- Giles Fletcher, the Elder (c. 1548 – 1611) was an English poet and diplomat, member of the English Parliament. Giles Fletcher was the son of Richard Fletcher, vicar of Bishop's Stortford. Fletcher was born in Watford, Hertfordshire. He spent his early life at Cranbrook before entering Eton College in about 1561. From there, Fletcher continued his education at King's College, Cambridge, where he was appointed a fellow in 1568 and gained his B.A. in the academic year 1569-70. Studying Greek and poetry, Fletcher contributed to the translation of several of Demosthenes' orations. On 22 March 1572, Fletcher became a lecturer in King's and held this position until March the following year, until he became a lecturer in Greek, a position which he held until Michaelmas term 1579. Continually rising within the academia, Fletcher rose to dean of arts, the highest position he was to attain at Kings, in 1580-81. However, this would not last long, for he decided to marry, forcing him to give up his fellowship. On 16 January, in his father's church, he married Joan Sheafe. Returning to Cambridge later, he received his Doctor of Civil Law degree. After attaining his law degree, the family settled back in Cranbrook, where once again the family was united. On 8 April 1582, Giles and Joan's first child, Phineas, was baptized. During the same year, Giles was made chancellor of the diocese of Sussex. In 1584, Fletcher was elected to the parliament which began on 23 November, for Winchelsea, one of the Cinque Ports. It was at this point that the Fletchers would permanently call London home. During his stint in Parliament, Fletcher served on three committees. In 1586, Fletcher was appointed as the Remembrancer of the City of London, an office which he held until 1605. In 1588 he was an ambassador to Russia to reestablish the treaty with tsar Feodor I of Russia. Fletcher published a treatise, Of the Russe Common Wealth (1591). The treaty to be reestablished was primarily concerning the English trade, but before he departed Queen Elizabeth made him a Master of Requests. Fletcher's account gives a vivid description of the Russian world pre-1600. He is best known for his sonnet Licia. He is the father of the poet Giles Fletcher, the Younger. (en)
- Gilles Fletcher, detto il Vecchio per non confonderlo con il figlio Giles Fletcher detto il Giovane , è stato uno scrittore scozzese. Nel 1588 fu inviato come diplomatico in Russia; tornò nel 1589, pubblicando due anni più tardi Sul benessere della Russia. Nel 1593 pubblicò il canzoniere Licia. (it)
- Giles Fletcher den äldre, född omkring 1549, död 1611, var en engelsk diplomat och författare, far till Phineas Fletcher och Giles Fletcher den yngre, farbror till John Fletcher. Fletcher blev 1581 juris doktor, verkade 1586 som engelsk diplomat i Tyskland och företog 1588-89 en hemlig beskickning till Ryssland, där han personligen blev rätt illa behandlad, men till sist lyckades utverka åtskilliga förmåner för sitt hemlands köpmän. Hans intressanta resebeskrivning och skildring av ryska förhållanden Of the Russe Common Wealth (1591) blev snart indragen av fruktan för att Fletchers omdömen om tsaren skulle skada de engelska köpmännens behandling i Ryssland. Senare blev den utgiven av , i Russia at the close of the sixteenth century (1856). Fletcher utgav även en del religiösa poem. (sv)
- Джайлс (Джильс) Флетчер (англ. Giles Fletcher, ноябрь 1546, Уотфорд, графство Хартфордшир — 11 марта 1611, Лондон) — английский поэт и дипломат, автор описания Русского царства в XVI веке. Брат лондонского епископа, дядя поэта Джона Флетчера. (ru)
- Джильс (також Джайлс) Флетчер (англ. Giles Fletcher, the Elder; близько 1548, Вотфорд, графство Гартфордшир — 1611, Лондон) — англійський поет, літератор (мемуарист), член парламенту та дипломат, посол Англії у Московії у 1588 — 1589 роках. (uk)
- Gilles Fletcher, detto il Vecchio per non confonderlo con il figlio Giles Fletcher detto il Giovane , è stato uno scrittore scozzese. Nel 1588 fu inviato come diplomatico in Russia; tornò nel 1589, pubblicando due anni più tardi Sul benessere della Russia. Nel 1593 pubblicò il canzoniere Licia. (it)
- Джайлс (Джильс) Флетчер (англ. Giles Fletcher, ноябрь 1546, Уотфорд, графство Хартфордшир — 11 марта 1611, Лондон) — английский поэт и дипломат, автор описания Русского царства в XVI веке. Брат лондонского епископа, дядя поэта Джона Флетчера. (ru)
- Джильс (також Джайлс) Флетчер (англ. Giles Fletcher, the Elder; близько 1548, Вотфорд, графство Гартфордшир — 1611, Лондон) — англійський поет, літератор (мемуарист), член парламенту та дипломат, посол Англії у Московії у 1588 — 1589 роках. (uk)
- Giles Fletcher, the Elder (c. 1548 – 1611) was an English poet and diplomat, member of the English Parliament. Giles Fletcher was the son of Richard Fletcher, vicar of Bishop's Stortford. Fletcher was born in Watford, Hertfordshire. He spent his early life at Cranbrook before entering Eton College in about 1561. From there, Fletcher continued his education at King's College, Cambridge, where he was appointed a fellow in 1568 and gained his B.A. in the academic year 1569-70. He is best known for his sonnet Licia. He is the father of the poet Giles Fletcher, the Younger. (en)
- Giles Fletcher den äldre, född omkring 1549, död 1611, var en engelsk diplomat och författare, far till Phineas Fletcher och Giles Fletcher den yngre, farbror till John Fletcher. Fletcher blev 1581 juris doktor, verkade 1586 som engelsk diplomat i Tyskland och företog 1588-89 en hemlig beskickning till Ryssland, där han personligen blev rätt illa behandlad, men till sist lyckades utverka åtskilliga förmåner för sitt hemlands köpmän. Senare blev den utgiven av , i Russia at the close of the sixteenth century (1856). Fletcher utgav även en del religiösa poem. (sv)