Teaching Documents by Ejder Atlas Akmaner
Edebiyat, Felsefe ve Oryantalizm, 2019
Ngugi wa Thiong'o tarafından kaleme alınan Aradaki Nehir Romanının, Edward Said- Kültür ve Empery... more Ngugi wa Thiong'o tarafından kaleme alınan Aradaki Nehir Romanının, Edward Said- Kültür ve Emperyalizm, Kojin Karatani-Derinliğin Keşfi ve Susan Bassnet Comparative Literature Introduction çalışmalarından yararlanılarak sistematize edilmiş olan sömürgeciliğin izinin sürülmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Anthony Burgess'in Otomatik Portakal Romanının Müzikoloji ve Psikanalitik Edebiyat Bağlamında Çözümlenmesi, 2019
Metnin Amacı: Romanın protagonisti Alex karakterinin, içinde yaşadığı toplumla birlikte Freud... more Metnin Amacı: Romanın protagonisti Alex karakterinin, içinde yaşadığı toplumla birlikte Freud'un "Eros ve Thanatos İlkel İçgüdüleri", "Savunma Mekanizmaları" ve "Kitle Psikolojisi" çalışmaları referans alınarak psikanalitik çözümlenmesi ve romanda müziğin psikanaliz bağlamında geçiş nesnesi olarak incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Papers by Ejder Atlas Akmaner
Ngugi wa Thiong'o tarafından kaleme alınan Aradaki Nehir Romanının, Edward Said- Kültür v... more Ngugi wa Thiong'o tarafından kaleme alınan Aradaki Nehir Romanının, Edward Said- Kültür ve Emperyalizm, Kojin Karatani-Derinliğin Keşfi ve Susan Bassnet Comparative Literature Introduction çalışmalarından yararlanılarak sistematize edilmiş olan sömürgeciliğin izinin sürülmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Ngugi wa Thiong'o tarafından kaleme alınan Aradaki Nehir Romanının, Edward Said- Kültür v... more Ngugi wa Thiong'o tarafından kaleme alınan Aradaki Nehir Romanının, Edward Said- Kültür ve Emperyalizm, Kojin Karatani-Derinliğin Keşfi ve Susan Bassnet Comparative Literature Introduction çalışmalarından yararlanılarak sistematize edilmiş olan sömürgeciliğin izinin sürülmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Thesis Chapters by Ejder Atlas Akmaner
Siddhartha'da "Uzak Doğu" Alımlaması ve Hermann Hesse'nin Oryantalizmi / The Reception of "Far East" in Siddhartha and the Orientalism of Hermann Hesse, 2021
Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha anlatısını kaleme aldıktan sonra, tüm ulusal ayrımları aşan ve bütün bi... more Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha anlatısını kaleme aldıktan sonra, tüm ulusal ayrımları aşan ve bütün bireylerin benimseyebileceği şeyi yakalamaya çalıştığını ifade etmiştir. Özellikle de 2. Dünya Savaşı'nın akabinde, yazarın ülküsü gerçekleşir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, oryantalist (şarkiyatçı) bir yazar olan Hesse'nin, nasıl tarihsel Buda ile Asya öğretilerini keyfi bir şekilde yeniden yorumlayarak üzerinden, entelektüel bir sömürgecilik gerçekleştirdiğini ve bunu yaparken hangi mekanizmaların etkisinde kaldığını açığa çıkarmaktır. Tezin kuramsal altyapısını, Japon, edebiyat eleştirmeni Kojin Karatani'nin Derinliğin Keşfi—Modern Japon Edebiyatının Kökenleri çalışması oluşturmaktadır. Karatani, Meiji restorasyonu olarak anılan dönemde, Japonya'nın Batılılaştırılma sürecini, edebi yapıtlar üzerinden ve felsefi kuramlar aracılığıyla çözümlemiştir. Batılı olmayan birçok ülkede neredeyse eş zamanlı olarak gerçekleştirilen bu süreç, Batı edebiyatının, felsefe ve inanç geleneğinin tümünü içerecek şekilde, sistemli olarak inşa edilmiş, eğitim, tıp ve kitle iletişim araçlarının bütün kaynaklarından yararlanılması suretiyle, dünyaya yayılmıştır. Bu tez çalışmasında, oryantalizmi, türcülük, cinsiyetçilik ve ırkçılık gibi kavramlardan bağımsız olarak düşünmemek gerektiği ileri sürülmüştür. Bu bağlamda Tanrı Devleti anlayışı ile Platon'un idealar kuramı özdeşliği ve tümeller tartışmasına değinilmiştir. Bu tezde, Hesse'nin Siddhartha anlatısının çözümlemesi yapıldıktan sonra, Türk, Hint, Çin, Japon edebi ve felsefi metinlerinden alıntılar yapılmış, geleneklerin asıllarıyla ilgili bilgiler verilmiştir. Birinci bölümde Hermann Hesse'nin "Uzak Doğu" imgesinin oluşma süreci