning with a big radius and declines gradually during the course of the searching stage. The proposed NNFOPID controller has been validated its ability to track specific three types of continuous trajectories (circle, line, and lemniscate) while minimizing the mean square error and the control energy. Demonstrations have been run under MATLAB environment and revealed the practicality of the designed NNFOPID motion controller, where its performance has been compared with that of a nonlinear Neural Network Proportional Integral Derivative controller on the tracking of one of the aforementioned trajectories of the DDMR.
This paper applied very effective technique that is known as Tanh method to solve Nonlinear Coupl... more This paper applied very effective technique that is known as Tanh method to solve Nonlinear Couple KdV equations. The tanh method has been successfully verified to solve the system of equations (momentum, continuity, energy) equations for natural convection boundary-layer over a vertical flat plate in the condition of steady state. Results show the convenience and effectiveness of tanh method to solve PDEs nonlinear system. Previous exact and experimental outcomes are in good aggreement with the exact outcomes of the tanh method and which is very promising.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
: In the photovoltaic system, the performance, efficiency, and the generated power of the 35
PV s... more : In the photovoltaic system, the performance, efficiency, and the generated power of the 35 PV system are affected by the changes in the environment, disturbance, and parameter variation 36 and this leads to a deviation from the operating maximum power point (MPP) of the PV system. 37 Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to ensure the PV system operates at the maximum power 38 point under influence of the exogenous disturbances and uncertainties, i.e. no matter how the ir- 39 radiation, temperature, and load of the PV system change by proposing a maximum power point 40 tracking for the photovoltaic system (PV) based on the active disturbance rejection control 41 (ADRC) paradigm. The proposed method provides better performance with excellent tracking for 42 the MPP by controlling the duty cycle of the DC-DC buck converter. Moreover, comparison simu- 43 lations have been performed between the proposed method and the Linear ADRC (LADRC), con- 44 ventional ADRC, and the improved ADRC (IADRC) to investigate the effectiveness of the pro- 45 posed method. Finally, the simulation results validated the accuracy of the proposed method in 46 tracking the desired value and disturbance/ uncertainty attenuation with excellent response and 47 minimum output performance index (OPI).
This paper is mainly concerned with obtaining the pure optical cubic of solitons in nonlinear opt... more This paper is mainly concerned with obtaining the pure optical cubic of solitons in nonlinear optical fibers and formulating them by relying on the nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE). This method is effective for extracting optical solitons. We discuss the model responsible for controlling the motion of the soliton with a third-order dispersion effect. This is done without the need for external capabilities to support the visual movement of the soliton. The cubic optical soliton of this model is obtained by relying on the nonlinearity of Kerr law of and without chromatic dispersion. Soliton wave solutions are precisely extracted and constructed using different Csch, Tanh-Coth and exponential functions as well as fiber-optic solitary wave solutions which include complex soliton mixed solutions, singular, multiple, dark and bright solutions. The terms of integration and constraints for the resulting solutions are presented and discussed and we find the solitary and periodic waves solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equations.
Dynamic observers are commonly used in feedback loops to estimate the system's states from availa... more Dynamic observers are commonly used in feedback loops to estimate the system's states from available control inputs and measured outputs. The presence of measurement noise degrades the performance of the observer and consequently degrades the performance of the controlled system. This paper presents a novel nonlinear higher-order extended state observer (NHOESO) for efficient state and disturbance estimation in presence of measurement noise for nonlinear singleinput-single-output systems. The proposed nonlinear function allows a fast reconstruction of the system's states and is robust against uncertainties and measurement noise. An analytical parameterization technique is proposed to parameterize the coefficients of the proposed nonlinear higher-order extended state observer in the case of measurement noise in the output signal. Several scenarios are simulated to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed observer.
