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Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



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Watchmen von Kult-Autor Alan Moore gilt als einer der bedeutendsten und besten Comics aller Zeiten und konnte dank seiner Einzigartigkeit mehrere Eisner Awards, die Oscars der Comicbranche, gewinnen. Watchmen ebnete den Weg für Comics wie wir sie heute kennen und verlieh dem Superheldengenre bis dato ungeahnte Tiefe. Die düstere Geschichte wird dabei stets passend von den detailverliebten Zeichnungen von Dave Gibbons illustriert. Das Werk erhielt zudem einen Hugo Award und wurde vom Time Magazine in die Liste der hundert besten englischsprachigen Romane seit 1923 aufgenommen. Das Musikmagazin Rolling Stone nannte Watchmen "unvergleichlich", die New York Times Book Review "atemberaubend komplex", und für Entertainment Weekly ist es schlicht "ein Meisterwerk".
Erscheinungsdatum28. Jan. 2020

Alan Moore

Alan Moore is an English writer widely regarded as the best and most influential writer in the history of comics. His seminal works include From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. He is also the author of the bestselling Jerusalem. He was born in Northampton, and has lived there ever since.

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Bewertung: 4.3161123325425885 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Reread this again, and enjoyed it just as much as the first time I read it. Still not a major fan of the ending (blasphemy, I know, but I thought the movie ending made more sense). Still a great, classic, important graphic novel. And one of my favorites.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    A star rating for this is kind of hard. I really enjoyed the nuances and the scope and characters, but it's also a bit... harsh? Bleak? I can't quite put my finger on it, maybe unsettling is a better word. Soooooo. Yes. Stars are maybe not the best rating system for this book.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Watchmen continues to be the best of the very best of the deconstruction of the superhero. It has so many layers that one read is never enough.

    For various reasons, reading Watchmen always reminds me of Chabon's Kavalier and Klay.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Love it.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    When we first started dating, one of the first questions Andrew asked me was whether or not I’d read Watchmen, which I hadn’t. He was so appalled, we went to a used bookstore the next day and bought the book. It took a while for Andrew’s recommendations to make a regular appearance on my currently-reading cycle, so one year later, here I am, having finally read this amazing novel.I had mixed feelings about having already seen the movie when going into this. Generally, I refuse to watch any movie based on a book before reading the book, just because I don’t want my experience to be tainted by the director’s or cinematographer’s idea of how things should look. In this case, it was a little better, because the images are supplied through drawings and not just my brain, so there is still someone giving me a guide for how the characters and places are supposed to look. I also appreciated that I was given the benefits of a second read-through without first having read it — I was able to pick up on some foreshadowing that I wouldn’t have caught onto had I not experienced the story before, so I enjoyed that a lot.What is there to say about this novel? It’s amazing. It’s one of the few five-star books I’ve read this year, and it’s because Alan Moore just doesn’t hold back. Watchmen gives a stark look at life and human nature. Yes, it’s set in a fantasy world, but this book tells a lot of truths about how the world works and how people work. I love how there are no true “super” heroes, just people trying to get through life however they feel like they can. Some want glory or fame or really just want to do good, but they’re all incredibly realistic people with a lot of emotional baggage that they bring into their work and their lives.There are so many literary things to appreciate as well. Parallelism between stories-within-stories (which was probably my favorite thing that the graphic/comic aspect did so much better than words ever could, a wonderful stream-of-consciousness chapter with Dr. Manhattan (again, beautifully drawn), and just so much more. It’s hard to describe the complexity and magnificence of this book, but it’s definitely a must-read for any graphic novel, science fiction, super hero, or literature lovers. The drawings are beautiful, the writing is wonderful, and the story is simply smart. Easily one of my favorite works of fiction.Originally posted on Going on to the Next.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I love superheroes and their stories. This is not a happy story, but a cautionary tale. Comics have changed, for the better for the most part, but they are much darker than what I read in my childhood.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
     Well known as one of the best graphic novels ever made. This Cold War science fiction mystery is a rewarding read and very impressively put together. - Lucky
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I think it's just I'm not as much of a comic book/graphic novel fan as much as a I used to be. I haven't taken the originals out of their mylar sleeves since I bought them over 30 years ago. Not wanting to take them out, I purchased the collection. Watching the HBO adaptation (and the movie (which mainly demonstrated how UNTALENTED Zach Snyder is)), I wanted to re-read the series because I had forgotten the overall story. No denying that Alan Moore is a major talent (though from what I hear, a major pain to deal with) and the Dave Gibbons artwork is amazing, when I finished it last night, it kind of just left me with a...meh...not bad, just not terribly compelling. The HBO adaptation is much more entertaining.
  • Bewertung: 1 von 5 Sternen
    Assigned reading for my moral philosophy class. It was okay. It was confusing with all the layers in it.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen

    I have been very busy in the last month and I didn't have much time to read, but I squeezed in a few pages of Watchmen whenever I could, usually when a book takes me this long I get disconnected and don't really enjoy it, but this book did not lose my interest no matter how long I spent without me losing interest in it.

