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Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Volume 160
Volume 160, Number 1, January 2009
- Prabhakar Akella:
C-sets of n-uninorms. 1-21 - Zhudeng Wang, Jin-xuan Fang:
Residual operations of left and right uninorms on a complete lattice. 22-31 - Funda Karaçal, Yasemin Sagiroglu
Infinitely OR -distributive t-norms on complete lattices and pseudo-complements. 32-43 - Koen Maes, Bernard De Baets
Rotation-invariant t-norms: The rotation invariance property revisited. 44-51 - Roger B. Nelsen, José Juan Quesada-Molina, José Antonio Rodríguez-Lallena
, Manuel Úbeda-Flores
Kendall distribution functions and associative copulas. 52-57 - Radko Mesiar, Yao Ouyang
General Chebyshev type inequalities for Sugeno integrals. 58-64 - Gleb Beliakov
Construction of aggregation functions from data using linear programming. 65-75 - Azene Zenebe, Anthony F. Norcio:
Representation, similarity measures and aggregation methods using fuzzy sets for content-based recommender systems. 76-94 - Bernhard Moser
On the compactness of admissible transformations of fuzzy partitions in terms of T-equivalence relations. 95-106 - Hong-Ying Zhang, Wen-Xiu Zhang:
Hybrid monotonic inclusion measure and its use in measuring similarity and distance between fuzzy sets. 107-118 - Kun-Lun Zhang
, Dong-Hai Li, Li-Xia Song:
On finite relation equations with sup-conjunctor composition over a complete lattice. 119-128
Volume 160, Number 2, January 2009
- Antonio Fernández-Caballero
Contribution of fuzziness and uncertainty to modern artificial intelligence. 129 - Jesús Medina
, Manuel Ojeda-Aciego
, Jorge Ruiz-Calviño
Formal concept analysis via multi-adjoint concept lattices. 130-144 - Eyal Kolman, Michael Margaliot
Extracting symbolic knowledge from recurrent neural networks - A fuzzy logic approach. 145-161 - Pascual Julián
, Ginés Moreno, Jaime Penabad:
An improved reductant calculus using fuzzy partial evaluation techniques. 162-181 - José Francisco Vélez, Ángel Sánchez, Ana Belén Moreno
, Jose L. Esteban:
Fuzzy shape-memory snakes for the automatic off-line signature verification problem. 182-197 - Agnès Rico, Olivier Strauss, Denis Mariano-Goulart
Choquet integrals as projection operators for quantified tomographic reconstruction. 198-211 - Eyke Hüllermeier, Michael M. Richter, Rosina Weber
Prelude to the papers "Fuzzy case based reasoning for facial expression recognition" and "Temporal similarity by measuring possibilistic uncertainty in CBR". 212-213 - José M. Juárez, Francisco Guil, José T. Palma
, Roque Marín
Temporal similarity by measuring possibilistic uncertainty in CBR. 214-230 - Aasia Khanum
, Muid Mufti, Muhammad Younus Javed, M. Zubair Shafiq:
Fuzzy case-based reasoning for facial expression recognition. 231-250 - Azzurra Ragone
, Umberto Straccia
, Tommaso Di Noia
, Eugenio Di Sciascio
, Francesco M. Donini:
Fuzzy matchmaking in e-marketplaces of peer entities using Datalog. 251-268 - Raquel D. Rodrigues, A. J. O. Cruz, R. T. Cavalcante:
Aliança: A proposal for a fuzzy database architecture incorporating XML. 269-279
Volume 160, Number 3, February 2009
- Erich-Peter Klement
, Radko Mesiar:
Editorial. 291 - Romano Scozzafava, Barbara Vantaggi
Fuzzy inclusion and similarity through coherent conditional probability. 292-305 - Giulianella Coletti
, Barbara Vantaggi
T-conditional possibilities: Coherence and inference. 306-324 - Fabio Spizzichino:
A concept of duality for multivariate exchangeable survival models. 325-333 - Elisabetta Alvoni, Pier Luigi Papini, Fabio Spizzichino:
On a class of transformations of copulas and quasi-copulas. 334-343 - Ana Colubi:
Statistical inference about the means of fuzzy random variables: Applications to the analysis of fuzzy- and real-valued data. 344-356 - Gil González-Rodríguez
