The ownership and control of online photos and game data: Patterns, trends, and keeping pace with evolving circumstances
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- The ownership and control of online photos and game data: Patterns, trends, and keeping pace with evolving circumstances
Tagged photos: concerns, perceptions, and protections
CHI EA '09: CHI '09 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing SystemsPhoto sharing has become a popular feature of many online social networking sites. Many of the photo sharing applications on these sites, allow users to annotate photos with those who are in them. A number of researchers have examined the social uses ...
Automatic Privacy Classification of Personal Photos
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2015AbstractTagging photos with privacy-related labels, such as “myself”, “friends” or “public”, allows users to selectively display pictures appropriate in the current situation (e.g. on the bus) or for specific groups (e.g. in a social network). However, ...
The ownership and reuse of visual media
JCDL '11: Proceedings of the 11th annual international ACM/IEEE joint conference on Digital librariesThis paper presents the results of a study of the ownership and reuse of visual media. A survey was administered to 250 social media-savvy respondents to investigate their attitudes about saving, sharing, publishing, and removing online photos; the ...
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- IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries (TC DL)
IEEE Press
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