incelenmiştir. Bu süreçte, yazarın Protestan misyoneri olan ailesi ile, Alman ve diğer Batılı araştırmacıların, söz konusu sürece olan etkileri incelenmiştir. Tezin ikinci bölümünde, Hristiyan misyonerleri ve Batılı araştırmacılar aracılığıyla Asya dillerinden Batı dillerine çevrilen metinlerin, özellikle de Schopenhauer ve çağdaşı filozofların perspektifinden soyutlanması üzerinde durulmuştur. Öte yandan, Hristiyanlık ve Batı felsefe sisteminin, birbirinden ayrı düşünülemeyeceğinin vurgusu yapılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde ise, Hesse'nin sıkça üzerinde durduğu, benlik ve bireyleşme kavramları ile Nietzsche felsefesinin Nazi ırkçılığı örneğinde olduğu gibi, uç noktalara götürüldüğünde, ne tip yıkımlara neden olabileceği incelenmiştir. Siddhartha'nın Hippi kuşağı üzerindeki etkisi ve madde bağımlılığıyla olan ilişkisi analiz edilmiş, uyuşturucu maddeler ve Batı tıbbı arasındaki bağlantı açığa çıkartılmıştır. Jung ve psikanalizin, Hesse'nin yapıtlarını oluşturma sürecine katkıları araştırılmıştır. Son olarak, Zen Budacılığı, Taoculuk ve Buda külliyatından alıntılar yapılarak, Zazen, Tai Chi ve Yoga gibi meditasyon uygulamalarından örneklerle, Hesse'nin Buda ve Asya öğretilerini alımlamasındaki büyüsel atmosfer dağıtılmış, söz konusu pratiklerin asılları, okuyucunun ilgisine sunulmuştur.
Hermann Hesse, after penning the Siddhartha narrative, stated that he tried to capture what transcends all national distinctions and which all individuals can adopt. Especially after the 2th. World War, the author's ideal comes true. The aim of this study is to reveal that Hesse, an orientalist writer, carried out an intellectual colonialism through the historical Buddha and Asian teachings and what mechanisms he was under the influence of while doing this. The theoretical background of the thesis is Kojin Karatani's Origins of Modern Japanese Literature. Karatani analyzed the Westernization process of Japan, through literary works and philosophical theories, during the period known as the Meiji restoration. This process, which was carried out simultaneously in all non-Western countries, has been systematically built to include all of Western literature, philosophy and belief tradition, and has spread to the world by making use of all sources of education, medicine and mass media. In this thesis, it has been argued that orientalism should not be considered independently of concepts such as speciesism, sexism and racism. In this context, the identity of the concept of the State of God and Plato's theory of ideas and the discussion of universals are mentioned. In this thesis, after the analysis of Hesse's Siddhartha narrative, quotations from Turkish, Indian,Chinese, Japanese literary and philosophical texts are given, and information is given about the origins of the traditions. In the first part, the formation process of Hermann Hesse's "Far East" image was examined. In this process, the effects of the author's family, who are Protestant missionaries, and German and other Western researchers on the process were examined. On the other hand, it was emphasized that, Christianity and the Western philosophical system cannot be considered separately from each other. In the third chapter, the concepts of self and individuation and Nietzsche's philosophy, which Hesse frequently emphasizes, are examined when taken to extremes, as in the example of Nazi racism, what kind of destructions they can cause. Siddhartha's influence on the Hippie generation and its relationship with substance abuse were analyzed, and the link between drugs and Western medicine was revealed. The contributions of Jung and psychoanalysis to the process of creating Hesse's works have been investigated. Finally, the magical atmosphere of Hesse's acceptance of Buddha and Asian teachings was dispelled by citing examples from the Zen Buddhism, Taoism and Buddha corpus with meditation practices such as Zazen, Tai Chi and Yoga, and the originals of these practices were presented to the reader's interest.
