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  • Behera C and Kumar P. (2005). An improved algorithm for loop dead optimization. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 40:11. (18-28). Online publication date: 1-Nov-2005.


  • Ramachandran M. (2005). Software reuse guidelines. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. 30:3. (1-8). Online publication date: 1-May-2005.


  • Chiang C. (2005). Implicit heterogeneous and parallel programming. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. 30:3. (1-6). Online publication date: 1-May-2005.


  • Crnkovic I, Reussner R, Schmidt H, Simons K, Stafford J and Wallnau K. (2005). Report of the International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. 30:3. (1-9). Online publication date: 1-May-2005.


  • Ramachandran M. Software reuse guidelines IRI -2005 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, Conf, 2005.. 10.1109/IRI-05.2005.1506485. 0-7803-9093-8. (270-275).


  • Feng J and Sears A. (2004). Using confidence scores to improve hands-free speech based navigation in continuous dictation systems. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 11:4. (329-356). Online publication date: 1-Dec-2004.


  • Budiu M, Venkataramani G, Chelcea T and Goldstein S. (2004). Spatial computation. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 39:11. (14-26). Online publication date: 1-Nov-2004.


  • Hammond L, Carlstrom B, Wong V, Hertzberg B, Chen M, Kozyrakis C and Olukotun K. (2004). Programming with transactional coherence and consistency (TCC). ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 39:11. (1-13). Online publication date: 1-Nov-2004.


  • Carter J and Sandén B. (1998). The Practical Use of Ada 95's Concurrency Features. IEEE Concurrency. 6:4. (47-56). Online publication date: 1-Oct-1998.


  • Adams E, Carswell L, Kumar A, Meyer J, Ellis A, Hall P and Motil J. (1996). Interactive multimedia pedagogies. ACM SIGCUE Outlook. 24:1-3. (182-191). Online publication date: 1-Jan-1996.


  • Naps T. (1996). Algorithm visualization served off the World Wide Web. ACM SIGCUE Outlook. 24:1-3. (66-71). Online publication date: 1-Jan-1996.


  • Mutchler D and Laxer C. (1996). Using multimedia and GUI programming in CS 1. ACM SIGCUE Outlook. 24:1-3. (63-65). Online publication date: 1-Jan-1996.


  • Carter J. (1992). Ada 9X reusable components. ACM SIGAda Ada Letters. XII:2. (91-96). Online publication date: 1-Mar-1992.


  • Dodson D, Grimes R and Lewis J. (1991). Algorithm 692: Model implementation and test package for the Sparse Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 17:2. (264-272). Online publication date: 1-Jun-1991.


  • Favati P, Lotti G and Romani F. (1991). Algorithm 691: Improving QUADPACK automatic integration routines. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 17:2. (218-232). Online publication date: 1-Jun-1991.


  • Dodson D, Grimes R and Lewis J. (1991). Sparse extensions to the FORTRAN Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 17:2. (253-263). Online publication date: 1-Jun-1991.


  • Berntsen J and Espelid T. (1991). Error estimation in automatic quadrature routines. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 17:2. (233-252). Online publication date: 1-Jun-1991.


  • Favati P, Lotti G and Romani F. (1991). Interpolatory integration formulas for optimal composition. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 17:2. (207-217). Online publication date: 1-Jun-1991.


  • Berzins M and Dew P. (1991). Algorithm 690: Chebyshev polynomial software for elliptic-parabolic systems of PDEs. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 17:2. (178-206). Online publication date: 1-Jun-1991.


  • Keast P and Muir P. (1991). Algorithm 688: EPDCOL. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 17:2. (153-166). Online publication date: 1-Jun-1991.


  • Carter J. (1991). Concurrent reusable abstract data types. ACM SIGAda Ada Letters. XI:1. (96-101). Online publication date: 2-Jan-1991.


  • Nutt G. (1976). Tutorial. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review. 5:1. (41-51). Online publication date: 1-Jan-1976.


  • Calcagni J. (1976). Shape in ranking Kiviat graphs. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review. 5:1. (35-37). Online publication date: 1-Jan-1976.


  • Wright L and Burnette W. (1976). An approach to evaluating time sharing systems. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review. 5:1. (8-28). Online publication date: 1-Jan-1976.
