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Image and Vision Computing, Volume 18
Volume 18, Number 1, December 1999
- Ian R. Greenshields:
Coherent computation of the multispectral maximal directional derivative. 1-7 - Alice J. O'Toole
, Theodore J. Price
, Thomas Vetter, James C. Bartlett, Volker Blanz:
3D shape and 2D surface textures of human faces: the role of "averages" in attractiveness and age. 9-19 - Danielle Craievich, Barry S. Barnett, Alan C. Bovik
A stereo visual pattern image coding system. 21-37 - Saeid Sanei, P. Sanaei, M. Zahabsaniei:
Cephalogram analysis applying template matching and fuzzy logic. 39-48 - Du-Ming Tsai, C.-Y. Hsieh:
Automated surface inspection for directional textures. 49-62 - J. Cai, A. Ardeshir Goshtasby:
Detecting human faces in color images. 63-75
Volume 18, Number 2, January 2000
- Hilary Buxton, Amitabha Mukerjee:
Conceptualizing Images. 79 - Jonathan H. Fernyhough, Anthony G. Cohn, David C. Hogg
Constructing qualitative event models automatically from video input. 81-103 - Richard J. Howarth, Hilary Buxton:
Conceptual descriptions from monitoring and watching image sequences. 105-135 - Michael Haag, Hans-Hellmut Nagel:
Incremental recognition of traffic situations from video image sequences. 137-153 - Gudrun Socher
, Gerhard Sagerer, Pietro Perona:
Bayesian reasoning on qualitative descriptions from images and speech. 155-172 - Amitabha Mukerjee, Kshitij Gupta, Siddharth Nautiyal, Mukesh P. Singh, Neelkanth Mishra:
Conceptual description of visual scenes from linguistic models. 173-187
Volume 18, Number 3, February 2000
- Olivier Y. de Vel, Stefan Aeberhard:
Object recognition using random image-lines. 193-198 - Sadegh Abbasi, Farzin Mokhtarian, Josef Kittler:
Enhancing CSS-based shape retrieval for objects with shallow concavities. 199-211 - Nikos Papamarkos, Charalambos Strouthopoulos, Ioannis Andreadis:
Multithresholding of color and gray-level images through a neural network technique. 213-222 - Yuh-Horng Yang, Kuo-Liang Chung, Yao-Hong Tsai:
A compact improved quadtree representation with image manipulations. 223-231 - Jesus Malo
, Francesc J. Ferri
, Jesús V. Albert, J. Soret, José M Artigas:
The role of perceptual contrast non-linearities in image transform quantization. 233-246 - Andrea Giachetti
Matching techniques to compute image motion. 247-260 - Jon Sporring, Ole Fogh Olsen, Mads Nielsen, Joachim Weickert:
Smoothing images creates corners. 261-266
Volume 18, Number 4, March 2000
- Massimo Tistarelli:
Special issue on facial image analysis. 271 - Peter Kalocsai, Christoph von der Malsburg, John L. Horn:
Face recognition by statistical analysis of feature detectors. 273-278 - Stefan Eickeler, Stefan Müller, Gerhard Rigoll:
Recognition of JPEG compressed face images based on statistical methods. 279-287 - Christophe Garcia
, George Zikos, George Tziritas:
Wavelet packet analysis for face recognition. 289-297 - Massimo Tistarelli
, Enrico Grosso:
Active vision-based face authentication. 299-314 - Charles Beumier, Marc Acheroy:
Automatic 3D face authentication. 315-321 - Fabrizio Smeraldi, O. Carmona, Josef Bigün
Saccadic search with Gabor features applied to eye detection and real-time head tracking. 323-329 - Carlos Hitoshi Morimoto
, David Koons, Arnon Amir
, Myron Flickner:
Pupil detection and tracking using multiple light sources. 331-335 - Richard Lengagne, Pascal Fua
, Olivier Monga
3D stereo reconstruction of human faces driven by differential constraints. 337-343 - Fabio Lavagetto
, Roberto Pockaj, Maurizio Costa:
Smooth surface interpolation and texture adaptation for MPEG-4 compliant calibration of 3D head models. 345-353 - Won-Sook Lee, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann:
Fast head modeling for animation. 355-364
Volume 18, Number 5, April 2000
- Alberto Broggi, Ernst D. Dickmanns:
Applications of computer vision to intelligent. 365-366 - Uwe Handmann
, Thomas Kalinke, Christos Tzomakas, Martin Werner, Werner von Seelen:
An image processing system for driver assistance. 367-376 - Frank Paetzold, Uwe Franke:
Road recognition in urban environment. 377-387 - Christoph Stiller
, Jochen Hipp, C. Rössig, A. Ewald:
Multisensor obstacle detection and tracking. 389-396 - Michel Beauvais, Sridhar Lakshmanan
CLARK: a heterogeneous sensor fusion method for finding lanes and obstacles. 397-413 - Ben J. A. Kröse, Anuj Dev, Frans C. A. Groen:
Heading direction of a mobile robot from the optical flow. 415-424 - Jens Goldbeck, Bernd Hürtgen, Stefan Ernst, L. Kelch:
Lane following combining vision and DGPS. 425-433 - Hans-Hellmut Nagel, Frank Heimes, Klaus Fleischer, Michael Haag, Holger Leuck, Sven Noltemeier:
Quantitative comparison between trajectory estimates obtained from a binocular camera setup within a moving road vehicle and from the outside by a stationary monocular camera. 435-444
Volume 18, Numbers 6-7, 1 May 2000
- Chin-Seng Chua, Yeong-Khing Ho, Yu Liang:
Rejection of mismatched correspondences along the affine epipolar line. 445-462 - Latifa Guisser, René Payrissat, Serge Castan:
PGSD: an accurate 3D vision system using a projected grid for surface descriptions. 463-491 - Kjell Lemström, Pasi Fränti:
N-Candidate methods for location invariant dithering of color images. 493-500 - Jia-Guu Leu:
Edge sharpening through ramp width reduction. 501-514 - Joan Batlle, Alicia Casals
, Jordi Freixenet
, Joan Martí:
A review on strategies for recognizing natural objects in colour images of outdoor scenes. 515-530 - Rolf P. Würtz
, Tino Lourens:
Corner detection in color images through a multiscale combination of end-stopped cortical cells. 531-541 - A. Latif-Amet, Aysin Ertüzün
, Aytül Erçil:
An efficient method for texture defect detection: sub-band domain co-occurrence matrices. 543-553 - Andrea Fusiello
Uncalibrated Euclidean reconstruction: a review. 555-563 - Raouf Hamzaoui, Hannes Hartenstein, Dietmar Saupe:
Local iterative improvement of fractal image codes. 565-568
Volume 18, Number 8, 15 May 2000
- Sung-Wai Hong, Paul Bao:
An edge-preserving subband coding model based on non-adaptive and adaptive regularization. 573-582 - Andres Huertas, Ramakant Nevatia:
Detecting changes in aerial views of man-made structures. 583-596 - Sen-Ren Jan, Yuang-Cheh Hsueh:
Primitive spatial relations based on SKIZ. 597-605 - Anastasios L. Kesidis, Nikos Papamarkos:
On the gray-scale inverse Hough transform. 607-618 - Eraldo Ribeiro, Edwin R. Hancock
Estimating the 3D orientation of texture planes using local spectral analysis. 619-631 - Robert S. Caprari:
Duplicate document detection by template matching. 633-643
Volume 18, Number 9, June 2000
- Mark S. Nixon:
British Machine Vision Conference 1998. 645 - Frederik Schaffalitzky, Andrew Zisserman:
Planar grouping for automatic detection of vanishing lines and points. 647-658 - Philippe Montesinos, Valérie Gouet, Rachid Deriche, Danielle Pelé:
Matching color uncalibrated images using differential invariants. 659-671 - Manolis I. A. Lourakis, Spyros T. Halkidis, Stelios C. Orphanoudakis:
Matching disparate views of planar surfaces using projective invariants. 673-683 - Etienne Grossmann, José Santos-Victor:
Uncertainty analysis of 3D reconstruction from uncalibrated views. 685-696 - Neil Sumpter, Andrew J. Bulpitt
Learning spatio-temporal patterns for predicting object behaviour. 697-704 - Maria Faraklioti, Maria Petrou:
Recovering more classes than available bands for sets of mixed pixels in satellite images. 705-713 - Hermann Borotschnig, Lucas Paletta
, Manfred Prantl, Axel Pinz:
Appearance-based active object recognition. 715-727 - Richard Bowden
, T. A. Mitchell, Mansoor Sarhadi:
Non-linear statistical models for the 3D reconstruction of human pose and motion from monocular image sequences. 729-737 - Alan D. Brett
, Christopher J. Taylor:
A method of automated landmark generation for automated 3D PDM construction. 739-748 - Stephen Pollard, Maurizio Pilu, Sean Hayes, Adele Lorusso:
View synthesis by trinocular edge matching and transfer. 749-757
