At Spotify, we believe there is ample opportunity for AI to be additive to podcast creators’ process—making show or podcast production more convenient and efficient, improving discovery and exposure on our platform, and helping creators reach wider and more engaged audiences around the world. While it’s still early days and a very fast-moving space, we are committed to supporting creators of the future, all while ensuring any features we build truly function as a tool for their use.
To better understand how creators are approaching all of this, we conducted a survey of more than 1,100 podcast creators to explore the role AI can play in podcasting, from creation to promotion and everywhere in between. If you’re wondering if and how other creators are using AI in their processes, here are three key takeaways from our research:
One in four creators (25%) are already using AI tools to record, edit, produce, or promote their show.
A further 45% of creators say they are not yet using AI tools in their show or podcast, but they would be open to using them in the future. Creators with larger audiences are nearly 2x more likely to say they are already using AI tools in their podcasts than creators just starting out.
Creators noted a wide range of applications where AI tools could be beneficial to them and their workflow.
Over 25% of respondents said AI could help with creating or producing their show or podcast, and 30% said that AI could assist with writing scripts or improving sound quality. Creators also see the potential for AI to help with generating ideas, research, marketing their shows, or reaching new and wider audiences (which, in a different survey conducted earlier this year, creators said was their top challenge with their show).
Creators are, on the whole, cautiously optimistic about the future of AI tools in podcasting.
58% of creators say they are excited by the opportunities for innovation, or cautious but open to experimentation with AI. 16% said they plan to avoid AI because of concerns that their content would seem less authentic, and 25% haven’t decided yet.
Leveraged thoughtfully, it seems like AI will be able to offer many more people around the world a chance to further their creativity. Through this survey, we learned that many creators are open to—and even excited about—a future where AI plays a supporting role in their process. Of course, whether or not to embrace AI tooling is entirely up to you and your show. Whatever you decide, we will continue to explore ways that AI and Machine Learning can enhance both the creation and listener experience, all while empowering podcast creators with more choice and control over their show.
Have you tried any AI tools to help automate your process? For more details about how AI can serve as a useful, supplementary tool for your podcasting workflow, check out this article.