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<nowiki>Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Кристина Арноти; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; クリスティーヌ・アルノッティー; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Kriszta Arnóthy; كريستين ارنوثى; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; Arnóthy Krisztina; Christine Arnothy; Christine Arnothy; escritora francesa; ফরাসি লেখিকা; (1930–2015) magyar író, újságíró, kritikus; Prantsusmaa kirjanik; французская писательница и журналистка; ungarischer-französische Schriftstellerin; escriptora francesa; French writer; نویسنده فرانسوی; femme écrivain française; fransk skribent; scriitoare franceză; كاتبة فرنسية; Hungarian born French writer (1930-2015); Fransız yazar (1930-2015); fransk författare; fransk skribent; fransk skribent; Frans schrijfster (1930-2015); scrittrice francese; סופרת צרפתייה; shkrimtare franceze; ranskalainen kirjailija; escritora francesa; French writer; skrivagnerez gallek; eskritor franses; Kriszta Arnóthy; Christine Arnothy; William Dickinson; Arnóthy Kriszta; Arnóthy Kriszta; Arnothy Kriszta; Kriszta Arnothy; Cristine Arnothy; Cristine de Arnoth; Kriszta Kovách; Kovách Kriszta; Kovach Kriszta; Kriszta Kovach; Kriszta Kovacs; Kovacs Kriszta; Kriszta arnóthy</nowiki>