Teaching Documents by Ejder Atlas Akmaner
Papers by Ejder Atlas Akmaner
Thesis Chapters by Ejder Atlas Akmaner
Hermann Hesse, after penning the Siddhartha narrative, stated that he tried to capture what transcends all national distinctions and which all individuals can adopt. Especially after the 2th. World War, the author's ideal comes true. The aim of this study is to reveal that Hesse, an orientalist writer, carried out an intellectual colonialism through the historical Buddha and Asian teachings and what mechanisms he was under the influence of while doing this. The theoretical background of the thesis is Kojin Karatani's Origins of Modern Japanese Literature. Karatani analyzed the Westernization process of Japan, through literary works and philosophical theories, during the period known as the Meiji restoration. This process, which was carried out simultaneously in all non-Western countries, has been systematically built to include all of Western literature, philosophy and belief tradition, and has spread to the world by making use of all sources of education, medicine and mass media. In this thesis, it has been argued that orientalism should not be considered independently of concepts such as speciesism, sexism and racism. In this context, the identity of the concept of the State of God and Plato's theory of ideas and the discussion of universals are mentioned. In this thesis, after the analysis of Hesse's Siddhartha narrative, quotations from Turkish, Indian,Chinese, Japanese literary and philosophical texts are given, and information is given about the origins of the traditions. In the first part, the formation process of Hermann Hesse's "Far East" image was examined. In this process, the effects of the author's family, who are Protestant missionaries, and German and other Western researchers on the process were examined. On the other hand, it was emphasized that, Christianity and the Western philosophical system cannot be considered separately from each other. In the third chapter, the concepts of self and individuation and Nietzsche's philosophy, which Hesse frequently emphasizes, are examined when taken to extremes, as in the example of Nazi racism, what kind of destructions they can cause. Siddhartha's influence on the Hippie generation and its relationship with substance abuse were analyzed, and the link between drugs and Western medicine was revealed. The contributions of Jung and psychoanalysis to the process of creating Hesse's works have been investigated. Finally, the magical atmosphere of Hesse's acceptance of Buddha and Asian teachings was dispelled by citing examples from the Zen Buddhism, Taoism and Buddha corpus with meditation practices such as Zazen, Tai Chi and Yoga, and the originals of these practices were presented to the reader's interest.
Hermann Hesse, after penning the Siddhartha narrative, stated that he tried to capture what transcends all national distinctions and which all individuals can adopt. Especially after the 2th. World War, the author's ideal comes true. The aim of this study is to reveal that Hesse, an orientalist writer, carried out an intellectual colonialism through the historical Buddha and Asian teachings and what mechanisms he was under the influence of while doing this. The theoretical background of the thesis is Kojin Karatani's Origins of Modern Japanese Literature. Karatani analyzed the Westernization process of Japan, through literary works and philosophical theories, during the period known as the Meiji restoration. This process, which was carried out simultaneously in all non-Western countries, has been systematically built to include all of Western literature, philosophy and belief tradition, and has spread to the world by making use of all sources of education, medicine and mass media. In this thesis, it has been argued that orientalism should not be considered independently of concepts such as speciesism, sexism and racism. In this context, the identity of the concept of the State of God and Plato's theory of ideas and the discussion of universals are mentioned. In this thesis, after the analysis of Hesse's Siddhartha narrative, quotations from Turkish, Indian,Chinese, Japanese literary and philosophical texts are given, and information is given about the origins of the traditions. In the first part, the formation process of Hermann Hesse's "Far East" image was examined. In this process, the effects of the author's family, who are Protestant missionaries, and German and other Western researchers on the process were examined. On the other hand, it was emphasized that, Christianity and the Western philosophical system cannot be considered separately from each other. In the third chapter, the concepts of self and individuation and Nietzsche's philosophy, which Hesse frequently emphasizes, are examined when taken to extremes, as in the example of Nazi racism, what kind of destructions they can cause. Siddhartha's influence on the Hippie generation and its relationship with substance abuse were analyzed, and the link between drugs and Western medicine was revealed. The contributions of Jung and psychoanalysis to the process of creating Hesse's works have been investigated. Finally, the magical atmosphere of Hesse's acceptance of Buddha and Asian teachings was dispelled by citing examples from the Zen Buddhism, Taoism and Buddha corpus with meditation practices such as Zazen, Tai Chi and Yoga, and the originals of these practices were presented to the reader's interest.