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Kavosh Asadi


Home About me Other Interests

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I am an AI scientist whose career goal is to understand computational principles underlying intelligence. More specifically, I study agents that interact with a sequential environment to improve their behavior through trial and error. This agent-environment interaction is referred to as the reinforcement learning problem.

I have a PhD and an extensive background in the theoretical and empirical foundations of reinforcement learning. I have published more than a dozen papers at top-tier AI conferences such as Neurips, ICML, ICLR, AAAI, and ACL. On the academic side, I am really interested in understanding the optimization problem that arises in the context of learning the value function. On the aplication side, I am quite interested in the developing assistive AI agents that interact with humans and learn from feedback to provide better service. My aspiration is to make AI agents that co-exist with and help us live our best lives.

The best way to reach me for career-related stuff is by shooting me an email at my first name @alumni.brown.edu. I am genuinely interested in forming meaningful connections with fellow AI scientists, engineers, students, etc, so feel free to reach out even if we never met in person.


  • Our paper on Fairness in Reinforcement Learning is accepted at RLC, the first instance of the Reinforcement Learning Conference. Super Excited to meet our wonderful community in Amherst!
  • Our paper on learning the target network in function space got into ICML 2024. I am super excited about this one, so please stay tuned!
  • Our paper on foundation models for continual learning was accepted at ICLR 2024.
  • Will present two papers at Neurips 2023. (See you again in New Orleans!)
  • Gave a talk at Seattle Mind and Machines meetup on UW’s beautiful campus.
  • Gave a talk at Amazon’s RL reading group.
  • Moved from Oahu, Hawaii to Seattle, WA.
  • One paper accepted at AISTATS 2022.
  • Coauthered the RL chapter of the D2L book.
  • Two papers accepted at Neurips 2022.
  • Gave a guest lecture at Harvard’s ML class.
  • Moved from SF bay area to WFHH (Work From Home in Hawaii)
  • One paper accepted at Neurips 2021.
  • Two papers accepted at AAAI 2021.
  • Moved from Providence, RI to SF bay area.


  • 2020-Now: Applied Scientist at Amazon
  • 2015-2020: PhD Student at Brown University
    (Advisor: Michael Littman)
  • 2013-2015: Master’s Student at the University of Alberta
    (Advisor: Rich Sutton)
  • 2008-2013: Undergraduate student at the University of Tehran

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