Adnan menderes ünİversİtesİ sosyal bilimler enstİtüsü dergisi 1, Apr 27, 2018
Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinde son dönemde terör kavramına ilişkin olarak yaşanan ve Türkiye’nin dış po... more Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinde son dönemde terör kavramına ilişkin olarak yaşanan ve Türkiye’nin dış politika üretme sürecinde sürtünme etkisi yaratan dar ve geniş tanımlama tartışması uluslararası alanda giderilemeyen bir paralaksı taraflar arasında sorunsallaştırmıştır. Gözlemcinin konumundaki değişiklik veya tek eksenli bakışıyla sanal kaymaya uğrayan olgu o görüşle yorumlanarak dayatılmaktadır. Negatif asimetri içinde yaşayan toplulukların (görece güçsüzlerin) tarih boyunca uyguladıkları dolaylı tutum stratejisi terörizm, hibritleşen savaş ortamında güçlülerin başvurduğu başat bir stratejik tutuma dönüşmüştür. Küresel düzeyde ortaya çıkan gelişmeler nihayetsiz Küresel İç Savaş stratejisi olarak adlandırılmaya başlamıştır. Terörizme bakış ve tanımlarda paralaksın ortaya çıkmasında taraflı stratejik duruş kadar taraflı medyanın konuyu çerçevelemesi, hukuki ve akademik kavramsallaştırmadaki soyutlamalar ya da genellemeler önemli yer tutmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Terör ve Terörizm kavramlarının ontolojisi strateji bağlamında tartışılmaktadır.
The Eastern Mediterranean Region has maintained its importance throughout history. Many states wa... more The Eastern Mediterranean Region has maintained its importance throughout history. Many states wanted to control it politically and economically. Namely, this region witnessed many attempts both for economic power struggle and political influence. Particularly due to the fact that the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea were on the way to the British Empire, it attracted the attention of the British Empire, which was the greatest naval power of the 19th century. The maritime routes had changed between Europe and the East Asia especially with the opening of Suez Canal in 1869. As a result, navigation traffic increased dramatically. The increase in shipping naturally raised the problem of the safety of these ships and their crew, and many lighthouses were built on the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea, to solve the problem and streamline navigation traffic. Especially the port cities in the region were immensely affected by these developments and entered into a great socio-economic change/transformation process. In this study, it is aimed to provide explanatory information about navigation traffic and its effects, revenues, and expenditures, and lighthouses erected in the strategic points of the region by using British archive documents.
The Eastern Mediterranean Region has maintained its importance throughout history. Many states wa... more The Eastern Mediterranean Region has maintained its importance throughout history. Many states wanted to control it politically and economically. Namely, this region witnessed many attempts both for economic power struggle and political influence. Particularly due to the fact that the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea were on the way to the British Empire, it attracted the attention of the British Empire, which was the greatest naval power of the 19th century. The maritime routes had changed between Europe and the East Asia especially with the opening of Suez Canal in 1869. As a result, navigation traffic increased dramatically. The increase in shipping naturally raised the problem of the safety of these ships and their crew, and many lighthouses were built on the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea, to solve the problem and streamline navigation traffic. Especially the port cities in the region were immensely affected by these developments and entered into a great socio-economic change/transformation process. In this study, it is aimed to provide explanatory information about navigation traffic and its effects, revenues, and expenditures, and lighthouses erected in the strategic points of the region by using British archive documents.
