lfca.earth - Community | Leaders for Climate Action

lfca.earth - Community | Leaders for Climate Action

Gemeinnützige Organisationen

Berlin, BE 18.927 Follower:innen

We are a community of 3,800+ practitioners from over 40 countries driving sustainability in their organizations.


Our solution to climate change? Collaboration. LFCA provides hands-on courses, templates, tools, guides & learning community. Gain the practical knowledge and skills needed to drive lasting change in your company - guided by experts and peers. Join us today!

Gemeinnützige Organisationen
2–10 Beschäftigte
Berlin, BE
Sustainability, Climate Action, Peer knowledge und Tech industry


Beschäftigte von lfca.earth - Community | Leaders for Climate Action


  • Unternehmensseite von lfca.earth - Community | Leaders for Climate Action anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today, we continue our Community Spotlight series and are proud to introduce Allane Mobility Group, an active member of our community. They envision themselves as an enabler, providing the perfect mobility solution for everyone as easily as possible. With a rich legacy in leasing (formerly known as Sixt Leasing) and a fresh perspective since becoming Allane, they are well prepared to accompany your mobility journey and help you find your perfect lane. In addition to its innovative mobility solutions, Allane Mobility Group is committed to sustainability and the future of climate-neutral transportation. The mobility sector shows that various levers can be used to reduce the sources of emissions. In their recent article, "Staying on Track in a Climate-Neutral Way," they highlight several key strategies for decarbonizing the mobility sector: enhancing urban mobility with green solutions, implementing the Avoid-Shift-Improve model, promoting multimodal transport options, and leveraging digitalization and autonomous vehicles. For more insights and practical ideas read the full article: https://lnkd.in/e_AZbNgt We are proud to support Allane Mobility Group on its journey and facilitate collaborations with other leaders in sustainable mobility. Changing the status quo requires collective effort—join our community today and be part of the movement!

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  • Unlock the future of business! Let's explore alternative ownership models. On July 18, we’re delighted to host Julie Menter from Transform Finance, the think tank focused on how finance can be a tool for social transformation. The session is particularly useful for founders, investors, and company leadership. Startup leaders: invite your VCs! Investors: invite your portfolio founders and company leadership! Using practical examples, Julie will walk us through the following questions: 👉 How can we reimagine corporate structures to drive social transformation? 👉 What are some examples of alternative ownership models, how do they work and who’s doing it already? 👉 What are some simple steps investors and VCs can take today toward a more just and liveable planet? 👉 What are some simple things that can be done within conventional corporate structures toward a more just and liveable planet? About our guest speaker: Julie Menter is an experienced business leader committed to social and environmental justice. Until 2021 she co-led New Media Ventures, building a powerful portfolio of startups working to strengthen democracy and successfully raising millions to fund innovative, impact-driven projects. As a strategy consultant, she has worked across large companies and nonprofits to redefine what good business means - from developing a governance infrastructure for the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, to designing Walmart’s sustainable agriculture strategy, to crafting Microsoft’s partnership strategy in green tech innovation. As Director at Transform Finance, she currently works with impact investors to shift our economy to one that works for everyone through education, field building, and developing financial innovation. Live participation is free of charge, just please confirm your sign-up below (and bring your colleagues along). See you soon!

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  • Excited to share that our partners at HV Capital have published their first Annual ESG Report! It's amazing to see how dedicated funds can positively influence their portfolios and help them become sustainability frontrunners in their sectors. Dive into their journey and download it now: https://lnkd.in/dD9tbwss

    Unternehmensseite von HV Capital anzeigen, Grafik

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    HV published its first Annual ESG Report - download it now!     Since 2019, HV has been on a mission to ensure that ESG-by-Design has been internally adopted, championed across the ecosystem, and subsequently picked up within HV Portfolio companies. Because the cornerstone of long-lasting companies is good governance, social responsibility, and environmental protection. Failing to adhere to these standards can derail a company’s growth trajectory.       Thanks to our partners, which include the likes of VentureESG, Included VC, lfca.earth - Community | Leaders for Climate Action, and internal ESG-pioneers like Marie, Rainer, Jan, and Anna, HV has been able to shine a light on how its Portfolio can start their ESG journey.      HV ESG-trailblazers have gone on to write their first Voluntary Sustainability Reports and ensure diversity at the Board level (Flix), led the emission-free transport industry (sennder), broken down gender stereotypes and pushed inclusion across design (simpleclub), ensured that whistle-blowers are heard and protected (CoachHub - The digital coaching platform), created safe spaces for minority groups (Scoutbee), and much more.      To sum up this journey, we've produced our first Annual ESG Report. Curious to learn more? Download the 2023 edition here: https://lnkd.in/dD9tbwss 

