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Heon-Chang Yu
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2020 – today
- 2023
- [c49]Myung-Hyun Kim, Jaehak Lee, Heon-Chang Yu, EunYoung Lee:
Improving Memory Utilization by Sharing DNN Models for Serverless Inference. ICCE 2023: 1-6 - 2022
- [j30]Jaehak Lee, Hwa-Min Lee, HeonChang Yu:
Fine-Grained I/O Traffic Control Middleware for I/O Fairness in Virtualized System. IEEE Access 10: 73122-73144 (2022) - 2020
- [j29]Jihun Kang, JongBeom Lim, HeonChang Yu:
Partial migration technique for GPGPU tasks to Prevent GPU Memory Starvation in RPC-based GPU Virtualization. Softw. Pract. Exp. 50(6): 948-972 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j28]JongBeom Lim, DaeWon Lee, Kwang-Sik Chung, HeonChang Yu:
Intelligent Resource Management Schemes for Systems, Services, and Applications of Cloud Computing Based on Artificial Intelligence. J. Inf. Process. Syst. 15(5): 1192-1200 (2019) - [c48]Han-Yee Kim, Rohyoung Myung, Boeui Hong, Heon-Chang Yu, Taeweon Suh, Lei Xu, Weidong Shi:
SafeDB: Spark Acceleration on FPGA Clouds with Enclaved Data Processing and Bitstream Protection. CLOUD 2019: 107-114 - [c47]Jaehak Lee, Jihun Kang, HeonChang Yu:
NIOECM: A Network I/O Event Control Mechanism to Provide Fairness of Network Performance Among VMs with Same Resource Configuration in Virtualized Environment. IDCS 2019: 271-283 - [c46]Seunghyn Hwang, Heeseok Choi, Heon-Chang Yu:
Implementation of Low-Latency Message Delivery for Serverless Based Workflow. MASS Workshops 2019: 170-171 - 2018
- [j27]Jihun Kang, Heon-Chang Yu:
Mitigation technique for performance degradation of virtual machine owing to GPU pass-through in fog computing. J. Commun. Networks 20(3): 257-265 (2018) - [j26]JongBeom Lim, HeonChang Yu, Joon-Min Gil:
An Intelligent Residual Resource Monitoring Scheme in Cloud Computing Environments. J. Inf. Process. Syst. 14(6): 1480-1493 (2018) - [j25]JunWeon Yoon, Taeyoung Hong, JangWon Choi, ChanYeol Park, Ki-Bong Kim, HeonChang Yu:
Evaluation of P2P and cloud computing as platform for exhaustive key search on block ciphers. Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 11(6): 1206-1216 (2018) - [j24]JongBeom Lim, Kwang-Sik Chung, HwaMin Lee, Kangbin Yim, HeonChang Yu:
Byzantine-resilient dual gossip membership management in clouds. Soft Comput. 22(9): 3011-3022 (2018) - [j23]JongBeom Lim, Joon-Min Gil, HeonChang Yu:
A Distributed Snapshot Protocol for Efficient Artificial Intelligence Computation in Cloud Computing Environments. Symmetry 10(1): 30 (2018) - [c45]Bongwoo Bak, Jihun Kang, Heeseok Choi, Jaehak Lee, Heon-Chang Yu, Kwang-Sik Chung:
A Scheduler Considering Characteristics of VM for Mitigation of Unstable Performance. PAAP 2018: 49-53 - 2017
- [j22]YoungJu Moon, HeonChang Yu, Joon-Min Gil, JongBeom Lim:
A slave ants based ant colony optimization algorithm for task scheduling in cloud computing environments. Hum. centric Comput. Inf. Sci. 7: 28 (2017) - [j21]JongBeom Lim, HeonChang Yu, Joon-Min Gil:
Detecting Sybil Attacks in Cloud Computing Environments Based on Fail-Stop Signature. Symmetry 9(3): 35 (2017) - [j20]JongBeom Lim, HeonChang Yu, Joon-Min Gil:
An Efficient and Energy-Aware Cloud Consolidation Algorithm for Multimedia Big Data Applications. Symmetry 9(9): 184 (2017) - 2016
- [j19]JiSu Park, HeonChang Yu, Hyongsoon Kim, EunYoung Lee:
Dynamic group-based fault tolerance technique for reliable resource management in mobile cloud computing. Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp. 28(10): 2756-2769 (2016) - [j18]Heeseok Choi, JongBeom Lim, Heon-Chang Yu, EunYoung Lee:
Task Classification Based Energy-Aware Consolidation in Clouds. Sci. Program. 2016: 6208358:1-6208358:13 (2016) - [c44]JongBeom Lim, HeonChang Yu, Joon-Min Gil:
Sensor Coverage Problem in Sparse MANET Environments. CSA/CUTE 2016: 273-278 - [c43]Sungmin Choi, Rohyoung Myung, Heeseok Choi, Kwang-Sik Chung, Joon-Min Gil, HeonChang Yu:
GPSF: General-Purpose Scheduling Framework for Container Based on Cloud Environment. iThings/GreenCom/CPSCom/SmartData 2016: 769-772 - 2015
- [c42]Kwang-Sik Chung, Soo Young Kim, Heon-Chang Yu:
An Efficient String Searching Algorithm Based on Occurrence Frequency and Pattern of Vowels and Consonants in a Pattern. IScIDE (2) 2015: 277-286 - 2014
- [j17]SookKyong Choi, Kwang-Sik Chung, HeonChang Yu:
Fault tolerance and QoS scheduling using CAN in mobile social cloud computing. Clust. Comput. 17(3): 911-926 (2014) - [j16]Jong-Hyuk Lee, SungJin Choi, Joon-Min Gil, Taeweon Suh, Heon-Chang Yu:
A scheduling algorithm with dynamic properties in mobile grid. Frontiers Comput. Sci. 8(5): 847-857 (2014) - [j15]JongBeom Lim, Taeweon Suh, Heon-Chang Yu:
Unstructured deadlock detection technique with scalability and complexity-efficiency in clouds. Int. J. Commun. Syst. 27(6): 852-870 (2014) - [j14]JongBeom Lim, Taeweon Suh, Joon-Min Gil, Heon-Chang Yu:
Scalable and leaderless Byzantine consensus in cloud computing environments. Inf. Syst. Frontiers 16(1): 19-34 (2014) - [j13]Daeyong Jung, Taeweon Suh, Heon-Chang Yu, Joon-Min Gil:
A Workflow Scheduling Technique Using Genetic Algorithm in Spot Instance-Based Cloud. KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst. 8(9): 3126-3145 (2014) - [j12]Daeyong Jung, JongBeom Lim, Heon-Chang Yu, Taeweon Suh:
Estimated Interval-Based Checkpointing (EIC) on Spot Instances in Cloud Computing. J. Appl. Math. 2014: 217547:1-217547:12 (2014) - [j11]Daeyong Jung, JongBeom Lim, Joon-Min Gil, EunYoung Lee, Heon-Chang Yu:
Task Balanced Workflow Scheduling Technique considering Task Processing Rate in Spot Market. J. Appl. Math. 2014: 237960:1-237960:10 (2014) - [j10]Jong-Hyuk Lee, SungJin Choi, Taeweon Suh, Heon-Chang Yu:
Mobility-aware balanced scheduling algorithm in mobile Grid based on mobile agent. Knowl. Eng. Rev. 29(4): 409-432 (2014) - [c41]JongBeom Lim, Daeyong Jung, Taeweon Suh, Heon-Chang Yu:
Unstructured Membership Management for Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Clouds. ARCS Workshops 2014: 1-8 - [c40]Daeyong Jung, JongBeom Lim, Heon-Chang Yu:
A Workflow Scheduling Technique to Consider Task Processing Rate in Spot Instance-Based Cloud. FCC 2014: 483-494 - [c39]JongBeom Lim, Joon-Min Gil, Kwang-Sik Chung, Jihun Kang, DaeWon Lee, Heon-Chang Yu:
Gossip Membership Management with Social Graphs for Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Clouds. NPC 2014: 321-332 - [c38]Daeyong Jung, Heeseok Choi, DaeWon Lee, Heon-Chang Yu, EunYoung Lee:
An Estimation-Based Task Load Balancing Scheduling in Spot Clouds. NPC 2014: 571-574 - 2013
- [j9]Han-Yee Kim, Young-Hwan Kim, Heon-Chang Yu, Taeweon Suh:
Performance evaluation of many-core systems: case study with TILEPro64. IET Comput. Digit. Tech. 7(4): 143-154 (2013) - [c37]JongBeom Lim, Kwang-Sik Chung, Joon-Min Gil, Taeweon Suh, Heon-Chang Yu:
An Unstructured Termination Detection Algorithm Using Gossip in Cloud Computing Environments. ARCS 2013: 1-12 - [c36]Daeyong Jung, Sung-Ho Chin, Kwang-Sik Chung, Heon-Chang Yu:
VM Migration for Fault Tolerance in Spot Instance Based Cloud Computing. GPC 2013: 142-151 - 2012
- [j8]Heuiseok Lim, HeonChang Yu, Taeweon Suh:
Using virtual platform in embedded system education. Comput. Appl. Eng. Educ. 20(2): 346-355 (2012) - [j7]Jong-Hyuk Lee, Seung-Eun Lee, Heon-Chang Yu, Taeweon Suh:
Pipelined CPU Design With FPGA in Teaching Computer Architecture. IEEE Trans. Educ. 55(3): 341-348 (2012) - [c35]JongBeom Lim, Kwang-Sik Chung, Sung-Ho Chin, Heon-Chang Yu:
A Gossip-Based Mutual Exclusion Algorithm for Cloud Environments. GPC 2012: 31-45 - [c34]Ji Su Park, Heon-Chang Yu, EunYoung Lee:
Resource Allocation Techniques Based on Availability and Movement Reliability for Mobile Cloud Computing. ICDCIT 2012: 263-264 - [c33]JongBeom Lim, Kwang-Sik Chung, Heon-Chang Yu:
A Termination Detection Technique Using Gossip in Cloud Computing Environments. NPC 2012: 429-436 - 2011
- [j6]HwaMin Lee, Doo-Soon Park, HeonChang Yu, Giyeol Lee:
FRASystem: fault tolerant system using agents in distributed computing systems. Clust. Comput. 14(1): 15-25 (2011) - [c32]Ji Su Park, Heon-Chang Yu, Kwang-Sik Chung, EunYoung Lee:
Markov Chain Based Monitoring Service for Fault Tolerance in Mobile Cloud Computing. AINA Workshops 2011: 520-525 - [c31]SookKyong Choi, Jong-Hyuk Lee, HeonChang Yu, HwaMin Lee:
Replication and Checkpoint Schemes for Task-Fault Tolerance in Campus-Wide Mobile Grid. FGIT-GDC 2011: 455-467 - [c30]JongBeom Lim, Jong-Hyuk Lee, Sung-Ho Chin, Heon-Chang Yu:
Group-Based Gossip Multicast Protocol for Efficient and Fault Tolerant Message Dissemination in Clouds. GPC 2011: 13-22 - [c29]Daeyong Jung, Sung-Ho Chin, Kwang-Sik Chung, Heon-Chang Yu, Joon-Min Gil:
An Efficient Checkpointing Scheme Using Price History of Spot Instances in Cloud Computing Environment. NPC 2011: 185-200 - 2010
- [j5]Sung-Ho Chin, Taeweon Suh, Heon-Chang Yu:
Adaptive service scheduling for workflow applications in Service-Oriented Grid. J. Supercomput. 52(3): 253-283 (2010) - [c28]Jong-Hyuk Lee, SungJin Choi, JongBeom Lim, Taeweon Suh, Joon-Min Gil, Heon-Chang Yu:
Mobile Grid System Based on Mobile Agent. FGIT-GDC/CA 2010: 117-126 - [c27]Daeyong Jung, Sung-Ho Chin, Kwang-Sik Chung, Taeweon Suh, Heon-Chang Yu, Joon-Min Gil:
An Effective Job Replication Technique Based on Reliability and Performance in Mobile Grids. GPC 2010: 47-58 - [c26]Ji Su Park, Kwang-Sik Chung, EunYoung Lee, Young-Sik Jeong, Heon-Chang Yu:
Monitoring Service Using Markov Chain Model in Mobile Grid Environment. GPC 2010: 193-203 - [c25]Jong-Hyuk Lee, SungJin Choi, Taeweon Suh, HeonChang Yu, Joon-Min Gil:
Group-based Scheduling Algorithm for Fault Tolerance in Mobile Grid. SUComS 2010: 394-403
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [c24]Jong-Hyuk Lee, SungJin Song, Joon-Min Gil, Kwang-Sik Chung, Taeweon Suh, Heon-Chang Yu:
Balanced Scheduling Algorithm Considering Availability in Mobile Grid. GPC 2009: 211-222 - [c23]Joon-Min Gil, Ui-Sung Song, Heon-Chang Yu:
Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Mechanism with Checkpoint Sharing and Task Duplication in P2P-Based PC Grid Computing. GPC 2009: 459-470 - 2008
- [c22]HwaMin Lee, Doo-Soon Park, HeonChang Yu:
Development of Grid Service Based Molecular Docking Application. GCA 2008: 253-257 - 2007
- [c21]HongSoo Kim, Joon-Min Gil, Chong-Sun Hwang, Heon-Chang Yu, Soon Young Joung:
Agent-Based Autonomous Result Verification Mechanism in Desktop Grid Systems. AP2PC 2007: 72-84 - [c20]Jong-Hyuk Lee, Sung-Ho Chin, Hwa-Min Lee, TaeMyoung Yoon, Kwang-Sik Chung, Heon-Chang Yu:
Adaptive Workflow Scheduling Strategy in Service-Based Grids. GPC 2007: 298-309 - [c19]SookKyong Choi, In-Seock Cho, Kwang-Sik Chung, Byungkwen Song, HeonChang Yu:
Group-based Resource Selection Algorithm Supporting Fault-Tolerance in Mobile Grid. SKG 2007: 426-429 - [c18]Sung-Ho Chin, Jong-Hyuk Lee, SeongJin Song, Byungkwen Song, HeonChang Yu:
Dynamic Service Scheduling for Workflow Applications in Service Oriented Grid. SKG 2007: 458-461 - 2006
- [c17]Dae-Won Lee, Kwang-Sik Chung, Sung-Ju Roh, KwangHee Choi, Heon-Chang Yu:
Reducing Binding Updates in High Speed Movement Environment Based on HMIPv6. GPC 2006: 587-596 - [c16]Sung-Ho Chin, Jong-Hyuk Lee, TaeMyoung Yoon, Heon-Chang Yu:
List Scheduling Method for Service Oriented Grid Applications. SKG 2006: 44 - 2005
- [j4]Hwa-Min Lee, Kwang-Sik Chung, Sung-Ho Chin, Jong-Hyuk Lee, Dae-Won Lee, Seongbin Park, Heon-Chang Yu:
A resource management and fault tolerance services in grid computing. J. Parallel Distributed Comput. 65(11): 1305-1317 (2005) - [c15]Heuiseok Lim, Won Kyu Lee, Hyeon Chul Kim, Soon Young Jeong, Heon-Chang Yu:
An Automatic Code Classification System by Using Memory-Based Learning and Information Retrieval Technique. AIRS 2005: 577-582 - [c14]Kwang-Sik Chung, Heon-Chang Yu, Seongbin Park:
Garbage Collection in a Causal Message Logging Protocol. HPCC 2005: 123-132 - [c13]HongSoo Kim, SungJin Choi, MaengSoon Baik, KwonWoo Yang, Heon-Chang Yu, Chong-Sun Hwang:
Group-Based Scheduling Scheme for Result Checking in Global Computing Systems. ICCSA (3) 2005: 89-98 - [c12]SungJin Choi, MaengSoon Baik, Chong-Sun Hwang, Joon-Min Gil, Heon-Chang Yu:
Mobile Agent Based Adaptive Scheduling Mechanism in Peer to Peer Grid Computing. ICCSA (4) 2005: 936-947 - [c11]Sung-Ho Chin, Jong-Hyuk Lee, Hwa-Min Lee, Dae-Won Lee, Heon-Chang Yu, Pill-Woo Lee:
OGSA-GFS : A OGSA based Grid File System. SKG 2005: 89 - 2004
- [j3]Kwang-Sik Chung, Young-Jun Lee, Heon-Chang Yu, Won-Gyu Lee:
Management of Fault Tolerance Information for Coordinated Checkpointing Protocol without Sympathetic Rollbacks. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 20(2): 379-390 (2004) - [c10]SungJin Choi, MaengSoon Baik, Chong-Sun Hwang, Joon-Min Gil, Heon-Chang Yu:
Volunteer Availability based Fault Tolerant Scheduling Mechanism in Desktop Grid Computing Environment. NCA 2004: 366-371 - 2003
- [c9]Hwa-Min Lee, Kwang-Sik Chung, Sang-Chul Shin, Young-Jun Lee, TaeMyoung Yoon, Won-Gyu Lee, Heon-Chang Yu:
A Recovery Technique of Agents in Multi-agent based Fault-tolerant Systems. Applied Informatics 2003: 893-898 - [c8]Hwa-Min Lee, Kwang-Sik Chung, Sung Ho Jin, Dae-Won Lee, Won-Gyu Lee, Soon Young Jung, Heon-Chang Yu:
A Fault Tolerance Service for QoS in Grid Computing. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 286-296 - [c7]Dae-Won Lee, Kwang-Sik Chung, Hwa-Min Lee, Sungbin Park, Young-Jun Lee, Heon-Chang Yu, Won-Gyu Lee:
Managing Fault Tolerance Information in Multi-agents Based Distributed Systems. IDEAL 2003: 104-108 - 2002
- [j2]JinHo Ahn, Sung-Gi Min, Chong-Sun Hwang, Heon-Chang Yu:
Efficient Garbage Collection Schemes for Causal Message Logging with Independent Checkpointing. J. Supercomput. 22(2): 175-196 (2002) - [c6]Hwa-Min Lee, Kwang-Sik Chung, Sang-Chul Shin, Dae-Won Lee, Won-Gyu Lee, Heon-Chang Yu:
A Recovery Technique Using Multi-agent in Distributed Computing Systems. COORDINATION 2002: 236-249 - 2001
- [j1]SangKeun Lee, Chong-Sun Hwang, Heon-Chang Yu:
Revisiting Transaction Management in Multidatabase Systems. Distributed Parallel Databases 9(1): 39-65 (2001) - [c5]SungSuk Kim, Chong-Sun Hwang, Heon-Chang Yu, SangKeun Lee:
Optimistic Scheduling Algorithm for Mobile Transactions Based on Reordering. Mobile Data Management 2001: 105-117
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [c4]SangKeun Lee, Chong-Sun Hwang, Heon-Chang Yu:
Caching and Concurrency Control in Mobile Client/Server Database Systems. CODAS 1999: 228-239 - [c3]SangKeun Lee, Chong-Sun Hwang, Heon-Chang Yu:
Supporting Transactional Cache Consistency in Mobile Database Systems. MobiDE 1999: 6-13 - 1998
- [c2]Kwang-Sik Chung, Chong-Sun Hwang, Heon-Chang Yu:
Reducing the rollback on mobile computing environments. CATA 1998: 106-110 - 1997
- [c1]Kwang-Sik Chung, Kibom Kim, Chong-Sun Hwang, Jin Gon Shon, Heon-Chang Yu:
Hybrid checkpointing protocol based on selective-sender-based message logging. ICPADS 1997: 788-793
Coauthor Index
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