Siyasi veya askeri stratejik hamlelerin başarı kriterleri siyasi ve askeri liderliğin direktifler... more Siyasi veya askeri stratejik hamlelerin başarı kriterleri siyasi ve askeri liderliğin direktiflerinde yer alır. Planlamacı ve icracılara kılavuz niteliği taşıdığı gibi, kamuoyuna açıklanan bölümleri ile sonucun toplum tarafından değerlendirilmesini de sağlar. Karabağ Savaşı siyasi direktifi, son noktada görmek istenilen resmi, dolayısı ile başarı kriterini net olarak açıklamıştır “işgal edilmiş bölgelerden işgalcilerin kovularak Azerbaycan egemenliğinin yeniden tesis edilmesi”. Askerî harekât direktife göre icra edilmiştir. Harekât, kitaba uygun olarak düşman silahlı kuvvetlerinin savaşma azim ve iradesi yıkılarak bozguna uğratılmış olması yönüyle tam bir zaferdir. Askeri harekatta bilgiyi tam olarak kullanan savaş yönetimi ve fırsatları değerlendirme cesaret ve azmi gösteren siyasi liderlik, 21. yüzyıl mücadele sahasında ben de varım demiştir. Başarı kriterlerinde siyasi direktifin mekânsal içeriği tam gerçekleşmedi ise de bu karar vericilerin tercihidir. Askeri zafer kesin sonuç sağlanmış olmakla beraber siyasi dinamiklere bağlı olarak dönemsel öznelliğe sahiptir. Azerbaycan, askeri zaferin uzun vadede siyasi zafere dönüşmesini engelleyici gayretlerin artacağı “Silahlı Siyaset” dönemine girmiştir. Bu dönemde mücadele öncelikle Bilgi Savaşı, Ağ Savaşları ve Siber Savaşlara yerini bırakacaktır ve kısmen bırakmıştır. Gelecek dönemde Rus birliklerinin kalıcı bir statüye kavuşturulması, Azerbaycan’ın siyasi başarı kriterlerinden geri adım atması ve bölgenin egemenlik kavrayışında farklı noktalara evirilmesi, buna yönelik kamuoyu desteği sağlanması, bu maksada yönelik gayri nizami harp usul ve teknikleri ile bölgede tekrar istikrar sorunu yaratılması ve kamuoyu algılarının Türk varlığı aleyhine etkilenmesi riski ile karşı karşıya kalabilir.
At the dawn of the second millennium, the only words to utter for the rhetoric process stretching... more At the dawn of the second millennium, the only words to utter for the rhetoric process stretching from the dissolution of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) to the "end of history" thesis lie in the wise answer of the then Prime Minister of China, Zhou Enlai, to the question "What do you think about the French Revolution" in 1950: "It's too early to say anything". It is too early to make a consistent prediction on the question of what will happen for the Caucasus (Transcaucasia - Azerbaijan and others) in the perspective of historical development. However, in this part of the book, History and Geopolitics give clues about what and how we can think. From this point of view, Azerbaijan is closely examined. The great “geopolitical disaster” (Putin,2005), (Osborn,2019) experienced at the dawn of the millennium made the romantics and idealists happy and hopeful that the peoples of the Caucasus would have the right to self-determination. Nevertheless, the new utopia of independent democracies, which would flourish in the World peace environment, experienced its first shock with the Chechnya rebellion. In the XX. century, the Eurasian geography witnessed two major collapses. It was revealed in a short time that it would be difficult to expect the emergence of successful states like the Scandinavian countries, which gained their independence following these collapses, in the Asian territories. The emergence of authoritarian regimes, many of which were dependent on and affiliated to Russia, was perhaps considered as a result of the need for a new Russian Empire to prevent the formation of "black holes". Perhaps the absence of the USSR worried the “Military-Industrial Complex”, but “it is still too early to say anything”. However, it is also a fact that the periods of "conjunctural time" have nearly run out. This situation bears a number of predictions that are likely to come true. The desire for independence of the small country of Chechens, which was located in this geography and initially provoked sympathy, changed its nature after a while, leaving its place to terrorist acts. It was then suppressed by state terrorism in which innocent civilians were slaughtered being exposed to brutal violence. As in the Arab Spring demonstrations, radical religious militants, whose sponsors are now known, occupied TV screens, the problems became internationalized, and Eurasia and the Middle East were thrown into a different universe. In the range of hybrid struggles ranging from the plunder of the assets belonging to underdeveloped countries by those holding the financial power in the context of conjunctural history to the geopolitical and biopolitical control struggles of the rival countries stalemated by hegemonic power struggles, too many images are displayed on the political screen consecutively. We take a close look at the futures of Transcaucasia, which is home to the countries exposed to economic, military, ideological and political pressures among the great powers that have got stuck in the hegemonic struggle, and Azerbaijan, which is one of the shining stars of this geography, through a historical and geopolitical perspective.