In this study, we establish new travelling wave Solitons solutions by using three methods. These ... more In this study, we establish new travelling wave Solitons solutions by using three methods. These methods are Tan-Cot method, Extended Tanh-Coth method, and Modified Simple equation Method. These methods are used to obtain new solitary wave trigonometric and hyperbolic functions solutions for the generalized Schamel-Korteweg-de Vries (S-KdV) equation. These methods have been successfully applied to construct new solitary solutions as illustrated in figures. The three methods are efficient and reliable for solving great many nonlinear partial differential equations in physics.
This paper employs the Lie symmetry analysis to integrate the concatenation model studied with th... more This paper employs the Lie symmetry analysis to integrate the concatenation model studied with the Kerr law of self-phase modulation. The reduced ordinary differential equation is integrated using two approaches, which are the extended tanh method and the generalized Arnous' approach. These yielded dark and singular solitons for the model.
The current paper extracts the implicit form of quiescent optical solitons that emerge from the n... more The current paper extracts the implicit form of quiescent optical solitons that emerge from the nonlinear Schrödinger's equation with the generalized form of quadratic-cubic nonlinear refractive index change. The work is with linear temporal evolution as well as with generalized temporal evolution. The results are in terms of Appell hypergeometric functions as in the case of the quadratic-cubic form of nonlinear refractive index, reported earlier. Lie symmetry analysis has made this retrieval possible.
This research work brings forth the understanding of optical cosh-Gaussian dynamics by incorporat... more This research work brings forth the understanding of optical cosh-Gaussian dynamics by incorporating the newly formulated Kudryashov equation. The method used is Anderson's variational approach. We show that an appropriate choice of the trial wavefunction allows highlighting several varieties of stable and unstable solutions corresponding to non-dissipative or dissipative spatiotemporal solitons, propagating without deformation and with deformation.
This work is on the retrieval of quiescent optical solitons for the complex Ginzburg-Landau equat... more This work is on the retrieval of quiescent optical solitons for the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation that is with nonlinear chromatic dispersion and generalized structure of quadratic-cubic form of self-phase modulation. The Lie symmetry is applied to make this retrieval possible. The model is studied with linear temporal evolutions as well as generalized temporal evolution.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger-Hirota equation with spatio-temporal dispersion that governs ... more The perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger-Hirota equation with spatio-temporal dispersion that governs the propagation of dispersive pulses in optical fibers is investigated in this study using three methods that are the Csch method, Tanh-Coth method and modified simple equation method. The Kerr and power laws of nonlinearity are taken into account. Bright soliton, dark soliton, singular soliton, mixed bright-dark soliton and periodic solutions are retrieved. Many constraint conditions required for the existence of solutions emerge from the integration methods. Furthermore, we demonstrate the dynamical behaviors and physical significance of these solutions by using different parameter values.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Natural fibres (NFRs) composite materials are acquiring popularity in the modern world due to the... more Natural fibres (NFRs) composite materials are acquiring popularity in the modern world due to their ecofriendliness and superior mechanical properties. Although it has been shown that determining this is a herculean endeavour in the literature, the water absorption (WA) qualities of the natural fibre (NFR) are crucial in the progressive degradation of the features of the resulting composites. This article seeks to report exhaustively on studies pertaining to the WA attributes of polymer composites reinforced with NFRs. This article provides an overview of NFR, its characterization, and the issues related to its addition to the matrix. The primary purpose of this research study is to investigate existing studies on the problems associated with the creation of cellulosic fibre hybrid composites, water absorption, and its impact on the tensile (TS), flexural (FS), and impact strength (IS) of NFR reinforced composites. We reviewed various surface treatments (ST) applied to NFR, including alkali treatment, silane treatment, acetylation, as well as recent advancements aimed at mitigating WA, enhancing hydrophobicity, and improving the interfacial bonding (IB) between NFR and the polymer matrix (PM). Additionally, we assessed the effectiveness of utilizing nanoparticles (NAPs) in specific ST of NFR to minimize water absorption.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The free flow of people and products within metropolitan areas depends on well-managed transporta... more The free flow of people and products within metropolitan areas depends on well-managed transportation systems. However, public parking places in smart cities are often limited by traffic, causing cars and residents to waste time, money, and fuel. To counteract this issue, today's automobile systems combine information fusion with intelligent parking solutions. In this research, we present a Fuzzy Logic Integrated Machine Learning Algorithm (FL-MLA) for use in smart parking and traffic management in a metropolis. The FL-MLA use fuzzy induction to distinguish between parked and moving vehicles while calculating traffic flow. The suggested technique efficiently resolves the problem of locating suitable parking places by avoiding incorrect configurations that govern traffic management difficulties. Therefore, the FL-MLA is used in traffic management systems to boost performance metrics like efficiency ratio (98.1%) and accident detection (98.1%) based on simulation results like reduced energy consumption (95.3%), more accurate traffic estimation (97.9%), higher average daily park occupancy (97.2%), and higher efficiency ratio (98.1%).
