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- articleJanuary 2014
Quantum algorithms for one-dimensional infrastructures
Infrastructures are group-like objects that make their appearance in arithmetic geometry in the study of computational problems related to number fields and function fields over finite fields. The most prominent computational tasks of infrastructures ...
- articleMay 2010
Efficient circuits for quantum walks
We present an efficient general method for realizing a quantum walk operator corre-sponding to an arbitrary sparse classical random walk. Our approach is based on Groverand Rudolph's method for preparing coherent versions of efficiently integrable ...
- articleMarch 2010
A promiseBQP-complete string rewriting problem
We consider the following combinatorial problem. We are given three strings s, t, and t'of length L over some fixed finite alphabet and an integer m that is polylogarithmic inL. We have a symmetric relation on substrings of constant length that ...
- articleNovember 2009
Fast amplification of QMA
Quantum Information & Computation (QIC), Volume 9, Issue 11Pages 1053–1068Given a verifier circuit for a problem in QMA, we show how to exponentially amplifythe gap between its acceptance probabilities in the 'yes' and 'no' cases, with a methodthat is quadratically faster than the procedure given by Marriott and Watrous [1]. ...
- articleMarch 2009
Estimating Jones and Homfly polynomials with one clean qubit
The Jones and HOMFLY polynomials are link invariants with close connections to quan-tum computing. It was recently shown that finding a certain approximation to the Jonespolynomial of the trace closure of a braid at the fifth root of unity is a complete ...
- articleMarch 2009
Efficient quantum algorithm for identifying hidden polynomials
We consider a natural generalization of an abelian Hidden Subgroup Problem where thesubgroups and their cosets correspond to graphs of linear functions over a finite field Fwith d elements. The hidden functions of the generalized problem are not ...
- articleSeptember 2008
Measuring 4-local qubit observables could probabilistically solve PSPACE
We consider a hypothetical apparatus that implements measurements for arbitrary 4- local quantum observables A on n qubits. The apparatus implements the "measurement algorithm" after receiving a classical description of A. We show that a few precise ...
- articleJanuary 2008
The Jones polynomial: quantum algorithms and applications in quantum complexity theory
We analyze relationships between quantum computation and a family of generalizations of the Jones polynomial. Extending recent work by Aharonov et al., we give efficient quantum circuits for implementing the unitary Jones-Wenzl representations of the ...
- articleJuly 2007
On the quantum hardness of solving isomorphism problems as nonabelian hidden shift problems
We consider an approach to deciding isomorphism of rigid n-vertex graphs (and related isomorphism problems) by solving a nonabelian hidden shift problem on a quantum computer using the standard method. Such an approach is arguably more natural than ...
- articleMay 2007
Mutually unbiased bases and orthogonal decompositions of Lie algebras
We establish a connection between the problem of constructing maximal collections of mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) and an open problem in the theory of Lie algebras. More precisely, we show that a collection of µ MUBs in n gives rise to a collection of ...
- articleMay 2006
On independent permutation separability criteria
Recently, P. Wocjan and M. Horodecki [Open Syst. Inf. Dyn. 12, 331 (2005)] gave a characterizationof combinatorially independent permutation separability criteria. Combinatorialindependence is a necessary condition for permutations to yield truly ...
- articleMarch 2005
New construction of mutually unbiased bases in square dimensions
We show that k = w + 2 mutually unbiased bases can be constructed in any square dimension d = s2 provided that there are w mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order s. The construction combines the design-theoretic objects (s, k)-nets (which can be ...
- articleNovember 2003
Two QCMA-complete problems
QMA and QCMA are possible quantum analogues of the complexity class NP. In QMA the proof is a quantum state and the verification is a quantum circuit. In contrast, in QCMA the proof is restricted to be a classical state. It is not known whether QMA ...
- articleFebruary 2002
Universal simulation of Hamiltonians using a finite set of control operations
Any quantum system with a non-trivial Hamiltonian is able to simulate any other Hamiltonian evolution provided that a sufficiently large group of unitary control operations is available. We show that there exist finite groups with this property and ...
- articleFebruary 2002
Simulating arbitrary pair-interactions by a given Hamiltonian: graph-theoretical bounds on the time-complexity
We consider a quantum computer consisting of n spins with an arbitrary but fixed pair-interaction Hamiltonian and describe how to simulate other pair-interactions by interspersing the natural time evolution with fast local transformations. Calculating ...