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Efficient Density-peaks Clustering Algorithms on Static and Dynamic Data in Euclidean Space

Published: 10 August 2023 Publication History


Clustering multi-dimensional points is a fundamental task in many fields, and density-based clustering supports many applications because it can discover clusters of arbitrary shapes. This article addresses the problem of Density-Peaks Clustering (DPC) in Euclidean space. DPC already has many applications, but its straightforward implementation incurs O(n2) time, where n is the number of points, thereby does not scale to large datasets. To enable DPC on large datasets, we first propose empirically efficient exact DPC algorithm, Ex-DPC. Although this algorithm is much faster than the straightforward implementation, it still suffers from O(n2) time theoretically. We hence propose a new exact algorithm, Ex-DPC++, that runs in o(n2) time. We accelerate their efficiencies by leveraging multi-threading. Moreover, real-world datasets may have arbitrary updates (point insertions and deletions). It is hence important to support efficient cluster updates. To this end, we propose D-DPC for fully dynamic DPC. We conduct extensive experiments using real datasets, and our experimental results demonstrate that our algorithms are efficient and scalable.

1 Introduction

Given a set \(P\) of \(n\) points in a \(d\) -dimensional space, clustering them aims at dividing \(P\) into some subsets, i.e., clusters. This multi-dimensional point clustering is a fundamental task for many data mining applications. Density-based clustering particularly supports them well, because it (i) can discover clusters of arbitrary shapes and (ii) does not need the number of clusters as an (initial) input.
This article considers Density-Peaks Clustering (DPC) [38]. DPC computes, for each point \(p_{i} \in P\) ,
local density \(\rho _{i}\) : the number of points \(p_{j}\) inside a specified region centered at \(p_{i}\) and
\(\delta _{i}\) : the distance from \(p_{i}\) to its nearest neighbor point in \(P\) with higher local density than \(\rho _{i}\) . (This point is denoted by \(q_{i}\) .)
Then DPC identifies
noise: points with less local density than \(\rho _{min}\) , and
cluster centers: each cluster center \(p\) is not a noise and has \(\delta \ge \delta _{min}\) . (Each cluster center should have a comparatively long distance to its nearest neighbor with higher local density than its one, because its local density is peak at its area.)
After that, each of the remaining points is assigned to the same cluster as its \(q\) .
Example 1.
Figure 1(a) illustrates a set of 2-dimensional points (best viewed in color). In Figure 1(a), each dashed rectangle is a region for computing local density. For example, \(\rho _{2} = 4\) , \(\rho _{3} = 5\) , and \(\rho _{4} = 7\) . Although the nearest neighbor of \(p_{3}\) is \(p_{2}\) , we have \(\rho _{2} \lt \rho _{3}\) , and \(q_{3}\) (the nearest neighbor of \(p_{3}\) with higher local density than \(\rho _{3}\) ) is \(p_{4}\) . Therefore, \(\delta _{3}\) is the distance between \(p_{3}\) and \(p_{4}\) . When \(\rho _{min} = 3\) , \(p_{1}\) , \(p_{6}\) , \(p_{7}\) , and \(p_{9}\) are regarded as noise. Furthermore, the three red points (i.e., \(p_{5}\) , \(p_{8}\) , and \(p_{10}\) ) are cluster centers, because \(\delta _{5}\) , \(\delta _{8}\) , and \(\delta _{10}\) are much larger than the others.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Illustration of Examples 1 and 2.
In addition to the inherent advantages of density-based clustering mentioned before, DPC has two advantages. One of them is that, even if users are not domain experts, they can intuitively select cluster centers and noise from a decision graph, which visualizes \(\langle \rho ,\delta \rangle\) into a 2-dimensional space.
Example 2.
Figure 1(b) illustrates the decision graph obtained from a set of points in Figure 1(a). Removing noise is an easy task, as we can specify \(\rho _{min}\) so points with small local density are ignored. We see that three points have much larger \(\delta\) than the others, suggesting that these points are density-peaks. (The point set in Figure 1(a) clearly has three clusters, so having three density-peaks certainly follows this observation.) Therefore, we can select these points as cluster centers.
Another advantage is that it can divide a dense space into sub-spaces if the space has density-peaks. However, the famous density-based clustering DBSCAN [19] cannot deal with this case well if each cluster has large differences in densities [33].
Example 3.
Figure 2 compares the clustering results of DPC (Figure 2(a)) and DBSCAN1 (Figure 2(b)) on a synthetic dataset [2]. At a glance, DBSCAN functions well, but this dataset has more than eight clusters, i.e., DBSCAN merges some clusters that have independent density-peaks, whereas DPC does not.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Difference of the clustering results between DPC and DBSCAN. Each cluster is formed by points with the same color.
This example shows that DPC is robust to clusters having different density distributions. In addition, even if some clusters exist near each other, they are clearly partitioned.

1.1 Motivation

Real-life applications generate datasets with arbitrary shaped clusters that may not be clearly separated [18] (e.g., they may have points existing between close clusters), and DPC deals with them well even if they have such clusters. In addition to this, DPC supports easy selection of cluster centers and noise (see Example 2). DPC, therefore, has been already employed in many fields (e.g., market analysis [14], neuroscience [35], document summarization [51], graphics [30], and computer vision [43]) and data (e.g., entomology, cardiology, and biological audio processing [40]). This fact demonstrates the importance of DPC.
DPC is obviously an important data mining, database, and data science operation for the above applications, and they need to deal with large datasets. This fact requires an efficient DPC algorithm. The main concern of DPC is scalablity to large datasets, because its straightforward implementation incurs \(O(n^2)\) time. To alleviate this issue, existing works [8, 34, 37] devised pruning techniques. CFSFDP-A [8] employs the triangle inequality to reduce the distance computations of \(\rho\) and \(q\) . However, it can fail to prune any points, incurring brute-force accesses in the worst case. FDDP [34] proposes a pruning technique based on space-filling curve to reduce the search space for computing \(\rho\) and \(q\) . Our empirical results (e.g., Table 6) show that this approach still incurs many unnecessary point accesses. IB-DPC [37] employs a tree-based index to prune unnecessary sub-trees effectively, but it is a heuristic approach having the same drawback as CFSFDP-A. It can be seen that these existing algorithms improve only practical running time, and they do not solve the \(O(n^2)\) time issue.
Table 1.
Scan \(O(n^2)\) \(O(n)\) [38]
CFSFDP-A \({\rm \Omega }(n^2)\) \(O(n)\) [8]
FDDP \(O(n^2)\) \(O(n^2)\) [34]
IB-DPC \(O(n^2)\) \(O(n)\) [37]
Ex-DPC \(O(n^2)\) \(O(n)\) This article
Ex-DPC++ \(o(n^2)\) \(O(n)\) This article
Table 1. Time and Space Complexities of Each Exact Algorithm for Static Data (a Single Thread Case)
Table 2.
\(p\) Point
\(P\) Point set
\(n\) Number of points (i.e., \(|P|\) )
\(d\) Dimensionality of points
\(dist(p,p^{\prime })\) Distance between \(p\) and \(p^{\prime }\)
\(\rho\) Local density of \(p\)
\(q\) Nearest neighbor of \(p\) with higher local density than \(\rho\)
\(\delta\) \(dist(p,q)\)
\(\mathcal {K}\) A \(k\) d-tree
\(\mathcal {C}\) A cover-tree
Table 2. Summary of Notation
Table 3.
Table 3. ARI of Each Algorithm
Bold shows the winner.
Table 4.
Dataset \(n\) \(d\) Domain
Airline5,810,4623 \([0,10^6]\)
Household2,049,2804 \([0,10^5]\)
Sensor928,9918 \([0,10^5]\)
T-Drive [48]15,503,5232 \([0,10^5]\)
Table 4. Statistics of Datasets
Table 5.
 Ex-DPC++Ex-DPC++ w/o optimization
T-Drive73.93 \(\gt\) 1800
Table 5. Ex-DPC++ vs. Ex-DPC++ w/o Optimization w.r.t. Time [Sec]
Table 6.
Algorithm \(\rho\) comp. \(\delta\) comp. \(\rho\) comp. \(\delta\) comp. \(\rho\) comp. \(\delta\) comp. \(\rho\) comp. \(\delta\) comp.
Table 6. Decomposed Time [Sec] on Airline, Household, Sensor, and T-Drive (Parameters Are Default Ones)
Furthermore, supporting cluster updates is also important, because real-world datasets are subjective to updates, e.g., insertions of new data and removal of (nearly) duplicated data [15, 22]. Some works [25, 40] considered dynamic DPC and reported the effectiveness of DPC on dynamic data. However, they do not consider deletions [25] or do not consider efficiency [40]. DPC on fully dynamic data is also worth being addressed to cover applications that need to deal with both point insertions and deletions.

