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gridExtra: Miscellaneous Functions for "Grid" Graphics

Provides a number of user-level functions to work with "grid" graphics, notably to arrange multiple grid-based plots on a page, and draw tables.

Version: 2.3
Imports: gtable, grid, grDevices, graphics, utils
Suggests: ggplot2, egg, lattice, knitr, testthat
Published: 2017-09-09
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.gridExtra
Author: Baptiste Auguie [aut, cre], Anton Antonov [ctb]
Maintainer: Baptiste Auguie <baptiste.auguie at gmail.com>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: NEWS
CRAN checks: gridExtra results


Reference manual: gridExtra.pdf
Vignettes: arrangeGrob: arranging multiple grobs on a page
(Unofficial) overview of gtable
ngonGrob: regular polygons and ellipses in grid graphics
tableGrob: displaying tables as grid graphics


Package source: gridExtra_2.3.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: gridExtra_2.3.zip, r-release: gridExtra_2.3.zip, r-oldrel: gridExtra_2.3.zip
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): gridExtra_2.3.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): gridExtra_2.3.tgz, r-release (x86_64): gridExtra_2.3.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): gridExtra_2.3.tgz
Old sources: gridExtra archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: CancerEvolutionVisualization, CAvariants, climwin, CNVrd2, egg, erccdashboard, GOplot, h5vc, HH, IPDfromKM, metacart, metaEnsembleR, MinEDfind, NIRStat, nonmem2R, PPtreeViz, primerTree, ProbBayes, RATest, RnBeads, rQSAR, sangeranalyseR
Reverse imports: abseqR, abstractr, accSDA, ADAMgui, AFM, afmToolkit, AFR, afttest, AgroR, AgroTech, AllelicImbalance, AMARETTO, aMNLFA, amplican, analyzer, APIS, ARCensReg, archiveRetriever, ARDL, ASICS, ATQ, auditor, autonomics, autoslider.core, autostsm, AuxSurvey, baggr, baker, bamdit, banter, basket, BasketballAnalyzeR, BayesFM, bayesforecast, bayesMRM, bayespm, bayesWatch, BCClong, BCEA, bdots, bdrc, BeeGUTS, behaviorchange, BEKKs, Bernadette, BGPhazard, BioPET, BioPETsurv, blorr, BNPdensity, BNSP, boiwsa, bootcluster, BoutrosLab.plotting.general, boxfilter, bp, bridger, brinton, bsam, bsamGP, BSL, BSPBSS, BTSPAS, BubbleTree, C443, CA3variants, CAFE, CAISEr, calibmsm, carat, CARBayesST, CATALYST, causalPAF, celda, cellWise, CEMiTool, CensMFM, changepoint.influence, ChaosGame, ChemmineR, chemodiv, choroplethr, ChromSCape, CINdex, CiteFuse, cito, classifierplots, classmap, clickableImageMap, clmplus, clusterMI, cmsafvis, CNVMetrics, coat, cobalt, colorpatch, comapr, CommKern, compSPOT, condformat, ConfMatrix, conformalInference.multi, CoNI, conos, corona, corral, covalchemy, coxed, cprobit, cpss, crimeutils, CrispRVariants, crmPack, crosshap, CTDquerier, curtailment, cutpointr, cvasi, D2MCS, darksky, dartR.base, DataExplorer, dataMaid, dataReporter, deaR, DeBoinR, decompTumor2Sig, deeptime, demuxmix, DendroSync, densityClust, DEP, detectRUNS, DFD, diagis, DifferentialRegulation, DIFM, DiscoRhythm, distillML, dittoSeq, div, dlookr, doremi, Doscheda, dotsViolin, dotwhisker, douconca, dowser, DOYPAColors, dsa, DSAIDE, DSAIRM, dsims, dynsim, DySS, easyalluvial, easySimData, ELMER, emdi, EmpiricalCalibration, ENMTools, EpiEstim, EpiForsk, EpiLPS, epimutacions, epos, ER, EScvtmle, estadistica, EvaluateCore, EventDetectR, EvidenceSynthesis, explainer, explore