    I loved this book! The story was amazing, the characters intriguing and the plot twist shocking as ever.
    Throughout the book I went from loving certain characters *cough* Dr. Manhattan *cough* to straight out wanting to strangle them, and from thinking certain characters were creeps *cough* Rorschach *cough* to them being my absolute favorites!!

    It was gripping and interesting and so damn smart and I'm glad I read it!!
    I highly recommend it to anyone out there who has the slightest interest in Sci-fi, superheros, conspiracy theories or anything of the sort!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Summary: Watchmen gets billed as the quintessential superhero comic, but that's pretty inaccurate; the only person with superpowers is Dr. Manhattan - a being who, following a nuclear accident, can see and manipulate sub-atomic particles at will. Set in an alternate 1985 where Nixon never left office and Dr. Manhattan's presence means both clean renewable energy and an unstoppable American military advantage, Watchmen is peopled by normal folks - who like dressing up in costumes and going out and beating up bad guys. Unfortunately, vigilante justice has been outlawed since '77, and the "heroes" are reacting in different ways. Members of the old Minutemen team have mostly settled into normal retirement, younger crimefighters try to live normal lives while tinkering with their gadgets in their basements, and Rorschach - who has become more mask than man - openly flouts the law while dispensing his own brutal form of justice. However, when one of the old guard, The Comedian, is murdered, all must take action - because it appears as though a Mask Killer is on the loose, and not only their own safety, but the future of the human race may be at stake.Review: What can I say that hasn't already been said? Watchmen is an incredibly dense, dark story, with plenty of memorable characters, twists and turns, and a plot that deftly weaves together politics, morality, intrigue, suspense, and action. Which is all well and good, but what really elevates it to the pantheon of the modern classics, however, and what makes it a must-read graphic novel, is how extraordinarily well it uses the graphic novel medium. More than just words with pictures, practically every frame interlaces the text with the images that accompanies it, creating deeper layers of meaning than either would have on its own. (Kim's blog has a nice example analysis of the first page of the comic.) It's easy to treat it just like a comic, with your eyes flying across the page, but there's certainly enough depth there to reward a more careful reading. My main problem with Watchmen is that I think I was born five or ten years too late to find it entirely relevant. I was discussing this with friends this weekend, and the first "world event" of which I remember being aware was the fall of the Berlin Wall. Consequently, books and movies that use the tension of the Cold War, or the emotions surrounding Vietnam, or the idea of Russians-as-baddies as major thematic elements always tend to lose me a little. Conceptually, I can understand it, but since I didn't really live it, it doesn't make as much of a personal impact on me as it should. I also wasn't crazy about the artwork - the drawings are fine, but the color palette uses a lot of oranges/greens/purples, which got a little hard on the eyes. Still, definitely a worthwhile read... now I just have to find someone to go see the movie with me. 4 out of 5 stars.Recommendation: Deservedly called a classic on all fronts. Not for the wee-uns, but certainly recommended for those who like superhero stories, those who are interested in getting a grounding in the graphic novel genre, and those who like alternate histories and dense, very finely-layered and tightly-woven stories.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This has the plot device where the smart guy is actually stupid. Smart enough to do what he plans, but his plans are stupid, or amoral, or whatever. Saw the movie which did a fair job of translating this to the screen. A bit mystified by the new TV series, but I haven't read the prequels or the sequel.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is the third time I've read Watchmen, and it just gets better every time I read it. It is a classic for a reason.