, Ángela Blanco-Fernández, Ana Colubi, María Asunción Lubiano:
Estimation of a simple linear regression model for fuzzy random variables. 357-370 - Siegfried Weber:
Uncertainty measures - Problems concerning additivity. 371-383 - Diego A. Alvarez
A Monte Carlo-based method for the estimation of lower and upper probabilities of events using infinite random sets of indexable type. 384-401
Volume 160, Number 4, February 2009
- Bing Chen, Xiaoping Liu, Chong Lin, Kefu Liu:
Robust Hinfinity control of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with state and input time delays. 403-422 - Jun Yang, Shouming Zhong, Lianglin Xiong:
A descriptor system approach to non-fragile H∞ control for uncertain fuzzy neutral systems. 423-438 - C. J. B. Macnab:
Preventing bursting in approximate-adaptive control when using local basis functions. 439-462 - Tung-Sheng Chiang, Chian-Song Chiu, Peter Liu:
Fuzzy output regulator design of discrete affine systems with multiple time-varying delays. 463-481 - Jiuxiang Dong, Guang-Hong Yang:
Dynamic output feedback H∞ control synthesis for discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems via switching fuzzy controllers. 482-499 - Ginalber L. O. Serra, Celso Pascoli Bottura:
Fuzzy instrumental variable approach for nonlinear discrete-time systems identification in a noisy environment. 500-520 - Guomin Li, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi
Fuzzy looperless tension control for hot strip rolling. 521-536 - C. Wakabayashi, Marcelo Embiruçu, Cristiano Hora Fontes
, Ricardo Kalid
Fuzzy control of a nylon polymerization semi-batch reactor. 537-553 - Mahdi Hamzeh, Hamid Reza Mahdiani
, Ahmad Saghafi, Sied Mehdi Fakhraie, Caro Lucas:
Computationally efficient active rule detection method: Algorithm and architecture. 554-568
Volume 160, Number 5, March 2009
- Toly Chen
, Yi-Chi Wang:
A fuzzy set approach for evaluating and enhancing the mid-term competitiveness of a semiconductor factory. 569-585 - Shian-Jong Chuu:
Group decision-making model using fuzzy multiple attributes analysis for the evaluation of advanced manufacturing technology. 586-602 - Yucheng Dong, Yinfeng Xu, Shui Yu
Linguistic multiperson decision making based on the use of multiple preference relations. 603-623 - Nobusumi Sagara
, Milan Vlach
Representation of preference relations on sigma-algebras of nonatomic measure spaces: Convexity and continuity. 624-634 - Dan Butnariu, Tomás Kroupa:
Enlarged cores and bargaining schemes in games with fuzzy coalitions. 635-643 - Yan-An Hwang, Yu-Hsien Liao:
The consistent value of fuzzy games. 644-656 - Moussa Larbani:
Solving bimatrix games with fuzzy payoffs by introducing Nature as a third player. 657-666 - Adam Kasperski
, Michal Kulej:
Choosing robust solutions in discrete optimization problems with fuzzy costs. 667-682 - Jiafu Tang, Zhendong Pan, Richard Y. K. Fung
, Henry C. W. Lau:
Vehicle routing problem with fuzzy time windows. 683-695 - Fu-Gui Shi
A new approach to the fuzzification of matroids. 696-705
Volume 160, Number 6, March 2009
- Anna Kolesárová, Koen Maes:
Selected papers from AGOP 2007, the Fourth International Summer School on Aggregation Operators. 715-716 - José Antonio Rodríguez-Lallena
, Manuel Úbeda-Flores
Some new characterizations and properties of quasi-copulas. 717-725 - Jana Kalická:
On some construction methods for 1-Lipschitz aggregation functions. 726-732 - Bernard De Baets
, Hans E. De Meyer, Susana Díaz
On an idempotent transformation of aggregation functions and its application on absolutely continuous Archimedean copulas. 733-751 - Bernard De Baets
, Hans E. De Meyer, Jana Kalická, Radko Mesiar:
Flipping and cyclic shifting of binary aggregation functions. 752-765 - Humberto Bustince Sola, Javier Montero