This work proposes a new kind of trajectory tracking controller for the differential drive mobile... more This work proposes a new kind of trajectory tracking controller for the differential drive mobile robot (DDMR), namely, the nonlinear neural network fractional-order proportional integral derivative (NNFOPID) controller. The suggested controller's coefficients comprise integral, proportional, and derivative gains as well as derivative and integral powers. The adjustment of these coefficients turns the design of the proposed NNFOPID control further problematic than the conventional proportional-integral-derivative control. To handle this issue, an Enhanced Fruit Fly Swarm Optimization algorithm has been developed and proposed in this work to tune the NNFOPID's parameters. The enhancement achieved on the standard fruit fly optimization technique lies in the increased uncertainty in the values of the initialized coefficients to convey a broader search space. subsequently, the search range is varied throughout the updating stage by beginning with a big radius and declines gradually during the course of the searching stage. The proposed NNFOPID controller has been validated its ability to track specific three types of continuous trajectories (circle, line, and lemniscate) while minimizing the mean square error and the control energy. Demonstrations have been run under MATLAB environment and revealed the practicality of the designed NNFOPID motion controller, where its performance has been compared with that of a nonlinear Neural Network Proportional Integral Derivative controller on the tracking of one of the aforementioned trajectories of the DDMR.
This paper applied very effective technique that is known as Tanh method to solve Nonlinear Coupl... more This paper applied very effective technique that is known as Tanh method to solve Nonlinear Couple KdV equations. The tanh method has been successfully verified to solve the system of equations (momentum, continuity, energy) equations for natural convection boundary-layer over a vertical flat plate in the condition of steady state. Results show the convenience and effectiveness of tanh method to solve PDEs nonlinear system. Previous exact and experimental outcomes are in good aggreement with the exact outcomes of the tanh method and which is very promising.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
: In the photovoltaic system, the performance, efficiency, and the generated power of the 35
PV s... more : In the photovoltaic system, the performance, efficiency, and the generated power of the 35 PV system are affected by the changes in the environment, disturbance, and parameter variation 36 and this leads to a deviation from the operating maximum power point (MPP) of the PV system. 37 Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to ensure the PV system operates at the maximum power 38 point under influence of the exogenous disturbances and uncertainties, i.e. no matter how the ir- 39 radiation, temperature, and load of the PV system change by proposing a maximum power point 40 tracking for the photovoltaic system (PV) based on the active disturbance rejection control 41 (ADRC) paradigm. The proposed method provides better performance with excellent tracking for 42 the MPP by controlling the duty cycle of the DC-DC buck converter. Moreover, comparison simu- 43 lations have been performed between the proposed method and the Linear ADRC (LADRC), con- 44 ventional ADRC, and the improved ADRC (IADRC) to investigate the effectiveness of the pro- 45 posed method. Finally, the simulation results validated the accuracy of the proposed method in 46 tracking the desired value and disturbance/ uncertainty attenuation with excellent response and 47 minimum output performance index (OPI).
