The Iro protein was proposed to be involved in the iron respiratory electron transport chain in A... more The Iro protein was proposed to be involved in the iron respiratory electron transport chain in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, it is a member of HiPIP family with the iron-sulfur cluster for electron transfer. The gene of Iro protein from A. ferrooxidans Fe-1 was cloned and then successfully expressed in Escherichia coli, finally purified by one-step affinity chromatography to homogeneity. The recombinant protein was observed to be dimer. The molecular mass of a monomer containing the [Fe4S4] cluster was 6847.35 Da by MALDI-TOF-MS. The optical and EPR spectra results of the recombinant protein confirmed that the iron-sulfur cluster was correctly inserted into the active site of the protein. Molecular modelling for the protein revealed that Cys20, Cys23, Cys32 and Cys45 were in ligation with the iron-sulfur cluster, and Tyr10 was important for the stability of the [Fe4S4] cluster. As we know, this is the first report of expression in E. coli of the Iro protein from A. ferrooxidans Fe-1.
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, Jan 15, 2007
IscA was proposed to be involved in the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in Acidithiobacillus ferroox... more IscA was proposed to be involved in the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans encoded by the iscSUA operon, but the role of IscA in the iron-sulfur cluster assembly still remains controversial. In this study, the IscA from A. ferrooxidans ATCC 23270 was successfully expressed in Escherichia coli, and purified by affinity chromatography to homogeneity. To our surprise, the purified IscA was observed to be an iron-sulfur protein according to MALDI-TOF-MS and spectra results, which was capable of recruiting intracellular iron and sulfur and hosted a stable [Fe 4 S 4 ] cluster. Site-directed mutagenesis for the protein revealed that Cys35, Cys99 and Cys101 were in ligating with the [Fe 4 S 4 ] cluster. The [Fe 4 S 4 ] cluster could be assembled in apoIscA with Fe 2+ and sulfide in vitro. The IscA from A. ferrooxidans may function as a scaffold protein for the pre-assembly of Fe-S cluster and then transfer it to target proteins in A. ferrooxidans.
Accurate genome annotation or protein function prediction requires precise recognition of functio... more Accurate genome annotation or protein function prediction requires precise recognition of functional sequence motifs. Many computational motif prediction models have been proposed. Due to the complexity of the biological data, it may be desirable to apply an integrated approach that uses multiple models for analysis. In this article, we propose a novel multi-agent architecture for the general purpose of functional sequence motif recognition. The approach takes advantage of the synergy provided by multiple agents through the employment of different agents equipped with distinctive problem solving skills and promotes the collaborations among them through decision maker (DM) agents that work as classifier ensembles. A genetic algorithm-based fusion strategy is applied which offers evolutionary property to the DM agents. The consistency and robustness of the system are maintained by an evolvable agent that mediates the team of the ensemble agents. The combined effort of a recommendation system (Seer) and the self-learning mediator agent yields a successful identification of the most efficient agent deployment scheme at an early stage of the experimentation process, which has the potential of greatly reducing the computational cost of the system. Two concrete systems are constructed that aim at predicting two important sequence motifs-the translational initiation sites (TISs) and the core promoters. With the incorporation of three distinctive problem solver agents, the TIS predictor consistently outperforms most of the state-of-the-art approaches under investigation. Integrating three existing promoter predictors, our system is able to yield consistently good performance. The program (MotifMAS) and the datasets are available upon request.
A growing body of evidence suggests that DNA methylation is functionally divergent among differen... more A growing body of evidence suggests that DNA methylation is functionally divergent among different taxa. The recently discovered functional methylation system in the honeybee Apis mellifera presents an attractive invertebrate model system to study evolution and function of DNA methylation. In the honeybee, DNA methylation is mostly targeted toward transcription units (gene bodies) of a subset of genes. Here, we report an intriguing covariation of length and epigenetic status of honeybee genes. Hypermethylated and hypomethylated genes in honeybee are dramatically different in their lengths for both exons and introns. By analyzing orthologs in Drosophila melanogaster, Acyrthosiphon pisum, and Ciona intestinalis, we show genes that were short and long in the past are now preferentially situated in hyper-and hypomethylated classes respectively, in the honeybee. Moreover, we demonstrate that a subset of high-CpG genes are conspicuously longer than expected under the evolutionary relationship alone and that they are enriched in specific functional categories. We suggest that gene length evolution in the honeybee is partially driven by evolutionary forces related to regulation of gene expression, which in turn is associated with DNA methylation. However, lineage-specific patterns of gene length evolution suggest that there may exist additional forces underlying the observed interaction between DNA methylation and gene lengths in the honeybee.