1.2 Contribution

Motivated by the above facts, for both static and dynamic data, we devise efficient DPC algorithms with parallelizability that are optimized for Euclidean space. We consider Euclidean space due to the fact that it is one of the most commonly used distance functions. We summarize, in Table 1, the worst time/space complexities of existing and our algorithms for static data. Our main contributions are as follows:
We first propose Ex-DPC, an exact algorithm for static data that exploits a \(k\) d-tree [9]. Although its worst time is still \(O(n^2)\) , it employs efficient pruning approaches to the computations of \(p\) and \(q\) , so the number of distance computations to obtain them for a point is much less than \(n\) in practice.
We propose Ex-DPC++, an improved version of Ex-DPC. Different from the existing algorithms [8, 34, 37] (and Ex-DPC), Ex-DPC++ uses two types of tree indices (i.e., \(k\) d-tree and cover-tree) to exploit their theoretical search time bound. In addition, Ex-DPC++ incorporates a dataset partitioning technique based on local density. These approaches derive the main advantage of Ex-DPC++: It runs in time sub-quadratic to \(n\) (i.e., \(o(n^2)\) time). This is a novel result (recall Table 1, i.e., this is the first algorithm that reduces the time complexity of exact DPC (under the Euclidean space constraint).
To efficiently support cluster updates in the fully dynamic data model, we find when we need to update \(q\) of a given point and the search space if we need to update it. This has not been investigated so far. Given a single update, we show that \(O(\rho _{avg}n)\) amortized time is required to update \(q\) of each point, where \(\rho _{avg}\) is the average local density. Our algorithm, D-DPC, exploits this theoretical finding to minimize the update cost. An empirically and theoretically efficient exact DPC algorithm on dynamic data has not been known, and DPC is the first algorithm that achieves this.
Our experiments on real datasets show that (i) Ex-DPC++ is the fastest among all evaluated algorithms in all tests, and (iii) D-DPC significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art dynamic DPC algorithms.
Comparison with our conference version. This article is an extended version of our conference paper [2]. Sections 5, 6, and 7 are new contents.
Although Reference [2] introduces that Ex-DPC runs in \(o(n^2)\) time, it holds under some assumptions [3]. Unfortunately, these assumptions do not necessarily hold, so this article removes them. Section 5 shows that our new algorithm, Ex-DPC++, yields \(o(n^2)\) time without any assumptions, which has not been achieved in the existing works.2 Note that this article focuses on exact algorithms and omits the approximation algorithm in Reference [2] (for conciseness), because (i) Ex-DPC++ is faster than it, and (ii) the approximation algorithm needs \(O(n^2)\) time in the worst case. (To our knowledge, no \(o(n^2)\) time approximation algorithms with error guarantee are known so far.)
Moreover, Reference [2] did not consider fully dynamic data, whereas this article shows how to efficiently deal with data updates in Section 6.
Section 7 also provides new results: (i) We compare DPC with state-of-the-art density-based clustering w.r.t. clustering effectiveness (Section 7.1), and (ii) we show the empirical efficiencies of Ex-DPC++ and D-DPC (Sections 7.2 and 7.3).

1.3 Organization

The rest of this article is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces preliminary information, and we review related work in Section 3. Sections 4 and 5 present Ex-DPC and Ex-DPC++, respectively. We propose our dynamic algorithm D-DPC in Section 6. Section 7 reports our experimental results, and Section 8 concludes this article.

2 Preliminary

2.1 Problem Definition

Let \(P\) be a set of \(n\) points in a \(d\) -dimensional space \(\mathbb {R}^d\) . We assume that \(d\) is small (e.g., \(d \lt 10\) ), as with related works, e.g., References [21, 22, 39]. This is natural for density-based clustering, because density suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Section 5 assumes that \(P\) is static, whereas Section 6 assumes that \(P\) is fully dynamic, i.e., \(P\) can have point insertions and deletions.
Density-Peaks Clustering (DPC) aims at dividing \(P\) into some subsets based on density-peaks. To this end, DPC requires two important metrics, local density \(\rho\) and distance to nearest neighbor with higher local density \(\delta\) for each \(p \in P\) . (Recall that Example 1 introduces their example.)
Definition 1 (Local Density).
Let \(R_{i} \subseteq P\) be a set of points inside the axis-aligned rectangle centered at \(p_{i} \in P\) , where each side length is \(d_{cut}\) .3 The local density \(\rho _{i}\) of \(p_{i}\) is \(|R_{i}|\) .
Definition 2 (qi)
Given a point \(p_{i} \in P\) , \(q_{i}\) satisfies:
\begin{equation} q_{i} = \mathop {\rm arg\,min}\limits _{p_{j} \in P: \rho _{i} \lt \rho _{j}} dist(p_{i},p_{j}), \end{equation}
where \(dist(p_{i},p_{j})\) is the Euclidean distance between \(p_{i}\) and \(p_{j}\) .
Definition 3 (δi)
Given a point \(p_{i}\) , \(\delta _{i} = dist(p_{i},q_{i})\) .
Assume that \(p_{j}\) has the highest local density in \(P\) , then it is trivial that \(p_{j}\) cannot have \(q_{j}\) . We hence set \(\delta _{j} = \infty\) . Next, we define noise and cluster center:
Definition 4 (Noise).
If a point \(p_{i} \in P\) has \(\rho _{i} \lt \rho _{min}\) , then \(p_{i}\) is a noise.
Definition 5 (Cluster Center).
If a non-noise point \(p_{i} \in P\) has \(\delta _{i} \ge \delta _{min}\) , where \(\delta _{min}\) is a user-specified threshold, then \(p_{i}\) is a cluster center.
We can specify \(\rho _{min}\) and \(\delta _{min}\) at the same time when \(d_{cut}\) is specified or after a decision graph is viewed. Note that \(\rho _{min}\) is specified to remove points with (very) small local densities (e.g., \(\rho _{min} = 10\) ) like DBSCAN (the noise concept follows distance-based outliers [5, 6]). Moreover, \(\delta _{min}\) is specified so each point \(p_{i}\) with much longer \(\delta _{i}\) than the other points (like the ones in Figure 1(b)) is selected as a cluster center.
Once a cluster center, say, \(p_{i}\) , is identified, we set \(q_{i} = p_{i}\) . There are points \(p_{j}\) such that \(q_{j} = p_{i}\) . Also, there are points \(p_{k}\) such that \(q_{k} = p_{j}\) . We hence say that \(p_{k}\) (and also \(p_{i}\) and \(p_{j}\) ) is (are) reachable from the cluster center \(p_{i}\) . Based on this, we define:
Definition 6 (Cluster).
Given \(P\) , a cluster \(C\) , whose cluster center is \(p_{i}\) , is a non-empty subset of \(P\) such that non-noise points \(p \in C\) are reachable from \(p_{i}\) .
Each point \(p \in P\) has a single \(q\) , so \(p\) belongs to a single cluster and DPC provides a unique set of clusters. Table 2 summarized the notations frequently used in this article.
This article assumes a single machine with a multicore CPU (or with multicore CPUs). The other parallel computation environments are not the scope of this article. The objective of this article is to devise practically and theoretically fast DPC algorithms that return clusters exactly following Definition 6 and are easily parallelizable, e.g., their practical running time can be reduced without operations incurring delays, such as atomic and sync. Table 1 shows that the existing works suffer from \(O(n^2)\) time. As a first attempt, we propose a practically fast algorithm in Section 4. Because this algorithm also needs \(O(n^2)\) time in the worst case, we overcome this issue in Section 5 and achieve \(o(n^2)\) time.

2.2 Tree-based Indices

We here introduce two tree-based indices, \(k\) d-tree [9] and cover-tree [10], because we use them in our algorithms. This section introduces their theoretical time complexities for building, range search, and nearest neighbor search.

2.2.1 kd-Tree.

This is a multi-dimensional binary-tree structure that needs \(O(n)\) space and enables efficient range search in Euclidean space. This index can be built in \(O(n\log n)\) time [9], and a point insertion into (deletion from) a balanced \(k\) d-tree needs \(O(\log n)\) time. Consider an orthogonal (or a rectangular) range reporting query that outputs all points in the axis-aligned query rectangle. This query is efficiently processed on a \(k\) d-tree, and its time complexity is \(O(n^{1-\frac{1}{d}}+{\rm OUT})\) under \(d\) -dimensional Euclidean space, where OUT is the number of reported points. Also, \(k\) d-tree runs a range counting query, which outputs the number of points in the query rectangle, in \(O(n^{1-\frac{1}{d}})\) time. Unfortunately, a \(k\) d-tree needs \(O(n)\) time for a nearest neighbor search in the worst case.

2.2.2 Cover-tree.

This data structure is designed for accelerating nearest neighbor search in metric spaces. A cover-tree is built in \(O(c^{6}n\log n)\) time and needs \(O(n)\) space, where \(c \ge 2\) is a data-dependent constant [10, 31]. The cover-tree supports an \(O(c^{6}\log n)\) time nearest neighbor search [31], which is from the fact that the maximum number of children in any node is \(O(c^4)\) and the height of a cover-tree is \(O(c^{2}\log n)\) .4 (Cover-trees do not have the worst time for range searches.) Assuming that \(c = O(1)\) , we hereinafter omit the constant \(c\) in our analysis.