Mekâni dis politikanin belirleyici unsurlarindan biri olarak ele almak ve cografyadan devlete don... more Mekâni dis politikanin belirleyici unsurlarindan biri olarak ele almak ve cografyadan devlete donuk stratejik bakis ile klasik veya determinist jeopolitik analizler yapmak, insanligin kaderini belirleme gucunu ellerine gecirmeye calisan olumlu tanrilarin ya da nebulozdeki cekirdek kitlenin, soylemsel ve eylemsel “Tasari”larini cozumlemede yetersiz kalmaktadir. Jeopolitik guc mucadelesinde, enerji, ekonomi politik-(jeoekonomi), jeokultur gibi tahakkum ve kontrol alanlarinin yaninda 21. yuzyil baslangicinda biyolojik alani kuresel kontrol mekanizmalarina dâhil edilmistir. Borclandirma ve yoksullastirma yontemleri ile binlerce yilin uretici kitleleri ve medeniyetin lokomotifi olan ciftci aileler bugun aclik sinirinin altinda, gocmen kamplarinda veya sehir varoslarinda yasamaya mahkum edilmektedir. Topraklari ulus-ustu sirketlerce gasp edilmekte, su havzalari ticarilesmektedir. Şehirde yasayan buyuk kitlelerin kulturleri ile uyumlu saglikli gidalara ulasim hakki ellerinden alinirken, in...
Devletlesme ve modernlesme olgularinin farkli disiplinlerin bakis acilari baglaminda degisik beti... more Devletlesme ve modernlesme olgularinin farkli disiplinlerin bakis acilari baglaminda degisik betimlemeleri yapilmaktadir. 2500 yillik Guvenlik ve Strateji calismalari literaturunun de bu konuda soyleyecek bazi seyleri tabii ki vardir. “Bir toplumun ilkel kavga ve catismalardan uygar (dogru) savasa gecisi devletlesmedir”. Yine “ilkellikten modernlige gecisin ana gostergesi subaylari olan ordunun ortaya cikisidir” [1] . Siyasi ve askeri kulturun birlikte evrimlestigi modern surecte geleneksel durtulerden (dini veya haklara iliskin) arinmis, “kendi demokrasilerini kurmak” uzerine yapilan savas “politik/siyasi savas” olarak tanimlanmis ve modern devletleri turetmistir. ABD Stratejik aklinin onemli noronlarindan Rand Corp.’un [2] Nisan 2018 tarihinde yayinlamis oldugu “Modern Siyasi Savas, Guncel Uygulamalar ve Olasi Yanitlar” [3] incelemesinde, politik/siyasi savas” kavramini; “etkilemek, zorlamak, sindirmek, zayiflatmak amaciyla, belirli bir spektrumda politik, enformatik, askeri ve e...
Robert Strausz-Hupe defines the tragic aspect of international power struggle as “To be honest, s... more Robert Strausz-Hupe defines the tragic aspect of international power struggle as “To be honest, small states has neither a geopolitical nor a geostrategic set; small states constitute a part of geopolitics of the greater ones”. In return, the great powers that desire to have impact on the world economy or politics through geographical factors need the meaningful geography and support of these small states. Georgia does not possess necessary means to become an influential actor in its region due to its population, surface area, natural resources, technological and economic power, and it would be challenging for Georgia to maintain its political existence without the support of geopolitical dynamics. “Being needed” comes first among these dynamics. The events that took place in Georgia in 2008 constituted a strategic turning point guiding the Crimea and Ukraine interventions of Russia in the near future. For Russia, it became the strategic “applicability” criterion of its “tough” poli...