Pochonia chlamydosporia produces radicicol (1), a potent antifungal and anticancer product. NaBr,... more Pochonia chlamydosporia produces radicicol (1), a potent antifungal and anticancer product. NaBr, but not NaF, NaCl or NaI, inhibited the biosynthesis of 1 in P. chlamydosporia in a dose-dependent manner, accompanied by the formation chlorine-lacking monocillins II-V (2-5), indicating that the dedicated halogenase, Rdc2 had been inhibited. RT-PCR analysis confirmed that transcription of rdc2 was selectively inhibited by Br(-), whereas the putative P450 epoxidase gene, rdc4, was not affected.
Background: Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells differ from other T cells by their hyperactiv... more Background: Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells differ from other T cells by their hyperactive effector T-cell status, in addition to the expression of NK lineage receptors and semi-invariant T-cell receptors. It is generally agreed that the immune phenotype of iNKT cells is maintained by repeated activation in peripheral tissues although no explicit evidence for such iNKT cell activity in vivo has so far been reported.
Tryptophan (Trp) halogenases are found in various bacteria and play an important role in natural ... more Tryptophan (Trp) halogenases are found in various bacteria and play an important role in natural product biosynthesis. Analysis of the genome of Streptomyces toxytricini NRRL 15443 revealed an ORF, stth, encoding a putative Trp halogenase within a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase gene cluster. This gene was cloned into pET28a and functionally overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The enzyme halogenated both L - and D -Trp to yield the corresponding 6-chlorinated derivatives. The optimum activity was at 40°C and pH 6 giving k (cat) /K (M) value of STTH of 72,000 min(-1) M(-1). The enzyme also used bromide to yield 6-bromo-Trp.
Biotransformation is an effective method to generate new derivatives from natural products. Combi... more Biotransformation is an effective method to generate new derivatives from natural products. Combination of various enzymes or whole-cell biocatalysts creates new opportunities for natural product biosynthesis. Dihydroresorcylide (1) is a phytotoxic macrolactone from Acremonium aeae. It was first chlorinated at C-11 by an engineered Escherichia coli BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RIL/pJZ54 strain that overexpresses a fungal flavin-dependent halogenase, and subsequently glycosylated at 12-OH by Beauveria bassiana ATCC 7159, giving rise to a novel derivative, 11-chloro-4'-O-methyl-12-O-beta-D-glucosyl-dihydroresorcylide (3). Although 1 can be converted into a new 4'-O-methyl-glucosylated derivative 4 by B. bassiana, this product cannot be further chlorinated by E. coli BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RIL/pJZ54 to afford 3. The sequence of these two biotransformation steps was thus restricted and not interchangeable. This sequential biotransformation approach can be applied to other structurally similar natural products to create novel derivatives.
A type III polyketide biosynthetic gene cluster has been discovered in the industrially important... more A type III polyketide biosynthetic gene cluster has been discovered in the industrially important strain Streptomyces toxytricini NRRL 15443, including four genes stp450-1, stts, stp450-2, and stmo. The stts gene encodes a putative type III polyketide synthase that is homologous to RppA, a 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene (THN) synthase from Streptomyces griseus. The deduced protein product of stmo resembles the cupincontaining monooxygenase MomA from Streptomyces antibioticus that oxidizes THN into flaviolin. Two cytochrome P450s (CYPs), StP450-1 and StP450-2, are present in the gene cluster. StTS was overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) and identified as a THN synthase. The synthesized THN can be easily oxidized into flaviolin by air. Both CYPs were reconstituted in E. coli BL21(DE3) and can oxidize flaviolin to form oligomers. The k cat /K m values for StP450-1 and StP450-2 were 0.28 and 0.71 min −1 mM −1 , respectively. UV irradiation test showed that expression of StTS in E. coli BL21(DE3) significantly protects the cells from UV radiation, and coexpression of StTS and StP450-1 provides even stronger protection.
