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AI on the edge: a comprehensive review

Published: 01 December 2022 Publication History


With the advent of the Internet of Everything, the proliferation of data has put a huge burden on data centers and network bandwidth. To ease the pressure on data centers, edge computing, a new computing paradigm, is gradually gaining attention. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence services based on deep learning are also thriving. However, such intelligent services are usually deployed in data centers, which cause high latency. The combination of edge computing and artificial intelligence provides an effective solution to this problem. This new intelligence paradigm is called edge intelligence. In this paper, we focus on edge training and edge inference, the prior training models using local data at the resource-constrained edge devices. The latter deploying models at the edge devices through model compression and inference acceleration. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of existing architectures, technologies, frameworks and implementations in these two areas, and discusses existing challenges, possible solutions and future directions. We believe that this survey will make more researchers aware of edge intelligence.


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            cover image Artificial Intelligence Review
            Artificial Intelligence Review  Volume 55, Issue 8
            Dec 2022
            783 pages


            Kluwer Academic Publishers

            United States

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            Published: 01 December 2022

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            1. Edge computing
            2. Deep learning
            3. Edge intelligence
            4. Artificial intelligence
            5. Edge devices


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