An asymmetric VR system to configure and practice low-vision aids for social interactions in clinical settings
Johanna Delachambre
Hui-Yin Wu
Pierre Kornprobst
Monica Di Meo
Frédérique Lagniez
IEEE VR 2025 - 32nd IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, Mar 2025, Saint-Malo, France
Communication dans un congrès
AMD Journee: A Patient Co-designed VR Experience to Raise Awareness Towards the Impact of AMD on Social Interactions
Johanna Delachambre
Hui-Yin Wu
Sebastian Vizcay
Monica Di Meo
Frédérique Lagniez
IMX 2024 - ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, Jun 2024, Stockholm, Sweden. ⟨10.1145/3639701.3656314⟩
Communication dans un congrès
À travers les yeux d'un patient malvoyant : une expérience de sensibilisation axée sur les interactions sociales en réalité virtuelle
Johanna Delachambre
Monica Di Meo
Frédérique Lagniez
Christine Morfin-Bourlat
Stéphanie Baillif
2023 - Journée Scientifique de la Fedrha sur le thème “Handicap visuel et participation sociale : les apports de la recherche”, Oct 2023, Lyon, France
Communication dans un congrès
Bridging Worlds: The Splicing of MDD and GPT for Constrained Text Generation
Alexandre Bonlarron
Aurelie Calabrese
Pierre Kornprobst
Jean-Charles Régin
CNIA 2023 - Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle, Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle, AFIA, Jul 2023, Strasbourg, France
Communication dans un congrès
Constraints First: A New MDD-based Model to Generate Sentences Under Constraints
Alexandre Bonlarron
Aurelie Calabrese
Pierre Kornprobst
Jean-Charles Régin
Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI23 ), Aug 2023, Macao SAR, China. pp.1893-1901, ⟨10.24963/ijcai.2023/210⟩
Communication dans un congrès
From Print to Online Newspapers on Small Displays: A Layout Generation Approach Aimed at Preserving Entry Points
Sebastián Gallardo Dïaz
Dorian Mazauric
Pierre Kornprobst
Communication dans un congrès
PTVR : a user-friendly open-source script programming package to create Virtual Reality experiments
Eric Castet
Jérémy Termoz-Masson
Johanna Delachambre
Christophe Hugon
Hui-Yin Wu
ECVP 2022 - European Conference on Visual Perception, Aug 2022, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Communication dans un congrès
Génération de texte sous contraintes pour mesurer des performances de lecture : Une nouvelle approche basée sur les diagrammes de décisions multivalués
Alexandre Bonlarron
Aurelie Calabrese
Pierre Kornprobst
Jean-Charles Régin
JFPC 2022 - Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, Jun 2022, Saint-Étienne, France
Communication dans un congrès
Real-time image enhancement in virtual reality applications for low vision people
Manuela Chessa
Alberto Patino-Saucedo
Horacio Rostro
Eric Castet
Fabio Solari
Vision 2017, the 12th International Conference by the International Society for Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation (ISLRR), Jun 2017, La Hague, Netherlands
Communication dans un congrès
Adaptive Motion Pooling and Diffusion for Optical Flow Computation
N S Kartheek Medathati
Manuela S Chessa
Guillaume S Masson
Pierre Kornprobst
Fabio S Solari
WBICV 2017 : First International Workshop on Brain-Inspired Computer Vision, Sep 2017, Catania, Sicily, Italy
Communication dans un congrès
A new nonconvex variational approach for sensory neurons receptive field estimation
Audric Drogoul
Gilles Aubert
Bruno Cessac
Pierre Kornprobst
Communication dans un congrès
Decoding MT Motion Response For Optical Flow Estimation : An Experimental Evaluation
Manuela Chessa
N. V. Kartheek Medathati
Guillaume S. Masson
Fabio Solari
Pierre Kornprobst
23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Aug 2015, Nice, France
Communication dans un congrès
Improving FREAK Descriptor for Image Classification
Cristina Hilario Gomez
N. V. Kartheek Medathati
Pierre Kornprobst
Vittorio Murino
Diego Sona
The 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS 2015), Jul 2015, Nice, France
Communication dans un congrès
A retinotopic neural fields model of perceptual switching in 2D motion integration
N. V. Kartheek Medathati
James Rankin
Pierre Kornprobst
Guillaume S. Masson
Bernstein Conference, 2013, Tubingen, Germany
Communication dans un congrès
Rate and latency coding for natural image identification
Geoffrey Portelli
Olivier Marre
Michael J. Berry Ii
Marc Antonini
Pierre Kornprobst
Sensory Coding and Natural Environment, 2012, Klosterneuburg, Austria
Communication dans un congrès
Motion direction integration following the onset of multistable stimuli (II): stability properties explain dynamic shifts in the dominant perceived direction
James Rankin
Andrew Meso
Guillaume S. Masson
Olivier Faugeras
Pierre Kornprobst
European Conference on Visual Perception, 2012, Alghero, Italy
Communication dans un congrès
Motion direction integration following the onset of multistable stimuli (I): dynamic shifts in both perception and eye movements depend on signal strength
Andrew Meso
James Rankin
Olivier Faugeras
Pierre Kornprobst
Guillaume S. Masson
Communication dans un congrès
A perfectly invertible rank order coder
Khaled Masmoudi
Marc Antonini
Pierre Kornprobst
International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (Biosignals), 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal. pp.153-162
Communication dans un congrès
Perceptual transition dynamics of a multi-stable visual motion stimulus I: experiments
Andrew Meso
James Rankin
Pierre Kornprobst
Olivier Faugeras
Guillaume S. Masson
Vision Sciences Society 12th Annual Meeting, 2012, Naples, United States. ⟨10.1167/12.9.748⟩
Communication dans un congrès
Perceptual transition dynamics of a multi-stable visual motion stimulus II: modelling
James Rankin
Andrew Meso
Guillaume S. Masson
Olivier Faugeras
Pierre Kornprobst
Vision Sciences Society 12th Annual Meeting, May 2012, Naples, United States. pp.Art. 749, ⟨10.1167/12.9.749⟩
Communication dans un congrès
A Biologically Inspired Image Coder with Temporal Scalability
Khaled Masmoudi
Marc Antonini
Pierre Kornprobst
Communication dans un congrès
A Neural Field Model for Motion Estimation
Emilien Tlapale
Pierre Kornprobst
Guillaume S. Masson
Olivier Faugeras
Communication dans un congrès
How MT neurons get influenced by V1 surround suppression ?