As key epigenetic regulators, polycomb group (PcG) proteins are responsible for the control of ce... more As key epigenetic regulators, polycomb group (PcG) proteins are responsible for the control of cell proliferation and differentiation as well as stem cell pluripotency and self-renewal. Aberrant epigenetic modification by PcG is strongly correlated with the severity and invasiveness of many types of cancers. Unfortunately, the molecular mechanism of PcG-mediated epigenetic regulation remained elusive, partly due to the extremely limited pool of experimentally confirmed PcG target genes. In order to facilitate experimental identification of PcG target genes, here we propose a novel computational method, EpiPredictor, that achieved significantly higher matching ratios with several recent chromatin immunoprecipitation studies than jPREdictor, an existing computational method. We further validated a subset of genes that were uniquely predicted by EpiPredictor by cross-referencing existing literature and by experimental means. Our data suggest that multiple transcription factor networking at the cis-regulatory elements is critical for PcG recruitment, while high GC content and high conservation level are also important features of PcG target genes. EpiPredictor should substantially expedite experimental discovery of PcG target genes by providing an effective initial screening tool. From a computational standpoint, our strategy of modelling transcription factor interaction with a non-linear kernel is original, effective and transferable to many other applications.
A new N-oxide was produced from 3-(N-Boc-aminomethyl)-5-bromopyridine by bioconversion with Cunni... more A new N-oxide was produced from 3-(N-Boc-aminomethyl)-5-bromopyridine by bioconversion with Cunninghamella echinulata var. elegans ATCC 9245, and its structure was established based on the spectral data. The microbial N-oxidation is efficient and highly selective. The substrate was transformed into the product in 7 days.
DNA methylation is a pervasive epigenetic DNA modification that strongly affects chromatin regula... more DNA methylation is a pervasive epigenetic DNA modification that strongly affects chromatin regulation and gene expression. To date, it remains largely unknown how patterns of DNA methylation differ between closely related species and whether such differences contribute to species-specific phenotypes. To investigate these questions, we generated nucleotide-resolution whole-genome methylation maps of the prefrontal cortex of multiple humans and chimpanzees. Levels and patterns of DNA methylation vary across individuals within species according to the age and the sex of the individuals. We also found extensive species-level divergence in patterns of DNA methylation and that hundreds of genes exhibit significantly lower levels of promoter methylation in the human brain than in the chimpanzee brain. Furthermore, we investigated the functional consequences of methylation differences in humans and chimpanzees by integrating data on gene expression generated with next-generation sequencing methods, and we found a strong relationship between differential methylation and gene expression. Finally, we found that differentially methylated genes are strikingly enriched with loci associated with neurological disorders, psychological disorders, and cancers. Our results demonstrate that differential DNA methylation might be an important molecular mechanism driving gene-expression divergence between human and chimpanzee brains and might potentially contribute to the evolution of disease vulnerabilities. Thus, comparative studies of humans and chimpanzees stand to identify key epigenomic modifications underlying the evolution of human-specific traits.
It is shown that the nonlinear optical phenomenon known as second-harmonic generation can be used... more It is shown that the nonlinear optical phenomenon known as second-harmonic generation can be used for label-free, time-resolved study of the transport of molecules through living cell membranes. The adsorption and transport of a 300-Da molecular-mass hydrophobic ion at the Escherichia coli membrane is observed. Remarkably, at low ion concentrations, the second-harmonic generation technique clearly exposes a multistep molecular transport process: Transport of the molecular ion across the outer and cytoplasmic membranes of the Gram-negative bacteria is recorded, in sequence, in time. Fitting of the data to a multiprocess kinematic model reveals that the transport of this hydrophobic ion through the outer membrane is much faster than through the cytoplasmic membrane, likely reflecting the effectiveness of ion transport porins. The observations illustrate an experimental means for studying the interactions of small molecules with cell membranes.
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2013
Predicting disease progression is one of the most challenging problems in prostate cancer researc... more Predicting disease progression is one of the most challenging problems in prostate cancer research. Adding gene expression data to prediction models that are based on clinical features has been proposed to improve accuracy. In the current study, we applied a logistic regression (LR) model combining clinical features and gene co-expression data to improve the accuracy of the prediction of prostate cancer progression. The top-scoring pair (TSP) method was used to select genes for the model. The proposed models not only preserved the basic properties of the TSP algorithm but also incorporated the clinical features into the prognostic models. Based on the statistical inference with the iterative cross validation, we demonstrated that prediction LR models that included genes selected by the TSP method provided better predictions of prostate cancer progression than those using clinical variables only and/or those that included genes selected by the one-gene-at-a-time approach. Thus, we conclude that TSP selection is a useful tool for feature (and/or gene) selection to use in prognostic models and our model also provides an alternative for predicting prostate cancer progression.
