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No-Sinapism!   [1989]

No-Sinapism! Released by :

Release Date :
August 1989

Type :
C64 Demo

Released At :
Shape Summer Meeting

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

Credits :
Code .... Axonian
Music .... Johannes Bjerregaard of Maniacs of Noise
  Mark Cooksey
Graphics .... Merlin of Vision
Text .... Animal
  Merlin of Vision

SIDs used in this release :
Mike Read's Computer Pop Quiz(/MUSICIANS/C/Cooksey_Mark/Mike_Reads_Computer_Pop_Quiz.sid)

Contains information on the following event(s) :
Shape Summer Meeting  Partyscroller in second part etc.

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User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 4 October 2018
New D64 uploaded with added note, explaining that it is only two parts. Mystery solved. Release is not incomplete. Thanx to Cash/Triad sending me the release with note.
User Comment
Submitted by Hein on 3 October 2018
Haven't seen it before, tbh. They had a good time at the party, though. And that's what matters!
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 3 October 2018
10A3  AD 01 DC  LDA $DC01
10A6  C9 EF     CMP #$EF
10A8  F0 03     BEQ $10AD

10AA  4C 81 EA  JMP $EA81

10AD  4C 00 40  JMP $4000

4000  00        BRK 
4001  01 A2     ORA ($A2,X)
4003  08        PHP 
4004  A0 00     LDY #$00
4006  20 BA FF  JSR $FFBA

; this part is actually unused while it should be
160B  AD 01 DC  LDA $DC01
160E  C9 EF     CMP #$EF
1610  F0 01     BEQ $1613

1612  60        RTS

1613  78        SEI
1614  20 15 FD  JSR $FD15
1617  20 A3 FD  JSR $FDA3
161A  20 18 E5  JSR $E518
161D  A2 18     LDX #$18
161F  A9 00     LDA #$00
1621  9D 00 D4  STA $D400,X
1624  CA        DEX
1625  10 FA     BPL $1621

1627  58        CLI
1628  4C 00 41  JMP $4100

there is some code to load "02*" but as you can see the 1st instruction to setup the loading is a BRK.
The correct code to load is actually at $4100, by changing the JMP $4000 to $1613, where there is the correct IRQ cleanup and whatnot, and jumps afterwards to $4100, one can obtain the loading of the next file, which is in any case missing.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 3 October 2018
could also be a preview version (like it happened with sinapism 5)... perhaps hein remembers?
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 3 October 2018
No more parts were on the disk I had. Can someone inspect the code and see if it actually tries to load more parts? As it was made on a small party, it might not be finished, and that is the reason for being incomplete.
User Comment
Submitted by Fred on 3 October 2018
I meant the disk not the release.
User Comment
Submitted by Fred on 3 October 2018
I've marked the release as broken since it crashes after the second part. Can somebody upload a working version?
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