, extrememix, FACT, fastFMM, fastml, fastqcr, fect, Fgmutils, figuRes2, finalfit, findviews, fingerPro, fishualize, FLAMES, flowGraph, fmriqa, foqat, ForecastTB, forestmangr, forestploter, fsemipar, fSRM, funModeling, GenomicInteractions, GenomicOZone, GenVisR, geofacet, geomerge, geostan, GET, getmstatistic, GFDsurv, ggbio, ggcyto, ggdemetra, ggESDA, ggfacto, ggfortify, ggpp, ggpubr, ggquickeda, ggstar, ggtern, gluvarpro, GofCens, gprofiler2, GRaNIE, graphPAF, greed, GREENeR, grobblR, grouprar, gscaLCA, GSEAmining, GWASinspector, harrypotter, hbal, hdnom, HicAggR, HiCcompare, HiCDOC, HIPPO, Hmisc, HPAanalyze, hpiR, htrSPRanalysis, hydroroute, iarm, iccCounts, iCellR, icpack, idiffomix, IFC, iglu, IMAS, imsig, infercnv, ingredients, interflex, iotarelr, iraceplot, IRon, irtQ, isobxr, IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR, isomiRs, jarbes, JMbayes2, jtdm, kgschart, KnowSeq, LBSPR, lemna, lemon, lgpr, likert, lindia, LinkHD, loewesadditivity, lomb, loon, loon.ggplot, loon.shiny, lpirfs, lsbclust, lsirm12pl, lwqs, MACSQuantifyR, MAGeCKFlute, magi, malariaAtlas, manhplot, MBECS, MBNMAtime, MCAvariants, mcStats, mdp, metamicrobiomeR, metapack, metaplot, metaviz, methylclock, methylInheritance, mgcViz, mglasso, mgwrsar, mirt, miscset, missingHE, mitch, MitoHEAR, mixOmics, mixpoissonreg, model4you, modgo, modnets, morse, MOSClip, movementsync, MRFcov, MSEtool, MSmix, MSstatsLiP, MSstatsPTM, MSstatsQCgui, MultiGroupO, MultivariateAnalysis, MuPETFlow, musclesyneRgies, musicatk, MVET, MWASTools, ncappc, NEONiso, netprioR, NetworkChange, networktools, neuralGAM, NeuralSens, NeuroDecodeR, neuromplex, nima, NMAoutlier, nmathresh, NMTox, normfluodbf, nortsTest, npde, OenoKPM, ogrdbstats, oHMMed, olsrr, omicRexposome, Omixer, OpenLand, oreo, ORFik, OSLdecomposition, Ostats, pacotest, pam, panelView, PAsso, patientProfilesVis, patterncausality, patternplot, PeacoQC, peakPantheR, Pedixplorer, PepsNMR, permubiome, PGRdup, phase1PRMD, phenofit, PhyloProfile, phyr, Plasmidprofiler, PLMIX, PLNmodels, plotGrouper, plothelper, PLSDAbatch, PoDCall, povmap, ppsr, prcbench, precrec, PressPurt, ProAE, progeny, promor, protein8k, ptairMS, PTXQC, PureCN, qdap, qgcomp, qgcompint, qsort, qvirus, r2glmm, r6qualitytools, rADA, RADstackshelpR, rainette, randomForestVIP, RaSEn, rbbnp, RcppCensSpatial, RDS, refreg, refund.shiny, RegionalST, RegrCoeffsExplorer, remote, reportRmd, reproducer, RESOLVE, restriktor, ReturnCurves, rexposome, rfPermute, RGAP, RGCCA, RITAN, rmcfs, robin, rosetta, rotations, RprobitB, Rprofet, rrepast, RSCAT, Rsmlx, RsSimulx, rstan, rties, ruv, RUVcorr, RVA, saemix, saeTrafo, santaR, SARC, scifer, SCIntRuler, scorecard, scRNAseqApp, sctransform, SDLfilter, SEAHORS, seedreg, seqArchRplus, sglg, ShapleyOutlier, shinyKGode, shinyMixR, shinystan, SIAMCAT, simPH, simrel, singleCellTK, sitePath, skipTrack, SLEMI, SmartEDA, SNPhood, soc.ca, sovereign, sparsereg, SparseSignatures, spatialDE, spatialHeatmap, spc4sts, speaq, SPIAT, spikeSlabGAM, splmm, spsur, sRACIPE, StabilityApp, STATegRa, statgenGxE, statgenHTP, statgenMPP, statgenSTA, Statsomat, statsr, statVisual, stelfi, stpp, strandCheckR, structToolbox, strvalidator, stxplore, SubCellBarCode, SUMO, Superpower, sure, SurfR, surveil, survidm, survivalAnalysis, survminer, survMisc, survstan, SVMMaj, SWMPr, tactile, tci, TCIU, tcpl, TELP, tern, TesiproV, TheSFACE, tigger, TimerQuant, topr, tornado, TPD, TPP, tracee, trackeR, transite, TriMatch, trinROC, tripr, TRONCO, TSsmoothing, TVMM, UBayFS, ubms, UComp, ufs, ulrb, umiAnalyzer, UniprotR, UpAndDownPlots, UpSetR, utile.visuals, varian, vdg, VDJdive, VDSM, viridis, voi, voiceR, vprr, waffle, webSDM, WRI, WRTDStidal, WVPlots, XDNUTS, XINA, Xplortext, YAPSA, YEAB, yorkr, YRmisc, ZetaSuite
