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Interview with John Strelecky (Café am Rande der Welt): How can you live a meaningful life? (en)


Interview with John Strelecky (Café am Rande der Welt): How can you live a meaningful life? (en)

VonDer 7Mind Podcast


Interview with John Strelecky (Café am Rande der Welt): How can you live a meaningful life? (en)

VonDer 7Mind Podcast

88 Minuten
12. Feb. 2022


With his books “Das Café am Rande der Welt” and “The big Five for Life” John Strelecky has inspired many people around the world to live a more conscious life. In this episode he and René talk about their own big five for life and their current challenges and learnings. You will hear about:

❃ How to find your big five for life and how they will guide you in your daily life

❃ Why selfcare is not selfish

❃ How to deal with restricting mindsets and fear

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☞ Watch the whole interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/24IYiutPDic
☞ Find out more about John Strelecky and his books here: https://www.johnstrelecky.com/de/
☞ Download our free meditation app 7Mind: https://bit.ly/download-the-7mind-app
☞ Send feedback directly to René:  mail@renetraeder.de
☞ For requests around the podcast please send a mail to: mailto:podcast@7mind.de
12. Feb. 2022

Titel in dieser Serie (100)

Bewusst, achtsam und gelassen - klingt wie ein Träumchen? René Träder und das Team von 7Mind verraten dir, warum du dafür nicht die beste Version deiner Selbst werden musst. Hier geht es um kleine Denkanstöße aus der Psychologie, Neues aus der Wissenschaft und die große Frage, wie uns das gute Leben eigentlich gelingt. Wir möchten deine Stopptaste im hektischen Alltag sein und dir Tipps geben, wie du Momente der Achtsamkeit in dein Leben bringst - ganz ohne Hokuspokus.