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C2-Eye: framework for detecting command and control (C2) connection of supply chain attacks

Published: 29 April 2024 Publication History


Supply chain attacks are potent cyber attacks for widespread ramifications by compromising supply chains. Supply chain attacks are difficult to detect as the malware is installed through trustworthy supply chains, missing signs of infection and making deployed security controls ineffective. Recent increases in supply chain attacks warrant a Zero-trust model and innovative solutions for detecting supply chain attacks. Supply chain malware need to establish a Command and Control (C2) connection as a communication link with the attacker to proceed on the privileged pathway. Discovery of the C2 channel between the attacker and supply chain malware can lead to detection of the attack. The most promising technique for detecting supply chain attacks is monitoring host-based indicators and correlating these with associated network activity for early discovery of C2 connection. Proposed framework has introduced a novel approach of detecting C2 over DNS by incorporating host-based activity with corresponding network activity coupled with threat intelligence. C2-Eye integrates process-specific host-based features, correlated network activity, DNS metadata, DNS semantic analysis, and real time threat intelligence from publicly available resources for detecting C2 of supply chain attacks. Besides, C2-Eye monitors the exploitation of C2 channel for probable data exfiltration. C2-Eye has introduced a distinctive featureset with 22 novel features specific to supply chain attack, enabling detection of the attack with F1-score of 98.70%.


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Published In

cover image International Journal of Information Security
International Journal of Information Security  Volume 23, Issue 4
Aug 2024
607 pages



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 29 April 2024

Author Tags

  1. APT
  2. Command and Control (C2)
  3. DNS
  4. Random Forest Classifier
  6. Supply Chain Attack


  • Research-article


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