While concurrency in embedded systems is most often supplied by real-time operating systems, this... more While concurrency in embedded systems is most often supplied by real-time operating systems, this approach can be unpredictable and difficult to debug. Synchronous concurrency, in which a system marches in lockstep to a global clock, is conceptually easier and potentially more efficient because it can be statically scheduled beforehand.
The aim of the present study was to investigate arbidol&a... more The aim of the present study was to investigate arbidol's inhibition towards UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A9 and 2B7. The nonspecific probe substrate 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU) and recombinant UGT enzymes (UGT1A9, UGT2B7) were firstly used to evaluate the inhibition of arbidol towards UGT1A9 and UGT2B7. Furthermore, specific substrates of UGT1A9 and UGT2B7 propofol and zidovudine (AZT) were used to determine the inhibition of arbidol towards UGT1A9 and UGT2B7. Inhibition type and inhibition kinetic parameters (Ki) were determined. In vitro-in vivo extrapolation (IV-IVE) was performed to predict in vivo DDI magnitude induced by arbidol. Arbidol was demonstrated to exhibit competitive inhibition towards UGT1A9 and UGT2B7 without substate-dependent behaviour. The inhibition kinetic parameters (Ki) were calculated to be 0.5 microM, 3.5 microM, 2.8 microM, 29.7 microM for UGT2B7-mediated 4-MU glucuronidation, UGT1A9-mediated 4-MU glucuronidation, UGT2B7-mediated AZT glucuronidation, and UGT1A9-mediated propofol glucuronidation, respectively. Using these parameters, the in vivo alteration of area under of concentration-time curve (AUC) was calculated to be 156%, 22%, 28% and 2.6%, respectively. Given that arbidol exhibits strong inhibition towards UGT1A9 and UGT2B7, clinical monitoring should be given when arbidol was co-administered with drugs mainly undergoing UGT1A9, UGT2B7-mediated metabolism.
The Iro protein was proposed to be involved in the iron respiratory electron transport chain in A... more The Iro protein was proposed to be involved in the iron respiratory electron transport chain in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, it is a member of HiPIP family with the iron-sulfur cluster for electron transfer. The gene of Iro protein from A. ferrooxidans Fe-1 was cloned and then successfully expressed in Escherichia coli, finally purified by one-step affinity chromatography to homogeneity. The recombinant protein was observed to be dimer. The molecular mass of a monomer containing the [Fe4S4] cluster was 6847.35 Da by MALDI-TOF-MS. The optical and EPR spectra results of the recombinant protein confirmed that the iron-sulfur cluster was correctly inserted into the active site of the protein. Molecular modelling for the protein revealed that Cys20, Cys23, Cys32 and Cys45 were in ligation with the iron-sulfur cluster, and Tyr10 was important for the stability of the [Fe4S4] cluster. As we know, this is the first report of expression in E. coli of the Iro protein from A. ferrooxidans Fe-1.
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, Jan 15, 2007
IscA was proposed to be involved in the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in Acidithiobacillus ferroox... more IscA was proposed to be involved in the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans encoded by the iscSUA operon, but the role of IscA in the iron-sulfur cluster assembly still remains controversial. In this study, the IscA from A. ferrooxidans ATCC 23270 was successfully expressed in Escherichia coli, and purified by affinity chromatography to homogeneity. To our surprise, the purified IscA was observed to be an iron-sulfur protein according to MALDI-TOF-MS and spectra results, which was capable of recruiting intracellular iron and sulfur and hosted a stable [Fe 4 S 4 ] cluster. Site-directed mutagenesis for the protein revealed that Cys35, Cys99 and Cys101 were in ligating with the [Fe 4 S 4 ] cluster. The [Fe 4 S 4 ] cluster could be assembled in apoIscA with Fe 2+ and sulfide in vitro. The IscA from A. ferrooxidans may function as a scaffold protein for the pre-assembly of Fe-S cluster and then transfer it to target proteins in A. ferrooxidans.