, Radko Mesiar:
Migrativity of aggregation functions. 766-777 - Glad Deschrijver:
Characterizations of (weakly) Archimedean t-norms in interval-valued fuzzy set theory. 778-801 - Yasuo Narukawa
, Vicenç Torra
Multidimensional generalized fuzzy integral. 802-815 - Anna Kolesárová, Radko Mesiar:
Parametric characterization of aggregation functions. 816-831 - Daniel Ruiz-Aguilera
, Joan Torrens
S- and R-implications from uninorms continuous in ]0, 1[2 and their distributivity over uninorms. 832-852
- Jean Dezert, Arnaud Martin, Florentin Smarandache
Comments on "A new combination of evidence based on compromise" by K. Yamada. 853-855
Volume 160, Number 7, April 2009
- Alexandre G. Evsukoff
, Sylvie Galichet
, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires de Lima, Nelson F. F. Ebecken
Design of interpretable fuzzy rule-based classifiers using spectral analysis with structure and parameters optimization. 857-881 - Gerasimos G. Rigatos, Q. Zhang:
Fuzzy model validation using the local statistical approach. 882-904
- Jesús Alcalá-Fdez
, Rafael Alcalá
, María José Gacto
, Francisco Herrera
Learning the membership function contexts for mining fuzzy association rules by using genetic algorithms. 905-921
- Mahdi Aliyari Shoorehdeli
, Mohammad Teshnehlab, Ali Khaki-Sedigh
Training ANFIS as an identifier with intelligent hybrid stable learning algorithm based on particle swarm optimization and extended Kalman filter. 922-948 - Ching-Hung Lee, Hung-Yi Pan:
Performance enhancement for neural fuzzy systems using asymmetric membership functions. 949-971 - Xingsheng Deng
, Xinzhou Wang:
Incremental learning of dynamic fuzzy neural networks for accurate system modeling. 972-987
- Shaoqing Xu, Qiang-Yi Luo, Guang-Hui Xu, Lei Zhang:
Asymmetrical interval regression using extended epsilon-SVM with robust algorithm. 988-1002
Volume 160, Number 8, April 2009
- Vilém Novák, Irina Perfilieva
, Libor Behounek
, Petr Cintula:
Formal methods for fuzzy mathematics, approximation and reasoning - Part II. 1003-1004 - Libor Behounek
, Martina Danková:
Relational compositions in Fuzzy Class Theory. 1005-1036 - Martin Stepnicka
, Ondrej Polakovic:
A neural network approach to the fuzzy transform. 1037-1047 - Jaroslav Hancl
, Ladislav Misík
, János T. Tóth
Fuzzy rational approximation of irrationals. 1048-1053
- Miroslav Ciric
, Jelena Ignjatovic, Stojan Bogdanovic:
Uniform fuzzy relations and fuzzy functions. 1054-1081
- Roberto Giuntini
, Hector Freytes, Antonio Ledda
, Francesco Paoli:
A discriminator variety of Gödel algebras with operators arising in quantum computation. 1082-1098 - Lavinia Corina Ciungu:
Algebras on subintervals of pseudo-hoops. 1099-1113 - Irina Cristea
Hyperstructures and fuzzy sets endowed with two membership functions. 1114-1124
- Hongyan Xing, Daowen Qiu
, Fuchun Liu:
Automata theory based on complete residuated lattice-valued logic: Pushdown automata. 1125-1140 - Hongyan Xing, Daowen Qiu
Pumping lemma in context-free grammar theory based on complete residuated lattice-valued logic. 1141-1151 - Xiuhong Guo:
Grammar theory based on lattice-ordered monoid. 1152-1161
- Dusan Guller:
On the refutational completeness of signed binary resolution and hyperresolution. 1162-1176
Volume 160, Number 9, May 2009
- Andrew Craig
, Gunther Jäger
A common framework for lattice-valued uniform spaces and probabilistic uniform limit spaces. 1177-1203 - Lingqiang Li
, Dexue Zhang
On the relationship between limit spaces, many valued topological spaces, and many valued preorders. 1204-1217 - Fu-Gui Shi
L-fuzzy interiors and L-fuzzy closures. 1218-1232 - Wei Yao, Ling-Xia Lu:
Analogizing Hutton's quasi-uniformities for complete lattices and extending Shi's quasi-uniformities to closed set lattices. 1233-1244 - Hua-Peng Zhang
