Papers by Eda Aslı ŞERAN
Teaching Documents by Eda Aslı ŞERAN
Conference Presentations by Eda Aslı ŞERAN
Gender and Structural Violence, 2019
In this paper, honour killings are not analysed or conceptualized in socio-cultural context. The ... more In this paper, honour killings are not analysed or conceptualized in socio-cultural context. The focus will be on defining the legal politics while combating honour killings, especially in Turkey after the year 2005. Turkey took concrete steps to prevent the honour killings in 2005 while reforming its Penal Code subsequent to the pressure of women rights activists. Unfortunately, legal reform has not affected the social order as much as expected in the favour of women. The focus of this study is Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals’ general approach towards combating of honour killings. First, the gender mainstreaming in Turkish law order is explained. Then, Turkish Penal Code reform and the changes regarding honour killings are defined. Finally, the Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals’ amendments on case laws that are in relation to honour killings are going to be discussed. Feminist methodology is going to be used to analyse the changes in Turkish jurisprudence.
Brezilya Federal Cumhuriyeti’nin, Rio de Janeiro eyaletinde 1992-1996 yılları arasında, şehir mec... more Brezilya Federal Cumhuriyeti’nin, Rio de Janeiro eyaletinde 1992-1996 yılları arasında, şehir meclisi üyesi (vereador), tiyatrocu Augusto Boal, Yasama Tiyatrosu adını verdiği bir sistemle halkın talepleri doğrultusunda on üç yasanın oluşturulmasını aracılık etmiştir. Boal’in politik tiyatro literatürü içerisinde değerlendirilen Ezilenler Tiyatrosu kuramından türetilerek bir çeşit katılımcı demokrasi modeli olarak hayata geçen Yasama Tiyatrosu, reel politika ve sanatın kendi özelliklerini kaybetmeden bir arada bulunabildiği özgün bir örnektir. Bireylerin sosyo-politik problemlerin çözümü konusunda bir tecrübe alanı olarak tiyatronun güvenli zeminini kullandığı bu sistemde, aynı zamanda vatandaş kimliği ile yönetsel konularda yapılan ve yapılacak olan düzenlemelere müdahil olunabilmiştir. Yasama Tiyatrosu, aynı koşullarda yeni deney alanları elde edememiş olsa da halen demokratik katılımı güçlendirici bir araç olarak takipçileri tarafından uygulanmaya devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmada Augusto Boal’in Legislative Theatre kitabında anlatılan Rio de Janeiro süreci aktarılacaktır.
Thesis Chapters by Eda Aslı ŞERAN
Le Théâtre Législatif est apparu entre les années 1992-1996, la période où Augusto Boal travailla... more Le Théâtre Législatif est apparu entre les années 1992-1996, la période où Augusto Boal travaillait comme membre du conseil de la ville (vereador) à l'état de Rio de Janeiro au Brésil. Nous appelons le Théâtre Législatif, l'utilisation de la méthode du théâtre forum dans la création des politiques et la préparation des projets de loi en étant accompagnée des principes de base du Théâtre de l'Opprimé. Le but de ce travail est de pouvoir présenter la méthode du Théâtre Législatif en l'analysant
The Legislative Theatre means the use of the method of the forum theatre with the basic principle... more The Legislative Theatre means the use of the method of the forum theatre with the basic principles of the Theatre of the Oppressed in the production of politics and drafting the resolutions. The aim of this study is to present the Legislative Theatre by dealing with it in the context of law and democratization. The reason to prefer the Legislative Theatre is that as well as many various methods which allow the democratization of the law, public space and public policies, it also has a potential to be evaluated as a new option. The Legislative Theatre emerged between the years of 1992-1996 while Augusto Boal worked as a city councillor (vereador) in the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Born to a Portuguese origin family in the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil on the date of 16 March 1931, Augusto Boal became the founder of a new approach in theatre by comprehensively criticizing the Western theatre tradition during his lifelong activities in politics and theatre. Mainly developed under the influence of Paul Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed, bearing the traces of Karl Marx, Konstantin S. Stanislavski and Bertolt Brecht and
Eda Aslı Şeran
The Legislative Theatre is a method that was experienced when Augusto Boal worked as a city council member in the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil between the years of 1992-1996. Emerged with the use of the forum theatre method in the production of politics and drafting the resolutions in company with the main principles of the Theatre of the Oppressed, this method can be considered as a type of the direct democracy practices. With a perspective of social justice, material equality and liberation, the Legislative Theatre can be regarded as a method that strengthens people’s participation in decision making process for using and distributing resources and determining the public policies. The aim of this study is to present the Legislative Theatre by discussing it in the context of law and democratization. For this, primarily the place of the Legislative Theatre in law is evaluated in the context of Critical Judicial Approaches. Thereafter, it is evaluated how the law mediates the change in the relation between the law and the social change and how the Legislative Theatre method can contribute to the democratization during this change.
Journal Articles by Eda Aslı ŞERAN
Book Reviews by Eda Aslı ŞERAN
Kopuntu: disiplinlerarası çoklu medya, 2017
Kopuntu: disiplinlerarası çoklu medya, 2017
Papers by Eda Aslı ŞERAN
Teaching Documents by Eda Aslı ŞERAN
Conference Presentations by Eda Aslı ŞERAN
Thesis Chapters by Eda Aslı ŞERAN
Eda Aslı Şeran
The Legislative Theatre is a method that was experienced when Augusto Boal worked as a city council member in the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil between the years of 1992-1996. Emerged with the use of the forum theatre method in the production of politics and drafting the resolutions in company with the main principles of the Theatre of the Oppressed, this method can be considered as a type of the direct democracy practices. With a perspective of social justice, material equality and liberation, the Legislative Theatre can be regarded as a method that strengthens people’s participation in decision making process for using and distributing resources and determining the public policies. The aim of this study is to present the Legislative Theatre by discussing it in the context of law and democratization. For this, primarily the place of the Legislative Theatre in law is evaluated in the context of Critical Judicial Approaches. Thereafter, it is evaluated how the law mediates the change in the relation between the law and the social change and how the Legislative Theatre method can contribute to the democratization during this change.
Journal Articles by Eda Aslı ŞERAN
Book Reviews by Eda Aslı ŞERAN
Eda Aslı Şeran
The Legislative Theatre is a method that was experienced when Augusto Boal worked as a city council member in the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil between the years of 1992-1996. Emerged with the use of the forum theatre method in the production of politics and drafting the resolutions in company with the main principles of the Theatre of the Oppressed, this method can be considered as a type of the direct democracy practices. With a perspective of social justice, material equality and liberation, the Legislative Theatre can be regarded as a method that strengthens people’s participation in decision making process for using and distributing resources and determining the public policies. The aim of this study is to present the Legislative Theatre by discussing it in the context of law and democratization. For this, primarily the place of the Legislative Theatre in law is evaluated in the context of Critical Judicial Approaches. Thereafter, it is evaluated how the law mediates the change in the relation between the law and the social change and how the Legislative Theatre method can contribute to the democratization during this change.