Maria-Jose Escobar
Guillaume S. Masson
Pierre Kornprobst
ECVP - European Conference on Visual Perception - 2011, 2011, Toulouse, France. ⟨10.1068/v110219⟩
Communication dans un congrès
Bio-Inspired Bags-of-Features for Image Classification
Wafa Bel Haj Ali
Eric Debreuve
Pierre Kornprobst
Michel Barlaud
KDIR - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval - 2011, 2011, Paris, France. pp.277-281
Communication dans un congrès
Can V1 surround suppression mechanism explain MT motion integration ?
Maria-Jose Escobar
Guillaume S. Masson
Pierre Kornprobst
ICCNS - International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems - 2011, 2011, Boston, MA, United States
Communication dans un congrès
A dynamical neural model of motion integration
Emilien Tlapale
Guillaume S. Masson
Pierre Kornprobst
Vision sciences society, VSS 2010, May 2010, Naples, FL, United States
Communication dans un congrès
Another look at the retina as an image dithered scalar quantizer
Khaled Masmoudi
Marc Antonini
Pierre Kornprobst
International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS 2010), Apr 2010, Desenzano del Garda, Italy. paper 21
Communication dans un congrès
Khaled Masmoudi
Marc Antonini
Pierre Kornprobst
Laurent Perrinet
The 35th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar 2010, Dallas, United States. paper 21
Communication dans un congrès
A Bio-Inspired Evaluation Methodology for Motion Estimation
Pierre Kornprobst
Emilien Tlapale
Jan D. Bouecke
Heiko Neumann
Guillaume S. Masson
Vision sciences society, VSS 2010, May 2010, Naples, FL, United States
Communication dans un congrès
Evaluating motion estimation models from behavioural and psychophysical data
Emilien Tlapale
Pierre Kornprobst
Jan D. Bouecke
Heiko Neumann
Guillaume S. Masson
International ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems (BIONETICS), Dec 2010, Boston, MA, United States. pp.483-496, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-32615-8_46⟩
Communication dans un congrès
Another Look At The Retina As An Image Scalar Quantizer
Khaled Masmoudi
Marc Antonini
Pierre Kornprobst
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May 2010, Paris, France. paper 21
Communication dans un congrès
Hooligan detection: the effects of saliency and expert knowledge
D. Endres
F. Vintila
N. Bruce
J.D. Bouecke
Pierre Kornprobst
Perception ECVP, Aug 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland. pp.193
Communication dans un congrès
Khaled Masmoudi
Marc Antonini
Pierre Kornprobst
Research in Encoding And Decoding of Neural Ensembles (AREADNE 2010), Jun 2010, Santorini, Greece. paper 21
Communication dans un congrès
Toward a realistic input for visual cortex models
Hassan Nasser
Bruno Cessac
Bogdan Kolomiets
Pierre Kornprobst
Serge Picaud
Timing Issues in the Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems (TAU Workshop), Mar 2010, San Francisco, CA, United States
Communication dans un congrès
A simple mechanism to reproduce the neural solution of the aperture problem in monkey area MT
Maria-Jose Escobar
Guillaume S. Masson
Pierre Kornprobst
Deuxième conférence française de Neurosciences Computationnelles, "Neurocomp08", Oct 2008, Marseille, France
Communication dans un congrès
Action Recognition with a Bio--Inspired Feedforward Motion Processing Model: The Richness of Center-Surround Interactions
Maria-Jose Escobar
Pierre Kornprobst
Communication dans un congrès
Motion integration modulated by form information
Émilien Tlapale
Guillaume S. Masson
Pierre Kornprobst
Deuxième conférence française de Neurosciences Computationnelles, "Neurocomp08", Oct 2008, Marseille, France
Communication dans un congrès
Navisio: Towards an integrated reading aid system for low vision patients
Jean-Baptiste Bernard
Émilien Tlapale
Geraldine Faure
Eric Castet
Pierre Kornprobst
Workshop on Computer Vision Applications for the Visually Impaired, James Coughlan and Roberto Manduchi, Oct 2008, Marseille, France
Communication dans un congrès
A first step towards in silico neuronal implementation of early-vision map
O. Rochel
S. Chemla
Pierre Kornprobst
Thierry Viéville
A. Daouzli
Systems, Signal and Devices Conference SSD 2007, Mar 2007, Hammamet, Tunisia. pp.00
Communication dans un congrès