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11th ISM 2009: San Diego, California, USA
- 11th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, ISM 2009, San Diego, California, USA, December 14-16, 2009. IEEE Computer Society 2009, ISBN 978-0-7695-3890-7
Audio Processing
- Philippe Codognet, Olivier Pasquet:
Swarm Intelligence for Generative Music. 1-8 - Akira Maezawa, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Toru Takahashi, Tetsuya Ogata
, Hiroshi G. Okuno
Bowed String Sequence Estimation of a Violin Based on Adaptive Audio Signal Classification and Context-Dependent Error Correction. 9-16 - Haiyan Shu, Haibin Huang, Te Li
, Susanto Rahardja:
Bit-Plane Coding for Source with Generalized Gaussian Distribution. 17-23 - Dhaval Shah, Kyu Jeong Han, Shrikanth S. Narayanan:
A Low-Complexity Dynamic Face-Voice Feature Fusion Approach to Multimodal Person Recognition. 24-31 - Konstantin Biatov:
Audio Clips Retrieval Using Anchor Reference Space and Latent Semantic Analysis. 32-37 - Bing Fang, Yingen Xiong, Francis K. H. Quek:
Speaker Detection and Applications to Cross-Modal Analysis of Planning Meetings. 38-43
Image and Video Processing
- Xueming Qian, Guizhong Liu, Danping Guo, Zhi Li, Zhe Wang, Huan Wang:
Object Categorization Using Hierarchical Wavelet Packet Texture Descriptors. 44-51 - Qinghu Li, Qiming Chen, Tao Yu, Wei Liu:
A P2P Camera System with New Consistent Labeling Method Involving Only Simple Geometric Operations. 52-56 - Gaël Manson, Sid-Ahmed Berrani
Content-Based Video Segment Reunification for TV Program Extraction. 57-64 - Hyun-seok Min
, Jae Young Choi, Wesley De Neve
, Yong Man Ro
Near-Duplicate Video Detection Using Temporal Patterns of Semantic Concepts. 65-71 - Taewan Kim, Jongmin Yoon, Daijin Kim:
MMI-Based Optimal LBP Code Selection for Face Recognition. 72-79 - Dario Scott, Cláudio Rosito Jung, José Bins, Amir Said, Antonius A. C. M. Kalker:
Video Based VAD Using Adaptive Color Information. 80-87 - Ping-Chieh Chang, Min-Chun Tien, Ja-Ling Wu
, Chuan-Shen Hu:
Real-time Gender Classification from Human Gait for Arbitrary View Angles. 88-95 - K. Bharanitharan, An-Chao Tsai:
Efficient Block Size Decision Algorithm for Intra Mode Decision in H.264/AVC Encoder. 96-99 - Mohammed Golam Sarwer, Q. M. Jonathan Wu:
Adaptive Search Area Selection of Variable Block-Size Motion Estimation of H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard. 100-105 - Jiman Kim, Daijin Kim:
Fast Car/Human Classification Using Triple Directional Edge Property and Local Relations. 106-111 - Sanun Srisuk:
A Sub-Micro Pattern Analysis for Local Rotation, Gray-Scale Transformation and Gaussian Noise Invariant Texture Descriptors. 112-117 - Pei-Man Yang, Jen-Kuei Yang, Wen-Shan Wang, Shau-Yin Tseng:
Fast JPEG Huffman Table Restoring and Decoding for Embedded DSP Implementations. 118-123 - Chanyul Kim, Noel E. O'Connor:
Low Computational Complexity Variable Block Size (VBS) Partitioning for Motion Estimation Using the Walsh Hadamard Transform (WHT). 124-129 - Taewan Kim, Sang-Ho Cho, Jongmin Yoon, Daijin Kim:
Pose Robust Human Detection in Depth Image Using Four Directional 2D Elliptical Filters. 130-135 - Glenn Van Wallendael
, Peter Lambert
, Rik Van de Walle:
Fast Channel Switching Based on SVC in an IPTV Environment. 136-141 - Júlio Cezar Silveira Jacques Jr.
