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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 25
Volume 25, Number 1, January 1979
- László Lovász:
On the Shannon capacity of a graph. 1-7 - Rolf J. Blom:
Sounds on key equivocation for simple substitution ciphers. 8-18 - Lloyd R. Welch, Robert A. Scholtz:
Continued fractions and Berlekamp's algorithm. 19-27 - David M. Mandelbaum:
Construction of error correcting codes by interpolation. 27-35 - Bruce E. Hajek, Michael B. Pursley:
Evaluation of an achievable rate region for the broadcast channel. 36-46 - Jung Gil Shin, Saleem A. Kassam:
Multilevel coincidence correlators for random signal detection. 47-53 - H. Vincent Poor, John B. Thomas:
Memoryless discrete-time detection of a constant signal in m-dependent noise. 54-61 - Nimal Ekanayake, Desmond P. Taylor:
CPSK signaling over hard limited channels in additive Gaussian noise and intersymbol interference. 62-68 - Carl W. Helstrom:
Optimum quantum decision between a pure and a mixed state with application to detection of TCS signals. 69-76 - Nelson M. Blachman:
The output signals and noise from a nonlinearity with amplitude-dependent phase shift. 77-79 - Alain Crolotte, Judea Pearl:
Asymptotic rate-distortion functions for coding precedence relations (Corresp.). 80-82 - Gunter Dueck, János Körner:
Reliability function of a discrete memoryless channel at rates above capacity (Corresp.). 82-85 - Matti J. Aaltonen:
Linear programming bounds for tree codes (Corresp.). 85-90 - Renato M. Capocelli:
A note on uniquely decipherable codes (Corresp.). 90-94 - Dennis A. Shedd, Dilip V. Sarwate:
Construction of sequences with good correlation properties (Corresp.). 94-97 - J. Bibb Cain, George C. Clark Jr., John M. Geist:
Punctured convolutional codes of rate (n-1)/n and simplified maximum likelihood decoding (Corresp.). 97-100 - Roger L. Peterson, Daniel J. Costello Jr.:
Binary convolutional codes for a multiple-access channel (Corresp.). 101-105 - Mark G. Karpovsky:
On the weight distribution of binary linear codes (Corresp.). 105-109 - Takeo Kanai, Yawo Sugiyama:
On a (21, 11, 6) binary code (Corresp.). 109 - Sik K. Leung-Yan-Cheong, Earl R. Barnes, Daniel U. Friedman:
On some properties of the undetected error probability of linear codes (Corresp.). 110-112 - F. Jessie MacWilliams:
Decomposition of cyclic codes of block lengths 3p, 5p, 7p (Corresp.). 112-118 - F. Jessie MacWilliams:
A table of primitive binary idempotents of odd length n, 7≤n≤511 (Corresp.). 118-121 - George C. Verghese, Thomas Kailath:
A further note on backwards Markovian models (Corresp.). 121-124 - Emad K. Al-Hussaini, L. F. Turner:
The asymptotic performance of two-sample nonparametric detectors when detecting nonfluctuating signals in non-Gaussian noise (Corresp.). 124-127 - Hiroshi Sato, Masami Tanabe:
Level dependence of the variance of the number of level-crossing points of a stationary Gaussian process (Corresp.). 127-129 - Rodney W. Johnson:
Comments on "Prior probability and uncertainty" by Kashyap, R. L. 129-132
Volume 25, Number 2, March 1979
- Alberto Leon-Garcia, Lee D. Davisson, David L. Neuhoff:
New results on coding of stationary nonergodic sources. 137-144 - Dimitris Anastassiou, David J. Sakrison:
New bounds to R(D) for additive sources and applications to image encoding. 145-155 - Mario A. Blanco, Francis S. Hill Jr.:
On time warping and the random delay channel. 155-166 - Abbas A. El Gamal:
The capacity of a class of broadcast channels. 166-169 - Renato Dogliotti, Angelo Luvison, Giancarlo Pirani:
Error probability in optical fiber transmission systems. 170-178 - Jeffrey H. Shapiro, Horace P. Yuen, Jesus A. Machado-Mata:
Optical communication with two-photon coherent states-Part II: Photoemissive detection and structured receiver performance. 179-192 - Alain Crolotte, Judea Pearl:
Bounds on memory versus error trade-offs in question-answering systems. 193-202 - Luc Devroye, Terry J. Wagner:
Distribution-free inequalities for the deleted and holdout error estimates. 202-207 - Luc Devroye, Terry J. Wagner:
Distribution-free performance bounds with the resubstitution error estimate (Corresp.). 208-210 - Jack Koplowitz:
Finite memory hypothesis testing with dependent samples (Corresp.). 210-213 - Paul R. Prucnal, Malvin C. Teich:
Single-Threshold Detection of a Random Signal in Noise with Multiple Independent Observations, Part 2: Continuous Case. 213-218 - Roger J. Webster:
Moments of the truncated noncentral chi-squared distribution (Corresp.). 218-219 - János Körner, Katalin Marton:
How to encode the modulo-two sum of binary sources (Corresp.). 219-221 - Hatsukazu Tanaka, H. Matsuo, Seiko Kaneku:
Efficient encoding of sources with memory (Corresp.). 221-225 - Hüseyin Abut, N. Erodol:
Bounds on R1 (D) functions for speech probability models (Corresp.). 225-228 - R. Benzel:
The capacity region of a class of discrete additive degraded interference channels (Corresp.). 228-231 - Willem H. Haemers
On Some Problems of Lovász Concerning the Shannon Capacity of a Graph. 231-232 - Gilles Brassard:
A note on the complexity of cryptography (Corresp.). 232-233 - Viiveke Fåk:
Repeated use of codes which detect deception (Corresp.). 233-234 - Erik I. Verriest, Martin E. Hellman:
Convolutional encoding for Wyner's wiretap channel (Corresp.). 234-236 - Philippe Piret:
Causal sliding block encoders with feedback (Corresp.). 237-240 - Gregory S. Lauer:
Some optimal partial-unit-memory codes (Corresp.). 240-243 - D. V. Gupta, Jack K. Wolf:
A shortened Viterbi decoding algorithm for terminated rate- 1/N convolutional codes with hard decisions (Corresp.). 243-246 - Kenneth K. Tzeng, C. Y. Yu:
Characterization theorems for extending Goppa codes to cyclic codes (Corresp.). 246-250 - Chandra Satyanarayana:
Lee metric codes over integer residue rings (Corresp.). 250-254 - Tamer Basar:
Performance Bounds and Optimal Linear Coding for Multichannel Communication Systems (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 257 - Shih-Chun Chang:
Coding for a T-User Multiple-Access Channel (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 257 - Roger L. Peterson:
Tree, Trellis, and Convolutional Coding for Multiple-Access Channels (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 257
Volume 25, Number 3, May 1979
- Aaron D. Wyner:
An analog scrambling scheme which does not expand bandwidth, Part I: Discrete time. 261-274 - John T. Rickard:
New fidelity criteria for discrete-time source encoding. 275-282 - Paul C. Shields:
Stationary coding of processes. 283-291 - Robert M. Gray, Donald S. Ornstein:
Block coding for discrete stationary d -continuous noisy channels. 292-306 - Katalin Marton:
A coding theorem for the discrete memoryless broadcast channel. 306-311 - John H. Conway, Vera Pless, Neil J. A. Sloane:
Self-dual codes over GF(3) and GF(4) of length not exceeding 16. 312-322 - Rolf Johannesson:
On the distribution of computation for sequential decoding using the stack algorithm. 323-331 - Gerard Battail, Martine Decouvelaere, Philippe Godlewski:
Replication decoding. 332-345 - Abdel-Rahman H. El-Sawy, V. David VandeLinde:
Robust sequential detection of signals in noise. 346-353 - Melvin J. Hinich:
Quadratic multiplexing-A new method for secure communication (Corresp.). 354-356 - Koji Sato:
A decision procedure for the unique decipherability of multivalued encodings (Corresp.). 356-360 - Te Han:
Source coding with cross observations at the encoders (Corresp.). 360-361 - Tor Helleseth:
No primitive binary t -error-correcting BCH code with t > 2 is quasi-perfect (Corresp.). 361-362 - Leonard D. Baumert, Robert J. McEliece, Henk C. A. van Tilborg:
Symbol synchronization in convolutionally coded systems (Corresp.). 362-365 - James A. Bucklew, Neal C. Gallagher Jr.:
A note on optimal quantization (Corresp.). 365-366 - Anant Kumar Jain:
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signaling (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 369
Volume 25, Number 4, July 1979
- Allen Gersho:
Asymptotically optimal block quantization. 373-380 - Wolfgang Mauersberger:
Experimental results on the performance of mismatched quantizers. 381-386 - G. Robert Redinbo:
Optimum symbol-by-symbol mean-square error channel coding. 387-405 - Shyue-Ching Lu:
Random ciphering bounds on a class of secrecy systems and discrete message sources. 405-414 - Aaron D. Wyner:
An analog scrambling scheme which does not expand bandwidth, Part II: Continuous time. 415-425 - Alexander Schrijver:
A comparison of the Delsarte and Lovász bounds. 425-429 - Luther D. Rudolph, Carlos R. P. Hartmann, Tai-Yang Hwang, Nguyen Duc:
Algebraic analog decoding of linear binary codes. 430-440 - David L. Neuhoff, Paul C. Shields:
Channels with almost finite memory. 440-447 - Jacob Binia:
On the capacity of certain additive non-Gaussian channels. 448-452 - Jorge I. Galdos:
A lower bound on filtering error with application to phase demodulation. 452-462 - James Ting-Ho Lo, Linda R. Eshleman:
Exponential Fourier densities and optimal estimation for axial processes. 463-470 - Michael Kaplan:
A sufficient condition of nonergodicity of a Markov chain (Corresp.). 470-471 - Shyue-Ching Lu:
On secrecy systems with side information about the message available to a cryptanalyst (Corresp.). 472-475 - Shyue-Ching Lu:
The existence of good cryptosystems for key rates greater than the message redundancy (Corresp.). 475-477 - Gérald E. Séguin:
Linear ensembles of codes (Corresp.). 477-480 - Priti Shankar:
On BCH codes over arbitrary integer tings (Corresp.). 480-483 - Monika Bierbaum, Hans-Martin Wallmeier:
A note on the capacity region of the multiple-access channel (Corresp.). 484 - R. E. Slot:
On the profit of taking into account the known number of objects per class in classification methods (Corresp.). 484-488 - K. Chidananda Gowda, G. Krishna:
The condensed nearest neighbor rule using the concept of mutual nearest neighborhood (Corresp.). 488-490 - William A. Gardner:
Likelihood sensitivity and the Cramér-Rao bound (Corresp.). 491 - Donald Leskiw, Kenneth S. Miller:
A comparison of some Kalman estimators (Corresp.). 491-495 - Stanley A. Klein, Syozo Yasui:
Nonlinear systems analysis with non-Gaussian white stimuli; General basis functionals and kernels (Corresp.). 495-500 - S. Manocha:
Comments on "Binary single-sideband phase-modulated communication systems" by Chadwick, H. D. 500 - George C. Verghese, Thomas Kailath:
Correction to 'A Further Note on Backwards Markovian Models'. 501
Volume 25, Number 5, September 1979
- John Capetanakis:
Tree algorithms for packet broadcast channels. 505-515 - Izhak Rubin:
Access-control disciplines for multi-access communication channels: Reservation and TDMA schemes. 516-536 - James A. Bucklew, Neal C. Gallagher Jr.:
Quantization schemes for bivariate Gaussian random variables. 537-543 - Giuseppe Longo, Andrea Sgarro:
The source coding theorem revisited: A combinatorial approach. 544-548 - Donald R. Martin:
Universal source coding of finite alphabet sources via composition classes. 549-557 - Roland Heim:
On the algorithmic foundation of information theory. 557-566 - Paul J. Shlichta:
Higher-dimensional Hadamard matrices. 566-572 - Thomas M. Cover, Abbas El Gamal:
Capacity theorems for the relay channel. 572-584 - Takeshi Hashimoto, Suguru Arimoto:
Computational moments for sequential decoding of convolutional codes. 584-591 - James W. Modestino, Aaron Y. Ningo:
Detection of weak signals in narrowband non-Gaussian noise. 592-600 - Luc Devroye, Terry J. Wagner:
Distribution-free performance bounds for potential function rules. 601-604 - Bruce E. Hajek:
On the strong information singularity of certain stationary processes (Corresp.). 605-609 - Oscar Moreno:
Symmetries of binary Goppa codes (Corresp.). 609-612 - Tangül Ü. Basar, Tamer Basar:
Optimum linear coding in continuous-time communication systems with noisy side information at the decoder (Corresp.). 612-616 - D. G. Mead:
The average number of weighings to locate a counterfeit coin (Corresp.). 616-617 - Thomas A. Brown, Jack Koplowitz:
The weighted nearest neighbor rule for class dependent sample sizes (Corresp.). 617-619 - Frederic M. Davidson, Robert T. Carlson:
Point process estimators of Gaussian optical field intensities (Corresp.). 620-624 - Carl W. Helstrom, Larry B. Stotts:
Detection of a coherent quantum signal in thermal noise (Corresp.). 624-628 - John W. Woods:
Correction to 'Kalman Filtering in Two Dimensions'. 628-629
Volume 25, Number 6, November 1979
- Alan Weiss, Debasis Mitra:
Digital adaptive filters: Conditions for convergence, rates of convergence, effects of noise and errors arising from the implementation. 637-652 - Alain Crolotte, Judea Pearl:
Elasticity conditions for storage versus error exchange in question-Answering systems. 653-664 - Toby Berger, Kim B. Housewright, Jim K. Omura, Suiyin Yung, Jacob Wolfowitz:
An upper bound on the rate distortion function for source coding with partial side information at the decoder. 664-666 - James A. Bucklew, Neal C. Gallagher Jr.:
Two-dimensional quantization of bivariate circularly symmetric densities. 667-671 - Frank Rubin:
Arithmetic stream coding using fixed precision registers. 672-675 - Cornelis Roos:
On the structure of convolutional and cyclic convolutional codes. 676-683 - Shih-Chun Chang, Edward J. Weldon Jr.:
Coding for T-user multiple-access channels. 684-691 - David G. Messerschmitt:
Accumulation of distortion in tandem communication links. 692-698 - E. L. Price, V. David VandeLinde:
Robust estimation using the Robbins-Monro stochastic approximation algorithm. 698-704 - William I. Newman
Extension to the maximum entropy method II. 705-708 - Rodney W. Johnson:
Axiomatic characterization of the directed divergences and their linear combinations. 709-716 - John J. Knab:
Interpolation of band-limited functions using the approximate prolate series (Corresp.). 717-720 - Dilip V. Sarwate:
Bounds on crosscorrelation and autocorrelation of sequences (Corresp.). 720-724 - John E. Hershey:
Comma-free synchronization of binary counters (Corresp.). 724-725 - Philippe Piret:
Sliding block implementation of block codes (Corresp.). 725-728 - Dilip V. Sarwate:
A class of linear codes with the same performance as those based upon the logical Hadamard transform (Corresp.). 728-729 - Hirosuke Yamamoto
, Kohji Itoh:
Asymptotic performance of a modified Schalkwijk-Barron scheme for channels with noiseless feedback (Corresp.). 729-733 - Tai-Yang Hwang:
Decoding linear block codes for minimizing word error rate (Corresp.). 733-737 - J. Pieter M. Schalkwijk, Karel A. Post, J. Aarts:
On a method of calculating the event error probability of convolutional codes with maximum likelihood decoding (Corresp.). 737-743 - William A. Gardner:
Anomalous behavior of receiver output SNR as a predictor of signal detection performance exemplified for quadratic receivers and incoherent fading Gaussian channels (Corresp.). 743-745 - Charles R. Johnson:
A convergence proof for a hyperstable adaptive recursive filter (Corresp.). 745-749 - Pierre A. Devijver:
New error bounds with the nearest neighbor rule (Corresp.). 749-753 - Clark Scott Penrod, Terry J. Wagner:
Risk estimation for nonparametric discrimination and estimation rules: A simulation study (Corresp.). 753-758 - Howell Tong:
Final prediction error and final interpolation error: A paradox? (Corresp.). 758-759 - Ashok K. Gupta:
Estimation of the Spectral Moments and Quadrature Cross-Correlation Function and Their Application to Troposcatter Systems (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 760

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