Srinagesh Gavirneni
Srinagesh Gavirneni is an assistant professor of operations management at the Johnson School of Cornell University. His research interests are in the areas of supply chain management, inventory control, production scheduling, simulation, and optimization. His papers have appeared in Operations Research, Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Decision Analysis, Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Operations Research Letters, IIE Transactions, Interfaces, and IEEE Transactions on Reliability. Previously, he was an assistant professor in the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. Before that he was the chief algorithm design engineer of SmartOps, a Software Architect at Maxager Technology, Inc., and a research scientist with Schlumberger. His undergraduate degree from IIT-Madras is in Mechanical Engineering and he has received Masters degrees from Iowa State University and Carnegie Mellon University.
Papers by Srinagesh Gavirneni