This paper is mainly concerned with obtaining the pure optical cubic of solitons in nonlinear opt... more This paper is mainly concerned with obtaining the pure optical cubic of solitons in nonlinear optical fibers and formulating them by relying on the nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE). This method is effective for extracting optical solitons. We discuss the model responsible for controlling the motion of the soliton with a third-order dispersion effect. This is done without the need for external capabilities to support the visual movement of the soliton. The cubic optical soliton of this model is obtained by relying on the nonlinearity of Kerr law of and without chromatic dispersion. Soliton wave solutions are precisely extracted and constructed using different Csch, Tanh-Coth and exponential functions as well as fiber-optic solitary wave solutions which include complex soliton mixed solutions, singular, multiple, dark and bright solutions. The terms of integration and constraints for the resulting solutions are presented and discussed and we find the solitary and periodic waves solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equations.
Dynamic observers are commonly used in feedback loops to estimate the system's states from availa... more Dynamic observers are commonly used in feedback loops to estimate the system's states from available control inputs and measured outputs. The presence of measurement noise degrades the performance of the observer and consequently degrades the performance of the controlled system. This paper presents a novel nonlinear higher-order extended state observer (NHOESO) for efficient state and disturbance estimation in presence of measurement noise for nonlinear singleinput-single-output systems. The proposed nonlinear function allows a fast reconstruction of the system's states and is robust against uncertainties and measurement noise. An analytical parameterization technique is proposed to parameterize the coefficients of the proposed nonlinear higher-order extended state observer in the case of measurement noise in the output signal. Several scenarios are simulated to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed observer.
In this study, we establish new travelling wave Solitons solutions by using three methods. These ... more In this study, we establish new travelling wave Solitons solutions by using three methods. These methods are Tan-Cot method, Extended Tanh-Coth method, and Modified Simple equation Method. These methods are used to obtain new solitary wave trigonometric and hyperbolic functions solutions for the generalized Schamel-Korteweg-de Vries (S-KdV) equation. These methods have been successfully applied to construct new solitary solutions as illustrated in figures. The three methods are efficient and reliable for solving great many nonlinear partial differential equations in physics.
Papers by Anwar J M Jawad
PV system are affected by the changes in the environment, disturbance, and parameter variation 36
and this leads to a deviation from the operating maximum power point (MPP) of the PV system. 37
Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to ensure the PV system operates at the maximum power 38
point under influence of the exogenous disturbances and uncertainties, i.e. no matter how the ir- 39
radiation, temperature, and load of the PV system change by proposing a maximum power point 40
tracking for the photovoltaic system (PV) based on the active disturbance rejection control 41
(ADRC) paradigm. The proposed method provides better performance with excellent tracking for 42
the MPP by controlling the duty cycle of the DC-DC buck converter. Moreover, comparison simu- 43
lations have been performed between the proposed method and the Linear ADRC (LADRC), con- 44
ventional ADRC, and the improved ADRC (IADRC) to investigate the effectiveness of the pro- 45
posed method. Finally, the simulation results validated the accuracy of the proposed method in 46
tracking the desired value and disturbance/ uncertainty attenuation with excellent response and 47
minimum output performance index (OPI).
PV system are affected by the changes in the environment, disturbance, and parameter variation 36
and this leads to a deviation from the operating maximum power point (MPP) of the PV system. 37
Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to ensure the PV system operates at the maximum power 38
point under influence of the exogenous disturbances and uncertainties, i.e. no matter how the ir- 39
radiation, temperature, and load of the PV system change by proposing a maximum power point 40
tracking for the photovoltaic system (PV) based on the active disturbance rejection control 41
(ADRC) paradigm. The proposed method provides better performance with excellent tracking for 42
the MPP by controlling the duty cycle of the DC-DC buck converter. Moreover, comparison simu- 43
lations have been performed between the proposed method and the Linear ADRC (LADRC), con- 44
ventional ADRC, and the improved ADRC (IADRC) to investigate the effectiveness of the pro- 45
posed method. Finally, the simulation results validated the accuracy of the proposed method in 46
tracking the desired value and disturbance/ uncertainty attenuation with excellent response and 47
minimum output performance index (OPI).