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Cover image for Understanding CPU Cache and Prefetching in Go
Alexey Shevelyov
Alexey Shevelyov

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Understanding CPU Cache and Prefetching in Go

In the high-speed world of modern CPUs, the difference between a program that performs well and one that lags can often come down to how effectively it interacts with the CPU cache. Go, with its simplicity and power, offers developers a unique opportunity to harness this potential, especially when combined with hardware prefetching.

Why Cache Matters
Imagine a sprinter who's lightning fast but has to stop and tie their shoes every few laps. That's akin to a CPU that's constantly waiting on data from main memory. The CPU cache acts as a ready stash of pre-tied shoes, ensuring the sprinter (or CPU) keeps racing ahead without unnecessary stops.

Arrays in Go, due to their continuous memory layout, play a pivotal role in this caching dance. When you access an array element, it's not just that specific element that's whisked into the cache; a chunk of nearby elements comes along for the ride.

Enter the Prefetcher
The prefetcher is like that assistant on the sidelines who notices the sprinter's predictable pattern and gets those shoes ready even before they're needed. If you're looping through an array in Go, the prefetcher catches on quickly. It anticipates future data needs and ensures the cache is primed and ready.

The Concert Line-up (Array vs. Linked List)

Imagine a concert where attendees (data points) stand in a line (array). The security checks each attendee one by one. This is efficient since everyone is in order. Now, imagine a scenario where attendees are scattered throughout the venue in random seats (linked list), and the security has to dart from one place to another to check each person. That's far less efficient, isn't it?

type Attendee struct {
    Name string
    Next *Attendee

func checkInLine(attendees []string) string {
    for _, attendee := range attendees {
        // Check attendee
    return "All checked!"

func checkInSeats(attendee *Attendee) string {
    for attendee != nil {
        // Check attendee
        attendee = attendee.Next
    return "All checked!"
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In this Go example, checking attendees in a line (array) would be quicker than hopping seat to seat (linked list), thanks to caching and prefetching.

The Painter's Palette (Spatial Locality in Structs)

Picture a painter who has colors and brushes on the same palette. When they pick a color, the desired brush is right there, ready to go. This is like accessing data that's close together in memory.

type PaintingTool struct {
    Color string
    Brush string

func paintArtwork(tools []PaintingTool) {
    for _, tool := range tools {
        // Use tool.Color and tool.Brush to paint
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In our Go example, having the color and brush close in memory (in the same struct) is like the painter having everything they need within arm's reach, leading to quicker artwork completion.

Drawing it All Together
The magic of Go isn't just in its syntax or standard library. It's also in understanding how the underlying hardware, like the CPU cache and prefetcher, interacts with your code. By aligning your Go data structures with the natural rhythms of modern hardware, you can craft applications that are not just functional but also blazingly fast.

However, while these optimizations can offer significant speedups, it's essential to remember they're just one tool in a vast toolbox. Don't let the allure of cache-friendly code solely drive your architecting decisions. Instead, see it as an opportunity to better understand the cost and trade-offs of certain patterns. As with all engineering decisions, apply these insights where they make sense and serve your application's broader goals. After all, the best optimizations are those that fit seamlessly within the context of your project, enhancing both its performance and maintainability.

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