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Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Volume 21
Volume 21, Number 1, March 2013
- Julio Benítez
, Marcos H. Giménez
, José L. Hueso, Eulalia Martínez
, Jaime Riera
Some learning objects to explain Kepler's laws. 1-7 - Jorge Martín-Gutiérrez
, Francisco Albert Gil, Manuel Contero
, José Luís Saorín
Dynamic three-dimensional illustrator for teaching descriptive geometry and training visualisation skills. 8-25 - Patricio Bulic, Veselko Gustin, Damjan Sonc, Andrej Strancar:
An FPGA-based integrated environment for computer architecture. 26-35 - Carla Martin-Villalba
, Alfonso Urquia
, Sebastián Dormido
Development of an industrial boiler virtual-lab for control education using Modelica. 36-45 - George Gregoriou, Konstantinos Kirytopoulos
, Christos Kiriklidis:
Project management educational software (ProMES). 46-59 - Hamdi Tolga Kahraman
, Seref Sagiroglu, Ilhami Colak:
A novel model for web-based adaptive educational hypermedia systems: SAHM (supervised adaptive hypermedia model). 60-74 - Zvonko Fazarinc:
Z-transform and its application to development of scientific simulation algorithms. 75-88 - Dagmar Janácová, Hana Charvátová
, Karel Kolomazník, Miloslav Fialka, Pavel Mokrejs
, Vladimir Vasek:
Interactive software application for calculation of non-stationary heat conduction in a cylindrical body. 89-94 - Bo Chen, Yu-Cheng Chou
, Harry H. Cheng:
Open source Ch Control System Toolkit and web-based control system design for teaching automatic control of linear time-invariant systems. 95-112 - Korhan Kayisli
, Servet Tuncer, Mustafa Poyraz:
An educational tool for fundamental DC-DC converter circuits and active power factor correction applications. 113-134 - Cristóbal Romero
, Pedro G. Espejo, Amelia Zafra
, José Raúl Romero
, Sebastián Ventura
Web usage mining for predicting final marks of students that use Moodle courses. 135-146 - Mustafa Çakir
A graphic user interface for evaluation of the camera parameters. 147-157 - Sasa Z. Simic, Milan S. Kovacevic
Computer sound card as a tool to study of fast changing electromagnetic phenomena. 158-163 - Patricia Melin
, Olivia Mendoza
, Oscar Castillo
, Juan Ramon Castro
A visual toolbox for modeling and testing multi-net neural systems. 164-184 - Asta Kybartaite, Juha Nousiainen, Jaakko Malmivuo:
Technologies and methods in virtual campus for improving learning process. 185-192 - Juan Manuel Ramírez-Cortés
, Pilar Gómez-Gil
, Vicente Alarcón Aquino
, Jorge Martínez-Carballido, Emmanuel Morales-Flores:
FPGA-based educational platform for real-time image processing experiments. 193-201
Volume 21, Number 2, June 2013
- Ollin Peñaloza-Mejía
, Luis Alejandro Marquez Martinez
, Jaime Álvarez-Gallegos, Héctor Javier Estrada-García:
DSP-based real-time platform for remote control of internet-connected systems. 203-213 - Oscar Montiel Ross
, Roberto Sepúlveda, Oscar Castillo
, Patricia Melin
Ant colony test center for planning autonomous mobile robot navigation. 214-229 - Yu-Ming Fei
, Chiuhsiang Joe Lin:
Digital knowledge searching depth and individual creativity. 230-236 - Antonio José Fernández Leiva
, Amparo C. Civila Salas
Practices of advanced programming: Tradition versus innovation. 237-244 - Lu-Hui Huang, Chyi-Ren Dow, Yi-Hsung Li, Pa Hsuan:
u-TA: A ubiquitous teaching assistant using knowledge retrieval and adaptive learning techniques. 245-255 - Ariadna Llorens-Garcia
, Xavier Llinas-Audet, Antoni Ras, Luís Chiaramonte
The ICT skills gap in Spain: Industry expectations versus university preparation. 256-264 - Joan Manuel Marquès, Daniel Lázaro Iglesias, Angel A. Juan
, Xavier Vilajosana
, Marc Domingo-Prieto, Josep Jorba
PlanetLab@UOC: A real lab over the Internet to experiment with distributed systems. 265-275 - Pablo García-Herreros
, Jorge Mario Gómez
Modeling and optimization of a crude distillation unit: A case study for undergraduate students. 276-286 - Nergiz Ercil Çagiltay
, Seniz Ozalp-Yaman:
How can we get benefits of computer-based testing in engineering education? 287-293 - Ani Ural:
A hands-on finite element modeling experience in a multidisciplinary project-based freshman course. 294-299 - Yusuf Bugday, Mehmet Önder Efe
A set of computer aided automatic control experiments for undergraduate students. 300-312 - Rainer Dittmar, Thomas Kahlcke:
Multiple use of an industrial-distributed control system in control engineering education. 313-321 - Wen-Jye Shyr:
