Added several generic functions for “bcmmrm” and “bcmarg” functions.
## bcmixed 0.1.3 (02-12-2020)
Revised in accordance with the comments from CRAN: added “verbose”
option to the “plot.bcmmrm” and “boxplot.bcmmrm” functions. ## bcmixed
0.1.2 (02-12-2020)
Revised in accordance with the comments from CRAN: “Note” in the
summary.bcmarg function is displayed by the message function. ## bcmixed
0.1.1 (02-03-2020)
Revised in accordance with the comments from CRAN: doi -> url ##
bcmixed 0.1.0 (02-03-2020)
INITIAL RELEASE (before submitting CRAN): mixed effect model with
the Box-Cox transformation.