3 Related Work

3.1 Existing Density-based Clustering

3.1.1 Static Data.

In Section 7.1, we compare DPC with state-of-the-art density-based clustering algorithms to confirm the advantages of DPC. We below introduce each of them.
In DBSCAN [19], each point \(p \in P\) is evaluated whether it is a core point or not, based on two input parameters \(\epsilon\) and \(minPts\) . If at least \(minPts\) points exist within \(\epsilon\) from \(p\) , then \(p\) is a core point. DBSCAN assumes that, if the distance between two core points is within \(\epsilon\) , then there is a connection between them. Informally, DBSCAN forms a cluster by connecting core points in the above way. We do not say that DPC can replace DBSCAN, because an appropriate clustering algorithm for a given dataset is dependent on the data distribution. However, DPC is more effective for datasets that have skewed density and points existing between close clusters. This is because DBSCAN may consider multiple dense point groups as a single cluster if there are points existing in the border spaces between different groups, whereas DPC is robust to such a data distribution, as shown in Figure 2. This is the main difference between DPC and DBSCAN.5
The clustering results of DBSCAN are dependent on \(\epsilon\) and \(minPts\) . To suggest meaningful values of \(\epsilon\) , OPTICS [7] was devised. OPTICS visualizes possible forms of DBSCAN-based clusters at any \(\epsilon\) . Similarly, HDBSCAN* [12] also overcomes the concern of specifying \(\epsilon\) . For a fixed \(minPts\) , it yields a clustering hierarchy consisting of all possible clusters derived from DBSCAN*, a variant of DBSCAN, that does not allow border points (see Reference [12] for details). Although OPTICS and HDBSCAN* help specify \(\epsilon\) for DBSCAN(*), they do not remove the above difference between DPC and DBSCAN.
DENCLUE [27, 28] has a similar policy to DPC w.r.t. forming clusters. DENCLUE uses a kernel density estimate (e.g., Gaussian kernel) to measure the density of a given coordinate (e.g., a point). To form a cluster, it employs hill climbing, i.e., it computes the density gradient and tries to find the coordinate (or a point) with a local maximum w.r.t. the density. The points sharing the same local maximum belong to the same cluster in DENCLUE. This density-gradient-based cluster forming is similar to DPC, as DPC uses the nearest neighbor with higher local density to catch density gradient. Different from DPC, DENCLUE cannot explicitly control the number of clusters, because DENCLUE tries to find all local maxima even when some of them are negligible. Such local maxima can be ignored via the hyper-parameter setting of DENCLUE, but DENCLUE does not have a guide such as a decision graph.

3.1.2 Dynamic Data.

Most existing density-based clustering algorithms for dynamic data [13, 17, 22, 26, 32, 41] are based on DBSCAN. (Each of them adapts a minor change against the original DBSCAN definition, and some of them are summarized in a nice survey [52].) Therefore, they inherit the difference between DPC and DBSCAN introduced in Section 3.1.1. In this article, we do not consider them, because (i) some of them consider the insertion-only case, and (ii) literature [25] shows that the state-of-the-art dynamic DPC algorithm (which is introduced in Section 3.2.2) outperforms such DBSCAN-based algorithms.

3.2 Existing DPC Works

This section reviews existing DPC works. Note that some variants of DPC, e.g., References [16, 29, 42, 47], have also been proposed, but this article follows the original concept in Reference [38].

3.2.1 Static Data.

We introduce state-of-the-art exact DPC algorithms (i.e., their outputs follow Definition 6), as we use them as baselines in Section 7.2. CFSFDP-A [8] selects pivot points and utilizes triangle inequality to avoid unnecessary distance computation. These pivots are obtained by \(k\) -means clustering. Unfortunately, \(k\) -means clustering is sensitive to noise, so its pivot selection does not provide good filtering power, meaning that the candidate size is still large.
FDDP [34] is a recently proposed exact DPC algorithm. FDDP was also originally proposed for distributed computing environments, but its approaches to computing \(\rho\) and \(q\) are still available on multicore CPUs. FDDP utilizes \(z\) -ordering to limit the search spaces of computing \(\rho\) and \(q\) and to partition the dataset equally so each partition can contain similar points. This partitioning approach, however, does not consider density, suffering from bad load balancing. In Reference [34], the authors argue that FDDP runs in \(O(n\log n)\) time. However, they assume that, for each point \(p\) , the number of points accessed to compute \(\rho\) and \(\delta\) is a constant \(\ll n\) . This is impossible, because \(\rho\) is not a constant.
Similar to our algorithms, Index-based DPC (IB-DPC) [37] employs a tree-based index (i.e., an R-tree) to efficiently compute \(\rho\) and \(\delta\) of each point. It prunes unnecessary sub-trees that are not necessary to access for exactly computing \(\rho\) and \(\delta\) . However, unlike our algorithms, IB-DPC uses the index in a heuristic manner and fails to bound the worst case time complexity.

3.2.2 Dynamic Data.

Although the effectiveness of dynamic DPC has been confirmed [25, 40], efficient exact algorithms for fully dynamic DPC have not been addressed. The first dynamic DPC algorithm, oDP, was proposed in Reference [40]. Given a point insertion/removal, it updates local density of each point by a linear scan. Unfortunately, oDP does not provide how to update \(q\) .
EDMStream, an approximation algorithm for the DPC problem with the decay model (i.e., an insertion-only environment) was proposed in Reference [25]. This algorithm uses a set of sample points to form clusters. For a new point, if there is a sample point that is sufficiently close, then it is absorbed in the sample point. EDMStream runs a linear scan to update the local density of each sampled point. Although EDMStream utilizes local densities to avoid unnecessary computation for updating \(q\) ,6 a linear scan is still used to update \(q\) of a given sample point \(p\) when it is not pruned. (Reference [1] also proposed a dynamic DPC algorithm in high-dimensional metric space, and, as this is a different assumption from that of this article, we do not consider this algorithm.)
These works are not efficient, since they always rely on linear scans to update \(\rho\) and \(q\) . In addition, how to deal with point deletions has not been considered. We overcome these drawbacks in Section 6. In Section 7.3, we use EDMStream and a variant of oDP as baselines and show that our dynamic DPC algorithm outperforms them.

4 Ex-DPC

Ex-DPC, our first exact DPC algorithm, assumes that a point set \(P\) is indexed by an in-memory \(k\) d-tree \(\mathcal {K}\) . Its detail is summarized in Algorithm 1. To start with, we present Ex-DPC with a single thread. As Definitions 1 and 2 suggest, (i) \(\rho\) computation and \(q\) computation require different approaches, and (ii) \(q\) is dependent on local density (i.e., it can be obtained after local densities are computed). We present how Ex-DPC computes \(\rho\) and \(q\) of each point in Sections 4.1 and 4.2, respectively. We then explain how to parallelize Ex-DPC.

4.1 Computing ρ

Definition 1 suggests that computing the local density of a point \(p_{i} \in P\) corresponds to doing an orthogonal range search. We here employ a search-based technique, similar to the state-of-the-art algorithms [8, 34, 49]. Specifically, Ex-DPC runs an orthogonal range search on \(\mathcal {K}\) to obtain \(\rho _{i}\) , for each \(p_{i} \in P\) . Recall Section 2.2, and a \(k\) d-tree supports an efficient orthogonal range search with \(O(n^{1-\frac{1}{d}}+{\rm OUT})\) time, where OUT is the number of reported points. For \(p_{i}\) , its search range is \(R_i\) , and we have \({\rm OUT} = |R_i| = \rho _{i}\) .

4.2 Computing q

Recall the constraint of \(q\) : Given \(p_{i} \in P\) , we have to retrieve \(q_{i}\) from a set of points with higher local densities than \(\rho _{i}\) . Since the local density depends on \(d_{cut}\) , it is difficult to build a data structure for efficiently obtaining \(q\) of every point \(p \in P\) in a pre-processing phase. Although the \(k\) d-tree supports practically efficient nearest neighbor search, it is not guaranteed that the nearest neighbor point of \(p_{i}\) has higher local density than \(\rho _{i}\) . That is, simply running a nearest neighbor search on a \(k\) d-tree cannot solve the DPC problem correctly. Hence, it is challenging to compute \(q\) efficiently.
We overcome this challenge with an idea: For \(p_{i}\) , we can build a \(k\) d-tree that contains only points \(p_{j}\) having \(\rho _{i} \lt \rho _{j}\) incrementally. Our approach is as follows:
Destroy \(\mathcal {K}\) (i.e., \(\mathcal {K}\) becomes an empty set).
Sort \(P\) in descending order of local density.
Pick the first point in \(P\) , say, \(p_{1}\) , set \(\delta _{1} = \infty\) , and insert \(p\) into \(\mathcal {K}\) . Set \(i = 2\) .
Pick the \(i\) th point in \(P\) , say \(p_{i}\) , run a nearest neighbor search with query point \(p_{i}\) on \(\mathcal {K}\) , set the result as \(q_{i}\) , and insert \(p_{i}\) into \(\mathcal {K}\) .
Increment \(i\) by one, and repeat the above operation.
Notice that, for the \(i\) th point \(p_{i}\) in \(P\) , the \(k\) d-tree contains only points with higher local densities than \(\rho _{i}\) . (We assume that all points have different local densities, which is practically possible by adding a random value \(\in (0,1)\) to \(\rho _{i}\) , as done in Reference [38].) Therefore, for \(p_{i}\) , its nearest neighbor search retrieves \(q_{i}\) correctly.