Adnan menderes ünİversİtesİ sosyal bilimler enstİtüsü dergisi 1, Apr 27, 2018
Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinde son dönemde terör kavramına ilişkin olarak yaşanan ve Türkiye’nin dış po... more Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinde son dönemde terör kavramına ilişkin olarak yaşanan ve Türkiye’nin dış politika üretme sürecinde sürtünme etkisi yaratan dar ve geniş tanımlama tartışması uluslararası alanda giderilemeyen bir paralaksı taraflar arasında sorunsallaştırmıştır. Gözlemcinin konumundaki değişiklik veya tek eksenli bakışıyla sanal kaymaya uğrayan olgu o görüşle yorumlanarak dayatılmaktadır. Negatif asimetri içinde yaşayan toplulukların (görece güçsüzlerin) tarih boyunca uyguladıkları dolaylı tutum stratejisi terörizm, hibritleşen savaş ortamında güçlülerin başvurduğu başat bir stratejik tutuma dönüşmüştür. Küresel düzeyde ortaya çıkan gelişmeler nihayetsiz Küresel İç Savaş stratejisi olarak adlandırılmaya başlamıştır. Terörizme bakış ve tanımlarda paralaksın ortaya çıkmasında taraflı stratejik duruş kadar taraflı medyanın konuyu çerçevelemesi, hukuki ve akademik kavramsallaştırmadaki soyutlamalar ya da genellemeler önemli yer tutmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Terör ve Terörizm kavramlarının ontolojisi strateji bağlamında tartışılmaktadır.
The Eastern Mediterranean Region has maintained its importance throughout history. Many states wa... more The Eastern Mediterranean Region has maintained its importance throughout history. Many states wanted to control it politically and economically. Namely, this region witnessed many attempts both for economic power struggle and political influence. Particularly due to the fact that the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea were on the way to the British Empire, it attracted the attention of the British Empire, which was the greatest naval power of the 19th century. The maritime routes had changed between Europe and the East Asia especially with the opening of Suez Canal in 1869. As a result, navigation traffic increased dramatically. The increase in shipping naturally raised the problem of the safety of these ships and their crew, and many lighthouses were built on the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea, to solve the problem and streamline navigation traffic. Especially the port cities in the region were immensely affected by these developments and entered into a great socio-economic change/transformation process. In this study, it is aimed to provide explanatory information about navigation traffic and its effects, revenues, and expenditures, and lighthouses erected in the strategic points of the region by using British archive documents.
The Eastern Mediterranean Region has maintained its importance throughout history. Many states wa... more The Eastern Mediterranean Region has maintained its importance throughout history. Many states wanted to control it politically and economically. Namely, this region witnessed many attempts both for economic power struggle and political influence. Particularly due to the fact that the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea were on the way to the British Empire, it attracted the attention of the British Empire, which was the greatest naval power of the 19th century. The maritime routes had changed between Europe and the East Asia especially with the opening of Suez Canal in 1869. As a result, navigation traffic increased dramatically. The increase in shipping naturally raised the problem of the safety of these ships and their crew, and many lighthouses were built on the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea, to solve the problem and streamline navigation traffic. Especially the port cities in the region were immensely affected by these developments and entered into a great socio-economic change/transformation process. In this study, it is aimed to provide explanatory information about navigation traffic and its effects, revenues, and expenditures, and lighthouses erected in the strategic points of the region by using British archive documents.