Graphical human interface technology for use in mechatronics in engineering education. 322-327 - Omer Deperlioglu
, Utku Kose
The effectiveness and experiences of blended learning approaches to computer programming education. 328-342 - Bih-Yaw Shih, Chen-Yuan Chen, Chia-En Li:
The exploration of the mobile Mandarin learning system by the application of TRIZ theory. 343-348 - Jordi-Roger Riba Ruiz
, Antonio Garcia Espinosa, Luis Romeral
, Juan Antonio Ortega Redondo
An introduction to fault diagnosis of permanent magnet synchronous machines in master's degree courses. 349-359 - José Luis Guzmán
, Sebastián Dormido
, Manuel Berenguel
Interactivity in education: An experience in the automatic control field. 360-371 - Gordana Jovanovic-Dolecek
Interactive MATLAB-based demo program for sum of independent random variables. 372-385
Volume 21, Number S1, August 2013
- Magdy F. Iskander:
CAE and agilent technologies cross paths in innovation. E1
- Suzana Markovic, Zoran Jovanovic, Nenad Jovanovic, Aleksandar Jevremovic, Ranko Popovic:
Adaptive distance learning and testing system. E2-E13 - Carlos Alberto Jara, Francisco A. Candelas Herías
, Jorge Pomares
, Fernando Torres Medina
Java software platform for the development of advanced robotic virtual laboratories. E14-E30 - Antti Knutas, Harri Hämäläinen, Jouni Ikonen, Jari Porras:
Implementation of an embedded mobile device based feedback system for real-time audience feedback. E31-E40 - Ivica Boticki
, Ante Barisic, Sergio Martín
, Neven Drljevic
Teaching and learning computer science sorting algorithms with mobile devices: A case study. E41-E50 - Judith Redoli Granados, Rafael Mompó Gómez, David de la Mata-Moya, Miguel Doctor:
DLP: A tool to develop technical and soft skills in engineering. E51-E61 - Alberto Poncela
A web-based software educational tool for electronic instrumentation teaching. E62-E72 - Enrique Guzmán-Ramírez, Iván A. García:
Using the project-based learning approach for incorporating an FPGA-based integrated hardware/software tool for implementing and evaluating image processing algorithms into graduate level courses. E73-E88 - Arcadi Pejuan, Xavier Bohigas, Xavier Jaén
, Cristina Periago
Comparative study of three audio processors as environments for laboratory activities on wave physics and acoustics. E89-E99 - Tiago M. C. Simões
, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, Isabel de la Torre Díez
Personal Learning Environment Box (PLEBOX): A new approach to E-learning platforms. E100-E109 - Bozidar Popovic, Natasa Popovic, Danijel Mijic
, Stevan Stankovski, Gordana Ostojic
Remote control of laboratory equipment for basic electronics courses: A LabVIEW-based implementation. E110-E120 - Silvia Alayón
, Carina S. González
, Pedro A. Toledo:
A laboratory experiment for teaching automation inspired by the smart home. E121-E131 - Jose de Jesus Rangel-Magdaleno
, Jesus Rooney Rivera-Guillen, René de Jesús Romero-Troncoso, Roque Alfredo Osornio-Rios:
FPGA-Matlab-based open core for three-time controllers in automatic control applications. E132-E140 - Elisabeth Ilie Zudor
, Zsolt Kemény, Marcell Szathmári, László Monostori:
The role of OSC-based projects in meeting new challenges of education - concept and exemplification. E141-E151 - Darío Monroy-Berjillos
, Alfonso Bachiller Soler
, Pedro José Martínez-Lacañina
An interactive educational tool for the teaching of manoeuvres in electrical substations. E152-E162
Volume 21, Number 3, September 2013
- Emilio Gómez
, Jesús Caja, Piera Maresca
, Cintia Barajas, Miguel Berzal
Interactive dimensional calibration via Internet. 387-399 - Metin Demirtas, Yusuf Altun
, Ayhan Istanbullu
Virtual laboratory for sliding mode and PID control of rotary inverted pendulum. 400-409 - Vassilios Lazaridis
, Nikolaos Samaras, Angelo Sifaleras
An empirical study on factors influencing the effectiveness of algorithm visualization. 410-420 - Patricia López Cuevas, Pedro J. Muñoz Merino
, M. Carmen Fernández Panadero
, Carlos Delgado Kloos
CourseEditor: A course planning tool compatible with IMS-LD. 421-431 - Chih-Yueh Chou
, Pengfei Sun:
An educational tool for visualizing students' program tracing processes. 432-438 - Murat Ari:
Sustainability of training of trainers on technical and vocational education (TVE) by the help of Wimax supported online e-laboratory application. 439-447 - Miguel A. Serrano-Lopez
, Carlos López-Colina
, Fernando López-Gayarre
, Sue Armstrong:
A web-based training approach for the structural steel design. 448-458 - Behrooz Vahidi
, M. Taherkhani:
Teaching short circuit breaking test on high-voltage circuit breakers to undergraduate students by using MATLAB-SIMULINK. 459-466 - Pinaki Chakraborty
, Prem Chandra Saxena, Chittaranjan Padmanabha Katti:
A compiler-based toolkit to teach and learn finite automata. 467-474 - Behrooz Vahidi
, E. Esmaeeli:
MATLAB-SIMULINK-based simulation for digital differential relay protection of power transformer for educational purpose. 475-483 - Xiong'en Liu:
A new automated grading approach for computer programming. 484-490 - S. Scott Moor, Polly R. Piergiovanni:
Process control kits: A hardware and software resource. 491-502 - Manuel Ortega, Francisco Jurado
Analysis and simulation of a six-phase matrix converter. 503-515 - Faruk Aras, Yunus Biçen
Thermal modelling and analysis of high-voltage insulated power cables under transient loads. 516-529 - Tomas Norton
, Brijesh Tiwari
Aiding the understanding of novel freezing technology through numerical modelling with visual basic for applications (VBA). 530-538 - José Antonio García-Naya
, Paula Maria Castro
, Miguel González-López, Adriana Dapena
Testbed-assisted learning for digital communications courses. 539-549 - Ali Tiftikci, Cemil Kocar
Virtual radiation detection and measurement laboratory. 550-560 - Müzeyyen Bulut Özek
, Zuhtu Hakan Akpolat
, Ahmet Orhan:
A web-based intelligent tutoring system for a basic control course. 561-571
Volume 21, Number 4, December 2013
- Ana B. Ariza-Villaverde
, Eduardo Gutiérrez de Ravé
, Francisco J. Jiménez-Hornero
, Pablo Pavón-Domínguez
, F. Muñoz-Bermejo:
Introducing a geographic information system as computer tool to apply the problem-based learning process in public buildings indoor routing. 573-580 - Aristogiannis Garmpis
Alg_OS - A web-based software tool to teach page replacement algorithms of operating systems to undergraduate students. 581-585 - Janche Sang:
Hands-on laboratory experiments with SOHO networking technologies. 586-595 - Luis G. Martínez
, Guillermo Licea
, Antonio Rodríguez Díaz, Juan R. Castro
, Oscar Castillo
Using MatLab's fuzzy logic toolbox to create an application for RAMSET in software engineering courses. 596-605 - Juan P. D'Amato
, Cristian García Bauza, Gustavo Boroni
, Marcelo J. Vénere:
Real-time aircraft radar simulator for a navy training system. 606-613 - Mahmoud Abdulwahed, Zoltán K. Nagy:
Developing the TriLab, a triple access mode (hands-on, virtual, remote) laboratory, of a process control rig using LabVIEW and Joomla. 614-626 - Alfonso Bachiller Soler
, José Antonio Rosendo-Macías
, Antonio Gómez Expósito
Computer-aided teaching of state-variable formulation for LTI circuits. 627-635 - Félix Hernández-del-Olmo, Elena Gaudioso
Autotest: An educational software application to support teachers in creating tests. 636-640 - Andrés Díaz Lantada
, Pilar Lafont Morgado, Juan Manuel Muñoz-Guijosa
, Javier Echavarri Otero, José Luis Muñoz Sanz:
Comparative study of CAD-CAE programs taking account of the opinions of students and teachers. 641-656 - Sonia Ayachi Ghannouchi, Lilia Cheniti-Belcadhi, Robert Lewis:
Analysis and modeling of tutor functions. 657-670 - N. Kalogeropoulos, I. Tzigounakis, Evangelia A. Pavlatou
, Andreas G. Boudouvis
Computer-based assessment of student performance in programing courses. 671-683 - Toni Pujol
, Lino Montoro
, Marc Pelegrí, Josep Ramon González:
Learning hydraulic turbomachinery with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes. 684-690 - Joaquín Zueco
An educational laboratory virtual EES for encouraging the use of computer programming in thermal engineering problems. 691-697 - Kevin D. Cole
More carrot than stick: Encouraging computer programming in thermal design projects. 698-703 - Ana I. Molina
, Francisco Jurado
, Rafael Duque
, Miguel A. Redondo
, Crescencio Bravo
, Manuel Ortega
Applying genetic classifier systems for the analysis of activities in collaborative learning environments. 704-716 - Ashim K. Datta, V. Rakesh, D. G. Way:
Simulation as an integrator in an undergraduate biological engineering curriculum. 717-727 - Julián Ramos, María A. Trenas, Eladio Gutiérrez
, Sergio Romero
E-assessment of Matlab assignments in Moodle: Application to an introductory programming course for engineers. 728-736 - Oscar Castillo
, Patricia Melin
, Juan R. Castro
Computational intelligence software for interval type-2 fuzzy logic. 737-747
- Joaquín Zueco
An electric simulator to solve education engineering problems in fluid mechanics. 748-757

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