4.3 Analysis of Ex-DPC

4.3.1 Space Complexity.

Since Ex-DPC uses only a single \(k\) d-tree as an index, Ex-DPC needs \(O(n)\) space.

4.3.2 Time Complexity.

From the analysis in Section 2.2, Ex-DPC needs \(O(n(n^{1-\frac{1}{d}}+\rho _{avg}))\) time to compute the local density of every point in \(P\) , where \(\rho _{avg}\) is the average local density. However, Ex-DPC needs \(O(n^2)\) time to compute \(q\) of every point in \(P\) , since it needs a one-time sort, \(n\) times point insertions into \(\mathcal {K}\) , and \(n\) times nearest neighbor searches on \(\mathcal {K}\) , each of which, respectively, needs \(O(n\log n)\) , \(O(n^2)\) , and \(O(n^2)\) time in the worst case. The worst time of Ex-DPC is hence \(O(n^2)\) in total (although its practical performance is much better than its theoretical time).

4.4 Parallelization

We can parallelize the local density computation in Ex-DPC, but, unfortunately, it cannot compute \(q_{i}\) and \(q_{j}\) independently, i.e., line 7 of Algorithm 1 cannot be parallelized. This is derived from the fact that Ex-DPC needs to compute \(q\) of each point \(p\) one by one, since the \(k\) d-tree is incrementally updated. Hence, we focus on parallelizing its local density computation.
Given \(P\) and multiple threads, we parallelize local density computation by assigning each point in \(P\) to one of the threads. Then, each thread independently runs a range search for each assigned point. To exploit the parallel processing environment (i.e., to hold a balanced load), each thread should have (almost) the same processing cost. Recall that the range search cost of \(p_{i}\) is \(O(n^{1-1/d} + \rho _{i})\) , indicating that the cost depends on its local density, which cannot be pre-known and differs among points. We therefore employ a heuristic that assigns a point to a thread dynamically. Specifically, for each thread, Ex-DPC assigns a point, and when a thread has finished its range search, Ex-DPC assigns another point to the thread. We use OpenMP for multi-threading, and to implement the above approach, “#pragma omp parallel for schedule (dynamic)” is used.

5 Ex-DPC++

Ex-DPC has two issues: One is its \(O(n^2)\) running time, and the other is the partial parallelizablity. This section proposes Ex-DPC++ that overcomes these concerns. Ex-DPC++ takes different approaches to computing \(\rho\) and \(q\) from those of Ex-DPC to avoid \(O(n^2)\) time, and Algorithm 2 details Ex-DPC++. In the following, we present how to employ the approaches.

5.1 Computing ρ

The main concern of local density computation in Ex-DPC is that its cost is proportional to \(n \cdot \rho _{avg}\) , where \(\rho _{avg}\) is the average local density. Ex-DPC++ removes this drawback by employing range counting on a \(k\) d-tree \(\mathcal {K}\) . That is, for each \(p \in P\) , Ex-DPC++ computes \(\rho\) via range counting on \(\mathcal {K}\) , which needs \(O(n^{1-\frac{1}{d}})\) time (see Section 2.2). Removing the factor of \(\rho _{avg}\) held by Ex-DPC yields a significant speedup in theory and practice.
Corollary 1.
Ex-DPC++ needs \(O(n^{2-\frac{1}{d}})\) time to compute the local density of every point in \(P\) .

5.2 Computing q

Different from Ex-DPC, Ex-DPC++ exploits cover-trees.7 A cover-tree can be built in \(O(n\log n)\) time and running a nearest neighbor search on it needs only \(O(\log n)\) time. However, simply using a cover-tree does not achieve \(o(n^2)\) time and almost full parallelizablity. We overcome this and obtain such a non-trivial result by combining the theoretical properties of cover-tree and a dataset partitioning approach.
After Ex-DPC++ computes the local density for each point in \(P\) , it sorts \(P\) and partitions \(P\) into equally sized \(s\) subsets, \(P_{1}\) ,..., \(P_{s}\) , based on this order. Note that, for \(i\) and \(j\) such that \(i \lt j\) , we have \(\rho \ge \rho ^{\prime }\) for any \(p \in P_{i}\) and \(p^{\prime } \in P_{j}\) . Then, each point \(p \in P\) has three cases (i)–(iii), as elaborated below. Given a point \(p_{i} \in P\) and a subset \(P_{j}\) , we have the following cases:
All points in \(P_{j}\) have higher local density than \(\rho _{i}\) . In this case, we run a nearest neighbor search on the cover-tree of \(P_{j}\) .
\(P_{j}\) has not only points with higher local density than \(\rho _{i}\) but also points with less local density than \(\rho _{i}\) . In this case, we run a linear scan of \(P_{j}\) and obtain the nearest neighbor point with higher local density than \(\rho _{i}\) in \(P_{j}\) . (The points in \(P_{j}\) are sorted by local density, so we stop the scan whenever we access a point with less local density than \(\rho _{i}\) .) It is important to note that there is at most one subset that has this case for \(p_{i}\) .
The local densities of all points in \(P_{j}\) are less than (or equal to) \(\rho _{i}\) . In this case, \(p_{i}\) ignores \(P_{j}\) .
We obtain \(q_{i}\) for \(p_{i} \in P\) by evaluating each subset \(P_{j}\) based on the above approach.
In the worst case, for a point \(p\) , we need to run a nearest neighbor search \(s-1\) times and run a linear scan once. The cost of running \(s-1\) times nearest neighbor searches is \(O((s-1)\log \frac{n}{s})\) , whereas that of running a linear scan once is \(O(\frac{n}{s})\) . We consider the following equation to easily understand the bottleneck:
\begin{equation} O\left(\frac{n}{s}\right) = O\left((s-1)\log \frac{n}{s}\right)\!. \end{equation}
It is important to notice that, in the above equation, \(s\) cannot be \(O(1)\) and \(O(n)\) , i.e., \(s\) would be \(o(n)\) . We approximately solve this equation by ignoring all constants and the \(\log s\) factor. Then, we have
\begin{equation} s \approx \sqrt {\frac{n}{\log n}}. \end{equation}
Thanks to this observation, we have the following result:
Lemma 1.
Ex-DPC++ needs \(O(n^{1.5}\sqrt {\log n})\) time to compute \(q\) of every point \(p \in P\) .
Sorting \(P\) needs \(O(n\log n)\) time, whereas building \(s\) cover-trees needs \(O(n\log n)\) time in total. By substituting the Formula (3) into Equation (2), we see that computing \(q\) needs \(O(\sqrt {n\log n})\) time. This is done for \(n\) points, thereby this lemma holds.□

5.3 Parallelization

Parallelizing Ex-DPC++ is straightforward, as it evaluates \(\rho\) and \(q\) of each \(p \in P\) independently. Specifically, we can parallelize “for loop” of lines 2, 7, and 9. Now it is clear that Ex-DPC++ has two important merits: (i) space and computational efficiencies and (ii) parallelizability.

5.4 Time and Space Complexities

From Corollary 1 and Lemma 1, we have the main result of this section.
Theorem 1.
The time complexity of Ex-DPC++ is \(O(n^{2-\frac{1}{d}}+n^{1.5}\sqrt {\log n})\) .
We see that the above time is sub-quadratic to \(n\) , i.e., \(o(n^2)\) , and better than that of Ex-DPC and the other existing algorithms. From the space complexity analysis of Ex-DPC and cover-tree, the following is true:
Theorem 2.
The space complexity of Ex-DPC++ is \(O(n)\) .

5.5 Optimization

Although Ex-DPC++ avoids \(O(n)\) time to compute \(q\) for each \(p \in P\) , this approach needs to run at most \(s-1\) nearest neighbor searches and a linear scan of a subset of \(P\) . This is slow in practice, thus a practically faster way of computing \(q\) is desirable. To this end, we come up with the following heuristic: In real datasets with variations in density, for \(p\) , \(q\) tends to exist in the \(k\) nearest neighbors of \(p\) . Figure 3 describes the cumulative frequency with which \(q\) of a given \(p \in P\) exists in its \(k\) th nearest neighbors in two real datasets (that we used in our experiments). This figure demonstrates the above-mentioned observation and shows that a small \(k\) is sufficient (Household and Sensor, respectively, have about 2 million and 0.9 million points). Therefore, we incorporate this observation into Ex-DPC++.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Cumulative frequency with which \(q\) exists in the \(k\) nearest neighbors of \(p\) .
Notice that the \(k\) nearest neighbors of \(p\) can be obtained in a pre-processing phase, as they are not dependent on any DPC parameters. Hence, we compute them offline and maintain the \(k\) nearest neighbors in order for each point \(\in P\) . (A set of these \(k\) nearest neighbors is thus an input of Algorithm 2.) When computing \(q\) for \(p \in P\) , the optimized Ex-DPC++ first accesses its \(k\) nearest neighbors. Ex-DPC++ accesses them from the nearest to the \(k\) th one. Assume that Ex-DPC++ now accesses the \(i\) th nearest neighbor of \(p\) , and let \(p^{i}\) be this \(i\) th nearest neighbor. If \(\rho\) is less than the local density of \(p^{i}\) , then it is trivial that \(q = p^{i}\) from Definition 2, thereby Ex-DPC++ can skip evaluating \(q_{i}\) on the cover-trees. Notice that accessing \(k\) nearest neighbors needs \(O(k) = O(1)\) time (for a constant \(k\) ). This simple yet effective technique improves the practical time of Ex-DPC++ without losing its theoretical result.