Siyasi veya askeri stratejik hamlelerin başarı kriterleri siyasi ve askeri liderliğin direktifler... more Siyasi veya askeri stratejik hamlelerin başarı kriterleri siyasi ve askeri liderliğin direktiflerinde yer alır. Planlamacı ve icracılara kılavuz niteliği taşıdığı gibi, kamuoyuna açıklanan bölümleri ile sonucun toplum tarafından değerlendirilmesini de sağlar. Karabağ Savaşı siyasi direktifi, son noktada görmek istenilen resmi, dolayısı ile başarı kriterini net olarak açıklamıştır “işgal edilmiş bölgelerden işgalcilerin kovularak Azerbaycan egemenliğinin yeniden tesis edilmesi”. Askerî harekât direktife göre icra edilmiştir. Harekât, kitaba uygun olarak düşman silahlı kuvvetlerinin savaşma azim ve iradesi yıkılarak bozguna uğratılmış olması yönüyle tam bir zaferdir. Askeri harekatta bilgiyi tam olarak kullanan savaş yönetimi ve fırsatları değerlendirme cesaret ve azmi gösteren siyasi liderlik, 21. yüzyıl mücadele sahasında ben de varım demiştir. Başarı kriterlerinde siyasi direktifin mekânsal içeriği tam gerçekleşmedi ise de bu karar vericilerin tercihidir. Askeri zafer kesin sonuç sağlanmış olmakla beraber siyasi dinamiklere bağlı olarak dönemsel öznelliğe sahiptir. Azerbaycan, askeri zaferin uzun vadede siyasi zafere dönüşmesini engelleyici gayretlerin artacağı “Silahlı Siyaset” dönemine girmiştir. Bu dönemde mücadele öncelikle Bilgi Savaşı, Ağ Savaşları ve Siber Savaşlara yerini bırakacaktır ve kısmen bırakmıştır. Gelecek dönemde Rus birliklerinin kalıcı bir statüye kavuşturulması, Azerbaycan’ın siyasi başarı kriterlerinden geri adım atması ve bölgenin egemenlik kavrayışında farklı noktalara evirilmesi, buna yönelik kamuoyu desteği sağlanması, bu maksada yönelik gayri nizami harp usul ve teknikleri ile bölgede tekrar istikrar sorunu yaratılması ve kamuoyu algılarının Türk varlığı aleyhine etkilenmesi riski ile karşı karşıya kalabilir.
At the dawn of the second millennium, the only words to utter for the rhetoric process stretching... more At the dawn of the second millennium, the only words to utter for the rhetoric process stretching from the dissolution of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) to the "end of history" thesis lie in the wise answer of the then Prime Minister of China, Zhou Enlai, to the question "What do you think about the French Revolution" in 1950: "It's too early to say anything". It is too early to make a consistent prediction on the question of what will happen for the Caucasus (Transcaucasia - Azerbaijan and others) in the perspective of historical development. However, in this part of the book, History and Geopolitics give clues about what and how we can think. From this point of view, Azerbaijan is closely examined. The great “geopolitical disaster” (Putin,2005), (Osborn,2019) experienced at the dawn of the millennium made the romantics and idealists happy and hopeful that the peoples of the Caucasus would have the right to self-determination. Nevertheless, the new utopia of independent democracies, which would flourish in the World peace environment, experienced its first shock with the Chechnya rebellion. In the XX. century, the Eurasian geography witnessed two major collapses. It was revealed in a short time that it would be difficult to expect the emergence of successful states like the Scandinavian countries, which gained their independence following these collapses, in the Asian territories. The emergence of authoritarian regimes, many of which were dependent on and affiliated to Russia, was perhaps considered as a result of the need for a new Russian Empire to prevent the formation of "black holes". Perhaps the absence of the USSR worried the “Military-Industrial Complex”, but “it is still too early to say anything”. However, it is also a fact that the periods of "conjunctural time" have nearly run out. This situation bears a number of predictions that are likely to come true. The desire for independence of the small country of Chechens, which was located in this geography and initially provoked sympathy, changed its nature after a while, leaving its place to terrorist acts. It was then suppressed by state terrorism in which innocent civilians were slaughtered being exposed to brutal violence. As in the Arab Spring demonstrations, radical religious militants, whose sponsors are now known, occupied TV screens, the problems became internationalized, and Eurasia and the Middle East were thrown into a different universe. In the range of hybrid struggles ranging from the plunder of the assets belonging to underdeveloped countries by those holding the financial power in the context of conjunctural history to the geopolitical and biopolitical control struggles of the rival countries stalemated by hegemonic power struggles, too many images are displayed on the political screen consecutively. We take a close look at the futures of Transcaucasia, which is home to the countries exposed to economic, military, ideological and political pressures among the great powers that have got stuck in the hegemonic struggle, and Azerbaijan, which is one of the shining stars of this geography, through a historical and geopolitical perspective.