    In-depth characters, cinematic techniques, subtle foreshadowing, so many other things that are too numerable to mention, all make this a great work of literature.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Nicely done comic with a whole world set out along alternative history lines and tensions of WWIII during the 80s Cold War... not the run of the mill superheroes in that this series explores not just a simple story of how they came to being but also their psychology, politics, sexuality, humor, and how they view the world and events around them. More to it than a flat, black/white, good/evil dichotomy. Overall a fun read, even for someone who doesn't normally read graphic novels.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    What a well-curated graphic novel! The flow of the story captivated me, and the multi-layered story-telling was complicated in just the right way. The political context in this world mimicing ours but with heros and super heros grown old is somehow absurd yet realistic and disturbing. A lot of work was put into crafting such an involved story and it's much more brutal than the movie.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    A Graphic NovelMeh. I'm just too old and set in my ways to enjoy these. Some interesting threading of multiple stories within the chapters but overall I just don't grasp the concept.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    You haven't read Watchmen until you've reread it at least 2-3 times. This was my 4th time through and I was still picking up on new details and connections.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I read Watchmen by Alan Moore a long time ago, close to when it first came out in book form. I decided to re-read it due to the new TV series. When I first read it years ago I wasn’t very impressed. I believe I gave it 2-2 ½ stars. The re-reading didn’t more the bar any: I’m still not impressed. The only redeemable quality of the work was the adult-like theme being dealt with in the graphic novel form. But, really, the story dragged in many places and the interspersed text excerpts were unnecessary background filler. As far as the plot went, Moore got it completely and utterly wrong. “Watchmen” was written at the culmination of the Cold War and the nuclear arms race and Moore was warning, as were many others, that our leaders at the time (mainly Reagan and Thatcher) were blindly leading us down a path to nuclear annihilation. He was laughably mistaken. They, Reagan and Thatcher, ended the Cold War and the Soviet Union. Also, the “heroes plagued by all-too-human failings” shtick is way too played out for me. It was when I first read this. I don’t need Nietzsche comes to comic land and superheroes deconstructed. I’ll read real contemplative works for that; not comic books. The initial publication consisted of, I believe, twelve comic scale volumes. It certainly could have fit into six if the author got rid of all the extraneous non-sequiturs. Spoiler alert:I just wonder if the relationship between Comedian and Sally Jupiter would even fly in today’s #MeToo environment. Women aren’t supposed to carry on affairs with men who rape and abuse them.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I'm glad I've finally read this graphic novel because it is I think one of the few graphic novels that has been chosen for the 1001 Books to Read Before You Die list. And I agree that it has fabulous artwork but the superhero theme didn't really work for me. If I was just rating the book based on the story I'd probably only give it 2 and a half stars.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This isn't the best story ever to me, but the depth is amazing. Every person who reads it is sure to see a different angle. Many things are going on, lots of side stories, metaphors galore, symbolism, connections. There's so much here, a person could fall inside and get lost if not careful. This is definitely a stand out book.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Wheoever ranked this in the top 100 books of all time is right on. One of the best books, not to mention graphic novels, I've ever read. Very powerful.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Watchmen was recommended to me by several intelligent friends, and though I have been wary of the genre I figured I'd give the graphic novel a go. I saw the movie when it first came out, and I think that was detrimental to my reading of the original text. As printed material I found Watchmen to be surprisingly unappealing. The film seems to be very close to the original, but far surpasses the comic in terms of visual interest. The women were particularly disturbing, as the movie had lead me to believe they were supposed to be attractive, and not have .. mullets (yes, the original Silk Specter has a mullet in the text). I wish I had read Moore and Gibbons before seeing the film - I think I would have enjoyed it much more. As it stands, it was actually fairly slow-going for very little end reward.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    All art is political.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Masterpiece. The ultimate superhero book in every sense, irrevocably changing the genre while embracing it (that is, "masterpiece"). Worth it for the Tales of the Black Freighter.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The murder of a costumed hero sparks a chain of events that will change the world forever.If you're at all interested in the history of the comic book, you've heard of WATCHMEN. It revolutionized the medium and paved the way for all the edgier stuff that's come after. It's acclaimed not just as a comic book but as a serious work of literature. WATCHMEN may not be essential to an understanding of the late twentieth/early twenty-first century comic book, but it's undoubtedly an important work. I can't imagine why you'd want to cheat yourself out of it.Alan Moore has been praised for deconstructing the superhero, but I'd argue that he's doing much more than that. He's also crafted an alternate world in which one important change has had organic, logical consequences for society as a whole, and in doing so he's deconstructed the comic itself. It's brilliantly done. It's deep and complex and subtle. And it's hella interesting.In Moore's alternate world, Superman's first appearance inspired not just comic book creators but real people who donned costumes and hit the streets to fight crime. They've got day