This section assumes that \(P\) is subjective to updates (i.e., point insertions and deletions). In this case, given an update, the local density of each point is also updated, and this involves updating \(q\) of \(p \in P\) . It is important to notice that, as long as we monitor \(q\) of each point \(p\) , cluster labels can be computed when required. Labeling when required is a common assumption in clustering literatures [22, 26, 50]. Therefore, we focus on how to monitor \(\rho\) and \(q\) of each point \(p \in P\) and propose D-DPC. We assume that, before we have dataset updates, \(\rho\) and \(q\) of each point \(p \in P\) are initialized by an exact DPC algorithm. D-DPC maintains \(\rho\) and \(q\) of each \(p \in P\) exactly when a new or removed point is given.

6.1 Notation

Assume that we have an update (an insertion of a new point or a deletion of an existing point) at time \(t\) . We use \(q_{i}^{t}\) ( \(\delta _{i}^{t}\) ) to denote \(q\) ( \(\delta\) ) of \(p_{i}\) at time \(t\) . Let \(P^{t}\) be the set of points that have been generated so far and not removed at time \(t\) . We re-define \(n\) to represent \(|P^{t}|\) .

6.2 Baseline

The most straightforward approach to dealing with updates is to run an algorithm for static data whenever we receive an update. If the update frequency is low, then this approach may be tolerable. Otherwise, however, this approach cannot catch up the latest set of points. An algorithm that can incrementally update \(\rho\) and \(q\) is hence required to minimize the update time. Such an algorithm allows users to see the latest clusters when they want.
Given an update (insertion or deletion of \(p\) ), a linear scan of \(P\) can update the local density of each point in \(P\) exactly. Notice that insertion or deletion of \(p\) updates the local densities of \(\rho\) points. These local density updates may incur an update of \(q_{i}\) for \(p_{i}\) .
Assume that a new point is inserted. For each point \(p_{i}\) such that \(\rho _{i}\) increases, the candidates for \(q_{i}\) exists in the whole space. However, for each point \(p_{j}\) such that \(\rho _{j}\) does not increase, the candidates for \(q_{j}\) exist in the set of points whose local densities are updated.
Given the deletion of an existing point, for each point \(p_{i}\) such that \(\rho _{i}\) decreases, the candidates for \(q_{i}\) exist in the whole space. In addition, for each point \(p_{j}\) such that \(\rho _{j}\) is larger than that of the previous \(q_{j}\) , the candidates for \(q_{j}\) also exists in the whole space.
A simple algorithm updates \(q\) of a given point \(p\) that has one of the above cases, through a linear scan of \(P\) . This algorithm considers the case where \(q_{i}\) ( \(q_{j}\) ) has to be updated for \(p_{i}\) ( \(p_{j}\) ), but this is actually “coarse-grained” and its search space is always \(P\) .

6.3 Updating ρ in D-DPC

Assume that we are given an update, an insertion, or a deletion of a point \(p_{i}\) . The local density of each point \(p_{j} \in P^t\) , such that \(dist(p_{i},p_{j}) \lt d_{cut}\) , is updated. To update \(\rho _{j}\) (and obtain \(\rho _{i}\) in the insertion case), D-DPC employs a \(k\) d-tree \(\mathcal {K}\) .
More specifically, given a new or removed point \(p_{i}\) , D-DPC first inserts \(p_{i}\) into \(\mathcal {K}\) or removes it from \(\mathcal {K}\) . Then, D-DPC runs a range search on \(\mathcal {K}\) . Let \(N_{i}\) be the set of points included in the search result. For each \(p_{j} \in N_{i}\) , D-DPC updates \(\rho _{j}\) . If the update is insertion, then D-DPC computes \(\max _{N_{i}} \rho _{j}\) and \(\min _{N_{i}} \rho _{j}\) . From the discussion in Section 2.2, we have:
Corollary 2.
Given a new or removed point \(p_{i}\) , D-DPC needs \(O(n^{1-\frac{1}{d}} + \rho _{i})\) time to monitor the exact local density of each point in \(P^{t}\) when \(\mathcal {K}\) is balanced. Otherwise, it needs \(O(n)\) time.

6.4 Updating q in D-DPC: Insertion Case

We next solve the main challenge of the dynamic DPC problem: how to deal with updating \(q\) . We clarify a theoretical upper-bound time to update \(q\) of every point \(p \in P^{t}\) .
To start with, we theoretically investigate cases in which \(q\) of \(p \in P^t\) has to be updated when we have a point insertion. Given a new point \(p_{i}\) at time \(t\) , it is important to observe that the local density of each point \(\in N_{i}\) increases at least by one, whereas that of each point \(\notin N_{i}\) does not change. Let \(p^{\prime } = q^{t-1}\) . To efficiently update \(q\) of each \(p \in P^t\) , we consider six cases. We below introduce these cases. For ease of explanation, we first assign each point to one of two cases: A given point in \(P^t\) exists in \(N_{i}\) or not. Figure 4(a) illustrates an insertion of \(p_{i}\) (blue point) into the point set in Figure 1(a). The local density of each of the green points increases by one.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Examples of insertion/deletion from the point set in Figure 1(a).
Case \(p \in N_{i}\) . In Figure 4(a), the points inside the rectangle fit into this case. We partition this case into two cases based on local density, since the local density of each point in \(N_{i}\) is updated. This means that we may have \(q^{t} \ne q^{t-1}\) for such a point (e.g., green points in Figure 4(a)).
Each point in this case is assigned to one of an additional two cases through the following question: Does \(p\) have \(\rho \ge \rho ^{\prime }\) ? If yes (no), then we assign this point to case 1 (2).
Case \(p \notin N_{i}\) . In Figure 4(a), the points outside the rectangle fit into this case. Since the local density of each point \(p \notin N_{i}\) does not change, for \(p\) , \(q^{t} = q^{t-1}\) or \(q^{t} = p_{j}\) where \(p_{j} \in N_{i}\) . We therefore address the following question: Does there exist a point \(p_{j} \in N_{i}\) such that \(p_{j}\) can be \(q^t\) ?
We first use \(\max _{N_{i}} \rho _{j}\) to answer the question. If \(\rho \ge \max _{N_{i}} \rho _{j}\) , then we assign \(p\) to case 3. Otherwise, we use \(\min _{N_{i}} \rho _{j} - 1\) to confirm the change of the inferior-superior relationship in local density. If \(\rho \lt \min _{N_{i}} \rho _{j} - 1\) , then the relationship does not change, and we assign \(p\) to case 4. If we cannot answer the question by using local density, then we use \(\delta ^{t-1}\) and the triangle inequality. That is, for \(p\) , we investigate whether there exists a point \(p_{j} \in N_{i}\) such that \(\delta ^{t-1} \gt dist(p,p_{j})\) by using \(dist(p,p_{j}) - d_{cut}\) . If \(\delta ^{t-1} \le dist(p,p_{i}) - d_{cut}\) , then we assign \(p\) to case 5. Otherwise, \(p\) is assigned to case 6.
Summary of the six cases. We summarize the above cases.
Case 1
\((p \in N_{i}) \wedge (\rho \ge \rho ^{\prime })\) .
Case 2
\((p \in N_{i}) \wedge (\rho \lt \rho ^{\prime })\) .
Case 3
\((p \notin N_{i}) \wedge (\rho \ge \max _{N_{i}} \rho _{j})\) .
Case 4
\((p \notin N_{i}) \wedge (\rho \lt \min _{N_{i}} \rho _{j} - 1)\) .
Case 5
\((p \notin N_{i}) \,\wedge \, (\delta ^{t-1} \le dist(p,p_{i}) - d_{cut})\) .
Case 6
\(p \notin N_{i}\) and \(p\) does not have cases 3, 4, and 5.
We now analyze the cases where \(q\) has to be updated, and our result is as follows:
Lemma 2.
Given \(P^{t-1}\) and a new point \(p_{i}\) , \(q\) of \(p \in P^{t} = P^{t-1} \cup \lbrace p_{i}\rbrace\) is or can be updated in cases 1, 2, 4, and 6.
We present how the insertion of \(p_{i}\) affects \(q\) of \(p\) .
Case 1: From Definition 2, \(q^t \ne q^{t-1}\) , so we have to update \(q\) of \(p\) that has this case. Note that \(p_{i}\) has this case, since it does not have \(q_{i}^{t-1}\) .
Case 2: Because we do not have points \(p_{j}\) ( \(\ne p^{\prime }\) ) \(\in P^{t-1}\) within \(dist(p,p^{\prime })\) from \(p\) such that \(\rho \lt \rho _{j}\) , it is guaranteed that \(q^{t} = q^{t-1}\) or \(q^{t} = p_{i}\) .
Case 3: In this case, from Definition 2, \(p_{j} \in N_{i}\) cannot have \(\rho \lt \rho _{j}\) . Therefore, we have \(q^t = q^{t-1}\) .
Case 4: In this case, for \(p\) , \(P^{t-1}\) does not have any point \(p_{j}\) that “newly” becomes \(\rho \lt \rho _{j}\) . This means that \(q^{t} = q^{t-1}\) or \(q_{t} = p_{i}\) , as with case 2.
Case 5: From the triangle inequality, all points \(p_{j} \in N_{i}\) have \(dist(p,p^{\prime }) \le dist(p,p_{j})\) . We therefore have \(q^t = q^{t-1}\) .
Case 6: In this case, \(p_{j} \in N_{i}\) can have \(\rho \lt \rho _{j}\) and \(dist(p,p_{j}) \lt dist(p,p^{\prime })\) . We have \(q^t = q^{t-1}\) or \(q^t = p_{j}\) where \(p_{j} \in N_{i}\) , so we have to compare them.
Example 4.
In Figure 4(a), consider the points outside the rectangle. We have \(\max _{N_{i}} \rho _{j} = 10\) and \(\min _{N_{i}} \rho _{j} - 1 = 2\) . For a point \(p \notin N_{i}\) such that \(\rho \ge 10\) , \(N_{i}\) does not contain \(q^{t}\) (case 3). Also, if \(\rho \lt 2\) , at time \(t-1\) , then the local density of \(p\) is also less than those of the green points. The blue point, i.e., \(p_{i}\) , is the only new point that has a larger local density than \(\rho\) (case 4). Last, \(\rho _{10} = 7\) and \(\delta ^{t-1}_{10} = dist(p_{10},p_{11})\) . From the triangle inequality, no points inside the rectangle have a shorter distance than \(\delta ^{t-1}_{10}\) (case 5).

