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  • Gennari R, Matera M, Melonio A, Mores M, Morra D and Rizvi M. (2024). A rapid-prototyping toolkit for people with intellectual disabilities. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2024.103347. 192. (103347). Online publication date: 1-Dec-2024.


  • Morra D, Caslini G, Mores M, Garzotto F and Matera M. (2024). MakeNodes: Opening connected-IoT making to people with intellectual disability. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2024.103325. 190. (103325). Online publication date: 1-Oct-2024.


  • Sitbon L, Brereton M and Bircanin F. (2023). Reframing search and recommendation as opportunities for communication for people with intellectual disability. Human–Computer Interaction. 10.1080/07370024.2023.2247394. 39:3-4. (206-224). Online publication date: 3-Jul-2024.


  • Xu K, Yan X, Ryu M, Newman M and Arriaga R. Understanding the Effect of Reflective Iteration on Individuals’ Physical Activity Planning. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (1-17).


  • Sitbon L, Balasuriya S and Percy L. Guiding non-verbal conversation about meal choices with intelligent technologies. Proceedings of the 35th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference. (350-359).


  • Balasuriya S and Sitbon L. Designing gardening applications to engage people with intellectual disability in gardening activities. Proceedings of the 35th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference. (415-422).


  • Woodward K, Kanjo E, Brown D, McGinnity T and Harold G. (2023). In the hands of users with intellectual disabilities: co-designing tangible user interfaces for mental wellbeing. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 27:6. (2171-2191). Online publication date: 1-Dec-2023.


  • Bayor A, Brereton M, Sitbon L and Ploderer B. (2023). ICT use and competencies of school children with intellectual disabilities in low-resource settings: the case of Ghana in sub-Saharan Africa. Universal Access in the Information Society. 10.1007/s10209-023-01059-x.


  • Kubullek A and Dogangün A. Creating Accessibility 2.0 with Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2023. (437-441).


  • Safari M, Wass S and Thygesen E. (2023). Digital technology design activities—A means for promoting the digital inclusion of young adults with intellectual disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. 10.1111/bld.12521. 51:2. (238-249). Online publication date: 1-Jun-2023.


  • Anuyah O, Badillo-Urquiola K and Metoyer R. Characterizing the Technology Needs of Vulnerable Populations for Participation in Research and Design by Adopting Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (1-20).


  • Safari M, Wass S and Thygesen E. (2022). Motivation of people with intellectual disabilities in technology design activities: the role of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Behaviour & Information Technology. 10.1080/0144929X.2021.2015442. 42:1. (89-107). Online publication date: 2-Jan-2023.


  • Bello K, Maladzhi R, Kanakana-Katumba M and Bolaji B. (2022). Disruptive Technologies in Engineering Education: A Case Study 2022 IEEE IFEES World Engineering Education Forum - Global Engineering Deans Council (WEEF-GEDC). 10.1109/WEEF-GEDC54384.2022.9996220. 978-1-6654-7528-0. (1-4).


  • Coles-Kemp L, Robinson N and Heath C. (2022). Protecting The Vulnerable. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction. 6:CSCW2. (1-26). Online publication date: 7-Nov-2022.


  • Soares Guedes L, Gibson R, Ellis K, Sitbon L and Landoni M. Designing with and for People with Intellectual Disabilities. Proceedings of the 24th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. (1-6).


  • Marimuthu R, Gupta S, Stapleton L, Duncan D and Pasik-Duncan B. (2022). Challenging the Digital Divide: Factors Affecting the Availability, Adoption, and Acceptance of Future Technology in Elderly User Communities. Computer. 55:7. (56-66). Online publication date: 1-Jul-2022.


  • Garcia J and Brock A. CandyFly: Bringing fun to drone pilots with disabilities through adapted and adaptable interactions. Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (1-13).


  • Chaparro J, Rubio Ruiz A, Navarro R, Romero M, Garcia X, Molina F and Lopez J. CONTACTO: A Social Networking Site for Supported-Employment Interventions for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. IEEE Access. 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3206008. 10. (96459-96475).


  • Lancioni G, Singh N, O'Reilly M, Sigafoos J, Alberti G, Chiariello V, Campodonico F and Desideri L. (2021). Technology-Aided Spatial Cues, Instructions, and Preferred Stimulation for Supporting People With Intellectual and Visual Disabilities in Their Occupational Engagement and Mobility: Usability Study. JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies. 10.2196/33481. 8:4. (e33481).