, Jin-Xuan Fang:
New definition of locally convex L-topological vector spaces. 1245-1255 - Jian-Zhong Xiao, Xing-Hua Zhu:
Conjugate topology of pointwise metric molecular lattices. 1256-1266 - Jian-Zhong Xiao, Xing-Hua Zhu:
Metric topology on the L-fuzzy real line. 1267-1276 - Ildar Sadeqi
, M. Salehi:
Fuzzy compact operators and topological degree theory. 1277-1285
- Enrique Miranda
Updating coherent previsions on finite spaces. 1286-1307 - Alina Gavrilut:
Non-atomicity and the Darboux property for fuzzy and non-fuzzy Borel/Baire multivalued set functions. 1308-1317 - Roee Teper:
On the continuity of the concave integral. 1318-1326 - Jun Kawabe:
Continuity and compactness of the indirect product of two non-additive measures. 1327-1333
Volume 160, Number 10, May 2009
- Isabelle Bloch, Alfredo Petrosino, Andrea Tettamanzi
Fuzzy sets in interdisciplinary perception and intelligence. 1339-1340 - Jérôme Fortin, Adam Kasperski
, Pawel Zielinski
Some methods for evaluating the optimality of elements in matroids with ill-known weights. 1341-1354 - Didier Dubois, Henri Prade:
An overview of the asymmetric bipolar representation of positive and negative information in possibility theory. 1355-1366 - Patricia Victor, Chris Cornelis
, Martine De Cock
, Paulo Pinheiro da Silva:
Gradual trust and distrust in recommender systems. 1367-1382 - Célia da Costa Pereira
, Andrea Tettamanzi
Reasoning about actions with imprecise and incomplete state descriptions. 1383-1401 - Ginés Moreno, Vicente Pascual:
A hybrid programming scheme combining fuzzy-logic and functional-logic resources. 1402-1419 - Andrea Bonarini
, Alessandro Lazaric, Francesco Montrone, Marcello Restelli
Reinforcement distribution in fuzzy Q-learning. 1420-1443 - Guido Sangiovanni:
Definition of fuzzy logic rules representing finite element method experts' reasoning. 1444-1456 - Hassan Khotanlou
, Olivier Colliot
, Jamal Atif, Isabelle Bloch:
3D brain tumor segmentation in MRI using fuzzy classification, symmetry analysis and spatially constrained deformable models. 1457-1473 - Maurizio Cardaci, Vito Di Gesù, Maria Petrou, Marco Elio Tabacchi:
A fuzzy approach to the evaluation of image complexity. 1474-1484 - Alfredo Petrosino, Alessio Ferone:
Rough fuzzy set-based image compression. 1485-1506 - Kerstin Schill, Christoph Zetzsche, Joana Hois:
A belief-based architecture for scene analysis: From sensorimotor features to knowledge and ontology. 1507-1516
Volume 160, Number 11, June 2009
- Yurilev Chalco-Cano
, Heriberto Román-Flores:
Comparation between some approaches to solve fuzzy differential equations. 1517-1527 - Zengtai Gong, Yabin Shao:
The controlled convergence theorems for the strong Henstock integrals of fuzzy-number-valued functions. 1528-1546 - Vasile Lupulescu
On a class of fuzzy functional differential equations. 1547-1562 - Dong Qiu
, Lan Shu, Zhiwen Mo:
On starshaped fuzzy sets. 1563-1577 - Dong Qiu
, Lan Shu, Zhiwen Mo:
Notes on fuzzy complex analysis. 1578-1589
- Zezhong Wu, Jiuping Xu:
Generalized convex fuzzy mappings and fuzzy variational-like inequality. 1590-1619 - Jin-Xuan Fang, Qiong-Yu Xue:
Some properties of the space of fuzzy-valued continuous functions on a compact set. 1620-1631
- Choonkil Park:
Fuzzy stability of a functional equation associated with inner product spaces. 1632-1642 - Alireza Kamel Mirmostafaee
, Mohammad Sal Moslehian
Stability of additive mappings in non-Archimedean fuzzy normed spaces. 1643-1652 - Alireza Kamel Mirmostafaee
A fixed point approach to almost quartic mappings in quasi fuzzy normed spaces. 1653-1662 - Dorel Mihet:
The fixed point method for fuzzy stability of the Jensen functional equation. 1663-1667
Volume 160, Number 12, June 2009
- Li Li, Xiaodong Liu, Tianyou Chai:
