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A Fast Simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP Network

Published: 01 June 2003 Publication History


We present an algorithmic variant of the simplified fuzzy ARTMAP (SFAM) network, whose structure resembles those of feed-forward networks. Its difference with Kasuba's model is discussed, and their performances are compared on two benchmarks. We show that our algorithm is much faster than Kasuba's algorithm, and by increasing the number of training samples, the difference in speed grows enormously.
The performances of the SFAM and the MLP (multilayer perceptron) are compared on three problems: the two benchmarks, and the Farsi optical character recognition (OCR) problem. For training the MLP two different variants of the backpropagation algorithm are used: the BPLRF algorithm (backpropagation with plummeting learning rate factor) for the benchmarks, and the BST algorithm (backpropagation with selective training) for the Farsi OCR problem.
The results obtained on all of the three case studies with the MLP and the SFAM, embedded in their customized systems, show that the SFAM's convergence in fast-training mode, is faster than that of MLP, and online operation of the MLP is faster than that of the SFAM. On the benchmark problems the MLP has much better recognition rate than the SFAM. On the Farsi OCR problem, the recognition error of the SFAM is higher than that of the MLP on ill-engineered datasets, but equal on well-engineered ones. The flexible configuration of the SFAM, i.e. its capability to increase the size of the network in order to learn new patterns, as well as its simple parameter adjustment, remain unchallenged by the MLP.


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Ramaswamy Palaniappan

The authors of this paper present a modification to the simplified fuzzy ARTMAP (SFAM) neural network (NN) proposed by Kasuba. The modified SFAM algorithm is faster to train, and gives improved recognition accuracy over Kasuba's SFAM for two benchmarks and a Farsi optical character recognition (OCR) problem. The main innovation lies in using the activity level of uncommitted neurons as a training parameter. The reduction in recognition error rate is the important contribution of the modified SFAM, while the slight improvements in training time may not be a significant advantage, especially with the current improvements in computer processing power, and when used on an average dataset size. The authors have also compared the performances of their modified SFAM with multilayer perceptron (MLP), trained using two different algorithms, on these three datasets. MLP gives better recognition accuracy, and performs faster during testing, but takes more time to train, which is not a problem when considering offline classifications. The modified SFAM, like its predecessors, SFAM and fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM), is still capable of incremental learning and flexible network configuration, unlike MLP. The shortcomings of some comparative studies using MLP and FAM are also discussed. The discussion is useful, and most of the points are worthy of consideration. It should be noted, however, by the general reader that some points should not be taken at face value; some of the mentioned comparative studies used NNs for tasks other than classification applications, like function approximation. In general, the paper is well written, and the informal approach makes it easier to follow than the original FAM or SFAM papers. Anyone interested in using the FAM family of classifiers should definitely read this paper. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Published In

cover image Neural Processing Letters
Neural Processing Letters  Volume 17, Issue 3
June 2003
99 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 June 2003

Author Tags

  1. Farsi optical character recognition
  2. backpropagation with plummeting learning rate factor
  3. backpropagation with selective training
  4. comparative study
  5. multilayer perceptron
  6. neural networks
  7. simplified fuzzy ARTMAP


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