Volume 18, Number 10, July 2000
- Ming-Chao Chiang, Terrance E. Boult:
Efficient super-resolution via image warping. 761-771 - Maurício Marengoni
, Bruce A. Draper, Allen R. Hanson, Ramesh K. Sitaraman:
A system to place observers on a polyhedral terrain in polynomial time. 773-780 - Zhigang Zhu
, Guangyou Xu, Bo Yang, Dingji Shi, Xueyin Lin:
VISATRAM: a real-time vision system for automatic traffic monitoring. 781-794 - Ken Martin, Charles V. Stewart:
Real time tracking of borescope tip pose. 795-804 - Tarak Gandhi, Sadashiva Devadiga, Rangachar Kasturi, Octavia I. Camps:
Detection of obstacles on runways using ego-motion compensation and tracking of significant features. 805-815 - Xiaoyi Jiang
, Horst Bunke, Urs Meier:
High-level feature based range image segmentation. 817-822 - Marie-Pierre Dubuisson-Jolly, Alok Gupta:
Color and texture fusion: application to aerial image segmentation and GIS updating. 823-832 - Antonella Branca, Ettore Stella
, Arcangelo Distante:
Passive navigation using egomotion estimates. 833-841 - Xiangdong Liu, Roger W. Ehrich:
Analysis of moire patterns in non-uniformly sampled halftones. 843-848 - Dinesh Nair, Jake K. Aggarwal:
Bayesian recognition of targets by parts in second generation forward looking infrared images. 849-864
Volume 18, Number 11, August 2000
- Chung-Lin Huang, Ming-Shan Wu, Sheng-Hung Jeng:
Gesture recognition using the multi-PDM method and hidden Markov model. 865-879 - Maja Pantic, Léon J. M. Rothkrantz:
Expert system for automatic analysis of facial expressions. 881-905 - Phil Sheridan, Tom Hintz, David M. Alexander
Pseudo-invariant image transformations on a hexagonal lattice. 907-917 - Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Xiaolin Li, Chi Chung Ko:
Efficient partitioning and scheduling of computer vision and image processing data on bus networks using divisible load analysis. 919-938
Volume 18, Number 12, September 2000
- Atsushi Nomura
Spatio-temporal optimization method for determining motion vector fields under non-stationary illumination. 939-950 - Luis Miguel Bergasa
, Nicola Duffy, Gerard Lacey
, Manuel Mazo:
Industrial inspection using Gaussian functions in a colour space. 951-957 - Yani Zhang, Ying Zhang, Changyun Wen
A new focus measure method using moments. 959-965 - Mahdad Nouri Shirazi, Hideki Noda, Nobuteru Takao:
Texture classification based on Markov modeling in wavelet feature space. 967-973 - Dmitry Chetverikov:
Pattern regularity as a visual key. 975-985 - Luis Miguel Bergasa
, Manuel Mazo, Alfredo Gardel Vicente
, Miguel Ángel Sotelo
, Luciano Boquete:
Unsupervised and adaptive Gaussian skin-color model. 987-1003
Volume 18, Number 13, October 2000
- Daniele Marini, Alessandro Rizzi:
A computational approach to color adaptation effects. 1005-1014 - Shan Ying, Wooi Boon Goh:
Sub-pixel location of edges with non-uniform blurring: a finite closed-form approach. 1015-1023 - Pierre Soille
Morphological image analysis applied to crop field mapping. 1025-1032 - Chin-Hsiung Wu, Shi-Jinn Horng, Yi-Wen Chen, Wei-Yi Lee:
Designing scalable and efficient parallel clustering algorithms on arrays with reconfigurable optical buses. 1033-1043 - Amparo Alonso-Betanzos
, Bernardino Arcay Varela, Alfonso Castro Martínez
Analysis and evaluation of hard and fuzzy clustering segmentation techniques in burned patient images. 1045-1054 - Philippe Carré, Christine Fernandez-Maloigne:
Use of the angle information in the wavelet transform maxima for image de-noising. 1055-1065
Volume 18, Number 14, November 2000
- I-Cheng Chang, Chung-Lin Huang:
The model-based human body motion analysis system. 1067-1083 - Jozef Vörös:
A strategy for repetitive neighbor finding in octree representations. 1085-1091 - Haris Baltzakis, Panos E. Trahanias:
Iterative computation of 3D plane parameters. 1093-1100 - Harry C. S. Rughooputh, S. D. D. V. Rughooputh:
Spectral recognition using a modified Eckhorn neural network model. 1101-1103

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