New approaches on Hinfinity control of T-S fuzzy systems with interval time-varying delay. 1669-1688 - Hongbin Zhang, Yanyan Shen, Gang Feng
Delay-dependent stability and Hinfinity control for a class of fuzzy descriptor systems with time-delay. 1689-1707 - Engang Tian, Dong Yue, Yijun Zhang:
Delay-dependent robust Hinfinity control for T-S fuzzy system with interval time-varying delay. 1708-1719 - Baoyong Zhang, James Lam, Shengyuan Xu, Zhan Shu:
Robust stabilization of uncertain T-S fuzzy time-delay systems with exponential estimates. 1720-1737 - Jun Yoneyama:
Hinfinity filtering for fuzzy systems with immeasurable premise variables: An uncertain system approach. 1738-1748
- Shaocheng Tong, Yongming Li:
Observer-based fuzzy adaptive control for strict-feedback nonlinear systems. 1749-1764
- Chuan-Kai Lin:
Hinfinity reinforcement learning control of robot manipulators using fuzzy wavelet networks. 1765-1786 - Zhijun Li, Chunquan Xu:
Adaptive fuzzy logic control of dynamic balance and motion for wheeled inverted pendulums. 1787-1803 - Shahin Salehi, Mohammad Shahrokhi:
Adaptive fuzzy backstepping approach for temperature control of continuous stirred tank reactors. 1804-1818
Volume 160, Number 13, July 2009
- Humberto Bustince Sola, Edurne Barrenechea Tartas
, Miguel Pagola
, Javier Fernández
Interval-valued fuzzy sets constructed from matrices: Application to edge detection. 1819-1840 - Hsiang-Chieh Chen, Wen-June Wang:
Efficient impulse noise reduction via local directional gradients and fuzzy logic. 1841-1857 - Isabelle Bloch:
Duality vs. adjunction for fuzzy mathematical morphology and general form of fuzzy erosions and dilations. 1858-1867
- Carl G. Looney:
Fuzzy connectivity clustering with radial basis kernel functions. 1868-1885 - Yi-hong Dong, Shaoka Cao, Ken Chen, Maoshun He, Xiaoying Tai:
PFHC: A clustering algorithm based on data partitioning for unevenly distributed datasets. 1886-1901
- Edgard Jamhour, Manoel Camillo Penna, Ricardo Nabhen, Guy Pujolle:
Modeling a multi-queue network node with a fuzzy predictor. 1902-1928
- Omid Reza Esmaeili Motlagh, Sai Hong Tang, Napsiah Ismail
Development of a new minimum avoidance system for a behavior-based mobile robot. 1929-1946
- Enrico Zio
, Piero Baraldi, M. Librizzi, Luca Podofillini, Vinh N. Dang
A fuzzy set-based approach for modeling dependence among human errors. 1947-1964
Volume 160, Number 14, July 2009
- Slavka Bodjanova, Martin Kalina
T-evaluators and S-evaluators. 1965-1983 - Miguel A. Ballester, Tomasa Calvo
Lever aggregation operators. 1984-1997
- Koen Maes, Bernard De Baets
Rotation-invariant t-norms: Where triple rotation and rotation-annihilation meet. 1998-2016 - Susanne Saminger-Platz
The dominance relation in some families of continuous Archimedean t-norms and copulas. 2017-2031 - Andrea Mesiarová-Zemánková:
Ranks of additive generators. 2032-2048
- Michal Baczynski
, Balasubramaniam Jayaram
(U, N)-implications and their characterizations. 2049-2062 - Balasubramaniam Jayaram
, Radko Mesiar:
On special fuzzy implications. 2063-2085 - Zhudeng Wang, Jin-xuan Fang:
Residual coimplicators of left and right uninorms on a complete lattice. 2086-2096
- Luis Garmendia, Adela Salvador, Javier Montero
Computing a T-transitive lower approximation or opening of a proximity relation. 2097-2105
- Alina Gavrilut, Anca Croitoru:
Non-atomicity for fuzzy and non-fuzzy multivalued set functions. 2106-2116
Volume 160, Number 15, August 2009
- Guy De Tré
, Slawomir Zadrozny
The application of fuzzy logic and soft computing in information management. 2117-2119 - Patrick Bosc, Olivier Pivert, Daniel Rocacher:
Tolerant division queries and possibilistic database querying. 2120-2140 - Tom Matthé, Guy De Tré
, Axel Hallez:
Impact of weights on conjunctive and disjunctive aggregation of extended possibilistic truth values. 2141-2158 - Troels Andreasen, Henrik Bulskov:
Conceptual querying through ontologies. 2159-2172 - Slawomir Zadrozny
, Katarzyna Nowacka:
Fuzzy information retrieval model revisited. 2173-2191 - Antonio Gabriel López-Herrera, Enrique Herrera-Viedma
, Francisco Herrera
Applying multi-objective evolutionary algorithms to the automatic learning of extended Boolean queries in fuzzy ordinal linguistic information retrieval systems. 2192-2205 - Frederick E. Petry, Lei Zhao:
Data mining by attribute generalization with fuzzy hierarchies in fuzzy databases. 2206-2223 - Federico Del Razo López, Anne Laurent, Pascal Poncelet
, Maguelonne Teisseire
FTMnodes: Fuzzy tree mining based on partial inclusion. 2224-2240 - Gloria Bordogna
, Marco Pagani
, Gabriella Pasi
, Giuseppe Psaila
Managing uncertainty in location-based queries. 2241-2252 - Nezihe Burcu Ozgur, Murat Koyuncu
, Adnan Yazici
An intelligent fuzzy object-oriented database framework for video database applications. 2253-2274
Volume 160, Number 16, August 2009
- Qi-Ye Zhang, Weixian Xie, Lei Fan:
Fuzzy complete lattices. 2275-2291 - Weixian Xie, Qi-Ye Zhang, Lei Fan:
The Dedekind-MacNeille completions for fuzzy posets. 2292-2316
- Chams Lahlou
, Laurent Truffet
Idempotent version of the Fréchet contingency array problem. 2317-2327 - Jun-Lin Lin:
On the relation between fuzzy max-Archimedean t-norm relational equations and the covering problem. 2328-2344
- Jelena Ignjatovic, Miroslav Ciric
, Stojan Bogdanovic:
Fuzzy homomorphisms of algebras. 2345-2365 - Violeta Leoreanu Fotea, Bijan Davvaz:
Fuzzy hyperrings. 2366-2378 - Ivan Chajda, Jan Kühr
A note on intervals of residuated l-groupoids. 2379-2386
- Fu-Gui Shi
(L, M)-fuzzy matroids. 2387-2400
- Jun Liu, Zhiwen Mo, Dong Qiu
, Yang Wang:
Products of Mealy-type fuzzy finite state machines. 2401-2415 - Hongyan Xing, Daowen Qiu
Automata theory based on complete residuated lattice-valued logic: A categorical approach. 2416-2428
Volume 160, Number 17, September 2009
- Minghu Ha, Witold Pedrycz, Lifang Zheng:
The theoretical fundamentals of learning theory based on fuzzy complex random samples. 2429-2441 - Olivier Strauss:
Quasi-continuous histograms. 2442-2465
- Pei-Yi Hao:
Interval regression analysis using support vector networks. 2466-2485 - Chia-Feng Juang
, Cheng-Da Hsieh:
TS-fuzzy system-based support vector regression. 2486-2504 - Jingli Lu, Ruili Wang:
An enhanced fuzzy linear regression model with more flexible spreads. 2505-2523
- Luciano Sánchez
, Inés Couso
, Jorge Casillas
Genetic learning of fuzzy rules based on low quality data. 2524-2552 - Rafik A. Aliev, Babek G. Guirimov
, Bijan Fazlollahi, Rashad R. Aliev:
Evolutionary algorithm-based learning of fuzzy neural networks. Part 2: Recurrent fuzzy neural networks. 2553-2566 - Yue Wu, Arthur Dexter:
A computationally efficient method of identifying generic fuzzy models. 2567-2578
Volume 160, Number 18, September 2009
- Takashi Hasuike, Hideki Katagiri, Hiroaki Ishii:
Portfolio selection problems with random fuzzy variable returns. 2579-2596 - Elettra Agliardi
, Rossella Agliardi
Fuzzy defaultable bonds. 2597-2607 - Irina Georgescu
Possibilistic risk aversion. 2608-2619
- Liang-Hsuan Chen, Wen-Chang Ko:
Fuzzy approaches to quality function deployment for new product design. 2620-2639 - David Peidro
, Josefa Mula
, Raul Poler
, José L. Verdegay:
Fuzzy optimization for supply chain planning under supply, demand and process uncertainties. 2640-2657
- Louis Aimé Fono, Véronique Donfack-Kommogne, Nicolas Gabriel Andjiga:
Fuzzy arrow-type results without the Pareto principle based on fuzzy pre-orders. 2658-2672 - Irina Georgescu
Acyclic rationality indicators of fuzzy choice functions. 2673-2685 - Fang Liu:
Acceptable consistency analysis of interval reciprocal comparison matrices. 2686-2700
- Ibrahim A. Baky
Fuzzy goal programming algorithm for solving decentralized bi-level multi-objective programming problems. 2701-2713 - Mariano Jiménez
, Amelia Bilbao-Terol
Pareto-optimal solutions in fuzzy multi-objective linear programming. 2714-2721
- De-Qing Li, Jia-Yin Wang, Hong-Xing Li:
Note on "On the normalization of interval and fuzzy weights". 2722-2725
Volume 160, Number 19, October 2009
- Yan-Jun Liu
, Shaocheng Tong, Wei Wang:
Adaptive fuzzy output tracking control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems. 2727-2754 - Shaocheng Tong, Changying Li, Yongming Li:
Fuzzy adaptive observer backstepping control for MIMO nonlinear systems. 2755-2775
- Miguel Bernal
, Thierry-Marie Guerra
, Alexandre Kruszewski
A membership-function-dependent approach for stability analysis and controller synthesis of Takagi-Sugeno models. 2776-2795 - Kevin Guelton
, Tahar Bouarar, Noureddine Manamanni:
Robust dynamic output feedback fuzzy Lyapunov stabilization of Takagi-Sugeno systems - A descriptor redundancy approach. 2796-2811 - Han Ho Choi:
Output feedback stabilization of uncertain fuzzy systems using variable structure system approach. 2812-2823
- Chung-Shi Tseng, Bor-Sen Chen, Yen-Fang Li:
Robust fuzzy observer-based fuzzy control design for nonlinear systems with persistent bounded disturbances: A novel decoupled approach. 2824-2843 - Jiuxiang Dong, Guang-Hong Yang:
Static output feedback Hinfinity control of a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems. 2844-2859
- Jesús A. Meda-Campaña
, Bernardino Castillo-Toledo, Guanrong Chen
Synchronization of chaotic systems from a fuzzy regulation approach. 2860-2875
- Kudret Demirli
, M. Khoshnejad:
Autonomous parallel parking of a car-like mobile robot by a neuro-fuzzy sensor-based controller. 2876-2891
Volume 160, Number 20, October 2009
- Michael Winter
Arrow categories. 2893-2909 - Sergey A. Solovyov:
On ordered categories as a framework for fuzzification of algebraic and topological structures. 2910-2925
- Hua-Peng Zhang
, Jin-Xuan Fang:
On I(L)-topological vector spaces generated by a co-tower of L-topological vector spaces. 2926-2936 - Zhongqiang Yang, Lili Zhang:
The topological structure of fuzzy sets with endograph metric. 2937-2946 - H. Boustique, R. N. Mohapatra
, Giles Richardson:
Lattice-valued fuzzy interior operators. 2947-2955
- Vilém Novák, Bernard De Baets
EQ-algebras. 2956-2978 - Ivica Bosnjak
, R. Madarász, G. Vojvodic:
Algebras of fuzzy sets. 2979-2988 - Xue-ping Wang
, Chang Xia:
The solution sets of infinite fuzzy relational equations with sup-conjunctor composition on complete distributive lattices. 2989-3006
- Ivica Bosnjak
, R. Madarász:
Remarks on the lattices of fuzzy subsets of a groupoid. 3007-3012 - Jin-Xuan Fang:
A note on the left and right translations in L-topological groups. 3013-3016
Volume 160, Number 21, November 2009
- Adrian I. Ban
On the nearest parametric approximation of a fuzzy number - Revisited. 3027-3047 - Adrian I. Ban
Triangular and parametric approximations of fuzzy numbers - inadvertences and corrections. 3048-3058 - Chi-Tsuen Yeh:
Weighted trapezoidal and triangular approximations of fuzzy numbers. 3059-3079
- Glad Deschrijver:
Generalized arithmetic operators and their relationship to t-norms in interval-valued fuzzy set theory. 3080-3102 - Hooman Tahayori, Andrea Tettamanzi
, Giovanni Degli Antoni, Andrea Visconti
On the calculation of extended max and min operations between convex fuzzy sets of the real line. 3103-3114
- Mila Stojakovic, Zoran Stojakovic:
Series of fuzzy sets. 3115-3127 - Hifsi Altinok, Rifat Çolak
, Mikail Et:
lambda-Difference sequence spaces of fuzzy numbers. 3128-3139