Accurate genome annotation or protein function prediction requires precise recognition of functio... more Accurate genome annotation or protein function prediction requires precise recognition of functional sequence motifs. Many computational motif prediction models have been proposed. Due to the complexity of the biological data, it may be desirable to apply an integrated approach that uses multiple models for analysis. In this article, we propose a novel multi-agent architecture for the general purpose of functional sequence motif recognition. The approach takes advantage of the synergy provided by multiple agents through the employment of different agents equipped with distinctive problem solving skills and promotes the collaborations among them through decision maker (DM) agents that work as classifier ensembles. A genetic algorithm-based fusion strategy is applied which offers evolutionary property to the DM agents. The consistency and robustness of the system are maintained by an evolvable agent that mediates the team of the ensemble agents. The combined effort of a recommendation system (Seer) and the self-learning mediator agent yields a successful identification of the most efficient agent deployment scheme at an early stage of the experimentation process, which has the potential of greatly reducing the computational cost of the system. Two concrete systems are constructed that aim at predicting two important sequence motifs-the translational initiation sites (TISs) and the core promoters. With the incorporation of three distinctive problem solver agents, the TIS predictor consistently outperforms most of the state-of-the-art approaches under investigation. Integrating three existing promoter predictors, our system is able to yield consistently good performance. The program (MotifMAS) and the datasets are available upon request.
A growing body of evidence suggests that DNA methylation is functionally divergent among differen... more A growing body of evidence suggests that DNA methylation is functionally divergent among different taxa. The recently discovered functional methylation system in the honeybee Apis mellifera presents an attractive invertebrate model system to study evolution and function of DNA methylation. In the honeybee, DNA methylation is mostly targeted toward transcription units (gene bodies) of a subset of genes. Here, we report an intriguing covariation of length and epigenetic status of honeybee genes. Hypermethylated and hypomethylated genes in honeybee are dramatically different in their lengths for both exons and introns. By analyzing orthologs in Drosophila melanogaster, Acyrthosiphon pisum, and Ciona intestinalis, we show genes that were short and long in the past are now preferentially situated in hyper-and hypomethylated classes respectively, in the honeybee. Moreover, we demonstrate that a subset of high-CpG genes are conspicuously longer than expected under the evolutionary relationship alone and that they are enriched in specific functional categories. We suggest that gene length evolution in the honeybee is partially driven by evolutionary forces related to regulation of gene expression, which in turn is associated with DNA methylation. However, lineage-specific patterns of gene length evolution suggest that there may exist additional forces underlying the observed interaction between DNA methylation and gene lengths in the honeybee.
Pochonia chlamydosporia produces radicicol (1), a potent antifungal and anticancer product. NaBr,... more Pochonia chlamydosporia produces radicicol (1), a potent antifungal and anticancer product. NaBr, but not NaF, NaCl or NaI, inhibited the biosynthesis of 1 in P. chlamydosporia in a dose-dependent manner, accompanied by the formation chlorine-lacking monocillins II-V (2-5), indicating that the dedicated halogenase, Rdc2 had been inhibited. RT-PCR analysis confirmed that transcription of rdc2 was selectively inhibited by Br(-), whereas the putative P450 epoxidase gene, rdc4, was not affected.
Background: Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells differ from other T cells by their hyperactiv... more Background: Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells differ from other T cells by their hyperactive effector T-cell status, in addition to the expression of NK lineage receptors and semi-invariant T-cell receptors. It is generally agreed that the immune phenotype of iNKT cells is maintained by repeated activation in peripheral tissues although no explicit evidence for such iNKT cell activity in vivo has so far been reported.
Tryptophan (Trp) halogenases are found in various bacteria and play an important role in natural ... more Tryptophan (Trp) halogenases are found in various bacteria and play an important role in natural product biosynthesis. Analysis of the genome of Streptomyces toxytricini NRRL 15443 revealed an ORF, stth, encoding a putative Trp halogenase within a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase gene cluster. This gene was cloned into pET28a and functionally overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The enzyme halogenated both L - and D -Trp to yield the corresponding 6-chlorinated derivatives. The optimum activity was at 40°C and pH 6 giving k (cat) /K (M) value of STTH of 72,000 min(-1) M(-1). The enzyme also used bromide to yield 6-bromo-Trp.