  • Unternehmensseite von lfca.earth - Community | Leaders for Climate Action anzeigen, Grafik

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    Last week we had the pleasure of hosting Andrew Winston for a fireside chat on building the case for sustainability. Together, we talked about how to take action and shift warped perspectives in the ‘sustainability recession’, amongst other ESG challenges we're facing. If you are a full member of our community, you can rewatch the recording. Otherwise, here are a few interesting thoughts that might prompt more insightful conversations with your colleagues: ❓Sustainability practitioners keep hearing that change is hard and slow, but why does this not apply to the current AI implementation wave?  ❓Most companies aim for high standards in quality or safety even when it’s not profitable short-term. Why aren't sustainability initiatives seen the same way?  ❓What threat might 'green hushing' pose for your industry?  👉 Follow Andrew's 3-step formula to create the perfect pitch to get others on board: share why we NEED to (i.e. the science), why we HAVE to (i.e. regulations and stakeholder demands) , and why we WANT to (i.e. money & fulfillment) act on sustainability. Link is in the top comment - let us know what you think... Many thanks again to Andrew for the chat, and to the 60+ LFCA members who joined live and contributed their thoughts and questions!  The next learning session is on July 18th - see you soon.

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  • Unternehmensseite von lfca.earth - Community | Leaders for Climate Action anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌟 ESG, Gigatrends, and the Drive to Net Positive 🌟 Join us for a highly insightful session with Andrew Winston, ranked #3 Most Influential Management Thinker in the World by #Thinkers50. Gain incredible inspiration on transforming sustainability into a powerful driver for your business. 🗓️ Registration and attendance are free – feel free to bring your colleagues along. See you next week! #Sustainability #BusinessGrowth #ESG #Leadership #NetPositive

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  • Unternehmensseite von lfca.earth - Community | Leaders for Climate Action anzeigen, Grafik

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    We're excited to announce that brilliant Lucie Pourquier is now part of the LFCA family as our Corporate Sustainability Educator! Lucie brings with her five years of experience in sustainability, having previously worked on the implementation of ManoMano's strategy, a French e-commerce platform specializing in DIY and gardening, and with several private organizations working as an independent consultant around impact and ESG. "I'm thrilled to be joining this close-knit team. My first project involves contributing to the launch of a crucial course for all sustainability practitioners: 'Strategic Sustainability Roadmapping.' This presents an excellent opportunity for our community to receive guidance on crafting their own strategies. The course will be hands-on, featuring extensive peer interaction and several company case studies. I am looking forward to meeting the participants of this new cohort to delve deeper into their needs." - she says. Welcome aboard, Lucie! We're enthusiastic about the great impact we can bring together. Here's to an exciting journey ahead! Are you interested in learning more about structuring sustainability strategies, from vision and prioritization to implementation? Join Lucie and the LFCA team for our Sustainability Roadmapping course on May 29th: https://lnkd.in/gipMpQa2

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  • Unternehmensseite von lfca.earth - Community | Leaders for Climate Action anzeigen, Grafik

