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NeuroImage, Volume 103
Volume 103, December 2014
- Lilianne R. Mujica-Parodi
, Joshua M. Carlson, Jiook Cha
, Denis Rubin
The fine line between 'brave' and 'reckless': Amygdala reactivity and regulation predict recognition of risk. 1-9 - Junzhong Xu
, Hua Li, Kevin D. Harkins, Xiaoyu Jiang
, Jingping Xie, Hakmook Kang
, Mark D. Does, John C. Gore:
Mapping mean axon diameter and axonal volume fraction by MRI using temporal diffusion spectroscopy. 10-19 - Giovanna Egidi, Alfonso Caramazza:
Mood-dependent integration in discourse comprehension: Happy and sad moods affect consistency processing via different brain networks. 20-32 - Yisheng Xu, Yunxia Tong, Siyuan Liu, Ho Ming Chow, Nuria Y. AbdulSabur, Govind S. Mattay
, Allen R. Braun:
Denoising the speaking brain: Toward a robust technique for correcting artifact-contaminated fMRI data under severe motion. 33-47 - Colleen Mills-Finnerty, Catherine Hanson
, Stephen Jose Hanson:
Brain network response underlying decisions about abstract reinforcers. 48-54 - Wiebke Trost
, Sascha Frühholz
, Daniele Schön, Carolina Labbé
, Swann Pichon
, Didier Grandjean
, Patrik Vuilleumier
Getting the beat: Entrainment of brain activity by musical rhythm and pleasantness. 55-64 - Janna van Belle, Matthijs Vink
, Sarah Durston, Bram B. Zandbelt
Common and unique neural networks for proactive and reactive response inhibition revealed by independent component analysis of functional MRI data. 65-74 - Bettina Studer, Danlu Cen, Vincent Walsh:
The angular gyrus and visuospatial attention in decision-making under risk. 75-80 - Lauren E. Marsh
, Timothy L. Mullett
, Danielle Ropar
, Antonia F. de C. Hamilton
Responses to irrational actions in action observation and mentalising networks of the human brain. 81-90 - Tatiana Sitnikova, Bruce R. Rosen, Louis-David Lord, W. Caroline West:
Understanding human original actions directed at real-world goals: The role of the lateral prefrontal cortex. 91-105 - Ilyess Zemmoura
, Barthélemy Serres, Frédéric Andersson
, Laurent Barantin
, Clovis Tauber
, Isabelle Filipiak, Jean-Philippe Cottier
, Gilles Venturini, Christophe Destrieux
FIBRASCAN: A novel method for 3D white matter tract reconstruction in MR space from cadaveric dissection. 106-118 - Walter Gruber, Andrea Zauner, Julia Lechinger
, Manuel Schabus
, Rade Kutil
, Wolfgang Klimesch:
Alpha phase, temporal attention, and the generation of early event related potentials. 119-129 - Jeanette A. Mumford, Tyler Davis, Russell A. Poldrack
The impact of study design on pattern estimation for single-trial multivariate pattern analysis. 130-138 - Yaakov Stern
, Christian G. Habeck, Jason Steffener, Daniel Barulli, Yunglin Gazes, Qolamreza R. Razlighi, Danielle Shaked, Timothy Salthouse:
The Reference Ability Neural Network Study: Motivation, design, and initial feasibility analyses. 139-151 - Isabella Premoli
, Davide Rivolta
, Svenja Espenhahn, Nazareth P. Castellanos
, Paolo Belardinelli, Ulf Ziemann
, J. Florian M. Müller-Dahlhaus:
Characterization of GABAB-receptor mediated neurotransmission in the human cortex by paired-pulse TMS-EEG. 152-162 - Alexander Geißler, Eva Matt
, Florian Ph. S. Fischmeister
, Moritz C. Wurnig
, Barbara Dymerska
, E. Knosp, Martha Feucht
, Siegfried Trattnig
, Eduard Auff, W. Tecumseh Fitch, Simon Robinson
, Roland Beisteiner:
Differential functional benefits of ultra highfield MR systems within the language network. 163-170 - Angela Kolodziej, Michael Lippert, Frank Angenstein
, Jenni Neubert, Annette Pethe, Oliver S. Großer
, Holger Amthauer
, Ulrich H. Schroeder, Klaus G. Reymann, Henning Scheich, Frank W. Ohl, Jürgen Goldschmidt:
SPECT-imaging of activity-dependent changes in regional cerebral blood flow induced by electrical and optogenetic self-stimulation in mice. 171-180 - Anna Butorina, A. Prokofyev, Maria Nazarova
, Vladimir Litvak
, Tatiana Alexandrovna Stroganova
