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List of metrics implemented in iglu

Metric Name Corresponding function in iglu Reference Time-dependent
Active Percent active_percent Danne et al. (2017) Yes
ADRR (Average Daily Risk Range) adrr Kovatchev et al. (2006) Yes
AUC (Area Under the Curve) auc Danne et al. (2017) Yes
COGI (COntinuous Glucose monitoring Index) cogi Leelarathna et al. (2019) No
CONGA (Continuous Overall Net Glycemic Action) conga McDonnell et al. (2005) Yes
Coefficient of variation (CV) cv_glu Rodbard (2009) No
CVmean (mean of daily CV) cv_measures (CVmean) Umpierrez et al. (2018) Yes
CVsd (SD of daily CV) cv_measures (CVsd) Umpierrez et al. (2018) Yes
Delta G (meal metric) meal_metrics Service (2013) Yes
Delta T (meal metric) meal_metrics Service (2013) Yes
eA1c (Estimated A1c) ea1c Nathan et. al (2008) No
Episode Calculation episode_calculation Battelino (2023) Yes
Glucose Management Indicator (GMI) gmi Bergenstal (2018) No
GRADE (Glycemic Risk Assessment Diabetes Equation) grade Hill et al. (2007) No
GRADEeu grade_eugly Hill et al. (2007) No
GRADEhyper grade_hyper Hill et al. (2007) No
GRADEhypo grade_hypo Hill et al. (2007) No
GRI (Glycemia Risk Index) gri Klonoff et al. (2023) Yes
GVP (Glucose Variability Percentage) gvp Peyser et al. (2017) Yes
HBGI (High Blood Glucose Index) hbgi Kovatchev et al. (2006) No
LBGI (Low Blood Glucose Index) lbgi Kovatchev et al. (2006) No
Hyperglycemia Index Parameters hyper_index Rodbard (2009) No
Hypoglycemia Index Parameters hypo_index Rodbard (2009) No
IGC (Index of Glycemic Control) igc Rodbard (2009) No
IQR (Interquartile Range) iqr_glu No
J-Index j_index Wojcicki (1995) No
M-value m_value Schlichtkrull et al. (1965) No
MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation) mad_glu No
MAG (Mean Absolute Glucose) mag Hermanides et al. (2010) Yes
MAGE (Mean Amplitude of Glycemic Excursions) mage Service & Nelson (1980) and Fernandes et al. (2022) Yes
Mean mean_glu No
Median median_glu No
MODD (Mean Of Daily Differences) modd Service & Nelson (1980) Yes
Percent Above above_percent No
Percent Below below_percent No
Percent in range in_range_percent No
% Baseline Recovery (meal metric) meal_metrics Service (2013) Yes
PGS (Personal Glycemic State) pgs Hirsch et al. (2017) Yes
Quantiles quantile_glu No
Range range_glu No
Rate of change (ROC) roc Clarke et al. (2009) Yes
Standard Deviation of ROC sd_roc Clarke et al. (2009) Yes
Standard Deviation sd_glu No
SdB (between days, within timepoints) sd_measures (SdB) Rodbard (2009) Yes
SdBDM (between days, within timepoints, corrected for changes in daily means) sd_measures (SdBDM) Rodbard (2009) Yes
SdDM (horizontal sd) sd_measures (SdDM) Rodbard (2009) Yes
SdHHMM (between time points) sd_measures (SdHHMM) Rodbard (2009) Yes
SdW (vertical within days) sd_measures (Sd) Rodbard (2009) Yes
SdWSH (within time series) sd_measures (SdWSH) Rodbard (2009) Yes