- Giacomo Aletti
, Enea G. Bongiorno
, Vincenzo Capasso:
Statistical aspects of fuzzy monotone set-valued stochastic processes. Application to birth-and-growth processes. 3140-3151 - Marek T. Malinowski
On random fuzzy differential equations. 3152-3165 - Rais Ahmad, Ali P. Farajzadeh
On random variational inclusions with random fuzzy mappings and random relaxed cocoercive mappings. 3166-3174
- Lotfi A. Zadeh:
Toward extended fuzzy logic - A first step. 3175-3181
Volume 160, Number 22, November 2009
- Fouad Ben Abdelaziz:
Featured issue on "Aspects of fuzzy decision making". 3183 - Moussa Larbani:
Non cooperative fuzzy games in normal form: A survey. 3184-3210 - José Luis García-Lapresta
, Luis Carlos Meneses:
Modeling rationality in a linguistic framework. 3211-3223 - Bakhta Haouari, Nahla Ben Amor
, Zied Elouedi, Khaled Mellouli:
Naïve possibilistic network classifiers. 3224-3238 - Fouad Ben Abdelaziz, Hatem Masri
Multistage stochastic programming with fuzzy probability distribution. 3239-3249 - Yuji Yoshida:
An estimation model of value-at-risk portfolio under uncertainty. 3250-3262
- Mehdi Ghatee
, S. Mehdi Hashemi:
Application of fuzzy minimum cost flow problems to network design under uncertainty. 3263-3289 - Pankaj Gupta, Mukesh Kumar Mehlawat:
Bector-Chandra type duality in fuzzy linear programming with exponential membership functions. 3290-3308 - Hitoshi Yano, Masatoshi Sakawa:
A fuzzy approach to hierarchical multiobjective programming problems and its application to an industrial pollution control problem. 3309-3322
Volume 160, Number 23, December 2009
- Minakshi Banerjee, Malay Kumar Kundu, Pradipta Maji
Content-based image retrieval using visually significant point features. 3323-3341 - Klaas Bosteels, Etienne E. Kerre:
A fuzzy framework for defining dynamic playlist generation heuristics. 3342-3358 - Tony Cheng-Kui Huang:
Developing an efficient knowledge discovering model for mining fuzzy multi-level sequential patterns in sequence databases. 3359-3381
- Fernando Bobillo, Umberto Straccia
Fuzzy description logics with general t-norms and datatypes. 3382-3402 - Yuncheng Jiang, Ju Wang, Peimin Deng, Suqin Tang:
Reasoning within expressive fuzzy rough description logics. 3403-3424
- Antonín Dvorák
, Michal Holcapek
L-fuzzy quantifiers of type 23291232a determined by fuzzy measures. 3425-3452
- Yongming Li
Lattice-valued fuzzy Turing machines: Computing power, universality and efficiency. 3453-3474
Volume 160, Number 24, December 2009
- Xiaofeng Liang, Witold Pedrycz:
Logic-based fuzzy networks: A study in system modeling with triangular norms and uninorms. 3475-3502 - Li Sheng, Ming Gao, Huizhong Yang:
Delay-dependent robust stability for uncertain stochastic fuzzy Hopfield neural networks with time-varying delays. 3503-3517 - Musa Alci, Musa H. Asyali:
Nonlinear system identification via Laguerre network based fuzzy systems. 3518-3529 - Vassilis S. Kouikoglou
, Yannis A. Phillis:
On the monotonicity of hierarchical sum-product fuzzy systems. 3530-3538 - Yakun Su, Bing Chen, Chong Lin
, Huaguang Zhang:
A new fuzzy H∞ filter design for nonlinear continuous-time dynamic systems with time-varying delays. 3539-3549
- Adam Pedrycz, Fangyan Dong, Kaoru Hirota:
Finite cut-based approximation of fuzzy sets and its evolutionary optimization. 3550-3564
- Pierpaolo D'Urso
, Elizabeth Ann Maharaj
Autocorrelation-based fuzzy clustering of time series. 3565-3589 - Mahnhoon Lee, Witold Pedrycz:
The fuzzy C-means algorithm with fuzzy P-mode prototypes for clustering objects having mixed features. 3590-3600 - Efendi N. Nasibov
, Gözde Ulutagay
Robustness of density-based clustering methods with various neighborhood relations. 3601-3615

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