Biotransformation is an effective method to generate new derivatives from natural products. Combi... more Biotransformation is an effective method to generate new derivatives from natural products. Combination of various enzymes or whole-cell biocatalysts creates new opportunities for natural product biosynthesis. Dihydroresorcylide (1) is a phytotoxic macrolactone from Acremonium aeae. It was first chlorinated at C-11 by an engineered Escherichia coli BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RIL/pJZ54 strain that overexpresses a fungal flavin-dependent halogenase, and subsequently glycosylated at 12-OH by Beauveria bassiana ATCC 7159, giving rise to a novel derivative, 11-chloro-4'-O-methyl-12-O-beta-D-glucosyl-dihydroresorcylide (3). Although 1 can be converted into a new 4'-O-methyl-glucosylated derivative 4 by B. bassiana, this product cannot be further chlorinated by E. coli BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RIL/pJZ54 to afford 3. The sequence of these two biotransformation steps was thus restricted and not interchangeable. This sequential biotransformation approach can be applied to other structurally similar natural products to create novel derivatives.
A type III polyketide biosynthetic gene cluster has been discovered in the industrially important... more A type III polyketide biosynthetic gene cluster has been discovered in the industrially important strain Streptomyces toxytricini NRRL 15443, including four genes stp450-1, stts, stp450-2, and stmo. The stts gene encodes a putative type III polyketide synthase that is homologous to RppA, a 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene (THN) synthase from Streptomyces griseus. The deduced protein product of stmo resembles the cupincontaining monooxygenase MomA from Streptomyces antibioticus that oxidizes THN into flaviolin. Two cytochrome P450s (CYPs), StP450-1 and StP450-2, are present in the gene cluster. StTS was overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) and identified as a THN synthase. The synthesized THN can be easily oxidized into flaviolin by air. Both CYPs were reconstituted in E. coli BL21(DE3) and can oxidize flaviolin to form oligomers. The k cat /K m values for StP450-1 and StP450-2 were 0.28 and 0.71 min −1 mM −1 , respectively. UV irradiation test showed that expression of StTS in E. coli BL21(DE3) significantly protects the cells from UV radiation, and coexpression of StTS and StP450-1 provides even stronger protection.
As key epigenetic regulators, polycomb group (PcG) proteins are responsible for the control of ce... more As key epigenetic regulators, polycomb group (PcG) proteins are responsible for the control of cell proliferation and differentiation as well as stem cell pluripotency and self-renewal. Aberrant epigenetic modification by PcG is strongly correlated with the severity and invasiveness of many types of cancers. Unfortunately, the molecular mechanism of PcG-mediated epigenetic regulation remained elusive, partly due to the extremely limited pool of experimentally confirmed PcG target genes. In order to facilitate experimental identification of PcG target genes, here we propose a novel computational method, EpiPredictor, that achieved significantly higher matching ratios with several recent chromatin immunoprecipitation studies than jPREdictor, an existing computational method. We further validated a subset of genes that were uniquely predicted by EpiPredictor by cross-referencing existing literature and by experimental means. Our data suggest that multiple transcription factor networking at the cis-regulatory elements is critical for PcG recruitment, while high GC content and high conservation level are also important features of PcG target genes. EpiPredictor should substantially expedite experimental discovery of PcG target genes by providing an effective initial screening tool. From a computational standpoint, our strategy of modelling transcription factor interaction with a non-linear kernel is original, effective and transferable to many other applications.
A new N-oxide was produced from 3-(N-Boc-aminomethyl)-5-bromopyridine by bioconversion with Cunni... more A new N-oxide was produced from 3-(N-Boc-aminomethyl)-5-bromopyridine by bioconversion with Cunninghamella echinulata var. elegans ATCC 9245, and its structure was established based on the spectral data. The microbial N-oxidation is efficient and highly selective. The substrate was transformed into the product in 7 days.
DNA methylation is a pervasive epigenetic DNA modification that strongly affects chromatin regula... more DNA methylation is a pervasive epigenetic DNA modification that strongly affects chromatin regulation and gene expression. To date, it remains largely unknown how patterns of DNA methylation differ between closely related species and whether such differences contribute to species-specific phenotypes. To investigate these questions, we generated nucleotide-resolution whole-genome methylation maps of the prefrontal cortex of multiple humans and chimpanzees. Levels and patterns of DNA methylation vary across individuals within species according to the age and the sex of the individuals. We also found extensive species-level divergence in patterns of DNA methylation and that hundreds of genes exhibit significantly lower levels of promoter methylation in the human brain than in the chimpanzee brain. Furthermore, we investigated the functional consequences of methylation differences in humans and chimpanzees by integrating data on gene expression generated with next-generation sequencing methods, and we found a strong relationship between differential methylation and gene expression. Finally, we found that differentially methylated genes are strikingly enriched with loci associated with neurological disorders, psychological disorders, and cancers. Our results demonstrate that differential DNA methylation might be an important molecular mechanism driving gene-expression divergence between human and chimpanzee brains and might potentially contribute to the evolution of disease vulnerabilities. Thus, comparative studies of humans and chimpanzees stand to identify key epigenomic modifications underlying the evolution of human-specific traits.