Reverse suggests: abn, adelie, adept, admix, adoptr, aimPlot, airt, AlpsNMR, autoimage, BAMBI, bambu, bayesplot, beadarray, beadplexr, BigVAR, BioQC, BloodCancerMultiOmics2017, bmscstan, brainGraph, BRcal, breathtestcore, brokenstick, bujar, campsis, CAST, CausalGPS, ccdR, celltrackR, Certara.Xpose.NLME, ChIPexoQual, ciftiTools, circRNAprofiler, CircSpaceTime, ClassifyR, cmcR, connectapi, conquestr, CONSTANd, convergEU, copula, countfitteR, countland, covidcast, ctsem, ctxR, cytofQC, DAISIE, dartR.popgen, dataRetrieval, DataVisualizations, DClusterm, ddpcr, deform, depmap, descriptr, designr, destiny, detrendr, Dino, disclapmix, distreg.vis, DLMtool, dsem, eesim, efdm, EFDR, EGAnet, eikosograms, ElectDecomp, EnhancedVolcano, enrichplot, ensr, eRTG3D, EstimDiagnostics, evolqg, exact2x2, exuber, fairml, fastcpd, FAVA, fgeo.plot, fitODBOD, flowClean, flowCore, FMM, fpp2, frailtyEM, frailtySurv, funData, funtimes, gamlss.ggplots, gasanalyzer, GauPro, gbm, GeneralizedWendland, geocausal, ggalt, ggbeeswarm, ggeffects, ggmcmc, ggmosaic, ggmulti, ggQC, ggrepel, ggsci, GLMcat, gMCPLite, gMOIP, grapherator, gravmagsubs, GroupSeq, gsDesign, gsignal, GSODR, HaDeX, hbbr, hhh4contacts, HistData, HLMdiag, HMP16SData, HMP2Data, HPiP, hrbrthemes, httk, HVT, hydroTSM, hyfo, hypervolume, IBMPopSim, ifaTools, IHW, IHWpaper, IncDTW, iNEXT, iNEXT.3D, injurytools, innsight, interp, interplot, intkrige, IONiseR, IRTest, ISAnalytics, isobar, isocat, isotracer, ivmte, jcolors, kalmanfilter, kimfilter, KSD, latrend, limpca, LocalControl, LSAmitR, MachineShop, MAGAR, MagmaClustR, Markovchart, MARVEL, mastR, mcMST, medicalrisk, metabinR, metadat, metadeconfoundR, metR, microeco, miic, MIMSunit, MiscMetabar, mixopt, mlrMBO, mlt.docreg, mlxR, monaLisa, mosaic, MSnbase, msqrob2, multifear, multifunc, MultIS, MutationalPatterns, mutSignatures, nandb, naniar, netmeta, netplot, NeuralEstimators, npregfast, nuts, occupancy, OPWeight, ordr, OutliersO3, OVESEG, pagoda2, ParamHelpers, patchwork, pbm, pdp, pedbp, PerformanceAnalytics, Platypus, pmc, pmp, PopED, portfolioBacktest, PosteriorBootstrap, PPforest, prevtoinc, proActiv, projectR, protGear, psycModel, PupilPre, qlifetable, qqboxplot, ramr, raptr, rasterdiv, rasterList, rattle, rayshader, RcmdrPlugin.MA, recountmethylation, regionReport, relliptical, reporter, retrodesign, RforProteomics, robustmatrix, rpf, rreg, rSPDE, rstanarm, RStoolbox, RTransferEntropy, rtrek, RTSA, ruminate, rxode2, scDD, SCGLR, SEI, sgd, SHAPforxgboost, ShinyItemAnalysis, sights, simplifyEnrichment, simstudy, Single.mTEC.Transcriptomes, SingleR, sjPlot, skpr, smdi, smoothy, Sofi, sorvi, sparseDFM, spatialTIME, spbal, SPECK, spind, SPONGE, spup, ssmodels, StabMap, StatRank, success, sugarglider, superb, surveillance, surveyCV, surveyvoi, tabr, TargetDecoy, TCGAbiolinks, tcplfit2, teal.modules.general, texmex, TH.data, tipsae, tram, treefit, tsgc, tvgeom, ubiquity, vivid, vivo, voluModel, VWPre, walker, waydown, weatherOz, xgxr, xpose, yamlet, zenplots


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