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    How best to address your organization’s indirect impacts? Have you tried connecting them to the SDGs? It can be hard to approach the impacts hidden deeper within your value chain and business partnerships. The Navigator's guide utilizes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework to pinpoint not only your negative impacts but also opportunities to transform your business practices - from sourcing to end-of-life considerations. Let’s examine the value of an e-commerce brand through this lens: 🏭 SDG 11 'Sustainable Cities and Communities': In its sourcing strategy, the brand commits to solely collaborating with suppliers with strict health and security requirements in their factories. 🚛 SDG 13 'Climate Action': It opts to partner with inbound logistics providers to reduce their carbon footprint - leveraging electric fleets or routes’ optimization, for instance. 🐠 SDG 6 'Clean Water and Sanitation': Its Tech teams focus on minimizing the data consumption of their website development, potentially mitigating water consumption at the data center level. ♻️ SDG 12 ‘Product Use and Responsible Consumption’: The commercial teams introduce a new product category consisting solely of biodegradable-certified products. Leveraging the SDGs framework empowers you to delve into your key sustainability themes and effectively prioritize them within your roadmap. Let’s talk about value chain mapping! Join our course on Strategic Sustainability Roadmapping starting on May 29th: https://lnkd.in/ecCt484t

    Strategic Sustainability Roadmapping

    Strategic Sustainability Roadmapping


  • Our team is incredibly happy and grateful for the wonderful feedback we've received for the first online courses that we've held since the start of our LFCA Academy. Since all of our courses so far have been overbooked, we are opening the waitlist for the September cohort of our 9-week online course on "CSRD & Sustainability Reporting" already today! 🌍 Learn the essentials of sustainability reporting, how to run a double materiality assessment that truly guides your strategy, and build a CSRD compliant sustainability report. Register here and save your spot ➡️ https://lnkd.in/eJ_GnkvU #csrd #sustainability

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  • Unternehmensseite von lfca.earth - Community | Leaders for Climate Action anzeigen, Grafik

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    Do you need to scout allies and build an effective team to drive your sustainability strategy? Join our Sustainability Roadmapping course!  In this 8-week course,  we’ll walk you through the essential steps of building your sustainability strategy & roadmap. One crucial element of that journey is the process of mapping and leveraging your internal stakeholders. Gaining their buy-in is critical for implementing your plans - you can’t move mountains without them! During this course, you’ll learn how to: 🖐 Analyze your internal organizational structure to identify your priority stakeholders 🖐 Target your most influential peers, your supporters and detractors for maximum impact 🖐 Build an impactful and convincing engagement strategy around your main sustainability issues 🖐 Other essential steps, as detailed in our brochure: https://lnkd.in/e9ceXqUf Ready to rally the right people to your cause? Join our next cohort, starting May 30th! https://lnkd.in/gPM58eY9

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  • Unternehmensseite von lfca.earth - Community | Leaders for Climate Action anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today we continue our Community Spotlight series and are proud to introduce Semrush, our active member since 2022. The company with its 14 offices in 9 countries develops a leading global management SaaS platform that has been used by 10M+ digital marketers worldwide. We are happy to see that sustainability is at the core of their values. We asked Jana Krivenkaja and the team to answer a few questions about their approach to sustainability and how they align the initiatives with the company's core values and business goals. Hope you find it inspiring! What would you say is a motto or main principle of your green team? 👉For us, it’s key to see Semrush not simply following green trends, but keeping our initiatives consistent with our own values, ideas, and overall direction of the company. What we established some time ago is that Semrush’s green actions would be directed towards targeted programs for clean energy distribution and supporting scalable innovation. Where do you source inspiration for your sustainable initiatives, products, and campaigns? 👉Our sustainability partners serve us as an immense source of inspiration with their initiatives, and seeing how our active participation contributes to these initiatives and expands them is what makes us want to be even more active and dive even deeper. What makes you hopeful that a sustainable global economy is possible? 👉At this point, it’s not much of a choice for us and the planet. 71% of carbon emissions can be accounted for by only 100 companies. So the question is not whether a sustainable global economy is possible, but rather what is needed from our side to actively support this development scenario. Only the joint effort of many is what will make it possible. What is the most helpful advice (for sus. manager), that you ever heard? 👉First: accept that your actions might not save the world at this very moment, but the impact you make today will return with time, multiplied. And second, is a takeaway from the NOAH conference that is still resonating with us: it is actually so easy to make a real impact locally, with real people. Sometimes rather than focusing on paperless offices, we should support action in underdeveloped regions and see feasible results of our actions. 💚 Read more on their sustainability mission page: https://lnkd.in/gQ9u37CE

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