6.4.1 Algorithm.

As a consequence of Lemma 2, we focus on only points that have cases 1, 2, 4, or 6. Algorithm 3 details our algorithm when a new point is inserted. First focus on each point \(p \in N_{i}\) . If \(p\) has case 1, then D-DPC retrieves \(q\) by a progressive \(k\) -NN search. In this search, for \(j \in [1,k-1]\) , the \(j\) th nearest neighbor is outputted whenever it is identified, which is enabled by an approach based on priority queue. We hence do not have to wait for the \(k\) points to be returned if the \(j\) th nearest neighbor has higher local density than \(\rho\) . The rationale is the same as that in the optimization of Ex-DPC++.8 (If the \(k\) points have less local density than \(\rho\) , then D-DPC finds \(q^{t}\) by a linear scan of \(P^{t}\) .) If \(p\) has case 2, then D-DPC compares \(q^{t-1}\) and \(p_{i}\) .
Next, consider a point \(p \notin N_{i}\) . D-DPC first checks whether \(p\) has \(\rho \lt \max _{N_{i}} \rho _{j}\) . If not, then D-DPC evaluates whether \(p\) has \(\rho \gt \min _{N_{i}} \rho _{j} - 1\) . If \(p\) has case 4, then D-DPC compares \(q^{t-1}\) and \(p_{i}\) . Otherwise, D-DPC evaluates whether \(\delta ^{t-1} \gt dist(p,p_{i}) - d_{cut}\) . If yes, then D-DPC simply scans \(N_{i}\) to search points \(p_{j}\) such that \(\rho \lt \rho _{j}\) and \(dist(p,p_{j}) \lt \delta ^{t-1}\) . If there exists such a point, then D-DPC updates \(q^{t}\) . Otherwise, \(q^t = q^{t-1}\) .

6.4.2 Analysis.

Let \(x_{1}\) , \(x_{2}\) , \(x_{4}\) , and \(x_{6}\) be the numbers of points that have cases 1, 2, 4, and 6, respectively. The following theorem yields a theoretical upper-bound time to obtain \(q\) of each point \(p \in P^t\) when we have a new point:
Theorem 3.
Given a new point \(p_{i}\) at time \(t\) , D-DPC needs \(O(\rho _{i}n)\) time to obtain \(q\) of each point \(p \in P^t\) in the worst case.
Focus on \(p \in P^t\) that has case 1, 2, 4, or 6. In case 1, it is trivial that D-DPC needs at most \(O(n)\) time to update \(q\) . In cases 2 and 4, trivially \(O(1)\) time is required. In case 6, verifying \(q\) needs \(O(\rho _{i})\) time, since \(|N_{i}| = \rho _{i}\) . Then, D-DPC needs
\begin{equation} O(x_{1}n + x_{2} + x_{4} + x_{6}\rho _{i}) = O(x_{1}n + x_{6}\rho _{i}) \end{equation}
time to update \(q\) of every \(p \in P^{t}\) having case 1, 2, or 6. Notice that \(x_{1} \le \rho _{i}\) and \(x_{6} \le n - \rho _{i}\) . From this and Equation (4), we have \(O(\rho _{i}n)\) time to exactly obtain \(q\) of each point in \(P^t\) . This result and Corollary 2 derive Theorem 3.□
Remark 1.
Recall Section 5.5, and \(q\) of each point usually exists near it. The progressive \(k\) nearest neighbor search hence quickly identifies \(q\) usually. In addition, we have \(x_{1} \ll \rho _{i}\) and \(x_{6} \ll n - \rho _{i}\) in practice ( \(x_{1}\) is around 2, and \(x_{6}\) is at most several hundred in our experiments).

6.4.3 Parallelization.

The local density update needs a single range search on \(\mathcal {K}\) , thus, we focus on updating \(q\) . Clearly, the above algorithm can evaluate \(q\) of each point in \(P^t\) independently. We hence can utilize the parallelization approach for local density computation in Ex-DPC to parallelize D-DPC.

6.5 Updating q in D-DPC: Deletion Case

We next assume that a point \(p_{i}\) is removed. The local density of each point in \(N_{i}\) decreases by one, whereas that of each point \(\notin N_{i}\) does not change. To update \(q\) of each point in \(P^{t}\) , we consider three cases: (1) \(p\) cannot have \(q^{t} = q^{t-1}\) , (2) \(p \in N_{i}\) , and (3) \(p \notin N_{i}\) . More precisely, we assign each point in \(P^{t}\) to one of the following cases:
Case 7
\((\rho \ge \rho ^{\prime }) \vee (q^{t-1} = p_{i})\) .
Case 8
\(p \in N_{i}\) and \(p\) does not have case 7.
Case 9
\(p \notin N_{i}\) and \(p\) does not have case 7.
We then identify the cases where we have to update \(q\) and its search space.
Lemma 3.
Assume that a point \(p_{i}\) is removed, and \(q\) has to be updated in cases 7 and 8.
As with Lemma 2, we present how the deletion of \(p_{i}\) affects \(q\) of \(p\) .
Case 7: This case is essentially the same as case 1.
Case 8: We still have \(\rho \lt \rho ^{\prime }\) . However, due to the decrease of \(\rho\) , some points \(p_{j} \notin N_{i}\) may newly have \(\rho \lt \rho _{j}\) . Therefore, \(q^t\) exists in \(\lbrace p_{j}\,|\,\rho \lt \rho _{j},dist(p,p_{j}) \le \delta ^{t-1}\rbrace\) .
Case 9: Each point \(p_{j} \in P^{t}\) with \(dist(p,p_{j}) \lt dist(p,p^{\prime })\) has \(\rho _{j} \lt \rho\) , since the local density of \(p\) does not change. Therefore, we have \(q^t = q^{t-1}\) .
Example 5.
In Figure 4(a), consider \(p_{i}\) is removed. We have \(N_{i} = \lbrace p_{12}, p_{13}, p_{14}\rbrace\) . Case 7 is trivial, so this example considers case 8; \(p_{12}\) and \(p_{13}\) fall into this case. For \(p_{12}\) , \(q^{t-1}_{12} = p_{13}\) . Due to the decrease of \(\rho _{12}\) , points \(\notin N_{i}\) may have \(q^{t}_{12}\) . If so, then such a point \(p_{j}\) must have \(dist(p_{12},p_{j}) \lt \delta ^{t-1} = dist(p_{12},p_{13})\) . We hence need to search the points in the range (smaller orange circle). For \(p_{13}\) , \(q^{t-1}_{13} = p_{8}\) , and the points inside the larger orange circle need to be evaluated to update \(q_{13}\) . From this figure, case 9 is also clear, because the points in the purple rectangle do not affect \(q^{t-1}\) of each point \(p \notin N_{i}\) .

6.5.1 Algorithm.

For each point \(p \in P^t\) having case 7, D-DPC retrieves \(q^t\) by a progressive \(k\) nearest neighbor search on \(\mathcal {K}\) , since this case essentially faces the same situation as case 1. For each point \(p \in P^t\) having case 8, D-DPC retrieves \(q^t\) by a circular range search, whose radius is \(\delta ^{t-1}\) , on \(\mathcal {K}\) , since \(q^t\) must exist in this search space. Algorithm 4 summarizes these procedures.

