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On the features and challenges of security and privacy in distributed internet of things

Published: 01 July 2013 Publication History


In the Internet of Things, services can be provisioned using centralized architectures, where central entities acquire, process, and provide information. Alternatively, distributed architectures, where entities at the edge of the network exchange information and collaborate with each other in a dynamic way, can also be used. In order to understand the applicability and viability of this distributed approach, it is necessary to know its advantages and disadvantages - not only in terms of features but also in terms of security and privacy challenges. The purpose of this paper is to show that the distributed approach has various challenges that need to be solved, but also various interesting properties and strengths.


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      Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.

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      Published: 01 July 2013

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      1. Distributed Architectures
      2. Internet of Things
      3. Security


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