jobs and rent to pay and all the emotional problems that come along with everyday life. Few of them are wealthy. None of them have superpowers. They're just regular people who've costumed up for reasons as varied as their own personalities. Some of them really want to make a difference. Others hope to boost their careers. Some are on a power trip. A few just get off on the pretense. One is only in it because her mother has forced her. Moore comments on their place in the world via short excerpts from relevant sources, (autobiographies, scholarly papers, etc.), tacked onto the end of each chapter.I say that none of them have superpowers, but that's not quite true. Jon Osterman --aka Dr. Manhattan--is the lone superpowered superhero in this world. Jon gains his powers during a horrific accident in which his corporeal body is annihilated. He gains the ability to see and understand all things at all times. He knows the past, present and future as one. He can see exactly how subatomic particles come together. He has complete control over his own reformed body, which is blue and glowing. And his powers have changed him, mentally as well as physically. He's not your standard, "I must use my powers to fight crime and save the world!" superhero; neither is he the typical, "I shall use my powers to enhance my own personal glory!" kind of a supervillain. He just... is.He's had a huge impact on the world at large. The US won the Vietnam War, with his help. His ability to see and control subatomic particles has led to massive scientific breakthroughs, including efficient airships that have largely replaced airplanes and electric cars powered by public power hydrants. The world looks very much like our own, but it's really not. The changes are small, subtle, and absolutely vital to the way we react to the story. They don't sound like much on the surface, but they go deep. It's brilliant.Perhaps the most interesting shift, though, occurs within this alternate world's comic book industry. Faced with real-life heroes like Hooded Justice, Nite Owl and Dr. Manhattan, comic book creators feel no need to inundate the market with fictional heroes. Instead, comic books focus on pirates and ghouls - the very storylines, in fact, that came under so much scrutiny in our own world during the 1950's. Moore asks us to consider the comic book as escapist literature, as an art form, and in terms of its creative development. I find comic book history just fascinating, and I loved seeing how Moore's alternate world had diverged from our own where comics were concerned. My very favourite end-of-chapter excerpt dealt with how the government vetoed the creation of the Comics Code Authority, the organization that held such sway over our own comic industry for so long.Moore blends all these elements so well that you'll never notice the seams. He's crafted an absolutely fantastic piece of work that forces us to consider not only the society within the book but also our own world and its own brand of heroics. There's so much here. I haven't even scratched the surface.On the downside, Dave Gibbons's art is a little dated now. You'd never mistake this for a contemporary work; the use of line, coupled with John Higgins's colours, has a distinctly 80's feel to it. There are also some Cold War themes that may not resonate as well with those who didn't live through those times (translation: me).But on the whole, it's excellent. I highly recommend this to anyone with even a passing interest in comic books. It's a hefty tome, so far as graphic novels go, but it is most definitely worth it.(A slightly longer version of this review originally appeared on my blog, Stella Matutina).
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A groundbreaking work in comics, Watchmen is an incredibly complex series. Originally published in twelve issues, Watchmen has now been gathered together as a single volume graphic novel. Although a bit dated at times, it remains a remarkable accomplishment and continues to receive awards and recognition. Watchmen is one of several comics that helped establish the genre as a "respectable" format for literature.Superheros, or costumed adventurers, are no longer accepted or condoned by general society and most have retired in their own individual fashions. But when The Comedian (who was never particularly well liked) is murdered, one of his old compatriots is convinced that the remaining heroes are also under threat. But what he manages to discover is a plan much more devious, one that may change humanity forever.Watchmen portrays these heroes as real people with real problems and personal conflicts. The fairly gritty story is juxtaposed against illustrations that use a fairly limited palette of mostly primary colors, creating a feeling of disjunction that is quite effective. Some may find the story itself tedious, but it is a book well worth reading.Experiments in Reading
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is one of the most celebrated graphic novel of all times, and with good cause. Wonderfully complex and dynamic characters. An alternate history of the cold war between the United States and Russia with super heroes. But wait, who killed the Comedian? Is someone killing off masked avengers? BTW, there is only one hero with any real powers, that is Dr. Manhattan, and the others are people in costumes with good weaponless fighting skill. I got a weird vibe from this novel at first because it is very dark and a bit depressing as there are continual reminders of no life after death. Still, it is very psychologically complex and rich in character and plot. It blew me away, and I recommend it to everyone.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    After seeing the movie at the beginning of the year. I was curious about reading the graphic novel. So I reserved it at my library (it took 7 months to arrive but I finally got it). It was a nice reminder of the movie, I was happy for the little details that is always left out of a movie.Also the end is very different from the movie, (as a friend told me when the movie came out). I obviously liked the original, but I tought that the end of the movie still got to the point. And we didn't loose so much of the story line...Overall, I really enjoyed that book!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Compilation of the twelve comic book issues, plus comments and bonus material.Considered a classic.


Watchmen - Alan Moore

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