It is shown that the nonlinear optical phenomenon known as second-harmonic generation can be used... more It is shown that the nonlinear optical phenomenon known as second-harmonic generation can be used for label-free, time-resolved study of the transport of molecules through living cell membranes. The adsorption and transport of a 300-Da molecular-mass hydrophobic ion at the Escherichia coli membrane is observed. Remarkably, at low ion concentrations, the second-harmonic generation technique clearly exposes a multistep molecular transport process: Transport of the molecular ion across the outer and cytoplasmic membranes of the Gram-negative bacteria is recorded, in sequence, in time. Fitting of the data to a multiprocess kinematic model reveals that the transport of this hydrophobic ion through the outer membrane is much faster than through the cytoplasmic membrane, likely reflecting the effectiveness of ion transport porins. The observations illustrate an experimental means for studying the interactions of small molecules with cell membranes.
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2013
Predicting disease progression is one of the most challenging problems in prostate cancer researc... more Predicting disease progression is one of the most challenging problems in prostate cancer research. Adding gene expression data to prediction models that are based on clinical features has been proposed to improve accuracy. In the current study, we applied a logistic regression (LR) model combining clinical features and gene co-expression data to improve the accuracy of the prediction of prostate cancer progression. The top-scoring pair (TSP) method was used to select genes for the model. The proposed models not only preserved the basic properties of the TSP algorithm but also incorporated the clinical features into the prognostic models. Based on the statistical inference with the iterative cross validation, we demonstrated that prediction LR models that included genes selected by the TSP method provided better predictions of prostate cancer progression than those using clinical variables only and/or those that included genes selected by the one-gene-at-a-time approach. Thus, we conclude that TSP selection is a useful tool for feature (and/or gene) selection to use in prognostic models and our model also provides an alternative for predicting prostate cancer progression.
While concurrency in embedded systems is most often supplied by real-time operating systems, this... more While concurrency in embedded systems is most often supplied by real-time operating systems, this approach can be unpredictable and difficult to debug. Synchronous concurrency, in which a system marches in lockstep to a global clock, is conceptually easier and potentially more efficient because it can be statically scheduled beforehand.
The aim of the present study was to investigate arbidol&a... more The aim of the present study was to investigate arbidol's inhibition towards UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A9 and 2B7. The nonspecific probe substrate 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU) and recombinant UGT enzymes (UGT1A9, UGT2B7) were firstly used to evaluate the inhibition of arbidol towards UGT1A9 and UGT2B7. Furthermore, specific substrates of UGT1A9 and UGT2B7 propofol and zidovudine (AZT) were used to determine the inhibition of arbidol towards UGT1A9 and UGT2B7. Inhibition type and inhibition kinetic parameters (Ki) were determined. In vitro-in vivo extrapolation (IV-IVE) was performed to predict in vivo DDI magnitude induced by arbidol. Arbidol was demonstrated to exhibit competitive inhibition towards UGT1A9 and UGT2B7 without substate-dependent behaviour. The inhibition kinetic parameters (Ki) were calculated to be 0.5 microM, 3.5 microM, 2.8 microM, 29.7 microM for UGT2B7-mediated 4-MU glucuronidation, UGT1A9-mediated 4-MU glucuronidation, UGT2B7-mediated AZT glucuronidation, and UGT1A9-mediated propofol glucuronidation, respectively. Using these parameters, the in vivo alteration of area under of concentration-time curve (AUC) was calculated to be 156%, 22%, 28% and 2.6%, respectively. Given that arbidol exhibits strong inhibition towards UGT1A9 and UGT2B7, clinical monitoring should be given when arbidol was co-administered with drugs mainly undergoing UGT1A9, UGT2B7-mediated metabolism.
Papers by Jia Xi Zeng