, Juliano Lucas Moreira, Adriana Braun, Soraia Raupp Musse
, Amir Said:
A Template-Matching Based Method to Perform Iris Detection in Real-Time Using Synthetic Templates. 142-147 - Ghazaleh Esmaili, Pamela C. Cosman
Frequency Band Coding Mode Selection for Key Frames of Wyner-Ziv Video Coding. 148-152 - Guillermo Cámara Chávez
, Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araújo:
Harris-SIFT Descriptor for Video Event Detection Based on a Machine Learning Approach. 153-158 - Philippe Montesinos, Gladys Claude:
Finding People in Internet Images. 159-164 - Tracey Kah-Mein Lee, Mohammed Belkhatir, Saeid Sanei:
On the Compensation for the Effects of Occlusion in Fronto-normal Gait Signal Processing. 165-170 - Chun-Chi Chen, Yi-Wen Chen, Fu-Yao Yang, Wen-Hsiao Peng
A Synthesis-Quality-Oriented Depth Refinement Scheme for MPEG Free Viewpoint Television (FTV). 171-178
Modeling, Language, Interfaces, and Tools for Multimedia Systems
- Mukesh Kumar Saini, Yashas Natraj, Mohan S. Kankanhalli
Performance Modeling of Multimedia Surveillance Systems. 179-186 - Shunsuke Asai, Masahito Hirakawa:
Dual Face Interaction in Handheld Augmented Reality Environments. 187-193 - Omer Boyaci, Andrea G. Forte, Salman Abdul Baset, Henning Schulzrinne:
vDelay: A Tool to Measure Capture-to-Display Latency and Frame Rate. 194-200 - Kevin Ponto, Tom Wypych, Kai Doerr, So Yamaoka, Jason Kimball, Falko Kuester:
VideoBlaster: A Distributed, Low-Network Bandwidth Method for Multimedia Playback on Tiled Display Systems. 201-206 - Stacie Hibino, Mark D. Wood:
Event-centric View of Consumer Image Collections. 207-212 - Omer Boyaci, Andrea G. Forte, Henning Schulzrinne:
Performance of Video-Chat Applications under Congestion. 213-218
Multimedia Applications
- Shaya Potter, Ricardo A. Baratto, Oren Laadan, Leonard N. Kim, Jason Nieh:
MediaPod: A Personalized Multimedia Desktop in Your Pocket. 219-226 - José Bins, Cláudio Rosito Jung, Leandro Lorenzett Dihl
, Amir Said:
Feature-Based Face Tracking for Videoconferencing Applications. 227-234 - Richard Haywood, Xiao-Hong Peng:
Optimal Caching for H.264 Partitioned Video Streaming. 235-242 - Greg Kowalski, Mohamed Hefeeda
Empirical Analysis of Multi-sender Segment Transmission Algorithms in Peer-to-Peer Streaming. 243-250 - Sungwook Chung, Eun-Sung Jung
, Jonathan C. L. Liu, Eunsam Kim
An Efficient MST-Based Content-Sharing Architecture for P2P/PVR Networks. 251-256 - Yudan Li, Kasturi Chatterjee, Shu-Ching Chen, Keqi Zhang:
A 3-D Traffic Animation System with Storm Surge Response. 257-262 - Ziying Tang, Xiaohu Guo, B. Prabhakaran:
A Comprehensive Approach for Streaming 3D Progressive Meshes. 263-268 - Hiroaki Tobita, Kaoru Shibasaki:
EnforManga: Interactive Comic Creation Using Drag-and-Drop and Deformation. 269-274 - Yuanyuan Wang
, Daisuke Kitayama, Ryong Lee, Kazutoshi Sumiya:
Automatic Generation of Learning Channels by Using Semantic Relations among Lecture Slides and Recorded Videos for Self-Learning Systems. 275-280
Multimedia Databases and Information Retrieval
- Alexandre Karpenko, Parham Aarabi:
Tiny Videos: A Large Dataset for Image and Video Frame Categorization. 281-289 - Tuncer C. Aysal, Daniel Heesch:
Multi-resolution and Multi-bit Representation for Image Similarity Search. 290-297 - Ehsan Younessian, Deepu Rajan, Chng Eng Siong
Improved Keypoint Matching Method for Near-Duplicate Keyframe Retrieval. 298-303 - Lin Lin, Mei-Ling Shyu, Shu-Ching Chen:
Enhancing Concept Detection by Pruning Data with MCA-Based Transaction Weights. 304-311 - Daisuke Matsubara, Atsushi Hiroike:
High-Speed Similarity-Based Image Retrieval with Data-Alignment Optimization Using Self-Organization Algorithm. 312-317 - Akrem El-ghazal, Otman A. Basir
, Saeid Belkasim:
Scale Invariants of Radial Tchebichef Moments for Shape-Based Image Retrieval. 318-323 - Ahmed Azough
, Alexandre Delteil, Mohand-Said Hacid, Fabien De Marchi:
Fuzzy Conceptual Graphs for Handling Uncertainty in Semantic Video Retrieval. 324-329 - Maia Zaharieva
, Matthias Zeppelzauer
, Dalibor Mitrovic, Christian Breiteneder:
Finding the Missing Piece: Content-Based Video Comparison. 330-335 - Lee Begeja, Zhu Liu:
Searching and Browsing Video in Face Space. 336-341
Multimedia Networking, QoS, and Security
- Jacob Jan-David Mol, Arno Bakker, Johan A. Pouwelse
, Dick H. J. Epema, Henk J. Sips:
The Design and Deployment of a BitTorrent Live Video Streaming Solution. 342-349 - Anis Ouali, Brigitte Kerhervé, Brigitte Jaumard:
Revisiting Peering Strategies in Push-Pull Based P2P Streaming Systems. 350-357 - Anil Kumar
, Sucheta Sushan Ghose, Mrinal Kanti Ghose
An Improved Secure Data Communication Using Blind Source Separation and Chaos. 358-362 - Wafaa Bou Diab, Samir Tohmé:
Seamless Handover and Security Solution for Real-Time Services. 363-368
Multimedia Systems and Services
- Yingen Xiong, Kari Pulli:
Fast Image Labeling for Creating High-Resolution Panoramic Images on Mobile Devices. 369-376 - Yusun Chang, Myounghwan Lee, John A. Copeland:
Robust Real-Time Multimedia Transmissions in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 377-384 - Mohsen Shaaban, Magdy A. Bayoumi:
A Low Complexity Inter Mode Decision for MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC Video Transcoding in Mobile Environments. 385-391 - Roelof Kemp, Nicholas Palmer, Thilo Kielmann, Frank J. Seinstra, Niels Drost
, Jason Maassen
, Henri E. Bal:
eyeDentify: Multimedia Cyber Foraging from a Smartphone. 392-399 - Kazuya Sakai, Wei-Shinn Ku
, Roger Zimmermann
Group-Server Scheduling for Continuous Multimedia Streaming in MANETs. 400-405 - Osamah S. Badarneh, Michel Kadoch
An Efficient Video Multicast Routing Protocol for Heterogeneous Destinations in MANETs. 406-411 - Xavier Naturel, Sid-Ahmed Berrani
Content-Based TV Stream Analysis Techniques toward Building a Catch-Up TV Service. 412-417
Visualization, CG, and Virtual Reality
- Masahiro Suzuki, Minoru Yokono, Kazutake Uehira:
New Technique for Prediction of Visually Perceived Location of Virtual Object in Mixed/Augmented Reality Using Observer's Action. 418-424 - Mee Young Sung, Kyungkoo Jun, Dongju Ji, Hwanmun Lee, Kikwon Kim:
Touchable Video and Tactile Audio. 425-431 - Yingen Xiong:
Eliminating Ghosting Artifacts for Panoramic Images. 432-437
- Yi Chen, Abhidnya A. Deshpande, Ramazan Savas Aygün:
SpriteDB Tool. 438-439 - Sunghyun Choi, Cheolkon Jung, Sunyoung Lee, Joongkyu Kim, Kwanghee Jung, Gwangsoon Lee, Namho Hur, Jinwoong Kim:
3D DMB Player and its Realistic 3D Services over T-DMB. 440-441 - Mythili Suryanarayana Prabhu, Xiaoqing Zhu, Rong Pan, Vijay G. Subramanian, Flavio Bonomi:
A Network-Assisted Scheme for Bandwidth Allocation among Video Streams. 442-443 - Omer Boyaci, Andrea G. Forte, Salman Abdul Baset, Henning Schulzrinne:
Demonstration of vDelay: A Tool to Measure Capture-to-Display Latency and Frame Rate. 444-445 - Cuong Tran, Mohan M. Trivedi:
Introducing "XMOB": Extremity Movement Observation Framework for Upper Body Pose Tracking in 3D. 446-447
IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Music Information Research (AdMIRe 2009)
- Ching-Hua Chuan:
Pop-Rock Musical Style as Defined by Two-Chord Patterns at Segmentation Points in the Melody and Lyrics. 448-452 - Dmitry Bogdanov
, Joan Serrà, Nicolas Wack, Perfecto Herrera:
From Low-Level to High-Level: Comparative Study of Music Similarity Measures. 453-458 - Shih-Chuan Chiu, Man-Kwan Shan, Jiun-Long Huang:
Automatic System for the Arrangement of Piano Reductions. 459-464 - Noam Koenigstein
, Yuval Shavitt
, Noa Zilberman
Predicting Billboard Success Using Data-Mining in P2P Networks. 465-470 - Yuval Shavitt
, Udi Weinsberg:
Song Clustering Using Peer-to-Peer Co-occurrences. 471-476 - Geraint A. Wiggins
Semantic Gap?? Schemantic Schmap!! Methodological Considerations in the Scientific Study of Music. 477-482 - Sten Govaerts, Nik Corthaut, Erik Duval:
Using Search Engine for Classification: Does It Still Work?. 483-488
First IEEE International Workshop on Content-Based Audio/Video Analysis for Novel TV Services (CBTV 2009)
- Camille Guinaudeau, Guillaume Gravier, Pascale Sébillot:
Can Automatic Speech Transcripts Be Used for Large Scale TV Stream Description and Structuring? 489-494 - Paul Ferguson, Cathal Gurrin
, Hyowon Lee, Sorin Sav, Alan F. Smeaton
, Noel E. O'Connor, Yoon-Hee Choi, Heeseon Park:
Enhancing the Functionality of Interactive TV with Content-Based Multimedia Analysis. 495-500 - Tomoki Okuoka, Tomokazu Takahashi, Daisuke Deguchi
, Ichiro Ide
, Hiroshi Murase:
Labeling News Topic Threads with Wikipedia Entries. 501-504 - Shuichi Kurabayashi
, Taichi Ueno, Yasushi Kiyoki:
A Context-Based Whole Video Retrieval System with Dynamic Video Stream Analysis Mechanisms. 505-510 - Gerald Friedland, Luke R. Gottlieb, Adam Janin:
Using Artistic Markers and Speaker Identification for Narrative-Theme Navigation of Seinfeld Episodes. 511-516 - Wei Li, Omneya Issa, Hong Liu, Filippo Speranza, Ron Renaud:
Quality Assessment of Video Content for HD IPTV Applications. 517-522
IEEE International Workshop on Data Semantics for Multimedia Systems and Applications (DSMSA 2009)
- Jui-Hsin Lai, Shao-Yi Chien
Tennis Video with Semantic Scalability. 523-526 - Tsvetomira Tsoneva, Pedro Fonseca
, Janto Skowronek:
Towards a Ground Truth for Affective Classification in Movies. 527-532 - Ronen Vaisenberg, Ramesh C. Jain, Sharad Mehrotra:
SMPL, a Specification Based Framework for the Semantic Structure, Annotation and Control of SMIL Documents. 533-539 - Jörg Waitelonis, Harald Sack
Towards Exploratory Video Search Using Linked Data. 540-545 - Mathias Lux:
An Evaluation of Metrics for Retrieval of MPEG-7 Semantic Descriptions. 546-551
Third Workshop on Multimedia Audio and Speech Processing: Advancing the State of the Art (MASP 2009)
- Li-Mei Chen, Jui-Feng Peng, Kuan-Yi Chao:
The Effect of Lexical Tones on Voice Onset Time. 552-557 - Shi-Huang Chen, Jhing-Fa Wang, Miao-Hai Chen, Zheng-Wei Sun, Min-Jian Liao, Shun-Chieh Lin, Shyang-Jye Chang
A Design of Far-Field Speaker Localization System Using Independent Component Analysis with Subspace Speech Enhancement. 558-561 - Shi-Huang Chen, Yu-Ren Luo, Rodrigo Capobianco Guido
Speaker Verification Using Line Spectrum Frequency, Formant, and Support Vector Machine. 562-566 - Sylvio Barbon Junior
