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VEE 2021
Fri 16 Apr 2021
  • Mon 19 Apr 2021 by Ben L. Titzer

    Thank you all for a great VEE!

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2021 virtual edition of VEE.

    After considering of all the great presented papers at VEE, the committee decided to give the Best Presentation award to:

    Jin Wu

    for his presentation of the paper “Effective Exploitation of SIMD Resources in Cross-ISA Virtualization” with coauthors Jian Dong, Ruili Fang, Ziyi Zhao, Xiaoli Gong, Wenwen Wang and Decheng Zuo.

    Thank you Jin, we’ll recognize your award with a check for $100!

  • Mon 22 Feb 2021 by Ben L. Titzer

    Conference Date Set for Friday, April 16

    VEE will be held virtually (colocated) with ASPLOS 2021.

    Please join us on Friday, April 16 for the presentation of research papers!

  • Mon 4 Jan 2021 by Ben L. Titzer

    Program is now available!

    The program is now available here on the website! We have 15 great papers that will be presented via our virtual conference on Friday, April 16th.

    Head over to https://asplos-conference.org to register! Remember to click the option to attend VEE.

All News Articles

Welcome to the website of the VEE 2021 conference!

Please note that the submission deadline for Research Papers has been extended to Jan 22, 2021!

The 17th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE’21) brings together researchers and practitioners from different computer systems domains to interact and share ideas in order to advance the state of the art of virtualization, systems programming and programming languages.

We are excited to continue the tradition of presenting the past year’s best research on virtualization techniques and bring together the world’s leading experts on this topic.

ASPLOS 2021, our parent conference, has gone fully virtual. VEE 2021 will offer a fully virtual conference organized in coordination to maximize the benefits from our long-standing relationship.

We are working hard to fill the website with all related information. Please check back soon!

Research Papers: Call for Papers

View track page for all details

Virtualization has a central role in a wide range of computing environments, from small embedded systems, to mobile computing devices, to large-scale data centers and computational clouds. Virtualization techniques encompass the underlying hardware, the operating system, and the runtime system in many environments, including virtual machines, managed runtime environments, containers, serverless functions and mobile devices. Although these layers and deployments have different design and implementation techniques, many fundamental challenges and insights are common.

The 17th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE’21) brings together researchers and practitioners from different computer systems domains to interact and share ideas in order to advance the state of the art of virtualization and broaden its applicability.

Full-length and Short Papers Solicited

VEE’21 accepts both full-length and short papers. Both types of submissions are reviewed to the same standards and differ primarily in the scope of the ideas expressed. Short papers are limited to half the space of full-length papers. Each paper must fall into one of two categories and will be considered in that category only. The program committee will not accept a full paper on the condition that it shortened, nor will it invite short papers to be extended to full length.

An ideal short paper expresses an idea that doesn’t require 12 pages to describe or evaluate. The ideas should be complete and well-formed just like those in a full-length paper, rather than a HotOS / HotStorage-style workshop paper with an interesting idea that isn’t yet fully developed. Short papers will be held to the same standard as full-length papers in terms of clarity of presentation and evaluation, but the scope of the work and the breadth of the evaluation is expected to be smaller.


We invite authors to submit original papers related to virtualization across all layers of the software stack, down to the microarchitectural level. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Virtualization, containers or serverless in cloud computing or datacenters
  • Virtualization and runtime systems for mobile devices and smart devices
  • Architecture support for virtualization, containers or serverless functions
  • Compiler and programming language support for virtualization, containers or serverless functions
  • Memory management
  • Managed runtimes and virtual machines
  • Serverless infrastructure and containers
  • Management technologies for virtual environments, serverless functions or containers
  • Operating system support for virtualization, containers or serverless functions
  • Performance analysis and debugging for serverless functions, containers, mobile runtimes or other virtual environments
  • Runtime system support for virtualization, containers or serverless functions
  • Security for serverless functions, mobile runtimes, containers and other virtual environments;
  • Virtual and kernel-bypass I/O, storage, and networking
  • Virtualization support for programs and programmers
  • Virtualization technologies applied to specific problem domains such as HPC, real-time, and power management

Submission Guidelines

Please submit your paper through https://vee21.hotcrp.com/ after reading the following submission instructions.

Submissions must attack an interesting problem and clearly articulate their contribution relative to previous work. Submissions must be in ACM SIGPLAN proceedings format, 10-point type on 11-point leading, 7x9 inch text block, and two columns with .33 inch column separation, and submissions may not exceed 12 pages for full papers and 6 pages for short papers, excluding references. Word and LaTeX templates for this format are available at http://www.sigplan.org/authorInformation.htm (but please note that 10-point is not the default). Pages must be numbered, and submissions must be in PDF, legible when printed black and white on US Letter and A4 paper. All fonts must be embedded in the submitted PDF. Submissions violating the formatting guidelines may be rejected without review.

Reviewing will be double blind, therefore submissions must be anonymous. Author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, and any other hints of identity must not be included in the submission. You should not anonymize your bibliographic references; instead, cite your work in the third person so that your submission is self-contained. Make a good-faith effort to conceal any authorship connection between prior work and yours.

Submissions must describe unpublished work that is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere as discussed at http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Republication. Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign an ACM copyright release. The proceedings will be published by ACM.

Submission Deadline

Papers will be accepted until Jan 22, 2021.

Submit your papers at vee2021.hotcrp.com.

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)

Please ensure that your paper satisfies all the above requirements for content and formatting before submission; if you have a question about any of these issues, please send email to the program chairs.