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- File:Nachträge zu den Lissonotinen. (Hym.) (IA zeitschrift-systematische-hymenopterologie-dipterologie-1-177-183).pdf (matches file content)gelblichroth. Die starke Behaarung namentlich des Vorderkörpers erinnert au Arenetra Uly. Mir liegen 2 cT ^^^ 2 9 ^^^ ein Ç ist am 14. 5. hier gefangen, das...(760 × 1,266 (678 KB)) - 12:41, 8 October 2023
- Description Arenetra Medium Print Dimensions Height: 16,78 cm. Width: 10,93 cm. Collection institution QS:P195,Q2100495 Accession number Box 19D: 046_03_0084...(1,291 × 1,982 (7.34 MB)) - 04:18, 13 September 2023
- File:The Canadian entomologist (IA canadianentomol01ento).pdf (matches file content)27, 70. 87. Arctia partlienos, 5. phalerata, '11. Saundersii, 27. Arenetra Canadensis, Cresson, 36. ^ 37. niger, Cresson, 37, 87. Exchanges, ...(804 × 1,266 (31.57 MB)) - 22:33, 17 September 2020
- File:The Canadian entomologist (IA canadianentomolo1186869ento).pdf (matches file content)Meetings of 7 o 87. Arctia parthenos, 5. phalerata, 27. Saundersii, 27. Arenetra Canadensis, Cresson, Argynnis Aphrodite, 75. Myrina 37. niger, Cresson...(720 × 1,154 (6.5 MB)) - 16:31, 6 July 2020
- ily <Trans. Araer- Tabulates the genera Pimpla, Polysphincta, Grlypta, Arenetra, Lampronota, Xylonomus, Odontomerus, with a listoi all species. 13 Walsh...(900 × 1,422 (5.7 MB)) - 05:48, 8 August 2023
- File:A list of works on North American entomology (IA listofworksonnor24bank).pdf (matches file content)1870-71, pp. 113-172. Tabulates the genera Pimpla, Polysphincta, Glypta, Arenetra, Lampronota, Xylonomus, Odontomerus, with a list of all species. 12 B...(939 × 1,464 (8.58 MB)) - 12:56, 29 June 2023
- File:Bulletin (IA bulletin8182190912unit).pdf (matches file content)143-172, 1870-1871. Tabulates the genera Pimpla. Polysphincta, Glypta, Arenetra. Lampronota, Xylonomus, and Odontomerus. with a list of all species. ...(752 × 1,266 (26.39 MB)) - 18:59, 12 December 2024
- File:Bulletin - United States National Museum (IA bulletinunitedst831914unit).pdf (matches file content)1892, pi. 14, fig. 13. Type. Archibracon flaviceps Saussure. (Monobasic.) Arenetra Holmgren. Ofvers Vet-Akad. Forh., vol. 16, 1859, p. 127. Two species. Svensk...(760 × 1,287 (12.47 MB)) - 07:16, 2 January 2024
- File:A list of works on North American entomology (IA listofworksonnor00bankrich).pdf (matches file content)1870-71, pp. 143-172. Tabulates the genera Pimpla, Polysphincta, Glypta, Arenetra, Lampronota, Xylonomus, Odoiitomerus, with a list of all species. B....(814 × 1,225 (14.77 MB)) - 12:56, 29 June 2023
- File:Le Naturaliste canadien (IA lenaturalistecan121881soci).pdf (matches file content)Thorax non pubescent 34(33) Thorax, tcte et cuisses pubescents ........ 68. Arenetra. 35(32) Tarière plus courte que le corps, droite, forte. 69. Meniscusj...(662 × 1,206 (25.5 MB)) - 11:03, 10 December 2022
- File:A list of works on North American entomology - compiled for the use of students and other workers as well as for those about to begin the collection and study of insects (IA listofworksonnor81bank).pdf (matches file content)143-172, 1870-1871. Tabulates the genera Pimpla, Polysphincta, Glypta, Arenetra, Lampronota, Xylonomus, and Odontomerus, with a list of all species. ...(789 × 1,291 (10.07 MB)) - 10:43, 18 August 2024
- File:Proceedings of the United States National Museum (IA proceedingsofuni601922unit).pdf (matches file content)Ichneumon-flies of the Genera Clistopyga and Schizopyga. By 1. Apices Arenetra nigrita Walsh; c, ceria lugubris 2. Clypta simplidpes; of ovipositors:...(675 × 1,277 (55.38 MB)) - 19:06, 17 February 2023
- File:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Glasgow (IA transactionsofna02natu).pdf (matches file content)180 183 189 194 F.E.S., On 163 the Occurrence on Ben Lawers of Arenetra pilosella, Gr., a Genus of Ichneumoiiidce new to the British Fauna. By...(825 × 1,272 (30.6 MB)) - 18:17, 22 July 2020
- File:Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA pinacographiaill00snel).pdf (matches file content)fronticornis Grav „ bifoveolata Grav Cllstopyga Grav Grav rufator Arenetra pilosella Liampronola „ „ „ f. 4. „ „ f. 6. 7. „ „ „ „...(1,218 × 1,727 (8.33 MB)) - 16:48, 8 December 2023
- NCBI, 9 November 2015): Agathilla, Alloplasta, Amphirhachis, Apophua, Arenetra, Atropha, Australoglypta, Banchinae gen. banchJanzen01, Banchopsis, Banchus...3 members (3 subcategories, 0 files) - 18:27, 14 March 2023
- Araucacis, Aravenator, Arbelus, Archboldiella, Archoprotus, Arearia, Arenetra, Areyonga, Arhytis, Aridella, Aritranis, Arotes, Arotrephes, Artherola...348 members (347 subcategories, 0 files) - 00:05, 29 May 2020