6.5.2 Analysis.

Let \(x_{7}\) and \(x_{8}\) , respectively, be the numbers of points that have cases 7 and 8.
Theorem 4.
For a deletion case, D-DPC needs \(O(\rho _{avg}n)\) amortized time to obtain \(q\) of each point \(p \in P^t\) .
Consider a deletion of a (random) point \(p_{i}\) such that \(\rho _{i} \approx \rho _{avg}\) . Given a point \(p \in P^t\) having case 7, D-DPC needs at most \(O(n)\) time to update \(q\) , so \(O(x_{7}n)\) time is required. Given a point \(p \in P^t\) having case 8, D-DPC needs \(O(n)\) time to update \(q\) in the worst case, thus \(O(x_{8}n)\) time is required to deal with points having this case. We have \(x_{7} \le n - \rho _{avg}\) , because we rarely have points \(p\) with \((p \in N_{i}) \wedge (q^{t-1} = p_{i})\) . Also, we have \(x_{8} \le \rho _{i}\) . The average of \(x_{7}\) is less than 1, because the amortized number of points \(p\) whose \(q\) is \(p_{i} \in P^t\) is \(n/n = 1\) . Hence, \(O(x_{7}n + x_{8}n) = O(\rho _{avg}n)\) .□

6.5.3 Parallelization.

Each point having case 7 or 8 can be evaluated independently, thus, in deletion cases, parallelizing D-DPC is straightforward.

7 Experiments

Our experiments were conducted on a machine equipped with dual 12-core 3.0 GHz Intel Xeon E5-2687W v4 processors and 512 GB RAM.

7.1 Evaluation of Density-based Clustering Algorithms

We first compare the clustering results of density-based clustering algorithms.

7.1.1 Algorithms.

In this experiment, we evaluated OPTICS [7], DBSCAN [19], HDBSCAN* [12], DENCLUE [27], and DPC. We used scikit-learn9 for OPTICS and DBSCAN. For HDBSCAN*, we used a public code.10 Note that all DPC algorithms evaluated in Section 7.2 (including ours) return the exact DPC result. That is, they can produce all the DPC results introduced in Section 7.1.

7.1.2 Datasets.

We used five synthetic 2-dimensional datasets, S1, S2, S3, S4 [20], and Syn. S1, S2, S3, and S4 have 15 Gaussian clusters and the same cardinality (5,000), whereas the degree of cluster overlapping of Sx increases as x increases (i.e., cluster borders become ambiguous). In addition, they have ground truth labels. Syn was generated based on a random walk model introduced in Reference [21] and consists of 100,000 points. The domain of each dimension in Syn was \([0,10^5]\) .

7.1.3 Result.

We measured ARI (Adjusted Rand Index) of each algorithm on S1, S2, S3, and S4 by using their ground truth labels. Table 3 shows the result: DPC is the winner. From this result, we see that DPC is more robust to datasets that have clusters with ambiguous borders.
To understand this more intuitively, we show the visualization result of each algorithm on S3 in Figure 5. OPTICS shows a noisy result (although the ground truth also has some noisy labels). DBSCAN and HDBSCAN* return “small” clusters. They have to specify points in comparatively sparse regions as noise, so many points (blue points) do not belong to any clusters. (Otherwise, many clusters would be merged as with those in Figure 2(b).) If applications want to provide each point with the same label as that of its close point, then DBSCAN and HDBSCAN* may fail to do this. DENCLUE yields a visually better result than those of DBSCAN and HDBSCAN*, but some clusters have different shapes from those in the ground truth. Different from the ARI results, DPC seems to return almost the same clusters as those in the ground truth. (There are indeed small differences in cluster borders.) This result is obtained from the merit of DPC: its ability to catch density-peaks and density gradient, thanks to \(\delta\) .
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Clustering results on S3 (best viewed in color).
We next show the clustering results on Syn. Syn is illustrated in Figure 6(a) and is a more complex dataset than Sx; see Figure 6(b), which shows its density distribution in 3D, i.e., the x- and y-axes show the coordinate, whereas the z-axis shows the local density (darker means higher). Figure 6(c) shows its density distribution in 2D (darker means denser), and the red stars represent the main density-peaks in the corresponding regions. As Syn does not have ground truth, we show only the visualization results. Recall that the results of DPC and DBSCAN appear in Figure 2. In addition, we omit the result of OPTICS, because OPTICS could not form meaningful clusters.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Clustering results on Syn (best viewed in color).
Figure 6(d) describes that HDBSCAN* returns the same clusters as those in DBSCAN (see Figure 2(b)). DENCLUE tries to catch all local maxima w.r.t. density, but having all of them is not guaranteed. Therefore, as shown in Figure 6(e), DENCLUE sometimes fails to find local maxima (i.e., density-peaks); see left-top and right-bottom regions. DPC successfully finds the density-peaks (the red stars), so Syn is well partitioned into subsets, each of which is formed from the density-peak. In addition, thanks to \(\delta _{min}\) , DPC can control the granularity of clusters, different from DENCLUE. If users want finer-grained clusters than those in Figure 2(a), then they can provide a smaller \(\delta _{min}\) . Figure 6(f) shows this case (the clusters in Figure 2(a) are further partitioned if they have some sub-density-peaks). Here, in Figure 6(f), we observe a counter-intuitive result: Some points in the same clusters (specified by circles) are not connected “by a land.” This is because of the definition of \(q\) . If a given point \(p\) does not have close points, which have higher local density than \(\rho\) and are accessible by a land, then such a phenomenon happens.11 If applications want to avoid or fix this (by disobeying the policy of following the nearest neighbor point with larger density), then automatically doing it may not be a trivial task.
Actually, DPC’s clustering result quality on some other irregular-shaped datasets (e.g., famous benchmark datasets with irregular shapes, namely, aggregation, curve, flame, and spiral [20]) have already been evaluated in existing works [8, 34, 42, 49]. They show that DPC is better than other density-based clustering algorithms (e.g., OPTICS and DBSCAN). For conciseness, this article does not show the results, and interested readers may refer to them.

7.2 Evaluation on Static Data

This section focuses on evaluations of the performances of DPC algorithms. Table 3, Figures 5, and 6 show that the other density-based clustering algorithms return (totally) different results, thus comparing their running times is meaningless. They are hence not the scope of this subsection.

7.2.1 Datasets.

We used four real datasets shown in Table 4, which were also used in References [21, 23, 24, 45, 46]. For Airline,12 we removed date and string information and used the remaining attributes. For Household and Sensor,13 we used global sensor readings and MOX gas sensor values, respectively. For T-Drive, we used its records of \(x\) - \(y\) coordinates. To be fair for the competitors, we normalized them, and their domains in each dimension are also shown in Table 4. We set \(d_{cut}\) according to the guidance of Reference [38].

7.2.2 Algorithms.

We evaluated FDDP [34], IB-DPC [37], Ex-DPC, and Ex-DPC++ (we set \(k = 50\) ).14 We followed the original paper to set the inner parameters of the state-of-the-art algorithms. We omit the results of the brute-force algorithm [38] and CFSFDP-A [8] in this article, because Reference [2] has already shown that they are significantly outperformed by Ex-DPC.
All evaluated algorithms were implemented in C++, and we used OpenMP for multi-threading. We report the running times of the evaluated algorithms. The default number of threads is 12.

7.2.3 Impact of optimization of Ex-DPC++.

First, we study the impact of the optimization presented in Section 5.5. Table 5 shows the result. The optimization provides a clear speedup, because many points can obtain their \(q\) in \(O(1)\) time. Particularly, on Household, Sensor, and T-Drive, the optimization yields more than 10 \(\times\) speedup.

7.2.4 Impact of cardinality.

We investigate the scalability of each algorithm to the number of points in a dataset. We varied the number of points in each dataset via uniform sampling, i.e., by varying the sampling rate. (The other parameters are fixed by their default values.) Figure 7 plots the result. Ex-DPC++ always outperforms the others, and Ex-DPC is better than or competitive with IB-DPC except the case of T-Drive. Note that FDDP could not work on T-Drive due to run out of memory.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Impact of cardinality (sampling rate). “ \(\triangleright\) ” shows FDDP, “ \(\ast\) ” shows IB-DPC, “ \(\triangle\) ” shows Ex-DPC, and “ \(\triangledown\) ” shows Ex-DPC++.
Let us look at Table 6 again. Ex-DPC++ improves the time to compute \(\rho\) and \(\delta\) against Ex-DPC. Ex-DPC++ is about 4, 13, 11, and 10 times faster than Ex-DPC on Airline, Household, Sensor, and T-Drive, respectively. This result confirms the merits of range counting and utilizing \(k\) nearest neighbors.

