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English: Servomotors are rotary actuators comprising an electric motor, a position-sensing encoder and closed-loop control logic that uses the motor to reach the commanded position, as measured by the encoder.
<nowiki>Servomotor; Serbomotor; servomotor; Servomotor; سروموتور; 伺服馬達; Servomotor; サーボモータ; Servomotor; סרוו; 伺服機構; steter moter; 서보 기구; Servomotor; தானுந்தி; Servomotore; Servomoteur; Motor DC Servo; Servomootor; Động cơ servo; Servo motor; Servo motor; 伺服機構; Servomotor; Motor servo; Сервомотор; Servomotor; Servomotor; Սերվոմոտոր; Сервопривод; Сервопривод; servomotor; servo motor; محرك مؤازر; 伺服机构; Servomotor; type of actuator; Elektromotor mit Positionssensor zur Verwendung mit entsprechendem Regler; motor; type of actuator; محرك كهربائي; actuador capaç de controlar la posició, velocitat o acceleració de l'eix de forma precisa i amb una elevada resposta dinàmica; Motor növü; Servo mekanizma; サーボモーター; Servo; Servomoteur électrique; Servomehanism; מנגנון סרוו; Servo; Servo; Stellmotor; Servo motores; Servo motor; Servomotores; Servo</nowiki>
type of actuator
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Wikidata Q1137255
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File nella categoria "Servomotors"

Questa categoria contiene 32 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 32.