rprojroot: Finding Files in Project Subdirectories
Robust, reliable and flexible paths to files below
a project root. The 'root' of a project is defined as a directory that
matches a certain criterion, e.g., it contains a certain regular file.
Reverse dependencies:
Reverse imports: |
BiocBook, cleanr, cloudml, DataPackageR, debugr, depigner, distill, easyr, hdpGLM, here, latexdiffr, learnr, oeli, ottrpal, packager, packer, personalr, pkgload, pracpac, precommit, prodigenr, rcmdcheck, reportfactory, rextendr, rhub, secret, starter, styler, testthis, usethis, vcr, workflowr |
Reverse suggests: |
altair, box.lsp, callr, cli, connectapi, CuratedAtlasQueryR, DBI, deckgl, fakemake, gh, gitlink, HandTill2001, ijtiff, lgr, maSAE, multinma, nanoparquet, NPARC, osfr, pkgcache, qgisprocess, rasciidoc, Rdpack, remotes, reprex, Require, RMariaDB, sparklyr, surveydata, tatoo, tfrmtbuilder, this.path, tidyjson, treePlotArea, waddR, webdriver, xlsx, zmisc |
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