7.2.5 Impact of #threads.

Table 7 shows the scalability to the number of threads on Airline. We omit the results on the other datasets, because their tendencies are the same. Normally, each algorithm improves its running time with an increase in the number of available threads, and our algorithms are faster than the others. FDDP has bad load balance, as we observe that their running times do not change much with a larger number of threads. For example, FDDP obtains only 5 \(\times\) speedup with 48 (hyper-)threads compared with its single thread case. The limitation of Ex-DPC (computing \(q\) cannot be done in parallel) is observed from the result. As we have more threads, the main overhead of Ex-DPC becomes computing \(q\) , then its running time cannot be reduced much.
Table 7.
Table 7. Impact of Number of Threads (Time [Sec] and Speedup Ratio) on Airline
Compared with the above algorithms, Ex-DPC++ receives more benefits from available threads. For example, when a single CPU is used, the speedup ratio of Ex-DPC++ is almost the same as the number of threads. When the number of threads is more than 12, two CPUs work, so memory access latency occurs (due to remote memory access), which prevents linear-scale speedup. In addition, when the number of threads is more than 24, hyper-threading also works. Hyper-threads are not physical cores, so it is practically impossible to have linear scalablity to the number of threads when they include hyper-threads. These phenomena are also observed in Reference [11].

7.2.6 Memory Usage.

Last, we study the memory usage of the evaluated algorithms by using the default setting. Table 8 shows the result. Recall that FDDP could not work on T-Drive, thus its result is omitted. Ex-DPC consumes the least memory. Ex-DPC++ needs more memory than Ex-DPC, since it maintains the \(k\) nearest neighbors of each point, but it still fits into modern RAM easily.
Table 8.
Table 8. Memory Usage [GB]

7.3 Evaluation on Dynamic Data

7.3.1 Datasets.

We used Airline, Household, Sensor, and T-Drive.

7.3.2 Algorithms.

We evaluated the following algorithms:
oDP+: an extension of oDP [40]. (Recall that oDP does not provide a specific algorithm for updating \(q\) .) As with oDP, oDP+ updates the local density of each point via a linear scan. For updating \(q\) , oDP+ uses the algorithm introduced in Section 6.2.
EDMStream [25]: an approximation algorithm for dynamic DPC. As for local density, we used Definition 1. (Recall that EDMStream originally uses a different definition.)
D-DPC: our algorithm introduced in Section 6.15
D-DPC-S: a variant of D-DPC. This algorithm uses linear scans for updating \(\rho\) and \(q\) (if necessary) to observe the effectiveness of Lemmas 2 and 3 by comparing with oDP+.
Note that the above algorithms are parallelizable, and we used 12 threads by default.

7.3.3 Workload.

For each dataset, we used \(n - u\) points as the initial dataset, and \(u\) updates (consisting of insertion of new points and removal of existing points) were used as a workload. Specifically, a workload contained \(u \times \gamma\) deletions and \(u \times (1-\gamma)\) insertions, i.e., an update was insertion with probability \((1-\gamma)\) and deletion with probability \(\gamma\) . When an update was insertion, we inserted a point \(\notin P^{t-1}\) in the original generation order. However, when an update was deletion, we removed the oldest point \(\in P^{t-1}\) . By default, \(\gamma = 0.2,\) because deletions occur less often than insertions [4, 22], and \(u = 20,000\) similar to Reference [44].

7.3.4 Comparison with state-of-the-art.

We study the update efficiencies of the evaluated algorithms. (D-DPC uses a single \(k\) d-tree as an index, thus the memory usage of D-DPC is at most that of Ex-DPC shown in Table 8.) Figure 8 plots the average update time of each algorithm every 100 updates, and Table 9 shows the time to complete the workload.
Table 9.
Table 9. Total Update Time to Complete the Workload [Sec]
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Comparison with state-of-the-art. “ \(+\) ” shows oDP+, “ \(\circ\) ” shows EDMStream, “ \(\times\) ” shows D-DPC-S, and “ \(\triangle\) ” shows D-DPC.
We see that oDP+ is quite slow, and Figure 8 shows that oDP+ needs more than one second to update \(q\) of each point when an update is given in most cases. D-DPC-S considers when \(q^t\) of each point \(p \in P^t\) needs to be updated by using Lemmas 2 and 3. Therefore, compared with oDP+, D-DPC-S generally obtains a significant speedup, which demonstrates the impact of Lemmas 2 and 3. Although EDMStream is an approximation algorithm, it cannot obtain clear speedup, and it is outperformed by D-DPC-S on Airline and T-Drive, as shown in Table 9. EDMStream is actually sensitive to deletions. Recall that EDMStream uses samples and not-sampled points are absorbed by their nearest sample. If a sample is deleted, then EDMStream needs to compute new samples from absorbed points, their local densities, and their nearest points with higher local density. This is quite expensive and incurs non-stable performance, as Figure 8 describes.
D-DPC clearly outperforms both the state-of-the-art exact and approximation algorithms, and its performance is stable and scalable. For example, D-DPC completes the workload about 91 (234), 43 (1,218), 5 (459), and 87 times faster than EDMStream (oDP+) on Airline, Household, Sensor, and T-Drive, respectively. In addition to keeping small \(x_{1}\) , \(x_{6}\) , \(x_{7}\) , and \(x_{8}\) , D-DPC further reduces the search space by exploiting the progressive \(k\) nearest neighbor search when we need to update \(q\) . Therefore, D-DPC obtains a significant speedup compared with D-DPC-S.

7.3.5 Impact of Deletion Rate.

Figure 9 studies the sensitivity to deletion rate \(\gamma\) . EDMStream is efficient only when \(\gamma = 0\) (but is still outperformed by our exact algorithm D-DPC on Airline, Household, and T-Drive), and it needs longer time as \(\gamma\) increases. EDMStream incurs long time to update the sample points, and the number of this event becomes larger as \(\gamma\) increases.
Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Impact of deletion rate. “ \(\circ\) ” shows EDMStream and “ \(\triangle\) ” shows D-DPC.
However, D-DPC does not suffer from a large number of deletions. Figure 9 shows that the time of D-DPC almost does not vary. This robustness of D-DPC against deletions is a clear advantage for fully dynamic data.

7.3.6 Impact of Workload Size.

Table 10 studies the scalability of D-DPC by varying workload size \(u\) . (The other algorithms are clearly slower than D-DPC, thus were not tested.) We see that the total update time of D-DPC is proportional to \(u\) . This means that, even when \(u\) is large, the average computation time per update does not change and D-DPC keeps the similar behavior as those depicted in Figure 8.
Table 10.
\(u\) AirlineHouseholdSensorT-Drive
Table 10. Impact of Workload Size \(u\) on the Total Update Time [Sec] of D-DPC

8 Conclusion

In this article, to efficiently deal with Density-Peaks Clustering (DPC) on static data, we proposed Ex-DPC and Ex-DPC++. We also addressed the fact that real-world applications are often subjective to updates (insertions and deletions) and efficiently supporting cluster updates is also important. We tackled the problem of DPC on dynamic data, and we proposed D-DPC, which efficiently updates the main criteria of DPC and can utilize multi-threading. Our experimental results have confirmed that (i) Ex-DPC++ is much faster than the state-of-the-art exact algorithms, and (ii) our algorithm for dynamic DPC updates the main criteria of DPC significantly faster than the state-of-the-art exact and approximation ones.


We tried many parameter values, and this result is stably obtained. (When \(\epsilon\) is small, the number of clusters is larger but the clusters are crude.)
The analysis in Reference [37] is wrong, because R-trees do not have any theoretical properties [36].
Actually, applications can specify any value as side length of each dimension. For ease of presentation, we assume that \(d_{cut}\) is specified for every dimension. (Even if applications prefer to use a radius or hyper-sphere to define local density, \(R_{i}\) is still easy to use, because we can consider \(R_{i}\) as the minimum bounding rectangle of the hyper-sphere).
In practice, the maximum number of children and the height are small. For example, in our experiments, they are, respectively, at most 8 and 66, suggesting that \(c\) is sufficiently small.
A further discussion of their difference can be found in Reference [25]. Existing works cited in References [8, 16, 25, 40, 49] also compared DPC and DBSCAN w.r.t. clustering qualities. Interested readers may refer to them.
Actually, the definition of local density in EDMStream is different from the original one (Definition 1). EDMStream assumes that, given a new point, the local density of only a single sample point needs to be updated, and its pruning relies on this assumption. However, this does not hold in our problem.
Ex-DPC++ employs the improved cover-trees proposed in Reference [31].
D-DPC does not maintain the \(k\) nearest neighbors for each point, because this is negatively sensitive to deletions.
This is not specific to DPC, as DBSCAN also can have this case (if \(\epsilon\) is large) [21, 23].


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  • (2024)DPSPC: A Density Peak-Based Statistical Parallel Clustering Algorithm for Big DataKnowledge Science, Engineering and Management10.1007/978-981-97-5495-3_22(292-304)Online publication date: 16-Aug-2024



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cover image ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data  Volume 18, Issue 1
January 2024
854 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 10 August 2023
Online AM: 07 July 2023
Accepted: 05 July 2023
Revised: 21 May 2023
Received: 16 January 2023
Published in TKDD Volume 18, Issue 1

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  • (2024)DPSPC: A Density Peak-Based Statistical Parallel Clustering Algorithm for Big DataKnowledge Science, Engineering and Management10.1007/978-981-97-5495-3_22(292-304)Online publication date: 16-Aug-2024

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