Mekâni dis politikanin belirleyici unsurlarindan biri olarak ele almak ve cografyadan devlete don... more Mekâni dis politikanin belirleyici unsurlarindan biri olarak ele almak ve cografyadan devlete donuk stratejik bakis ile klasik veya determinist jeopolitik analizler yapmak, insanligin kaderini belirleme gucunu ellerine gecirmeye calisan olumlu tanrilarin ya da nebulozdeki cekirdek kitlenin, soylemsel ve eylemsel “Tasari”larini cozumlemede yetersiz kalmaktadir. Jeopolitik guc mucadelesinde, enerji, ekonomi politik-(jeoekonomi), jeokultur gibi tahakkum ve kontrol alanlarinin yaninda 21. yuzyil baslangicinda biyolojik alani kuresel kontrol mekanizmalarina dâhil edilmistir. Borclandirma ve yoksullastirma yontemleri ile binlerce yilin uretici kitleleri ve medeniyetin lokomotifi olan ciftci aileler bugun aclik sinirinin altinda, gocmen kamplarinda veya sehir varoslarinda yasamaya mahkum edilmektedir. Topraklari ulus-ustu sirketlerce gasp edilmekte, su havzalari ticarilesmektedir. Şehirde yasayan buyuk kitlelerin kulturleri ile uyumlu saglikli gidalara ulasim hakki ellerinden alinirken, in...
Devletlesme ve modernlesme olgularinin farkli disiplinlerin bakis acilari baglaminda degisik beti... more Devletlesme ve modernlesme olgularinin farkli disiplinlerin bakis acilari baglaminda degisik betimlemeleri yapilmaktadir. 2500 yillik Guvenlik ve Strateji calismalari literaturunun de bu konuda soyleyecek bazi seyleri tabii ki vardir. “Bir toplumun ilkel kavga ve catismalardan uygar (dogru) savasa gecisi devletlesmedir”. Yine “ilkellikten modernlige gecisin ana gostergesi subaylari olan ordunun ortaya cikisidir” [1] . Siyasi ve askeri kulturun birlikte evrimlestigi modern surecte geleneksel durtulerden (dini veya haklara iliskin) arinmis, “kendi demokrasilerini kurmak” uzerine yapilan savas “politik/siyasi savas” olarak tanimlanmis ve modern devletleri turetmistir. ABD Stratejik aklinin onemli noronlarindan Rand Corp.’un [2] Nisan 2018 tarihinde yayinlamis oldugu “Modern Siyasi Savas, Guncel Uygulamalar ve Olasi Yanitlar” [3] incelemesinde, politik/siyasi savas” kavramini; “etkilemek, zorlamak, sindirmek, zayiflatmak amaciyla, belirli bir spektrumda politik, enformatik, askeri ve e...
Robert Strausz-Hupe defines the tragic aspect of international power struggle as “To be honest, s... more Robert Strausz-Hupe defines the tragic aspect of international power struggle as “To be honest, small states has neither a geopolitical nor a geostrategic set; small states constitute a part of geopolitics of the greater ones”. In return, the great powers that desire to have impact on the world economy or politics through geographical factors need the meaningful geography and support of these small states. Georgia does not possess necessary means to become an influential actor in its region due to its population, surface area, natural resources, technological and economic power, and it would be challenging for Georgia to maintain its political existence without the support of geopolitical dynamics. “Being needed” comes first among these dynamics. The events that took place in Georgia in 2008 constituted a strategic turning point guiding the Crimea and Ukraine interventions of Russia in the near future. For Russia, it became the strategic “applicability” criterion of its “tough” poli...
Papers by Oğuzhan Ergün