The mirror illusion induces high gamma oscillations in the absence of movement. 181-191 - Deborah H. Schwartz, Erin W. Dickie
, Melissa M. Pangelinan
, Gabriel Leonard, Michel Perron, G. Bruce Pike
, Louis Richer, Suzanne Veillette, Zdenka Pausova, Tomás Paus:
Adiposity is associated with structural properties of the adolescent brain. 192-201 - Tim B. Dyrby
, Henrik Lundell
, Mark W. Burke, Nina Linde Reislev, Olaf B. Paulson
, Maurice Ptito, Hartwig R. Siebner:
Interpolation of diffusion weighted imaging datasets. 202-213 - Karina J. Kersbergen, Alexander Leemans
, Floris Groenendaal, Niek E. van der Aa, Max A. Viergever, Linda S. de Vries, Manon J. N. L. Benders:
Microstructural brain development between 30 and 40 weeks corrected age in a longitudinal cohort of extremely preterm infants. 214-224 - Jan R. Wessel
, Adam R. Aron:
Inhibitory motor control based on complex stopping goals relies on the same brain network as simple stopping. 225-234 - Trong-Kha Truong
, Dean Darnell, Allen W. Song:
Integrated RF/shim coil array for parallel reception and localized B0 shimming in the human brain. 235-240 - Tilmann Wilbertz, Lorenz Deserno
, Annette Horstmann
, Jane Neumann, Arno Villringer
, Hans-Jochen Heinze, Carsten Nicolas Boehler, Florian Schlagenhauf
Response inhibition and its relation to multidimensional impulsivity. 241-248 - Martin Küblböck, Michael Woletz
, Anna Höflich
, Ronald Sladky
, Georg S. Kranz
, André Hoffmann, Rupert Lanzenberger
, Christian Windischberger
Stability of low-frequency fluctuation amplitudes in prolonged resting-state fMRI. 249-257 - Linda C. Lundblad, Rania H. Fatouleh, Elie Hammam, David K. McKenzie, Vaughan G. Macefield
, Luke A. Henderson
Brainstem changes associated with increased muscle sympathetic drive in obstructive sleep apnoea. 258-266 - Marc G. Berman, Bratislav Misic, Martin Buschkuehl, Ethan Kross, Patricia J. Deldin
, Scott Peltier, Nathan William Churchill, Susanne M. Jaeggi, Vasily A. Vakorin
, Anthony Randal McIntosh
, John Jonides:
Does resting-state connectivity reflect depressive rumination? A tale of two analyses. 267-279 - Sara Lorio, Antoine Lutti
, Ferath Kherif
, Anne Ruef, Juergen Dukart
, Rumana Chowdhury, Richard S. Frackowiak
, John Ashburner
, Gunther Helms
, Nikolaus Weiskopf, Bogdan Draganski
Disentangling in vivo the effects of iron content and atrophy on the ageing human brain. 280-289 - Wolfgang Bogner
, Borjan A. Gagoski, Aaron T. Hess
, Himanshu Bhat, M. Dylan Tisdall
, André J. W. van der Kouwe, Bernhard Strasser
, Malgorzata Marjanska
, Siegfried Trattnig
, Patricia Ellen Grant, Bruce Rosen
, Ovidiu C. Andronesi:
3D GABA imaging with real-time motion correction, shim update and reacquisition of adiabatic spiral MRSI. 290-302 - Magdalena Nord, Zsolt Cselényi, Anton Forsberg
, Göran Rosenqvist, Mikael Tiger
, Johan Lundberg
, Andrea Varrone, Lars Farde
Distinct regional age effects on [11C]AZ10419369 binding to 5-HT1B receptors in the human brain. 303-308 - G. J. Lewis, Matthew S. Panizzon, Lisa T. Eyler, Christine Fennema-Notestine
, Chi-Hua Chen, Michael C. Neale, Terry L. Jernigan, Michael J. Lyons
, Anders M. Dale, William S. Kremen
, Carol E. Franz
Heritable influences on amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex contribute to genetic variation in core dimensions of personality. 309-315 - Eidrees Ghariq, Michael A. Chappell
, Sophie Schmid
, Wouter M. Teeuwisse, Matthias J. P. van Osch
Effects of background suppression on the sensitivity of dual-echo arterial spin labeling MRI for BOLD and CBF signal changes. 316-322 - Andrew R. Hoy
, Cheng Guan Koay, Steven R. Kecskemeti, Andrew L. Alexander:
Optimization of a free water elimination two-compartment model for diffusion tensor imaging. 323-333 - Ninni Persson
, Paolo Ghisletta
, Cheryl L. Dahle, Andrew R. Bender, Yiqin Yang, Peng Yuan, Ana M. Daugherty
, Naftali Raz:
Regional brain shrinkage over two years: Individual differences and effects of pro-inflammatory genetic polymorphisms. 334-348 - Andrei A. Vakhtin, Sephira Ryman, Ranee A. Flores
, Rex E. Jung
Functional brain networks contributing to the Parieto-Frontal Integration Theory of Intelligence. 349-354 - Annabel B. Losecaat Vermeer
, Maarten A. S. Boksem
, Alan G. Sanfey
Neural mechanisms underlying context-dependent shifts in risk preferences. 355-363 - Fatima A. Nasrallah
, Si-Min Amanda Low, Si Kang Lew, Kaina Chen, Kai-Hsiang Chuang
Pharmacological insight into neurotransmission origins of resting-state functional connectivity: α2-adrenergic agonist vs antagonist. 364-373 - Cordula Hölig
, Julia Föcker
, Anna Best, Brigitte Röder
, Christian Büchel:
Crossmodal plasticity in the fusiform gyrus of late blind individuals during voice recognition. 374-382 - Michael M. Plichta
, Oliver Grimm
, Katrin Morgen, Daniela Mier
, Carina Sauer, Leila Haddad, Heike Tost, Christine Esslinger, Peter Kirsch
, Adam J. Schwarz, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg
Amygdala habituation: A reliable fMRI phenotype. 383-390 - Fiorenzo Artoni
, Danilo Menicucci
, Arnaud Delorme, Scott Makeig, Silvestro Micera
RELICA: A method for estimating the reliability of independent components. 391-400 - Jonathan D. Rosenblatt
, Yoav Benjamini:
Selective correlations; not voodoo. 401-410 - Ben Jeurissen
, Jacques-Donald Tournier, Thijs Dhollander
, Alan Connelly, Jan Sijbers
Multi-tissue constrained spherical deconvolution for improved analysis of multi-shell diffusion MRI data. 411-426 - Ricardo Pio Monti
, Peter Hellyer
, David J. Sharp
, Robert Leech
, Christoforos Anagnostopoulos
, Giovanni Montana:
Estimating time-varying brain connectivity networks from functional MRI time series. 427-443 - Rikkert Hindriks
, Michel J. A. M. van Putten, Gustavo Deco
Intra-cortical propagation of EEG alpha oscillations. 444-453 - Jenny Balog, Ulrike Matthies, Lisa Naumann, Mareike Voget, Christine Winter, Konrad Lehmann:
Social experience modulates ocular dominance plasticity differentially in adult male and female mice. 454-461 - Georg Langs
, Andrew Sweet, Danial Lashkari, Yanmei Tie, Laura Rigolo, Alexandra J. Golby, Polina Golland:
Decoupling function and anatomy in atlases of functional connectivity patterns: Language mapping in tumor patients. 462-475 - Masahiro Imafuku
, Yoko Hakuno
, Mariko Uchida-Ota, Jun-ichi Yamamoto, Yasuyo Minagawa-Kawai:
"Mom called me!" Behavioral and prefrontal responses of infants to self-names spoken by their mothers. 476-484 - Zhifeng Liang, Jean King, Nanyin Zhang
Neuroplasticity to a single-episode traumatic stress revealed by resting-state fMRI in awake rats. 485-491 - Yingtian Pan, Jiang You, Nora D. Volkow, Kicheon Park, Congwu Du
Ultrasensitive detection of 3D cerebral microvascular network dynamics in vivo. 492-501 - Mariam Alaverdashvili
, Mark J. Hackett
, Ingrid J. Pickering
, Phyllis G. Paterson:
Laminar-specific distribution of zinc: Evidence for presence of layer IV in forelimb motor cortex in the rat. 502-510 - Mathew Price, Valerie A. Cardenas, George Fein:
Automated MRI cerebellar size measurements using active appearance modeling. 511-521 - Christian Paret
, Rosemarie Kluetsch, Matthias Ruf, Traute Demirakca, Raffael Kalisch, Christian Schmahl
, Gabriele Ende:
Transient and sustained BOLD signal time courses affect the detection of emotion-related brain activation in fMRI. 522-532
- Ying Cheng
, Peter C. M. van Zijl, James J. Pekar
, Jun Hua:
Three-dimensional acquisition of cerebral blood volume and flow responses during functional stimulation in a single scan. 533-541 - Erik Ziegler
, Sarah L. Chellappa
, Giulia Gaggioni, Julien Q. M. Ly, Gilles Vandewalle
, Elodie André, Christophe Geuzaine, Christophe Phillips
A finite-element reciprocity solution for EEG forward modeling with realistic individual head models. 542-551

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