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Search IFC Projects

Why Disclose?

Transparency and accountability are key to achieve our development goals.

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What does IFC disclose?
Through IFC's Access to Information Policy (AIP), IFC seeks to provide accurate and timely information to its clients, partners and stakeholders.
Project Information
For each proposed investment or advisory services project, IFC discloses relevant project information, environmental and social implications, and expected development impact. Investments are disclosed prior to consideration by IFC's Board of Directors, and advisory projects are disclosed following project approval.
Early Disclosure
For those projects with potentially significant adverse environmental or social risks, IFC may disclose an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) prepared by the client in an Early Disclosure before IFC has completed its investment review.
Long-Term Commitments by Region
Note: Dollars in millions, for the year ended June 30.
Long-Term Commitments by Industry
Note: Dollars in millions, for the year ended June 30.
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IFC Project Mapping
0 Projects Disclosed Since 1994