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Language models are an effective representation learning technique for electronic health record data

Published: 01 January 2021 Publication History


Widespread adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) has fueled the development of using machine learning to build prediction models for various clinical outcomes. However, this process is often constrained by having a relatively small number of patient records for training the model. We demonstrate that using patient representation schemes inspired from techniques in natural language processing can increase the accuracy of clinical prediction models by transferring information learned from the entire patient population to the task of training a specific model, where only a subset of the population is relevant. Such patient representation schemes enable a 3.5% mean improvement in AUROC on five prediction tasks compared to standard baselines, with the average improvement rising to 19% when only a small number of patient records are available for training the clinical prediction model.

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Electronic health records are often used to predict clinical outcomes.
One primary limiting factor for obtaining high quality predictions is limited data.
We demonstrate a representation learning technique that works around this limitation.
Models trained on these representations offer superior performance in many settings.


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          Published In

          cover image Journal of Biomedical Informatics
          Journal of Biomedical Informatics  Volume 113, Issue C
          Jan 2021
          364 pages


          Elsevier Science

          San Diego, CA, United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 January 2021

          Author Tags

          1. Electronic health record
          2. Representation learning
          3. Transfer learning
          4. Risk stratification
          5. Machine learning


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