, Rodrigo Capobianco Guido
, Lucimar Sasso Vieira:
A Neural-Network Approach for Speech Features Classification Based on Paraconsistent Logic. 567-570
Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR 2009)
- Xiaoyue Wang, Eamonn J. Keogh:
Augmenting Historical Manuscripts with Automatic Hyperlinks. 571-576 - Ke Chen, Zhong Zhou, Ben Niu, Jingxiang Chen, Wei Wu:
Expanding Line Search for Panorama Motion Estimation. 577-582 - Youngseock Lee, Jihah Nah, JongWeon Kim:
Digital Image Watermarking Using Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition in Wavelet Domain. 583-588 - Li De, Jihah Nah, JongWeon Kim:
A Forensic Marking Algorithm Based on DWT-SVD Using Hologram. 589-594 - Jihah Nah, JongWeon Kim, Jaeseok Kim:
A New Image Watermarking Using Peak Position Modulation for ID Photos. 595-599 - Peter Vajda, Lutz Goldmann, Touradj Ebrahimi
Analysis of the Limits of Graph-Based Object Duplicate Detection. 600-605 - Aiyesha Ma, Ishwar K. Sethi
, Nilesh V. Patel:
Multimedia Content Tagging Using Multilabel Decision Tree. 606-611 - Amir Afrah, Gregor Miller, Sidney S. Fels
Vision System Development through Separation of Management and Processing. 612-617 - Anna Hemsley, Ramakrishnan Mukundan
Multifractal Measures for Tissue Image Classification and Retrieval. 618-623 - Dan Yang
, Won-Sook Lee:
Music Emotion Identification from Lyrics. 624-629 - Shangyou Chen, Yanfeng Sun, Baocai Yin:
A Novel Hybrid Approach Based on Sub-pattern Technique and Extended 2DPCA for Color Face Recognition. 630-634 - Ig-Jae Kim, Injun Song, Jane Hwang, Sang Chul Ahn, Hyoung-Gon Kim, Heedong Ko:
MART-MAF: Media File Format for AR Tour Guide Service. 635-638 - Simon Clippingdale, Mahito Fujii, Masahiro Shibata:
Multimedia Databases for Video Indexing: Toward Automatic Face Image Registration. 639-644 - Thomas L. Dean, Richard Washington, Greg Corrado:
Recursive Sparse, Spatiotemporal Coding. 645-650 - Hongli Luo, Mei-Ling Shyu:
An Optimized Scheduling Scheme to Provide Quality of Service in 802.11e Wireless LAN. 651-656 - Yi Chen, Ramazan Savas Aygün:
Synthetic Video Generation with Complex Camera Motion Patterns to Evaluate Sprite Generation. 657-662
Fourth Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for E-learning (MTEL 2009)
- Nuria Joglar
, Diego Martín
, J. Manuel Colmenar
, Ivan Martinez:
iTest: An Online Tool for Assessment and Self-Assessment in Mathematics. 663-668 - Masayo Kagifuku, Akifumi Inoue, Tohru Hoshi:
ToGather: Linguistic Knowledge Extraction/Sharing System from Paper Documents. 669-674 - Robert Mertens, Markus Ketterl, Oliver Vornberger:
Turning Web Lectures into User Generated Adaptive Multimedia. 675-680 - Yu-Tzu Lin, Bai-Jang Yen, Chia-Hu Chang, Huei-Fang Yang, Greg C. Lee:
Indexing and Teaching Focus Mining of Lecture Videos. 681-686 - Markus Ketterl, Olaf A. Schulte, Adam Hochman:
Opencast Matterhorn: A Community-Driven Open Source Solution for Creation, Management and Distribution of Audio and Video in Academia. 687-692 - Rajiv Khosla, Mei-Tai Chu, K. G. Yamada, K. Kuneida, S. Oga:
Emotionally Intelligent Diagnostic Assessment for Personalised e-Training. 693-698 - Elisardo González-Agulla, Enrique Argones-Rúa, José Luis Alba-Castro, Daniel González-Jiménez, Luis E. Anido-Rifón
Multimodal Biometrics-Based Student Attendance Measurement in Learning Management Systems. 699-704

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